Remember to buy your calendar. And pray for Louie Gohmert, who can’t afford insurance because Obama. $174K a year plus a $950/month insurance subsidy just doesn’t go as far as it did before we had a blah president.
Open Thread
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If Louie is so eager to meet his maker, who am I to stand in his way?
God doesn’t like Chris Christie:
Chris Christie’s Inauguration Party Cancelled Because Of ‘Snow’
Louie Gohmert, a telling illustration that you can indeed buy your way into politics…..
His subsidy is more per month than my tax credit for insurance and I make far less than he does. And didn’t they do this to themselves by making themselves purchase insurance on the exchange rather than the usual way as a benefit provided by the employer as part of your employment agreement/contract?
Certified Mutant Enemy
Maybe Louie Gohmert should become a plumber…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I see David Vitter’s running for LA gov. Is Jindal term-limited, or is this a kick in the nuts?
ETA: TPM says BJ is term-limited. Never mind
Just Some Fuckhead
I assume his last name is pronounced “Gomer”?
85 people.
I want names.
Edited to Add: And pitchforks.
@MomSense: Those evil Democrats were not supposed to agree to the amendment. They were supposed to use it as an excuse to kill the ACA. No one believed that Democrats would choose to eat their own dog food and so Republicans are paying the price for the Democrats being responsible legislators.
Villago Delenda Est
There must be a 16 ton weight available to be accidentally dropped on Louie. Perhaps Wile E. Coyote has a spare in his basement?
I’m guessing some constituent’s lost dog would have been enough of an excuse to cancel–it’s just not the time for Christie to acting like Christie at a big ol’ party thrown in his honor. Act humble for four hours with the cameras rolling? Not.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Why would Vitter give up his gig in the Senate? No term limits there.
Somehow, having to drop $470 to buy 2 tickets for the chance to eat a meal should be more of the story than a crying baby.
Fucking absurdities…..why do they piss me off so?
I was thinking that was actually pretty convenient for Christie. Now we don’t to portray him as an out of touch asshole partying while scandal surrounds him.
Well, I guess we still get to talk about Christie that way — but it would have been nice to have pictures and video to illustrate it.
Certified Mutant Enemy
How long before we get article by David Brooks telling us this is a good thing and that even talking this wealth disparity is a kind of class warfare?
peach flavored shampoo
@Villago Delenda Est: The Governorship’s medical plan comes with a Diaper Rider?
Villago Delenda Est
@Certified Mutant Enemy:
I think Brooks sees his mission in life as to further validate my assertion that the world would be a much better place the day his broken body is found in an alley somewhere.
schrodinger's cat
@JGabriel: May I also suggest some knitting needles.
schrodinger's cat
@Certified Mutant Enemy: Already done, his column last week on inequality.
Villago Delenda Est
Agreed. That is wretched excess at its most nausea inducing.
Certified Mutant Enemy
@schrodinger’s cat:
I know, but I figured that wouldn’t stop him from doing it again…
It’s snowing in Florida?
Richard Mayhew
And hitting up Health Sherpa — I’m finding good plans for $1,185/month from the DC Exchange with $1000 individual deductible, $2000 total family deductible. I can only replicate the Rep’s costs if I choose the most expensive Gold plan possible, and even then, the deductible figures don’t jive
@Villago Delenda Est:
More opportunities for graft back home in LA?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Not only that, but the LA Gov.’s salary is only$130k compared to $174k for a Senator.
Maybe Diaper Dave wants to be President someday.
@Punchy: eh, I know middle-class folks who spend that much going to see a pro football game. There is a Greek place in DC that goes for about that much — dining room is 4 tables. I keep saying that if/when I land a tenure-track job my BF and I will have dinner there.
Some places are not appropriate for children. In the same way that it isn’t appropriate for an adult to yell, bang on the table, or otherwise cause a nuisance to their fellow diners. Having kids means you have to sacrifice sometimes. Not sure why expecting good manners from people is controversial.
@Richard Mayhew: Would he use the DC exchange or TX?
@Richard Mayhew: It’s sweet of you to look for facts, Richard.
But, bless his heart, Gomert doesn’t want facts. They only confuse him.
Trouble brewing.
Calendar looks great! Big thanks to Beth. :)
Was up in Mammoth over the weekend. Only a third of the mtn open and the open portions are mostly due to snow making. We are soooooooooooooo screwed in S. California.
