Have a couple guests for the evening, and I have everyone’s keys locked in the safe, where they will only be available at 9 am after blueberry waffles and strong coffee.
I’m making a standing rib for tonight, with steamed green beans, homemade mashed potatoes with heavy cream and salter butter (sorry, Dr. Marks), and a fresh garden salad, all topped off with cheesecake and coffee. Simple, but decadent, I think, and with enough veggies I don’t feel totally guilty. Although I am writing this before I unleash myself on the cheesecake. The pork and sauerkraut already in the crockpot in the fridge for tomorrow.
I guess I will check in later, although I wonder how many of you will still be able to read.
Oh, and my animals are just sluts. As soon as a guest walks in and sits down, Lily, Rosie, and Steve all get thought bubbles that say “Hrmm, strange“ and then spend the whole night on other people’s laps. Sluts. And catwhore.
Oh, and I was cleaning today, and moved the baker’s rack to clean behind it, and something glass fell and shattered into a million pieces, and I have NO DAMNED IDEA what it was. It broke into so many pieces I couldn’t figure it out. And no, it was not the mustard, but I am positive that in a couple months I will put up a post bitching about how I can’t find xxxx, and we all know damned well that xxxx is what I broke,
Keith P.
Is standing rib roast a traditional thing? I had a weird fixation on SRR and bought one today and am an hour into roasting it.
David Koch
Warmest wishes to everyone on this wonderful site.
Best thing about tomorrow, Bloomberg will be out.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Prolly gonna make zuppa toscano tomorrow. It’s getting temporarily cold here and zuppa toscano soup is a comfort food for me.
Not having blackeyed peas. That hasn’t worked out well the last coupla years.
Happy NYE to you, too, Blog Lord.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
@David Koch: Fuck you, troll.
Happy New Year Everybody…Be Safe.
I’m staying in the house because I have to work tomorrow, but I admit if I didn’t have to work, I would probably be downtown in NOLA ringing in the New Year with my peeps. Even though I still remember that one year, a tourist was killed by a falling bullet that was shot in the air for New Year’s Day. So everyone be safe.
Tourist Killed By Falling Bullet
Onnellista uutta vuotta!!!
Ok, everyone, when Cole posts tomorrow at 2 pm that he can’t find the damn keys, remember, they’re in the safe.
TaMara (BHF)
@Yatsuno: Someone take the morphine pump away from Yuts.
Happy New Year everyone.
Mustang Bobby
Happy New Year to everyone here, celebrating or otherwise, and thanks for welcoming me into this community.
And now, in true old gaffer fashion, I’m off to bed. Seen one New Year’s come in, you’ve seen ’em all, and this one is number 61 for me.
Happy Holidays everyone. #WarOnNewYears
Pork and sauerkraut at my sister’s tomorrow.
I’ll try to convince Mr. A to make hoppin John, like he did when we first met.
Bought a house and got married in 2013. Gonna be hard to top.
Culture of Truth
Was it a glass?
@Yatsuno: Problems withe the on screen keyboard? On my new phone I can write stuff out.
schrodinger's cat
Happy New Year to everyone on BJ! Before you party, bouncer kittehs need to see your ID
Happy new year to all! Mr. Cole, I love pork and sauerkraut and collect recipies for my slow cooker. Could you divulge yours?
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Cole your legend grows. What are your insurance rates for, well, everything? You seem like the kind of fellow that might get a random cold call from an insurance company, and as soon as your info pops up on the screen, the rep would just say “Nevermind, sorry, enjoy your night.”
Happy New Year to all!
@TaMara (BHF): You can have my morphine pump when you pry it from my cold, dead mitts.
Actually they never gave me one. I guess they found that patients rebound faster if the pain medication given is primarily oral. Plus by this point I’d be way off that anyway.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@efgoldman: Bwahahahahaha! I’m loving this. I’m a bit of a TarHole and I STILL love it. I’m sick to death of Johnny Football this and SEC defense that. Pffft.
