(via the Atlantic)
For all us Wonder Women fans, especially LAMH36. I do believe that 1970 WW comic at 2:01 was the issue that got me into collecting, back in the day. (I later sold off my collection to tide me over between college and my first ‘real’ job, which means I got a better financial return than most of my friends did for their college indulgences… )
While I work on transferring this week’s Recipe Exchange, what’s on the agenda for the start of the weekend?
Corner Stone
Corner Stone
Thai food or Viet?
I am so conflicted. Much like President Obama is when not being able to call torture torture.
Corner Stone
But, most liberal and all that. So, bygones.
Corner Stone
Where is BlackWaterDog when you need her?
@Corner Stone: Just pick enhanced asian food.
Corner Stone
@cathyx: Hmmm, that seems like it may be torturous.
I’m rebuilding my bathroom this weekend– I tore apart our tub surround a couple of weeks ago and am trying to put it back together. Goals are either it a) works and is beautiful or b) doesn’t and is entertaining enough that I can at least get a decent blog post out of it.
Call me crazy, but I’m under the impression that paragraphs can be created in this here little comment box and that lots and lots of characters can be used, as evidenced by mclaren.
Big R
In fifty minutes I get to see Big G! So excited!
Looking forward to celebrating that great Republican, Martin Luther King, this weekend.
I am beginning to commence initiation of preparation for getting ready to watch the Seattle-49ers game. Not a big football fan,so not sure what that involves.
So, best I can do is emit a short anti-American football rant.
I feel I must root for the Niners, since a Turlock kid is the QB, and I must root for my home region. I can see why people resent the 49ers. I have resented the wrong teams who have won too often in the past, and they did not even seem properly regretful about winning too much and ruining other teams fun: Cowboys, and Patriots are two examples. I found excuses to dislike them, but which I had to admit to myself were thin.
So, I will watch and cheer. But am already getting antsy watching the games. American football has weird herky jerky rhythm that irritates me. The ends of the games take forever, and are full of gimmicks that slow down the play.
The game is out of control in one way. When you encase the players in so much body armor they throw themselves around like missiles and the game becomes hard to referee. It is under too much control in other ways, and is over coached, with constant substitutions from play to play. And I am not sure I remember this correctly, but is there some lunatic deal where some of the players have little radios in their helmets so that the coaches can yammer at them while their on the field trying to play the game?
The is little sportsmanship, and I see that Seattle is trying to freeze out the Niners fans from getting tickets. That seems classless to me, and I would feel the same way if the Niners did the same thing.
The coaches are lunatics. The Niners’ Harbaugh is one of them, and he should keep his aggressive lunacy to himself. His initial comments after last weeks game were OK.
But whenever the guy opens his mouth, it will be broadcast on local radio, so the next few days I heard him getting ever more unhinged. A few days after the last game, I heard him ranting on the radio, saying stuff like ‘Winning makes you feel like MAN! It”s MANLY! MEN WIN GAMES!!”
And I thought, look, Hairball, or whatever your name is, if you wanna talk football, OK. But I don’t want to hear you ranting about your man issues on the damn radio, OK. Shut up already.
I don’t know enough about football to be sure, but I think Harbaugh is much better at coaching preparation before the game and at halftime,than he is coaching during the game. I think he harmed the Niners with some of his decisions during play last year, and the team would do better if he let his players just play as they saw fit during the game.
So, I am rooting for the Turlock kid, and I will damn well enjoy the last game or two, dammit.
Some potential good news. Chris Hayes saying the Dems may be regaining their sanity on Iran.
@Corner Stone: No, just painful. if it were torturous, then it would be called by it’s name.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Maybe most of the 15 or so felt that going out and making sanctions related noises was enough to satisfy their “concerned” constituents. There was no way they would get enough votes to override a certain veto, so the additional sanctions weren’t going to happen.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Whatever the reason, I hope they can move on to more important things.
Corner Stone
By whom? Torture by any other name smells the same.
@Big R:
FSM only knows what Oldness and Out-of-It-ness I’m confessing to here, but who or what is “Big G”?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Probably this dude.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes, I can always count on you.
(ETA: goddamnyou autocorrect, trying to change Omnes to Omens.)
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: There are things I know. Then there is physics.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Talk about unhelpful info on that page. It says “Big G” is “in the tradition of Roy C and Marvin Sease.” Well, not only don’t I know Big G, I’ve never heard of those two other fellows, either.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Clarence Carter and Rufus Thomas, who are also name checked, should help you out.
Idly speculating about what’s going to be in the proof of claim that the EPA will file in the Freedom Industries bankruptcy. Hopefully it’s big enough that the equity holders get wiped out and the creditors end up owning the company.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Hell, I hope the the bankruptcy proceedings find something that pierces the corporate veil.
I’m watching Bill Maher. Is it just me, or is Mary Matalin drunk? The level of incoherence in her comments goes beyond the norm….even for her.
OMG blastapast, etc: my gf in 2nd grade (so mid 1970s) had some quality Wonder Woman comics. she let me read them in exchange for some Incredible Hulk. We would lie on her bed and read comics together. Good times with occasional breaks for oreos and cootie transmission.
Much later, I parlayed my comic book collection into quite the investment. Hulk, X-Men, Spiderman with occasional forays into DC; mostly Batman. (Yeah, I owned original Frank Miller Dark Knight series. Sold it for ….$200? like a century ago. And the other Batman series where Joker kills Robin) The rest I sold off at various conventions or left to rot.
Interestingly, I mostly enjoyed the 60s y 70s horror comix: Warren (Eerie, Creepy) and DC’s line (Unexpected, House of Mystery).
@SiubhanDuinne: You are not alone. I wondered who Big G was, too.
In my infinite wisdom, I followed the pattern of jeffreyw referring to his wife as Mrs. J and BGinCHI referring to Mrs. BG and decided that commenter Big R must have a partner/spouse Big G who has been away and was coming home last night. :-)
The cover of your 70s Wonder Woman is based on the cover of WW #1. I happened to be reading Les Daniels’ ‘Complete History of Wonder Woman’ today and there it was. In 1942, she was leading a cavalry charge against the Japanese.