Via Steve M at No More Mr. Nice Blog:
I think this message is rolling satire. Not because the content is too absurd to be sincerely believed: Heartfelt crazy is the rule these days. But the spelling errors, come on — “ankchous”?
What say you: real or fake? Please feel free to discuss other topics as well, such as what the “Hitlery” people will do with their suddenly free two-minutes hate if Secretary Clinton declines to run (as I think she will).
I like ‘Dicktator’. So many layers of FAIL in that single string of letters.
Who is this person, who is twenty-one? Ms. or Mr. Ajenda please step forward.
Bill E Pilgrim
Mmmm, dicktators. Now that’s what I call a new world order.
Oh, its real.
You could see that right here.(Colorado Springs), and people would be honking their horn in support.
David in NY
I don’t believe it’s genuine because there’s no bible verse cited.
Sadly, nobody will suspend Nooners over this:
Sullivan will heartily agree.
It might well be real–the first google entry for “ajenda 21”:
Fake, because of the “google ajenda 21”. Real wingnuts know that that’s a UN project.
Brian R.
I’m just glad to see that severe psychosis now qualifies people for a handicapped parking permit.
This is making me ankchous.
The spelling reminds me of pre operation Charlie in Flowers For Algernon.
What a dick.
Incidentally, what is squarepants?
I was going to say that I was shocked that this state legislator wasn’t in Florida, but the rape did happen there.
The tip off is that they spelled “square pants” correctly. Although I must admit that the reference is pretty obscure. Must be trying to link that whole Sponge Bob Square Pants is gay thingee from a couple years ago.
Scott S.
What would they do without Hillary to hate? They’d find someone. They always find someone.
Its a publicity stunt by A&E to promote a new reality series.
The new Arcade Fire, Reflektor, is one of those rare albums that gets worse with each listen. Bye-bye Reflektor. Also, too, the spelling.
fka AWS
@Botsplainer: Saw that, and came here to post it. WTF? How can you have Poe’s law if they parody themselves.
Mr. Longform
I was going to say “real” until I got to “ajenda” – just that touch too much — amateur snarkocity.
@Brian R.: My guess is there’s not a (physically) handicapped rider in that vehicle. Fuck The Man! They can have their handicapped spot when they pry it from my cold, dead V8.
fka AWS
@Mr. Longform: my facebook feed disagrees with you.
What makes you think she won’t run?
rob in Dayton
I don’t know where you live but in Warren County ohio this would not surprise me
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
“Hitlery squarepants”
Amir Khalid
The handwriting is quite neat — neater than mine is, most days. Why is the SQUARE PANTS above the rest of that line?
Also, I Googled “Ajenda 21” and found this. I speak no Telugu, so I have no idea what the presenter is saying.
@Hal: Back to the Hitlery thing then huh? Can they at least TRY to get an original thought in their heads?
I think it’s real. Maybe Fox News can have a handwriting analyst look it over and tell us whether the IQ is at Genius or Ayn Rand-level.
Amir Khalid
I have a comment awaiting moderation. HALLP!!
Bill E Pilgrim
@Botsplainer: Good God. Way to go Peggy.
People from Senegal have traditionally been the target for some of the worse racism in France, including the most vile expressions I think I’ve ever heard, which I won’t even repeat.
I always knew that Peggy Noonan would fit right in with Le Pen supporters.
Good morning BJ troopers.
Just a friendly media alert for anyone who cares, President Obama’s interview with Steve Harvey held last Friday is airing today on Steve Harvey’s Daytime Talk Show. You can check out a preview clip released earlier this week….
Steve Harvey & President Obama Surprise White House Tour Group
thought that the parking in the handicapped spot was a tell…..
Real. Be very careful of that crowd.
Also too,
I’m assuming it’s his last one before he and the family goes on their annual winter vacation to Hawaii.
ETA: If one fuckin’ WHPC ask the Prez about Duck Dynasty, they can all just DIAF!