@Elmo: I can sold a house, bought a house, got married and the wife had gal bladder surgery. 1990, not this year.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Happy New Year to all! G is stuck at work for at least another half hour, but I have boeuf bourguignon bubbling away in the crockpot and beer chilling in the fridge for his arrival. (Yes, I’m a slob around the house, but at least I can cook.)
If you watch the Rose Parade tomorrow, keep an eye out for my city’s float, which will feature a representation of our famous (former) resident, Meatball the bear.
Hey! My wife had gallbladder surgery too! Did it help? My wife is doing much better.
ETA: oh, missed that it was in 1990. My wife had her surgery on Dec 6, and has gone from eating almost nothing and in constant abdominal pain to eating her favorite meals with real pleasure. So we are having our traditional Honey Baked Ham for New Years.
Finny, you don’t look Funnish.
@Elmo: Yes, but the recovery was really slow. They did the big cut in those days. Still got ya beat with selling the house :).
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Former resident? I was thinking John Wayne or Captain Beefheart.
HNY and general cantankerousness to all lawns!
Michael Bersin
This evening I’ve been watching online for 48 hour campaign finance reports at the Missouri Ethics Commission (Missouri has no campaign finance limits). Sure enough, St. Louis billionaire Rex Sinquefield dropped $250,000.00 on a right wingnut PAC. Happy New Year, Democracy, it’s the holiday at the end of a quarter campaign contribution dump.
He had dropped $245,000.00 on the same PAC on December 20th and $750,000.00 on an anti-teacher PAC on December 24th,
The Dangerman
A&M : Defense :: Goose : Shit
Good on locking the keys. When my kids were in High School, we lived in the sticks. When they would have a party (and for some reason booze would show up), we would not only take keys, but would park our car across the long driveway so no cars could get out. In the morning my son would cook breakfast, and his biscuits and gravy were to die for!
@efgoldman: Wow, the Silent generation sure has odd ways of celebrating New Year’s.
@The Dangerman: Wait, there are other games after the Sun Bowl? Go Bruins.
Karen in GA
Happy New Year to everyone here. And can I just point out that New Year’s “Rockin'” Eve, as bad as it is, is even worse if you’re sober.
schrodinger's cat
Except for getting my blog started 2013 was a crappy year for me. I hope 2014 is better.
Looking for a Canadian (fka wini)
I have nothing much to add. I might have made a comment about the MN weather, but it’s been going on for so long that it’s old news. I will say that my couch, heating pad, orthopaedic foot boot and wine aren’t bad companions for this NYE’s eve. Cheers, one and all.
@schrodinger’s cat: Hope this year is better for you. I had a good year and hope it continues into the new one (fingers crossed). Best of all I got to spend a ton of time with my four year old niece (I don’t have any children).
I was never really a fan of kids, but my gosh she is a joy to be around and there is so much stuff going on in her darn head.
The Dangerman
UCLA could be really good next year; Hundley may go pro (major mistake), but there is a RS Freshman in the wings that should be more than capable (see Winston, Jameis). Plus, they get Ducks, Tree, and Trojans at home (Texas is neutral and they just got pantsed by Oregon). If they can get Hundley to practice his throw accuracy (see Barn, Broadside) and pick up a couple studs (and, for goodness sakes, stay healthy), they could be really, really good.
Hail to the Hills of Westwood…
Happy new year, Cole, to you and to your four-leggeds.
Oh, and speaking of which, any word on the calendar? I’m thinking it would be a nice thing to hang in the gallery when we re-open . . . .
Here’s to 2014 wherein Cole either bucks his food obsession or winds up in the ICU. Go Obamacare!
@The Dangerman: I got no connection to Southern Calfornia but I sure hope you are right and UCLA just blows USC out. LSU guy here and in the early 2000s our schools and fans (even buying billboards) fighting over who was really national champs. No love at all for USC.
Yeah, we sold the old house in 2012, and it took another year to buy the next one. But we moved to Maryland in the interim so we could be legally married.
