Here’s the only song I know that mentions Nembutal (pentobarbital), the drug that those European socialists won’t let us use for our Jesus-approved executions.
Update: As many of you pointed out, how could I have forgotten this classic? (Of course, Valley of the Dolls is another pop culture reference, but it isn’t music.)
Knight of Nothing
The Clash’s ‘The Right Profile’ also contains a reference to Nembutal!
@Knight of Nothing: Nembutal numbs it all
But I prefer alcohol
“Nimbutal numbs it all, but I prefer alcohooolll” – The Right Profile is a great song!
Knight of Nothing
@slateman: an amusing couplet, isn’t it?
@Knight of Nothing: My first thought. I have a feeling DougJ will be sad he wasn’t the first to point this out.
Knight of Nothing
@S-Curve: maybe, but I suspect he is perfectly aware that there are plenty of folks here that are of an age that slavishly followed The Clash, Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, Buzzcocks, Squeeze, The Jam, etc. ;-)
And if you don’t like Ovaltine, there’s always malted milk:
Mars Volta – Halo of Nembutals
Kristin Hersh (of Throwing Muses) – Sno Cat
Snow buries Whitehall
White powdered Nembutal
And I can’t think anymore
El Caganer
Nembutal? Jeez, I used to get high on that stuff. How times change.
Jane Birkin – Norma Jean Baker
Cris (without an H)
The rotoscoping in this clip looks better than anything Ralph Bakshi did with it 30 years later.
Also: the song featured here appears on a compilation called “Cocaine Blues, which looks like a hoot.
dpm (dread pirate mistermix)
@MikeJ: Wow, you’re a music encyclopedia.
@dpm (dread pirate mistermix): I don’t own the Mars Volta one, but I was aware of its existance.
Throwing Muses are playing here at the end of February. Which might be a chance to go to a show and not be the one creepy old guy there.
Hot diggity:
PA voter-ID law struck down
And check out the first comment, which is pure Yinzer.
It was in the original Mad Magazine parody of the film.
(God, I’m old. But Bart Simpson would appreciate the reference.)
love that Kristen Hersh album. she makes Hope Sandoval sound happy.
@MikeJ: ” not be the one creepy old guy there. ”
So, one of many creepy old guys there? I bet the plural is ‘a codgering’, maybe a grampede.
Keith P.
@MikeJ: Halo of Nembutals is one of my favorite MV songs.
Steve M.
Well, there’s this, if you like Burt Bacharach and Dionne Warwick:
? Martin
Great, now DougJ is going to have to do a thread on best prescription drug songs.
Back in the early 70’s drug stores were apparently a lot easier to break into. My high school regularly had several barbituates (downs as they were called) for sale. Reds (secondol), blues (tuinol) and yellows (nembutol). Nembutol was always my favorite even though they all acted almost identically. Thank god I lived through that period of my life because doing those things was the closest I ever came to death. I am very lucky.
For those of us who live in PA, this is good news for once:
I heart Vic Wolczak. He’s freakin’ awesome.
Villago Delenda Est
@? Martin:
“An Ode to Aspirin”
@burnspbesq: Holy crap! It’s not just the first comment, either. Reminds me of why I’m rather happy to have gotten out of Western PA 30+ years ago. All those wingers are still there clinging on.
Villago Delenda Est
Jeeze, that comments section reeks of teahadi scum.
@? Martin:
Start with two tracks from the best album of 2013.
Suffern ACE
Not fast enough. I’m voting for Rand.
Great news!!
Judging by some of the comments, they are really paranoid about illegals voting. Do you suppose they have convinced themselves that the only way Barack Obama could win election twice was through massive illegal voting? That is all I can come up with to explain the recent obsession with voter id.
Suffern ACE
@MomSense: The people who are voting are not interested in screwing around in mideast lands, do not have a sense that things work out best if white men are automatically placed in charge of things, and expect that the elderly should be taken care of. That’s a problem. Too many folks who don’t share the right vision of the world.
I actually think it’s broader than that. They’d like to deny the vote to anyone (including us white folks) who’s not going to vote the right way. But in the absence of any kind of “Minority Report” technology to get into the heads of prospective voters, they use race and ethnicity as proxies.
Yup, that and Gov. Christie saying nice things about Obama after SuperStorm Sandy
Davis X. Machina
In a word, yes. Charlie Summers, the state GOP chair for Maine (the whitest, or second-whitest state in the union) was convinced that roving buses full of black people, foreigners mostly, were going from town to town voting Democratic, because that’s what they do.
And of course, nobody noticed. Which is what you’d expect if a bus full of 40-50 Somalis turned up at the Grange hall in East Vassalboro, rarin’ to vote.
Jets To Brazil’s Conrad
houndstooth coat pockets are bulging
with nembutal bought from some doctor
who also was bought to keep those pockets full
@Poopyman: Appalachia – there is no greater hive of scum & villainy.
The Ovaltine factory was in my home town and we once lived about three blocks away. We lived by the whistle and the smell will always be with me.
@kindness: We used to get huge bottles of trees and sell them on the quad in “lids”!
El Caganer
@Poopyman: Hell, eastern PA for that matter. Check out the comments on and you’ll find a lot of the same stuff.
Wingnuts are everywhere, some places more of them, some less.
Villago Delenda Est
I disagree. Four words:
Dick Cheney’s undisclosed location
@cleek: her book ‘Rat Girl’ is excellent.
I’m pretty sure that Loudon Wainright III’s “Wine with dinner” also contains a reference.
Wonderful clips…..just a suggestion for posting.
Clip 1
Michelle Obama shares her college struggles
The first lady and President Obama joined college sophomore Troy Simon in D.C. to talk about the importance of helping every student thrive in college. Lawrence O’Donnell talks to Troy Simon, Joy Reid and Harvard sophomore Justin Porter.
They continue the conversation:
The First Lady’s Remarks at the White House. This is why they hate the First Lady, because she keeps it real, and is honest and inspirational.
NewsBreaker @NewsBreaker Follow
BREAKING: Freedom Industries, the company connected to the West Virginia chemical spill, files for Chapter 11 – @WSJ
1:26 PM – 17 Jan 2014
A song in the musical “Applause” mentions nembutal. I think it’s “Welcome to the Theatre”, but my stint in the pit orchestra for that one was several decades back.
Of course they did. I bet they transferred all of their assets to a different part of the corporation before they even picked up the phone to report the leak. That’s what PG&E was doing in California so they could claim they were going to go “bankrupt” if the state didn’t pay them even more for electricity.