Comrade Mary
Benghazi? Go Girl Crazy!
Steve M.
@David in NY:
I don’t believe it’s genuine because there’s no bible verse cited.
It always amuses me how the folks who believe English should be declared the official language mangle it so.
Bill E Pilgrim
I actually like “want to be” the best. As if the traditional “wannabe” spelling seemed too informal for such important writing. Don’t want to come across like a hick.
@lamh36: Yeah, but NSA so worst president ever and just like Bush.
@Yatsuno: like a Facebook friend who thinks it’s hilarious when he posts about Obama Bin Laden.
@lamh36: The President has a press conference at two.
Thanks for the clip!
I think Cole has found his new ride.
Betty Cracker
Mostly just a guess; I wouldn’t be at all shocked if she did run, but my gut feeling is she won’t. I know I’m totally in the minority on that.
What the hell is a “dicktator?” Maybe it’s an anatomically correct Mr. Potato Head.
I say this is real. Wingers are nothing if not “gud spelers.”
I saw Ajenda21 and Ankchous at Southpaw 2 years ago, thought they were kinda derivative.
– generated by BalloonJuiceCommentBot
@lamh36: Just saw this post.. The first question will be on the Duck Dynasty and the right to be a bigoted ass.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Then there’s this…
Um…you realize that Sully has been mocking the villagers (yes, he uses the term) as much as the front pagers here?
J R in WV
Spongebob Squarepants is a young sponge who has adventures under the sea, and wears squarepants because, being a sponge, he too is square. Cartoons on TV, I only know because of nephews watched it as very young toddlers.
It’s for very young people, and seems pretty innocuous, I don’t know how the UN and MS Clinton got involved with it…
Gin & Tonic
@TriassicSands: anatomically correct Mr. Potato Head.
I bring this up with people once in a while and nobody ever believes me – but this is largely an old crowd here, so maybe somebody will confirm. But I remember when the Mr. Potato Head toy consisted of a collection of ears and noses and lips, etc., with sharp prongs – because you were to supply your own potato to stick them into. You didn’t get a fake plastic potato.
Fake. The misspellings are too “placed” in my opinion. Especially “Ajenda”… come on, no one is THAT dumb.
Chickamin Slam
I want to say that we’ve been trolled. That’s John’s car. He wrote that on the back window after he finally got it pulled out of the field.
Ah, but this one is “Hillery Hitler,” which is either slightly original, or else it means he doesn’t think “Hitlery” is obvious enough.
@Gin & Tonic: Oh, definitely, I remember those from when I was a kid. It makes the whole thing make a lot more sense when you know that. Otherwise, why a potato? (I know toymakers have come up with much weirder things, but still.)
@sparrow: Morans are that dumb.
People who scrawl wingnut messages on their car windows are pikers. There’s a van that drives around DC that has sign boards mounted all over it covered in wingnut scrawl (and yes, bible verses.) Now that’s dedication!
@Mr. Longform: Ajenda. Because Brazil was behind it – so they’ve heard it a Brazilion times in Reichwingland.
Quaker in a Basement
Sadly, all too real.
@Betty Cracker: Yup, hills not running and christie not winning. Despite bj cw.
I’m guessing it’s a troll. However, ‘Google AJENDA 21’ actually does work because the google-mind figures out what you meant.
Bill Arnold
Guessing fake. The dotted “i”s in dicktator and other words are suspicious, as is the apostrophe in “dosn’t’.
Also, if it was really in the NYC area, odds of satire are a little higher than most other places.
On the other hand, at least in my (NY) area Chevy Blazers tend right-wing.
schrodinger's cat
I think it is real. Do we know what state this nutcase is from?
This is too funny, I was behind a car here in Jacksonville, NC yesterday with the same type of screed drawn all over the back window. Couldn’t read it all but did catch “all democrats gone in 2014”. The car was also covered in Romney/Ryan stickers which gave me a self-satisfied smirk.