The last few years have been eventful.
2011: company where I worked for 8 years sold. New company hired me, but required relocation from TN to NoVA. Partner had second knee replacement. Rented out TN house and rented a house in VA.
2012: evicted tenants in TN for nonpayment. Sold TN house. Hurricane Sandy did a number on the VA house. Dad died on my birthday.
2013: bought house in MD. Got married. Wife had gallbladder out after losing 30+ pounds in three months. VA landlord is suing me for the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.
No wonder I’m so damn tired all the time. Wheeee!
I hated 2013, lots of health issues that I hope don’t repeat in 2014. I’ve never been to the doctor as many times in my life as I’d been in 2013. I’m so glad it’s finally over.
Looking for a Canadian (fka wini)
@Looking for a Canadian (fka wini): Nice. “NYE’s eve.” Probably shouldn’t attempt to make it to midnight.
Happy New Year, Cole, and try not to burn the house down.
@efgoldman: Not me, kid. Born summer 1945. Technically not a boomer, but close enough.
Ah. You’re my uncle. (As opposed to my mom, summer of ’48.) I’m pretty sure ’45 is Boomer for all practical purposes.
[‘Happy New Year’s to you lot!’]
gogol's wife
Happy New Year! I was hoping to have my Christmas present — new 1000-page biography (vol. 1) of Barbara Stanwyck to read tonight, but my husband did it the old-fashioned way and ordered it from our local (terrible) bookstore. They called him yesterday to say it was in, but he didn’t get there before they closed, and he went back today but they were closed for New Year’s Eve, if you can believe it. I hope we can get it before the next snowpocalypse on Friday. The Amazon reviews say it’s too long because every time the author mentions some obscure 1930s actor she has to give several pages describing their career. Sounds great!
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@The Dangerman: UCLA could’ve won the Pac this year with an offensive line rotation that wasn’t half freshmen. Mora’s done great work there.
You put the crockpot in the fridge? Fucking West Virginia.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Seriously, “Silent” generation?! Granted, some, blown away by all those others claiming to be the greatest and to shut up and behave the only in way they fought for us to behave. Who comes up with these stupid names and cut-offs? I say that as a sometimes technical boomer child of a technical boomer, which makes less sense than character descriptions I’ve read on Chinese restaurant placemats. There, can I get my codger badge yet?
Supreme Court blocks ACA contraception mandate.
Happy New Year
Happy New Years all.
@gogol’s wife: Barbara Stanwyck was the ultimate of amazing.
gogol's wife
I agree!
The Dangerman
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
Their health on the O-line was abysmal; that said, the Freshmen played pretty well (for Freshmen).
Whomever lined UCLA to play Oregon and Stanford back to back (and both on the road) pretty well doomed this season (but I guess the flip side is we get them both at home next year).
2013 mostly sucked. Got laid off in March but we’ve done fairly OK on Mrs. P’s salary alone. I start back at the olde companye on the 6th as an hourly w/o bennies, but I’m soaking them at my rate, so all’s good there. Still, it’s temporary, so still hoping for a permanent job by the spring.
At 59.5 I’m about fed up with this shit. Just happy for our health and our nest egg at this point.
Happy 2014 to all’a yinz.
@Tommy: UCLA beat U$C 10 years straight in the 90’s. We Bruins know how to dominate LA.
@scav: I didn’t come up with it, but here’s the generations with roughly the years of birth:
– 1926 Greatest
1927-1945 Silent
1946-1964 Boomers
1965-1981 GenX
1982- Millenials
schrodinger's cat
@Tommy: Thanks!
Mike E
2013 was the year things got…better. I turned 50, daughter went off to college, and I got health insurance for the 1st time since the W admin (
damn youthank you, Obama!).Here’s to an orgasmic 2014! Cheers!