Pic of our skiing companions. They tore it up.
@Punchy: It’s expensive, but you’re not viewing in the proper context. The right comparison is a pair of good tickets to a Broadway show or similar, which will also run $3-400. A place like Alinea, you’re essentially buying a performance rather than simply a meal.
And no, I’ve never been tempted to try to buy a ticket.
@JGabriel: Yes, and they have entire armies by way of countries under their beck and call and how will that turn out? Hell, just the pigs in this country will keep the ugly rable undercontrol in rightwing amerika … guns or no guns. We have meet the real enemy and it is the 0.001%. Not that the 0.01% or even the 0.1% isn’t also the enemy … the middle class is fucked and they are providing the enemy with votes (remember raygun the moron.)
@JGabriel: Well, true enough. Maybe God does like Chris Christie after all. That’s scary.
dpm (dread pirate mistermix)
@Richard Mayhew: Louie was using the whites-only version, KKK Sherpa. Numbers are different on there.
O/T So google news is running a daily caller story about Morning Joe perhaps accepting speaking fees and keeping the fees instead of giving them to charity as per MSNBC policy. The also allege that reps from the companies who hire him to speak turn up on his show later a la Mike Allen and Politico. This is the daily caller so who knows.
schrodinger's cat
I is on your blog, pimping my blog.
Here is my review of Downton Abbey, episode 3.
Ah Florida, the gift that keeps on giving. Hey Florida, Christmas was last month!
From the article:
Dear FSM if the man cannot make money while elected to the House, he must truly be as ignorant as he comes across.
I guess they were right when they said $250K wasn’t ‘rich.’
Poor, poor, Louie!
How on earth does he carry on against such economic adversity?
Is there a fund I can donate to?
There’s certainly nothing about Louie that seems contrived. What the hell must his constituents be like?
Vanity Fair shows Sochi is so much like Salt Lake:
I think it was also to give cover to the Republican lie that the President and Congress were exempt from ObamaCare.
some guy
Kerry Peace Plan proceeding according to plan:
pseudonymous in nc
Yep. Having cut off his nose to spite his face, Gomer is now complaining about the cost of nasal reconstruction surgery.
He really is a stupid, stupid man.
@schrodinger’s cat: I didn’t say anything last week when you linked your Downtown Abbey review in multiple threads, but I’m PLEADING this time. Can we please have discussions of TV shows that only aired two days ago in a separate thread with a clue as to the content so those of us who haven’t had the chance to watch the episode won’t see SPOILERS.
Or if that’s not possible, can someone please edit the thread post at the top to let people know it has turned into a discussion of the TV show in question and they can avoid if they want.
@Cermet: Well, okay then, I’ll settle for sniper rifles.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MomSense: The closing clip of the Daily show last night was hilarious. A montage of Joe and Mika interrupting each other to express their love of Governor Jumbo and their disdain for the Lady Mayor, ending with Mika extending a scolding index finger at poor Steve Kornacki and saying “Let me finish!” and Kornacki replying, I didn’t say anything, in a deadpan tone which suggests he had been paying as much attention and interest in what Mika was saying as he would to a soap commercial.
pseudonymous in nc
@MikeJ: yeah, I thought one of the provisions was that congresscritters had to go to their state exchanges or to if they were in a nullification state.
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: I am so sorry. I cannot edit the earlier comment but I will put a spoiler warning in any other comment if I link to the review and also on my blog.
Rob in CT
One Trillion pounds… I haven’t checked the exchange rate today but I’m guessing that’s about $1.6T.
But remember, even hinting about how it would be better if that was spread around a bit more is horrible class warfare.
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
Good review. I thought they were back on track this week. I actually like it when Bates and Lord Grantham have scenes together — they work well together. And the prominence of Mrs. Hughes (and departure of ****) are great developments.
gogol's wife
Sorry, I didn’t see your comment. I tried to avoid spoilers in my reply to Schrodinger’s Cat.
@mdblanche: That’s a contingency plan. Russia is having to deal with separatist groups that would love to do some damage to Putin by setting a bomb off at the Olympics.
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: Thanks! The last episode was definitely better than the first two.
gogol's wife
Whoever in the IOC decided it was a good idea to have the Olympics in Sochi should have their head examined.