@JPL: sadly, if past is prologue, then the better question to answer is WHO will be first to ask bout Duck Dynasty
@lamh36: Foxbot. But I don’t keep up on them anymore so no names.
@Yatsuno: the current Foxbot is still Ed Henry, who I believe is the chair of WHPC this year.
My money’s on Jonathan Karl of ABC fame or one of the internet outfits.
I’m thinking rollin’ trollin’ because the misspellings are too obvious and even a bit twee. But nuts like that are out there….
Betty Cracker
@lamh36: Agreed: They will absolutely waste the president’s time with a stupid question about the Duck Dynasty yahoo within the first couple of minutes. And he will answer the dumb question with more patience and thought than it deserves.
Bill Arnold
Also, if google visibly reminds you if you misspell something.
(Somewhat on topic, does anyone know of any recent machine learning work on satire detection? I know it’s considered to be a hard problem; last work i see in a brief search is 2009.)
Dead Ernest
@Gin & Tonic:
They changed it to a fake plastic potato?!
coin operated
Brendan in NC
@Lawrence: the first thing i though of was the badly worded and spelled phishing and/or porn spam.
Amazing how fucking illiterate the far right is becoming. It’s as if every time they get made fun of for their Playskool efforts at intellectualism, they double down on being dumb-asses.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Here we are, four days out from our trip to Honduras, and my wife went into the emergency room last night with what turned out to be kidney stones. It won’t mess up the trip, since she should have it out by Sunday. Big funtimes ahead. I’ve been up all night so I’m going to go to sleep now.
Yesterday, someone posted on Twitter a photo of the back of a car with “OBAMA IS THE ANTCHRIST” written on the window.
And the comment “At last, ants have a savior!”
What did the author of Rear Window II write that with and on? Looks like white-out on black window shaded glass. Ted Cruz coloring book crayons perhaps?
@Dead Ernest:
Yup. I would guess because 1) no more pointy ends on the pieces, and 2) the could charge more for that extra big chunk of plastic in a bigger box.
@Betty Cracker: Ed Henry will have the President address the current controversy with a carefully worded question then three follow-ups about how Phil’s First Amendment rights are clearly being violated. After the President wishes he could choke Ed out, he will address the question and move onwards. Bonus points if Ed gets Benghazi in there too.
@slippytoad: Reminds me of Molly Ivins’ description of W: “Willfully ignorant and proud of it.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I hope he also asked her “what the fuck are you doing going along with Menendez and Schumer trying to provoke another land war in Asia?”
Points for driving a Blazer.
As in Glenn Beck’s rant o truthiness, The Blaze.
Which can be taken as fire pits of hell.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Redshift: Was it Molly Ivins or Clinton who said “He’s not stupid. He doesn’t know anything because he doesn’t want to know anything, but he’s not stupid”
@Gin & Tonic: Yes, you’re right.
As I recall, they only started including plastic potatoes (and cucumbers and so on) in the 60s.
@fka AWS:
Ah. Poe’s Law.
I was wondering if it was Piece of Excreta Mobile.
PS: Had to look up Poe’s Law, unlike the rest of you in the know. (Cleek’s law is short enough for me to remember it.) Per wiki:
Came up in a discussion of creationism on christianforums. That would do it.
Nobody’s that dumb.
Don’t get out much do you?
To answer your implied question, Yes, yes there are people this
dumbstupid.Many, many, people.
Nobody’s that dumb.
Don’t get out much do you?
To answer your implied question, Yes, yes there are people this
dumbstupid.Many, many, people.
Gin & Tonic
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Schumer says jump, Gillibrand says “how high?”
@Betty Cracker:
I suspect she’s more than feeling her age at the moment. Recuperation may happen, or not.
chrome agnomen
the right-wing: dumb dynasty.