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Supreme Court justice has blocked implementation of portions of President Barack Obama’s health care law that would have forced some religion-affiliated organizations to provide health insurance for employees that includes birth control.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s decision came Tuesday night after a different effort by Catholic-affiliated groups from around the nation. Those groups rushed to the federal courts to stop Wednesday’s start of portions of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
Sotomayor acted on a request from an order of Catholic nuns in Colorado, whose request for a stay had been denied by the lower courts.
Sotomayor is giving the government until Friday morning to respond to her decision.
John Cole
@brettvk: Honestly, my pork and sauerkraut recipe is as follows:
I pull out the crock put.
I put a bag of sauerkraut in.
I wash off the pork shoulder, pat it down with towels, and place it on top of the kraut.
I open another bag of kraut and put it on top.
I cook it for ten hours.
Now here is the hard part. WAITING TEN HOURS.
@The Dangerman: I agree and agree that Hundley shouldn’t go pro next year. We still could have been in the PAC-12 title game if we beat ASU at the Rose Bowl. Then again the result probably would have been the same as last year.
@gogol’s wife:
A great way to start the new year with a great book! I’m looking forward to reading it too.
Happy New Year to all! I’m spending a quiet evening at home, Mount Gay and tonic at my right hand, housecat at my left. She’s dozing on her workstation—microfleece throw wrapped around heating pad, currently set to 3 (“low simmer”). Halfway watching Duke upset Texas A&M (I hope). No love for Duke, just hate Johnny Football.
That’s really nice. I hope that friendship continues for a very long time.
I have a friend who wasn’t much interested in having kids. Well, he married a woman with a daughter with two kids. He LOVES being a grandfather. He loves playing with kids, love knitting for the little girl, playing video games with boy (5 yrs old?).
The ghost of New Years Past:
@BillinGlendaleCA: Pretty arbitrary, but I suppose that’s this sublunar world. The childhoods of ’46 and ’64 could hardly be more starkly distinct. all hail theory.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Happy New Year, y’all. Packrat and I are just kicking back tonight.
Cole, wishing you a 2014 with no major injuries, happy pets, lots of weird things to blog about, and happy times watching that game with the pointy ball, whatever it’s called. And if your car isn’t out of that field yet, hopefully that happens this year.
Soto is Catholic.
Pope Francis May be a nice guy, but the Catholic Church is a major reason we can’t have nice things.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@The Dangerman: Speaking as a Coug still nursing the wounds of that New Mexico Bowl collapse, the conference looks as tough as it’s ever been. And the overall direction of the program in Pullman is pretty dang positive. I still can’t believe the Condoms collected Sarkesian. Husky fans everywhere must be sending Haden thank you cards.
@scav: True, one thing is that most of the current elderly population is neither boomers or greatest. I think the distinctions and dates are shared events, for example the greatest generation remembered the depression and fought in WW2.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
I know I am. UW MA 85
2013. Hitting my 14th year of not working a f/t job or earning as much as I did in 1999. May that cease this year. And if I still can’t find anything by May, then I try my luck overseas. 2014 could find me in a whole new country, which blows my mind a bit. But if things are going to go that way, then I’m fucking going to travel before I give up.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: How is that trolling? And how is what you said, not trolling?
@PurpleGirl: My parents. Her parents are stunned how we get along. I am literally the rock star uncle. I don’t think I’ve done anything “special” but things seem to work out so well.
I like to think I treat her as an equal.
Over Thanksgiving she asked me if I wanted to come to her room and play dress-up. She opens her closet, looks at me, and says she doesn’t have any boys cloths. She won’t make me wear girl cloths.
Then I talked down to her. She said she needed to use the bathroom. She grunted once or twice and, again a guy with limited experience with kids, asked if she wanted me to get her mom or dad to help her.
She came out, hand on hip, and said don’t I think she was able to do this on her own. Why did mom or dad need to help? She then said, “I need to wash my hands.”
I assume folks that have been around children more then me might not find this stunning …. but I do. And I love it.
Happy New Year to all the Balloon-Juicers, to our blog overlords Steve, Rosie, and Lilly, and to the human that serves them.