What makes an older male cat decide to pee anywhere? Senility?
I guess you have no significant other or neither of you care about a nice, romantic splurge of a dinner out, ever.
If, like me, you do, you do not want your expensive romantic dinner plans spoiled by some out-of-control toddler or baby screaming through any possibility of intimate conversation or tripping the wait persons as they are delivering your dinner or wine or spilling their sippy cup down the back of your dress that cost as much as dinner and almost as much to dry clean.
Expensive restaurants are not for people with children, unless the children are old enough to control themselves. If you have a baby or toddler, you have given up the luxury of having an expensive dinner in an exclusive restaurant. I am not a fan of children of any age (and babies and toddlers are the worst of the bunch), but if I go to a fast food or chain restaurant, I realize that I am not the target audience and I don’t complain about the brats I see all around me, ruining any possible but dubious chance of enjoying my meal in such places. If I’m at the very nice, expensive somewhat exclusive place my SO and I traditionally go to for special occasions, I’m am going to be quite vigorous in my conviction that the restaurant has a responsibility to its usual clientele of adults only to ask the table with the kids they choose not to control or who they should not have brought in the first place to leave.
Children don’t belong everywhere and not everyone wants to be subjected to them.
@schrodinger’s cat: Thanks. I think you should do whatever you want on your own blog! If you want to post without putting spoiler warnings, that’s up to you!
The problem for me was that several discussion threads last week turned into Downtown Abbey discussions and the posts gave no indication of that. I don’t think it makes much difference a week or so later, but a few days is kind of soon in the days of DVRs. I didn’t get to watch it live because I had other things going on Sunday night and I’m not yet caught up. I don’t think I’m the only one. By next week most people will be caught up and if they’re not then it’s fair game.
I am sure people want to discuss it, which is great. I just want those who don’t want to see spoilers to be aware what’s being discussed so they can go elsewhere if they want. Not sure how to accomplish that, but wanted to put my 0.02 out there this time since I didn’t say anything last week.
Thanks again.
I already had some feelers out to some of my armed service buddies to see if any of them heard about contingency plans on Sochi.
The only one that replied with a positive is that embassies/consulates have some sort of generic plans in place for their area. The problem is Sochi did not have any US interests prior to the Olympics as well as Russia not allowing/wanting any foreign help.
@gogol’s wife: Or their wallet.
@gogol’s wife:
Putin had the best bribes, so the IOC cannot be blamed!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m going to have to watch that. Joe and Mika were talking up Christie so hard after the VA and NJ elections happened and now their world is falling apart.
gogol's wife
John seems to have moved on, so there haven’t been any Downton threads this season.
Could be a UTI or other infection. Take him to the vet to be checked out and see what they say. It could just be old age and he’s lost control, which also happens to humans, but they don’t make kitty Depends.
Put up a new post from my shuffle series about Foster The People and a song of theirs that I believe is an homage to Blur’s Coffee and TV.
@gogol’s wife: Maybe we could ask a front pager to post one? Or designate an open thread for one a day or so later? I would just like to be warned so I don’t end up in the middle of a comment thread that turns into something I’d like to discuss interspersed with spoilers like happened last week.
John seems to have moved on from Balloon-Juice in a lot of ways.
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: No problem, if I put up a link here, I will give a spoiler warning in my comment and not discuss anything spoilerific.
I gather you’re talking about chronological age only.
Remember, folks. It would be uncivil to call Christie scandal-ridden.
@Villago Delenda Est: Merging Warner Brothers Cartoons references with Monty Python references: nice!
I want to know how many of these elites profess to be a god-loving Christian.
Huh. I generally think of X-tested as meaning “subjected to X and came out the other side OK”
I guess I could bill that cell phone I dropped in the toilet as “water-tested”.
@geg6: I think it depends on the kid and the parents/family. Some children are very well behaved and can handle themselves in a nice restaurant, or similar situation, from an early age. Infants are obviously a different category, as they’re so young they don’t understand when they need to be quiet yet.
People who bring children to a nice restaurant should be ready to leave if the child gets disruptive. So they paid a bunch of money for the reservation/meal? Too bad. They knew the potential pitfall–they leave if their child begins to disrupt others. Take the kid outside. If the child doesn’t calm down, then pack up and leave. That’s the risk you take when you bring a child to a nice restaurant.