Betty Cracker
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Damn! I hope Ms. Smedley makes a speedy recovery!
ruemara, are you out there?
i just got good news on the final insurance check from the tree having fallen on my house on may 31, followed by nearly 7 months of repairs and disarray and financial uncertainty.
for years I have wished I was in a position to do something to help you out, so I’d like to get your camera for you. i have amazon prime, so there would be no shipping cost. all you have to do is send me your address so i can have it shipped to you. looks like it could be there before christmas, if we do it today.
Edit: off to run some errands, will check back in as soon as I get back.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Botsplainer: Why is she wearing a pajama top in that photo?
Jay C
@Gin & Tonic:
Nope, not just you I’m also old enough to remember the “original” Mr. P.H. – back when he was a vegetarian in the Good Old Days when kids’ toys dangerous enough to do double duty as a home phlebotomy kit hadn’t been regulated off the market by meddlesome bureaucrats…..
@Botsplainer: So she is whining about what “free marketz” provide now?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: I’m a mirror-image of you, I think she’ll go for it, but out of a sense of duty rather than the fire-in-the-belly, and I won’t be shocked if ultimately she decides against it. Kind of interesting that the woman so often portrayed as pathologically ambitious is, along with Al Gore, a rare exception to the notion that the only cure for presidential ambition is embalming fluid.
@Amir Khalid:
I do not understand Telegu, but I was able to pick out the name Chandrababu Naidu, former Chief Minister of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh* and Delhi, with a shot of Indian PM Manmoham Singh and Congress Party head Sonia Gandhi at a negotiating table.
Plus Telengana (sp?) was mentioned several times.
I therefore surmise the story is about the splitting of the state of Andhra Pradesh to form the new state of Telengana from the western part of the state and some sort of negotiations with the Centre and / or Congress Party (ruling party ATM in Delhi) about the creation of Telengana from Andhra Pradesh.
*Read more on the Andhra/Telengana split here
that is so sweet of you.
I’m thinking it’s real. There’s another shot of the same car at a drive through. “Ajenda” shows up in some TP sites associated with Glenn Beck. Probably not your typical asshole rightblogger type, maybe someone partially mentally disabled with some associated physical issues, hence the scrawl on the back window (proper teatard would have NRA decals, Gadsen flag stickers, Nobama bumperstickers, etc.), odd misspellings and semi-random association of Hillary, SpongeBob and Agenda 21. I’ve run across that type before, e.g., functional enough to drive a car and hold a lower skill job, but a few bricks short of a load and vulnerable to right wing and religious hucksterism.
Villago Delenda Est
That’s really hilarious, because Sully was certainly a Villager when the deserting coward was fucking up the country and the world.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I know, right? Every time I see a R-R bumper sticker I want to throw up the “L” loser sign.
I don’t, though, because I’m not 15. Doing it in my mind, though.
@Jay C
Remember the original Mr. Potatohead very well.
Speaking of sharp pointy bits, how about the original lawn darts.
Not an obvious danger, but also remember the first attempt at plastic flying discs, the Pluto Platter. Didn’t catch on until it was withdrawn and rebranded as Frisbee.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I know, right? Every time I see a R-R bumper sticker I want to throw up the “L” loser sign.
I don’t, though, because I’m not 15. Doing it in my mind, though.
Betty Cracker
@Cckids: Me too. Still 15 at heart.
Joey Maloney
Real. There are Birfers in Hawaii. Nothing is impossible.
Ken T
Real. I’ve seen too many with similar messages.
Mike in NC
That car has got to have SC plates. It just has to.
Fake! Fake!
–E. Benes, c. 1994
I remember a Get Smart episode, where Max and 99 were under cover in a department store, because KAOS was using the toy department to smuggle stuff.
The ending was a “gun fight” in the toy department. KAOS had guns. Max and 99 had kids toys.
After the good guys emerge triumphant, Max has a great one liner, and I paraphrase, they didn’t stand a chance, we were armed with the most destructive devices devised by Man (kids toys), while KAOS only had guns.