@John Cole: Sounds like it’s tailored to my level of cooking skill. Thanks! I’ll try it out this weekend.
Happy 2014 to everyone! May the worst of your best be the best of your worst this year! Or sumfin.
@max: Size of school classes doubled the year after us 45s. Then there were even more kids the next year.
you follow my NYEve motto
Wherever you are when the sun goes down is where you should be when it comes up.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
Sarkesian had his detractors in Huskieland, but he wasn’t universally hated; he was certainly better then the horror-show which proceeded him. The gestalt reaction to his sudden departure might best be summed up as “Huh. OK..”
Who knew Duke was this good. I didn’t.
@JoyfulA: Exactly; the boomers became the boomers starting in 1946 because that was the year that people began reproducing in record numbers after WWII.
Should have written this some time back…
JC and your 4-legged companions — Best wishes for a great New Year.
Balloon Juicers — Best wishes to all of you guys for a great New Year. May those of us who need jobs get them, may our health improve and may we find peace and contentment in our souls.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Watching The 4400, which equals Fringe, IMO.
Happy New Year, to all who have faith in vaccinations, and such. Arglebargle.
@schrodinger’s cat
Saw your post yesterday about a new microwave when catching up on some old threads.
Recommendation of my own here.
Love this particular unit and haven’t had a spot of trouble with it.
Happy New Years Day to all. May the new year bring you peace and happiness.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Geoduck: Yeah, and it will be interesting to see how Petersen fares. I think Sark may actually work out a little better at SC than he did at UW, though that may not be enough for him to keep the job for more than 5 years. Sark is a decent recruiter, the talent at UW is pretty good. But he didn’t get the most out of that talent. (Though at SC he’ll be able to just out-talent people more easily than he ever could on Montlake.) Petersen is better at coaching people up, but will he get equivalent talent? If he does, the Huskies will do well. If he doesn’t, the Cougs could steal a lot of their thunder and their recruits.
@gogol’s wife: “new 1000-page biography (vol. 1) of Barbara Stanwyck” — wow that sounds fantastic. I always watch 4 of her films during the holidays: Christmas in Connecticut, Meet John Doe, Ball of Fire, and am wrapping up tonight with Remember the Night. I’ll have to look for the book. (Especially love the “vol. 1” part!)
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Holy hell this game is crazy. It’s like an extended game of Madden or something.
That is awesome. Heckuva job!
Southern Beale
Happy New Year to everyone … Mr. Beale and I had a tremendous dinner at a fabulous restaurant and while the plan was to see a movie I was too stuffed so we came home and opened a split of champagne and are now watching the final episode of Treme while the dogs are zonked out in their beds.
Don’t think I’m going to make it to midnight. I never do.
Omnes Omnibus
Happy birthday, Paul Westerberg.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: Petersen will be used to recruiting challenges, as Boise State isn’t exactly a top-tier school in a major metropolis like UW is. But he’ll be trying to get more California kids, and that can be rough. It will be interesting to see if he uses his Prosser and Samoa connections that he had at BSU. It will be interesting times to be sure.
Happy Almost New Year! It’s a very (very) mellow one here.
Happy Almost New Year!
Last of the candied bacon on its final cook cycle.
Then its off to the gala.
Enjoy, everyone!
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Dang. Too bad for the Dookies.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Born summer 1945. Technically not a boomer, but close enough.
Just after VE Day. Works for me, Boomer.
@Omnes Omnibus: How young are you? How old am I? Let’s count the rings around my eyes.
And Texas A&M gets it done.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
@Yatsuno: Sure Boise isn’t a destination school compared to UW, but it was the top football program in every conference they played in for fifteen years, and their academic standards are looser from what I understand. Whittingham has learned what playing in a power conference is like, and he’s at least as good a coach as Petersen is.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Damn, I love that band. Husker Du can kiss my ass. Is that mid-80s upper-Midwest alt-rock hipster enough for you?