Some children are very well behaved and can handle that kind of situation very well. Some parents even get complimented on how well their kids act in public. It’s a combination of the child’s personality and the parenting. Not every kid can handle that kid of demand even with the best parenting.
@Baud: Christie himself said he was being tested. Who are our betters in the media to question him?
Being tested is somewhat accurate.
Tested is inaccurate.
The testing is still ongoing.
Or, if you’re like me, you will never in your life have a reason to drop $470 on a reservation for a table for a single meal.
I’m sorry, but this is completely an example of #richassholeproblems. NOBODY looks good in this story – not the people who decided to take their baby to the restaurant, not the other people in the restaurant, NOBODY.
I mean, my wife and I have splurged on fancy anniversary dinners before. But nearly $500 to just reserve the table? I didn’t even know this placed existed, but after hearing about this I’m wishing that the baby had stayed home and the place had been hit with a bout of non-lethal ptomaine poisoning instead.
(Jeebus – $470 to reserve a fucking table and I should feel sorry for ANYONE in that room? Jeebus…)
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: He has not crossed that bridge yet!
NAACP leader likens black GOP senator to ventriloquist’s dummy
By Aaron Blake
January 21 at 1:59 pm
An influential leader of the NAACP in North Carolina recently compared Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the lone black Republican in Congress, to a ventriloquist’s dummy.
“A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy,” the Rev. William Barber said about Scott during remarks in Columbia, S.C., on Sunday, according to The State.
Barber added that “the extreme right wing down here (in South Carolina) finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first
black senator since Reconstruction, and then he goes to Washington,
D.C., and articulates the agenda of the Tea Party.”
HOME!! Well, not anymore, but I lived there for almost ten years, and leaving was the biggest mistake of my life. There’s a hole in my heart that only my mountains can fill.
And they are saying this year is like unto 1977, when there was only three inches of snow in Mammoth Pass – three inches! – by way of comparison, my first year there was the 1996 – 1997 snow year, when we got nearly 500 inches season total. The difference is that in 1977, and then in 1991 when the next big drought year hit and they laid off half the “permanent” Mountain employees, this year they have very good snowmaking.
I still have dear friends there, and once again the local joke is, “Last one to leave please turn out the lights.” It’s awful.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Haha. I hope the bridge puns never end.
@Belafon: That there are groups out there that want to bomb the Olympics and that they’re being taken seriously is what I’d call trouble brewing.
@Lee: Is this type of planning normal for any event like the Olympics or is this just because of the specific threats about Sochi?
schrodinger's cat
@NonyNony: Are the plates lined with gold and dusted with truffles?
ETA: And garnished with caviar? I am wondering what justifies the price tag.
To be fair, you pre-pay for the dinner. So it’s not $500 for the reservation plus dinner costs. From the article here’s how it works:
So yeah, it’s really expensive, but not quite the way you thought it was. It’s pretty easy to go out to a really nice restaurant in a big city and spend $500 for two people on a nice multiple course meal with alcohol. It’s also easy to keep the bill cheaper at most nice restaurants. The restaurant in question makes the guidelines clear, so it’s not like the patrons are in the dark.
@elmo: Cool! It’s an amazing little corner of the world up there. I know what you mean about leaving your heart in the mtns.
Things have been tough up there for some years now with the real estate bust. We were talking to some people that worked in management for the mountain and they said that if they don’t get a big snow before President’s day, they’re gonna shut down the Canyon and Eagle lodges and just leave the Main lodge open. Did some beer tasting at Mammoth Brewery (Elderberry pilsner was outstanding) and there were a bunch of mountain employees there that said that they made it past the layoffs for now, but they only get 8 hours a week. Tragic.
Roger Moore
Forbes magazine will be happy to supply them to you.
@NonyNony: That’s the actual price of the meal (for two people), not the price of holding a table. That restaurant sells tickets to seatings (as I mentioned above, think of it more like a performance at a pricey Broadway show than a meal), which includes the meal (though not, if memory serves, wine or tips). And as incredibly expensive as it is, tickets sell out fast; there’s clearly a market for multi-hundred-dollar meals.
(Ideally, the couple with the screaming kid should have sold their tickets to someone once they learned that their babysitter for the night had cancelled and then rebooked for a later date)
@NonyNony: I hope you’re wearing a helmet: a fall from such a high horse could be life-threatening.