That windshield message? That is why I have a fat permanent marker Sharpie in my glovebox. I like nothing better than to add my own ‘color’ to these peoples cars. Now, I reserve that for bumper stickers. I don’t write on the actual car. In this case though I’d have to give it some serious consideration.
My favorite is to add ‘ I like little boys. I have free candy.’
Yea I’m a shithead.
@Jay C: The Gilbert chemistry sets were awesome. I set fire to my bedroom.
Ajenda 21 is that store in the mall with the teenagery clothes that won’t hold up six months, innit? Seems like a digression…
@lamh36: Vacationing out of the country again, eh?
@Gatchaman: Dick Dynasty?
@hoodie: Right on. They are all over way northern CA and want their own State of Jefferson and they all carry many, many guns.
That’s some mighty fine Purity of Essence there!
I think it’s a true patriot mobile. There are some seriously deranged folks out there.
@Betty Cracker: My hope is that the President’s response is to play dumb. “What are you talking about?” This would force the “reporter” at hand to visibly lower themselves by actually describing the specifics, to which the President could then respond “Oh. Well, I don’t have any context on which to comment. And that strikes me as something not necessarily worthy of a Presidential press conference, doesn’t it?”
I was going for fake until I noticed the way the writer hid the “n” in Clinton. (Heh-heh, he said “clit!”) Only a genuine douchebag would have though of that clever bit of puerile smarminess.
@LanceThruster: PeaceOnEarth
@amk: I disagree. It seems pretty obvious that she is running. This is basically her last shot at being president and I doubt she will pass it up.
Of course LIEbrals don’t want real AMERICANS to know the TRUTH about aGAYnda 21. They don’t want US to FIGHT the universal WAR raging within the LOINS of every GOD-FEARING STRAIGHT MAN. No – they just want us to SURRENDER and DROP TO OUR KNEES and succumb to the TOTALLY NOT-GAY desires that burn within us. But REAL straight Americans know that being Gay in a choice and that GOD wants us to have righteous boring sex with women and not to GIVE IN to the TEMPTATION of all-male sex orgies.
But what about our precious bodily fluids?
@Bill Arnold: There are some folks who claim to be able to do it. My experience is that it’s maybe 60-70% accurate, depending on what tool you’re using, but the technology is improving.
@libarbarian: More smelling salts?
Jebediah, RBG
That is genuinely lovely.
Bill Arnold
OK, I fed this into their online sentiment analysis demo
and got back “The document sentiment is: neutral (0.000)”
Assembling an accurately labeled satire/not satire corpus for training and testing classifiers seems a hard problem.
@Amir Khalid: I didn’t need to google ajenda 21 because I was pretty sure they were speaking of the UN sustainability proposals contained in agenda 21 which the RWNJs come unglued over despite always getting it wrong. I did, however, have to google Telegu. I believe this is real, if to no one else then at least to the owner of this land yacht.It’s of a piece with those “liberals” hunting licenses and would appear on the same type vehicle.
@lamh36: I’m jealous. But I feel that not enough people got hugs. If it had been me I would really, really, have wanted a hug from the President. You could tell a whole lot of them wanted that hug and wanted more time to talk to him personally. I would really, really, really, like to have a Christmas tour of this white house before this administration is out. It never occured to me to want to see the White House before but I would love, love, love to see it while the Obamas are still the hosts.
Betty Cracker @ Top:
Right? Everyone knows it’s spelled “ankshus”.
@sparrow: Mebbe fake, but someone is always that dum
What’s that thing about 1000 monkeys and typewriters and time ? clearly marker technology hasn’t worked all that well. May be in say 1 million years we’ll get something either literate or sense just not in that town.
The mind repulses how this person manages to count to 21!
If as you say it’s satire it’s poor because the sign has neither a target or a point. Satire needs both to work.
Another picture of this Chevy shows that it’s from Michigan. And it has a handicap license plate.