The delightful bspencer at Lawyers, Guns & Money:
This is what happens when you have a tiger by the tail, but you made the tiger. And you made it out of poop-flinging piranhas. How do piranhas fling poop? I don’t know. I’m not the one who Dr. Frankenmcardled the piranhatiger. Please quit asking me stupid questions.
What I’m saying is that Megan McArdle gets the commentariat she deserves, the one she created.
… and the wonderful Thers at Whiskey Fire, with a more in depth mcarglebargling:
Megan McArdle —
Yeah, I know, it’s probably pointless, but what the hey.
Megan McArdle delivers herself of a 59,000-word blog post (give or take) wherein she McSplains that while sexism exists, nobody, especially girls, should ever ever ever call anyone a sexist, no matter how sexist their behavior, because that is like shooting them with a gun, a gun that might cause hurt feelings. (Literal guns of course are harmless and everyone should have like nine of them, to go with their artisinal Moroccan fig-basters and stainless steel Syosset heritage goose denipplers.)
bspencer’s great. Been reading a lot more LG&M recently. Especially like her crusade against soft home furnishings with cheesy buzzwords written on them.
Ash Can
So little Meghie is burnishing her anti-woman credentials? She must have been snubbed by her libertarian BFFs recently. “C’mon, you guys. I do too think girls are icky. Can’t I sit with you? I’ll try extra extra hard not to be icky myself.”
ETA: Love the Doctor’s facepalm.
c u n d gulag
McArgleBargle still can’t figure out how the boneless free-range chicken ran around the chicken coop until it was time for slaughter, and then butchered for her at the Artisanal Butcher Shoppe in her trendy neighborhood, where she could buy it at $19.99 a pound, and make her special Chicken a la Marrakesh, for her dear hubby.
She just hopes it was torturous for the chicken.
Tortured meat doesn’t need to be tenderized!
But if she need to tenderize meat, she’s got some tools given to her by her old pal, Dick Cheney.
That’s the saddest part: she gets paid for this nonsense, so why should she behave otherwise?
Hold up, hoss.
Levenson has yet to weigh in.
The competition’s tough, (I suspect furious re-writing about now), but let’s give him a chance to do his damage.
chrome agnomen
i need a betty ford/pat nixon/truman capote/lady bird johnson story to cheer me up.
pretty please
If there is one thing McMegan has done for me, (and I suspect, aside from the lulzs, this is the only thing,) it has been to serve as a Powerpoint presentation of just how difficult it is for the coddled trustifariat to find any meaning in their lives.
Yes, I know, it’s not an original insight, and I still shoot flame out of my eyes when I think of how many children could thrive on what she spends on kitchen gadgets alone.
My point is that being a talentless obedient shill has monetary rewards if you have the right connections, but their existence is pointless and meaningless and on bad days, they know it. But their experience has also rendered them helpless to do anything about it; it’s not only the only life they know, it’s the only life they can imagine.
It’s a true waste of life force.
I only skimmed her post, but it seems to me she’s really just upset about not making more Best Blogger lists. For some reason, she equates that with bullying and discrimination, rather than the horror that is her writing and mind-set.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@chrome agnomen:
I’m on it. It shall be called “It was the summer of ’69.”
Me, Betty, Pat and Bird, tits to the wind out the windows of a broken-down Combi Van that Truman bought for two blowjobs and half a bottle of amyl.
I can’t promise anything until the weekend, mind, so that will have to hold you ’til then.
Ash Can
@kdaug: Not that I don’t enjoy the good professor’s takedowns of McArdle’s babblings, but a 90-year-old female who’s seen it all and then some — however fictitiously — is more than qualified to weigh in on matters of feminism and the incompetent mangling thereof.
Big R
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: I just like the phrase “tits to the wind.”
Ash Can
@debbie: If she had any self-awareness at all, she’d be glad that there’s someone in this world who’s willing to pay her for her crap. Then again, though, if she had any self-awareness she’d be a much better writer.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I happen to have my own “tits to the wind” story but the car and the occupants were way less cool.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I believe the statutorily required response to that comment is “Tits or GTFO”.
Big R
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Only if you’re a dudebro. Hashtag-epicfail.
@Ash Can: And that’s McArdle’s problem: If she were any better, no one would print her. It’s like being known as a performance artist that never practices.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Big R:
It’s theoretically possible that I am a dudebro.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
Who knew Truman was such a dog?!
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
I promise you that a story about high school theater nerds, a banged up corolla with vinyl seats and too much Boone’s Farm “Tickle Pink” is not going to measure up although there was some naked ocean swimming which did make the tits look even more fabulous but didn’t do so much for the fellas.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Made me laugh.
Betty Cracker
I’d just like to note that all the poultry fucking, denippling and slaughtering on the blog this morning is making me very sad. That is all.
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
@Betty Cracker:
You left out penis pumps. Quite a morning, Betty. Quite a morning.
Ha, I’m in moderation for saying pen1s!