As I understand it, the $470 is pre-paying for the meal. Not paying for the privilege of making a reservation and then paying again for the meal.
It’s a real shame that Gohmert cancelled his insurance, his recent conduct made him eligible for an brain transplant.
@Roger Moore: didn’t realize that Forbes sold their subscriber list….. ////
@schrodinger’s cat:
It’s a ‘molecular gastronomy’ restaurant, which translated from Pretentious means ‘paying skilled people to do very very strange things to expensive ingredients’. That, and you’re paying for the prestige of the place.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodinger’s cat: not unpossible maybe swap out gold for saffron. I learned about Alinea when Ezra Klein (bringing the threads together) was writing about his foodie-ism. I find micro-gastronomy (I believe is the term) singularly unappealing, but chacun son gout and de gustibus and all that. Sounds to me like there’s a cancelled babysitter at the root of this story. A young couple maybe planning their first big post-baby date night and…. damn.
God, all the charm of an appointment for a medical procedure.
schrodinger's cat
@dmsilev: I have seen it on the chef shows on TV. Heh and they use liquid nitrogen!
ETA: You should start one and call it Absolute Zero.
Richard Mayhew
@MikeJ: DC by law
JPL has a who said it quiz, Richard Sherman or Chris Christie… link
Richard Sherman is the Seahawk player who was quite exuberant after the game and was very boastful… The morning shows have been covering his post game interview all week. Take the quiz..
On a completely different subject, how cool is it that POTUS will meet the Pope in March during his European trip? That’s a conversation i’d enjoy overhearing!
He was being purposefully vague (as you can expect) but it sounds like there is a bit more going on planning/contingency wise than is normal. What is making it significantly more difficult is that we cannot count on the cooperation of the Russians.
We were hypothesizing that without Russian cooperation we would resort to 757s and military contractors for the evacuation. The other option is some sort of help from Turkey/Bulgaria/Romania via The Black Sea.
Another Holocene Human
@rikyrah: first black senator from the south since Reconstruction, get it right already ///
Nothing Tim Scott has said or done has dissuaded me from my first impression of him as an Alan Keyes class loon.
At least he’s not an Ewwww Jackson or psycho Allen West.
I’ve got unpopped popcorn awaiting the Senate race.
I am starting to get a really bad feeling about this Olympics. Between the gay issues, the war in Syria, the growing war between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the whole Russian/Chechnya conflict, there is potential for lots of bad actors to view this as a prime target.
Gin & Tonic
@NonyNony: It’s not $500 to reserve the table, it’s $500 to eat the meal. For two. That’s expensive, yes, but it’s not more than people spend to go to a top Broadway show, or a professional sporting event, and it’s the same sort of very high-level professional performance. I have not eaten at Alinea (although I’d love to if I got to Chicago) but I have eaten at that level of restaurant. I make a decent income, but I’m *far* from 1% territory, and I save up for those (very rare) occasions because I enjoy the whole performance: the food, the service, the ambiance. It’s a reasonably affordable luxury, and it provides typically four hours or more of entertainment. My money, my choice of how to spend it. I have never gone and will never go to an NFL game, but if some ironworker saves up to go to one, I don’t question his priorities or assume he is obscenely wealthy, even though he spent the same amount.
That said, I have (now grown) children whom I love very much, and whom we sometimes took to better restaurants. But restaurants at the, say, over $200 level, to use an arbitrary benchmark, are simply, in my opinion, over the head of children – the dishes can be complicated, with exotic flavors and textures, which even a pre-teen wouldn’t understand. For that reason alone I think they don’t belong in a place like that.
@JPL: I got 86%. Not great but not bad. I barely know who Richard Sherman is so I don’t feel too bad about the score.
gogol's wife
And here I’m sorry I missed whatever thread they were discussing Downton on!
Roger Moore
@gogol’s wife:
I think their financial records would be a better place to start.
@Violet: It’s pretty funny when a potential Presidential candidate’s statements are compared to football players with a big ego.
Roger Moore
It sounds as if it’s $470 as an advance, non-refundable price for the food (drinks, tip, etc. paid for after the meal), not just for the reservations. That’s still a hell of a lot for a meal, but it’s in the same range as other elite restaurants. It’s just a glimpse of how the 1% live.
