We’re pretty sure the world is ending. That’s got to be the case when Glenn Beck is defending MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry after she was attacked for “remarks” made on her show about Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandson, Kieran.
And his big finish? “In the grand scheme of things, if this is her big screw-up, she’s way ahead of me as a human being.” Looks like we finally agree on something, Glenn. But you’re still a douche.
On today’s #TWiBRadio, we get angry and #StandWithMHP. Also on today’s #TWiBRadio: Bill O’Reilly teaches us to just discount an argument if we don’t like it, that single parents that raise Black men give their sons high blood pressure, and the white people are the most oppressed of all.
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And this morning on #amTWiB: The Morning Crew discusses SNL’s new hire (27:50), cocaine cake (37:23), and the documentary Blackfish renews the animal rights discussion (41:12).
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Welcome back!
scary thing is, Glenn managed to be right twice! Actually opposing Russia’s anti-gay law and “standing” with GLAAD. Granted, it wasn’t because he suddenly things that teh gheys should be getting things like “rights” but because the law kills political speech on all sides. Which, he is right about, but getting Step A right doesn’t mean you necessarily get a pass on being wrong about Step B. At least it’s a step.
You’re back!
Just what we need: science from Mr. You-can’t-explain-the-tides.
@Citizen_X: there was a time when I thought O’Reilly was fairly reasonable. now the only thing that he teaches me is that I need to reach for another drink
Glad you’re back!!
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
Hearing about Glenn Beck supporting MHP makes me feel sorry for her for the first time.
Corner Stone
Say what now?
To be fair, it really is the worst oppression ever to be forced to act like all those other, obviously inferior people are your equals when they’re totally not.
I’ve also got to give it to Beck that the day immediately after Obama announced the success of the mission to get Bin Laden, Beck said that as much as he sharply disagreed with Obama about nearly everything, that Obama deserved credit and praise for taking the risk to pull off such a hugely important accomplishment on behalf of our nation. Beck’s a barking, toxic loon about most things, but every once in a great while he does show a streak of decency that is totally lacking in many other hard-right talk show hosts. Rush Limbaugh, for example, was practically choking in his bile the next day trying to rationalize away how Obama deserved almost no credit for the accomplishment, and the much of the rest of the RW talkathon universe bent themselves into pretzels trying to recast it as a mission undertaken by the Bush Administration which Obama was mostly fortunate to simply be there when it eventually bore fruit..
I get the impression that Beck might be the one RW talk show personality whom I might be able to have a beer with and not give in to the urge to punch his face before we finished our beers. He’s still a toxic loon though.
Totally off topic but just don’t know how to compute: Why can’t I handle this? One of my closests friends here has been diagnosed with bowel cancer, and I’ve stomped round the house for 20 minutes shouting ‘Fuck, fuck , fuck’ before I phoned her (cause she phoned here while I was out and she told my partner the news). I am so fucking sick of people I love getting cancer. I can handle heart disease, diabetes, COPD, which are all awful, but the cancer thing is like an alien being that has just infested our existence; it’s insidious and creepy. It’s like a disease with an industry plan behind it.
The Red Pen -- PEN DAMMIT!
Every now and then, the alien parasite in Glenn Beck’s head takes a nap and he says something totally sensible.
Also, when I’ve read straight news stories at “The Blaze,” I’ve found them to be pretty dry and news-y. I’m sure there’s plenty crazy on the opinion beat, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that — so far — all the Blaze news stories I’ve read have stuck with the facts and all of the facts.
Roger Moore
Except that he’s a Mormon and shouldn’t be drinking beer.
again: Melissa Harris Perry and the racial false equivalence
@Corner Stone: i was young and watched bits and pieces of his show. early on, he wasn’t a completely obnoxious douchebag, at least I didn’t think so.
This is the same Beck who said of Pesident Obama: “I’m not saying he doesn’t like white people. He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.”.
THAT is the guy you could have a beer with?
Beck is pulling this shit to distinguish himself from the Palins and the Limbaughs of his world. It’s not that he even remotely cares either way about the MHP nonsense. Like most of them, he doesn’t really give a shit about anything except finding ways to make money, and cover his ass. What he said about MHP was as honest as Hannity’s evolution on immigration, and O’Reilly’s evolution on gay rights. All these fuckers know exactly which way the wind is blowing, and they know exactly when they need to shift their ground.
@lamh36: THIS.
I agree with the principle of keeping the kids off-limits. But the hue and cry is . . . well, exactly that. They’re on the hunt and out for blood.
Keith G
That’s a bit like saying Paul Walker became an unfair target of a light pole. No, he did something unquestionably stupid. So did MHP.
Even Hitler was right once and a while.
I saw a comment by Zandar over at Booman’s place earlier today and I had to come back to BJ to see if Zandar is still listed as a front pager. (He is.) Nice to see something from folks who have been mia.
@greenergood: Sorry about your friend’s diagnosis.
Splitting Image
Even the blindest squirrel seems to be able to find a nut once in awhile. During the furor over Jeremiah Wright (remember him?) back in 2008, when Obama gave a speech on race relations, Mike Huckabee was the one GOP candidate who stepped up to support him. Newt Gingrich has had occasional moments of lucidity too.
I’ve gotten the distinct impression over the years that many of the most hardcore knuckle-draggers are playing up their offensiveness for the TV cameras. It might be going too far to say that some kind of inner decency begins to shine through when they take off the mask for a minute, but there is a consistent pattern of the rodeo clowns seeming more reasonable when they are caught in unscripted moments or have retired from public office.
Oddly enough, with the “moderates” it often seems to be the other way round.
@StringOnAStick: Thanks SOAS – just had a moment of cancer-diagnosis-rage – will get to being an everyday human again tomorrow, dealing/or at least reading about all the Koch-osphere can fling at us …
Get a grip, you’d be looking for the exit after the first sip of that beer. I can generate little or no enthusiasm for the fact that Beck can simulate a normal person once in a blue moon. The guy’s a conspiracy-mongering charlatan that preys on the mentally imbalanced.
@Mandalay: It also occurs to the uncharitable part of me that Beck might be playing to that (surely not-inconsiderable) portion of his listenership that’s no more wild about interracial adoption than MHP is, albeit for rather different reasons.
@greenergood: I wish your friend the best and most complete of recoveries. One thing I’ve learned from others is that if chemo/radiation makes the mouth raw inside, frozen watermelon or coconut milk mixed with mashed banana and frozen is soothing and nourishing.
Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader
It like accidentally running over a squirrel with your car and then having Charles Manson testify to your good character.
@Just Some Fuckhead, Thought Leader: That’s hilarious. Thanks.
You must really like beer.