ETA: Should have known Sarah would rescue a comment with that word in it!
Alex S.
Megan McArdle is a sexist.
@Alex S.: You are sexist for saying that! But she thinks you have made a valid point and it is certainly worth discussing.
@WereBear: Estate tax. 90% @ generation 1, 100% @ generation 3. (Gen 2 can quibble).
I mentioned last night, but there was no connection to anything in the post, that I just borrowed a classic album from the library. Unfortunately, because of the layout of the cover art, the title appears to be, “Buck Owens: I’ve got a Tiger by the Tail and His Buckaroos.”
Perhaps this joke would have worked better on the previous thread.
C.V. Danes
They should just shut up and take their rapings, too. And their forced birthings.
Big R
@MikeJ: Those buckaroos, those would be the dewclaws, right?
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I have a similar plan for my purulent grandkiddies. Except my plan involves me spending it all before I turn up my toes.
@C.V. Danes: Well, my McArgle, the rapists have feelings!. Tender tender fragile emotions. They might feel their attentions unwanted and pelvic efforts not up to snuff! Universal heavens forfend their figs, Moroccan or domestic, not be artisanally hand-basted!
@kdaug: I thought the video of the screaming goat pretty much said it all. Yes, it was a response to something else by McArdle, but still expressed the point well.
@MomSense: as they say “all things in moderation…”
Ash Can
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Your mention of “grandkiddies” indicates that you have children as well. And that sets me to wondering how many times you received phone calls from teachers and principals back in the day, regarding such niceties as, say, show-and-tell presentations involving a hash pipe, several rabbit turds, and an explanation of how Mommy played a funny prank on Uncle Barry Goldwater once when he just wanted to relax with a bit of a smoke.
chrome agnomen
@Big R:
you are the wind beneath my wings.
(ducks hurled shoes)
chrome agnomen
@Sarah, Proud and Tall:
you are the wind beneath my wings
(ducks thrown shoes)
I loathe McArglebargle with a passion. She’s out of her depth in a puddle. One of the things I did learn about it yesterday via the LGM link was that several of Kevin Drum’s trolls are now living at Megan’s place. Made me chuckle. I had not missed them at Kevin’s.
Villago Delenda Est
McArglebargle is most tumbrelworthy.
That is all.
Villago Delenda Est
She’s out of her depth on a wet sidewalk.
C.V. Danes
@scav: Indeed, indeed.
Child molesters, too.
Villago Delenda Est
Thomas Jefferson would give this a thumbs up, but he’s busy spinning rapidly in his grave on the idea that Jeebus himself wrote the Constitution (on stone tablets) which were delivered to Philadelphia by archangel.. He’s doing this in concert with James Madison, who was actually involved in the authorship (Jefferson was off gallivanting in Paris at the time…observing what the accumulation of wealth over centuries does to a society).
Villago Delenda Est
It’s shrinkage I tell you! Shrinkage!
Villago Delenda Est
They seem to be unable to comprehend that in such a situation, what you do is take the Paris Hilton route, and just party your life away.
Because giving up the means of support from grandpa never fucking crosses their minds, to make their need for meaning in their lives real. They are never, ever willing to take that step.
Just go down to the fucking beach everyday and surf, and shut up.
“McSplaining.” Thers, that just says it all right there. Well done!
John M. Burt
@Big R: I had an even more alarming definition for “buckaroos” pop into my head.
I mean, having a tiger by the tail is scary enough — I can only imagine how fucked you are if you are holding onto a tiger by his buckaroos . . . .
Also, I agree with Petorado: “McSplaining” is a most excellent coinage.
Villago and Werebear re trust fund babies: I saw a name I recognized from my childhood in the news and asked my mother if _____ ______ might have wound up as a civil rights lawyer. She replied instantly, “No way. He had a trust fund, and never learned any discipline”. It was her firmness more than anything else which struck me — evidently money did a good job of ruining the guy.
McArdle’s first article wasn’t bad – it made a very true point, that sexism exists on both sides of the aisle, and that women on the Internet, particularly if they are writing about politics, are often the victims of vicious verbal attacks or threats by those who disagree with them. It’s really telling that Conor F. woke up to the viciousness of this phenomenon when he guest-blogged for McArdle and ended up on the receiving end of it.
But it appears she got some pushback by some men who felt like she was saying men were bad guys, and came back with a post arguing that sexism is the worst thing you can accuse anyone of, ever. So those things she catalogues in her first post – including rape and death threats – are supposed to be brushed off by women who need to put their big girl panties on and realize that the Internet can be a tough place. But calling a man is a sexist is the equivalent of putting a gun to his head and so is beyond the pale. OK then.
sm*t cl*de
But calling a man is a sexist is the equivalent of putting a gun to his head
What’s the equivalent of threatening him with a 4-by-2?
pseudonymous in nc
Some of her commenters (invariably male) have been following her around from blog to blog for a decade or more, showing up on every post. That’s a pretty long and creepy obsession.