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: I am sure you can buy bottles of wine that cost that much.
@Gin & Tonic:
Have not been to Alinea but did eat at the French Laundry when Grant Achatz was working there under Keller. Anyhoo, having thus dined and knowing my daughter’s persnickety eating habits, she’d refuse to touch three-quarters of the lovely works of art placed before her. She’d behave flawlessly but your point stands–the food would be literally wasted.
@gogol’s wife: I’m sure a Google search will find it for you. Or maybe schrodinger’s cat could point you to it? Again, I don’t mind people discussing it so long as there’s some warning for the rest of us. At least for the next few days after it airs. After that I think it’s fair game.
Go to Google Maps and find Sochi and take a look at how many troubled areas are right around the area. Hell the Kurd controlled part of Iraq is not that far away. Not too mention Ukraine & Georgia.
Roger Moore
And the service. A place like that probably has a waiter for every two or three tables, at least one sommelier, etc. But I’m sure the big selling point is that you get to make your friends jealous by bragging about going there.
Balloon-juice patron saint Edward Snowden has joined the board of Greenwald’s “Freedom of the Press Foundation”.
I look forward to their first report on the state of press freedom in Ed’s new home of Russia.
@Roger Moore: Yes. For me the idea of the Olympics should be the most awesome thing in the world. Don’t think Russia should have it.I spent hours watching things like this (go to a minute into the video), the Parade of Nations, just to see Greece come into their home stadium. March around it with their fellow citizens cheering at the top of their lungs!
I played a lot of sports in my life, and maybe I put it all above winning anything, like the Noble Prize for Peace, but to walk into an Olympic stadium carrying the American flag wold be the coolest thing ever.
Another shooting today.
At Purdue University. One dead. Suspect in custody.
My daughter lives 1,000 feet away from where it happened.
@geg6: Man, I feel the same exact way about adults!
Canyon and Eagle lodges? Ah! You must mean the Hut and the Bubble.
I’ve been gone for a long time – nearly as long as I lived there – so locals may actually now call it “Canyon Lodge,” but it’s “The Hut” to longtime locals. Back in the day, Dave McCoy called Main Lodge the “Warming Hut,” and when the new place was built, it was “Warming Hut II.” Ergo, “The Hut.”
I lived for a while on the very top of Davison Lane, right above the Hut with a picture-window view of Lincoln Mountain. There’s an old rope swing in the woods to the left of Chair 8, and I had a dog who would seize it in her teeth and swing high above the ground.
God, I miss that place so much. Next time you go, have dinner at Roberto’s on a Tuesday night. Tuesday is (or was) verde night, and their chili verde is ambrosia of the Gods. You’d actually have a longer wait for dinner on Tuesday than some Fridays, because locals would all come on Tuesday. And get albondigas soup also. AMAZING.
@Gin & Tonic: This was an eight month old whose parents lost their sitter at the last moment. Since the seats/tickets are non refundable they didn’t really have a choice and mostly you’d expect the baby to sleep through the whole thing. We ate out plenty with our baby before she was one–if she woke up and cried we took her out and swung her in her car seat until she was back to sleep. This is not at all the same kind of case of taking an older toddler out to actually “eat” in such a restaurant.
@elmo: Thx for the tips! I’m a chile verde person from my time in CO and NM so I’ll definitely check our Robertos on a Tuesday.
Gin & Tonic
@Roger Moore: Some people just really like that sort of culinary performance art.
I recall reading about some guy, I think a postal worker in England, who had as his objective to eat at every Michelin 3-star restaurant in Europe. He’d save up for a year or more to go. He got to El Bulli before it closed, which is more than I can say for me.
Different people have different ways of spending their disposable income.
@JGabriel: That would have been my first thought as well. Seeing the relatively recent success of Governors versus Senators in terms of running for President. Of course, nothing is ever going to wipe away the stain of Davey boy’s diaper fetish, regardless of how much he prays otherwise.
Suffern ACE
@Roger Moore: I agree with that. You are paying for being waited on like a competent adult. I come down on the “sorry, not for kids”. Almost every place outside of workplaces has to keep children in mind. Fine dining is adult entertainment that doesn’t involve boobs or swearing.