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason: Born summer 1945. Technically not a boomer, but close enough. Just after VE Day. Works for me, Boomer.
For cultural purposes (as opposed to demographic purposes) if you were over about 10 and under 30* when Woodstock happened, you’re a stereotypical Boomer.
[‘For purposes of being catered to by PBS as well.’]
* never trust anyone
over 30under 30… BAH! Never trust anyone!max
@ruemara: 2013. Hitting my 14th year of not working a f/t job or earning as much as I did in 1999. May that cease this year.
Got canned during the great .com blowoff, did ya?
[‘Join the club.’]
@Omnes Omnibus: There are enough Minneapolis 80s scenesters that comment here that I’m convinced at least one of you know a, err, friend of mine. Never mentioned her name due to my fear of crossing the streams.
It’s temporary, but may stick. We’ll see.
From the full AP report:
Spending New Year’s Eve in true party animal fashion, watching HGTV and eating junk food. Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New years everyone. At 11 left my best friend’s party and came home. As did 50% of the party (and the friend was falling asleep in front of us all).
Yeah we are old – but we love each other and knew a million years ago that we wish everyone a HNY. So why fake it just because it’s 12? It means the same at 11.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Corey Anderson sets the record for the fastest ODI hundred: 36 balls. New Zealand just pummeled the Windies bowling on a tiny grounds in a run shortened ODI. The 275 they scored in 20 overs would have been the highest Twenty20 score ever on their way to 283 runs in the 21 overs they got.
I wish I thought the Windies could make a game of this.
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: I wasn’t in Minneapolis enough to be a scenester. Folks in WI tend to either orient toward Chicago/Milwaukee or the Twin Cities, and I am come from the first group. OTOH, the bands that came out of the Twin Cities and, of course, the Violent Femmes were seminal.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
That sucked, but this year wasn’t a fluke. We’re sticking around.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Had our boeuf bourguignon with some crusty bread, now I’m having a Dark & Stormy (rum and ginger ale) while we’re watching “That’s Entertainment.”
Happy New Year, East Coasters!
Mnemo +1
Happy New Year, all you East Coasters.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: NYE and St Patrick’s Day are the two nights that I just will not go out. Amateur nights. People who used to be able to drink and can’t anymore – plus the stink of desperation on people who feel that they MUST have fun, fun, fun or the night is wasted.
Damnit, I’m not gonna make it til CST time, so I’m gonna use NYC time. Happy New Year Everybody!!! pic.twitter.com/E0hxK9GjmQ
OK, the dog is under the bed because of the popping noises, and I discern that there are people I don’t care about on the TV. Yay, it’s uh, 2014, yeah.
[‘The best time to hit the bars is uh, the 23rd. Of December.’]
Mike in NC
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Sorry, but a real “Dark & Stormy” per the folks in Bermuda calls for dark spiced rum and ginger beer, not ginger ale. Try your local liquor store for the ingredients.
Omnes Omnibus
Random Tuesdays and Sundays. That’s when you find the weird and fun people.
@Omnes Omnibus: YUP. I am a mega Irish-American person but you will not find me within100 feet of a NYC bar on St. Patrick’s Day! HOME at 6!
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
Pardon a teetotaler’s ignorance, but aren’t ginger beer and ginger ale the same soft-drink thing?
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid:
I hope this helps.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Mike in NC:
Meh. I don’t have a very good palate, so I’m fine with Bacardi Gold and Hansen’s ginger ale. It works for me.
@Omnes Omnibus: Random Tuesdays and Sundays. That’s when you find the weird and fun people.
Well, best wintertime time to hit the bars. I would add Thursdays to your list.
[‘Mondays, on the other hand – nuh uh.’]
@Amir Khalid: No, No, No. Ginger Ale is in the Soft Drink Aisle.
Happy New Year, Everyone, The dullest New Years Ever. Perhaps it’s because I’m broke and just spent the previous week working. Just cooked pork roast and some beans. Thought I had a checkup today, only to find out it’s 1/31/14. Got a flu shot anyway and ate after 10 hours of unnecessary fasting.