Roger Moore
Judging by the quality of his insults, Sherman is quite a bit smarter than Christie. Sherman is creative and uses good vocabulary, while Christie is just an asshole.
@jharp: Blows my mind. My family has been going to college in IN and IL, and LA (long story) for generations. I guess in hindsight this goes for all places, all colleges, but Purdue is supposed to be a “safe” place.
Via WaPo
No one has clearly specified what outcomes for Louie Gohmert I should pray for, so I feel my sacrifice to the Erinyes on the behalf of others is appropriate.
@Baud: About time. I am not an expert on campaign stuff, but I don’t need a law degree to figure out if I was an elected person and somebody gave me a lot of money, nice gifts, you name it, well I might be breaking the law.
@Baud: Whoa. Virginia’s Republican party is looking down into a very deep hole. “Should we jump?”
@NonyNony: You have a newsletter? Sign me up.
@Baud: Richmond Times Dispatch:
And Rmoney was seriously considering him to be his running mate…
Roger Moore
Sure, you assume that if somebody is giving you a bunch of gifts, they’re trying to buy your favor. But a sophisticated
grifterpolitician like McDonnell is supposed to know the law well enough to figure out the loopholes so he can get the money without it being technically illegal. That’s why a whole bunch of stuff went to Mrs. McDonnell rather than the governor himself; the Virginia law apparently has a giant loophole that lets you give as much as you want to the close relatives of elected officials without requiring disclosure.jharp
Just found out my daughter was in the next building, 200 feet away.
And I am getting so fucking sick and so fucking tired of America’s gun culture. And we have legislators trying to make it legal for students to carry on campus. I just can’t imagine a bunch of amateurs playing pretend cop with a murderer on the loose. I wonder how many more would have been shot.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Chris Christie was just a glimmer in JoMika’s eye when Bob McDonnell was gonna take Obama down… Bobby Jindal… Marco Rubio….
Suffern ACE
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: how can the gov help sell dietary supplements?
@catclub: He might have a medical issue. He might no longer be able to get to the litter box in time. He might have lost “power” and can no longer keep some other cat from harassing him in the litter box.
Or all of the above.
Admittedly, Romney-McDonnell would have comprised the best hair runnin’ for preznit since Kerry-Edwards.
@Suffern ACE: Easy. Have parties for the head of the company at the Governor’s Mansion, endorse the product, have your wife give testimonials, etc., etc.
More than you probably want to know is in links here.
@ranchandsyrup: Have you heard their new song, “Coming of Age”? It’s really catchy and fun.
The Thin Black Duke
@jharp: Problem is, if a classroom of children getting slaughtered by a punk exercising his Second Amendment rights doesn’t change things, what will?
Rafer Janders
Um, they’ll probably rate it quite poorly?
You realize that Snowden isn’t in Russia by choice, right, but only because (a) it’s where he got stuck in transit when his passport was cancelled and (b) it’s one of the few countries where he’s safe from extradition to the US.
Rafer Janders
Sure they had a choice — eat the cost of the ticket and stay home.
Now, that’s not a choice they wanted to make, so they took the chance of inflicting their crying infant on the rest of the patrons, but let’s not pretend that they didn’t have a choice. Life’s not always fair, and sometimes plans fall through even after you’ve paid for them.
Davis X. Machina
@geg6: Hey, ICC. This is FIFA. We’ve got a bone to pick with you. We get the best bribes.
Davis X. Machina
@The Thin Black Duke:
It’s the state religion.
There is no Gun but Gun…
@The Thin Black Duke:
I am not giving up.
President Hillary and her new judges might be able to do something or at least get started doing something.
Villago Delenda Est
His poverty is not merely financial. The man has, charitably, shit for brains. That’s giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Villago Delenda Est
Only the best for BJ!
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
One of them is probably that Saxe-Coburg-Gotha woman in Britain.
I imagine most of the 85 are heirs.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Has Fox “News” identified Robert F. McDonnell as a Democrat, yet?
@Rafer Janders:
Um, yeah.
@Rafer Janders:
I missed the part where Snowden was put on a plane against his will and forced to leave the US rather than voluntarily buying a ticket and leaving. Sorry, but if isn’t enjoying Russia, he literally has no one to blame but himself.
Villago Delenda Est
The thing is, Richard Sherman can back up his trash talk with his skills on the field.