So slightly happy New Year, all.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Got it, thanks.
James E. Powell
@John Cole:
I have a similar recipe. You did leave out the caraway seeds.
My spouse read that off to me a while ago when it came across his news feed on his phone, and I think he was a bit surprised when i just went ballistic. The air was blue with the swearing. I just cannot. deal. with this shit. I’m so tired of the religious right running this country.
Omnes Omnibus
@James E. Powell: I am not a caraway sauerkraut fan.
Omnes Omnibus
@cckids: Don’t get worked up too soon. It could well be a technical, legal thing. The temporary order was issued by Sotomayor who is is a reliable liberal. She gave the government a few days to respond.
@NotMax: Hau’oli maka hiki hou!
This year fucking sucked. We are currently up in Cupertino visiting Mr. Suzanne’s family, and my MIL, who has been nothing but a PITA, flaked out of watching the Spawns tonight. So Mr. Suzanne and I are chilling with them in our hotel room across the street from the future Apple Campus 2, without any adult beverages or street pharmaceuticals. Sigh. We are old.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Another reason not to get too worried just yet — apparently the case she agreed to hear was brought by a group of nuns. If the decision is that actual religious personnel like nuns, priests, ministers etc. are exempt but no one else, that seems like a win to me.
@max: long story short: found out my job was lying to me about my position, went back to freelancing, got a DVT less than 2 weeks later, had all my contacts drop me like a hot tater (sickness does not make friends, y’all), and things were interesting since then. On the other hand, I have the funniest stories of projectile blood and the mental impressions you get, ever.
This is a dumb club, max. Let’s leave.
Omnes Omnibus
Don’t blame it on age. It was poor planning. Always have something tucked away.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
What chain are you staying at? The last few Courtyards and Holiday Inns we stayed at had a mini convenience store by the front lobby that had wine and beer available for purchase.
@Omnes Omnibus: I know, I know. Considering that this entire city reeks of weed, I know I would have no trouble, but my kids are here. Sigh.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): The Hilton that isn’t really a Hilton. Garden Inn or something. I want a REAL drink. Something that someone has to mix for me. SIGH.
The Pale Scot
Good health to All:
Ben and Jerry’s butterscotch ice cream is great.
And I watched Matt Smith’s send off show with laughter and tears in my eyes, I thought I was a Tennant guy.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
My rule of thumb is the draft. If you could have been drafted for Vietnam, you’re a Boomer, at least an early one.
from 1965-18 years = 1947
to 1973 -18 years = 1955.
Not quite exact, but it’ll do
James E. Powell
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am not a caraway sauerkraut fan.
I remember you saying that. Went out to eat tonight. Ordered roast pork & sauerkraut with mashed potatoes. Saw the caraway seeds in the kraut, saw them in the rye bread. I knew I was in my beloved home town of Cleveland and that it was New Years. Všechny chutě jsou chutě.
James E Powell
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
I draws the same line – I don’t like the ‘boomer’ label because it lumps people born in 46 with people born in 56 – two very different eras in which to come of age.
NB – I was born in 55. We registered, but there was no draft for us. I do not recall them even drawing numbers for us.
@Section H
Mucho mahalo, and right back atcha.
J R in WV
Your landlord is suing YOU for an ACT of GAWD!????
Isn’t that sacrilegious or something like that?
I think you should counter-sue the landlord for failing to protect his tenants from the damage caused to your worldly goods by his failing structure, obviously not built to the building code, else it wouldn’t have suffered any damage from what was really just a jumped up tropical storm.
Probably be a revelation to the SOB that lawyering can work both ways!
Happy 2014 to all!
J R in WV
@John Cole:
There should be onions and caraway seeds in there, maybe some garlic, and white wine with some broth. And rinse the juice off the cabbage bits before it goes into the pot.
That is all.
More happy New Year to all!