Christie is having to undermine his skills on the field in the wake of these disclosures, a “hands on” manager who had no clue that his minions were doing all these things.
He was lying when he asserted he was such a superb manager, or he’s lying about the extent of his involvement. He’s painted himself into a corner, and it’s pegging my schadenfreude meter.
OMG, learning that must be simultaneously the most horrifying and the most “thank-gods-relief” moment in the world. How’s your daughter? Must be pretty shaken.
It’s deliciously ironic that a former Paultard would seek the warm embrace of Vladimir Putin to save his own skin.
Unless one seriously believes that he was really trying to flee to Iceland via Hong Kong.
@Rafer Janders:
Hmm … yes, I suppose that’s true.
It would have been hi-larious if he had gone to Iceland, because he apparently hadn’t bothered to check Wikipedia to see who the US has extradition agreements with before he bought his plane tickets. The US has had an extradition treaty with Iceland in place since 1906.
ETA: List of countries that the US has extradition treaties with. Notice that we’ve had one with Hong Kong since 1998, so that was kind of a poor decision as well if his claim that he went there to avoid extradition is actually true.
Roger Moore
@Davis X. Machina:
ITYM, “This is my rifle. There are many others just like it, but this one is mine.“
@Villago Delenda Est:
Maybe not. Her personal net worth is about $500 million. Admittedly very far from peanuts, but most of what appears to be “hers” — the real estate, much of the jewelry, the art — are Crown holdings, not personal wealth.
I think she is still in shock. Sometimes it takes a while for things like that to sink in. And I first heard the news from her so I knew she was safe. It was a little creepy knowing the campus was on lockdown though.
I am going to see her tomorrow and drive her to Duluth MN to check out University of Minnesota and then to the Minneapolis campus.
Having kids in college is simply grand. And I have 2 who are both kicking ass.
Rafer Janders
That seems sort of unresponsive to what I was saying, which is that the fact that Snowden is in Russia happened by chance, and doesn’t in any way imply that he approves of Russia itself or of how Putin deals with the press. He didn’t flee TO Russia, he got stuck in Russia in transit on his way to fleeing somewhere else.
It’s not as if this is a very complicated fact to deal with.
@Rafer Janders:
Uh huh.
Gin & Tonic
@Rafer Janders: He didn’t flee TO Russia
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world…
Rafer Janders
@Gin & Tonic:
He didn’t annul his own passport, did he? The US State Department did that.
@Rafer Janders:
Nope, just hopped on plane to Moscow.
Roger Moore
@Rafer Janders:
Maybe he’s in Russia rather than another country by chance, but his being in a country that is not a bastion of freedom of the press is not. He went running to a place with no extradition treaty, and that meant he was going to wind up in a place with much less respect for personal liberty than the US no matter which one he chose.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
a) yes, little piyush is term limited.
b) diaper dave isn’t risking anything. LA’s gov election is off year. if he wins, he becomes gov. if he loses, he stays a senator.
c) and yes, the money making opportunities would seem to be much more available down in the bayou.
@Rafer Janders:
You’d be surprised.
(Maybe you are already.)
@Rafer Janders:
Uh-huh. He just happened to land there with information the Russians wanted that he just happened to conveniently have on his hard drives and USB drives.
Pull the other one.
ETA: And if he went there on the advice of his Wikileaks pals, you should probably admit at this point that they gave him very, very poor advice.
Rafer Janders
@Roger Moore:
I have friends whose parents fled to the Soviet Union to escape Nazi Germany, others who fled to Nazi Germany to escape the Soviet Union, others who, during their odyssey out of various repressive regimes over the last 70 years, wound up in apartheid South Africa, or Imperial Japan, or Batista’s Cuba,or the Shah’s Iran, etc. In no case did this mean that they loved or even approved of these countries — it was just where they could get to in flight, the first place that wouldn’t arrest them or send them back.
I realize that the mere mention of Edward Snowden incites a certain childish hysteria in certain commenters, but let’s at least be rational enough not to pretend that Snowden is in Russia because he luurrrves Putin so much, or because he actually approves of jailing Pussy Riot. There are legitimate criticisms without making them up.
@Richard Mayhew:
Two points.
1. Conservative, so it doesn’t have to be in any way true.
2. Even for a conservative he is an over the top idiot, and asshole.