Love, love we got animal lovers here. My cat just walked across my keyboard, put her butt in my face, and asked why doesn’t she get some love? Love me ….
My Twitter feed is going apeshit. Apparently Chris Christie’s giving his state address right now and he just said, “I will make this government truly work for those who pay for it.”
OK since this is an open thread I am going to post a link to my review of Downton Abbey, episode 3. But please be good kittehs and not discuss spoilers on the thread, you can do so if you like on my blog.
P.S. The review has spoilers too, so if you don’t want to know what happened this Sunday just yet, click later.
Gov ultrasound and his wife have been indicted on federal corruption charges.
Suffern ACE
@Trollhattan: thankfully, we have a sales tax, an income tax And property tax. I don’t actually live in NJ, but because I work and shop there, I pay 2 of those 3 taxes. I expect that government to 2/3 work for me.
Volokh conspiracy replaces Ezra. Glibertarians secure a nice perch to impose their view of the law under the mantle of wonkiness.
Judge Crater
Former VA governor Bob McDonnell indicted:
@schrodinger’s cat: McDonnell always struck me as a dangerous politician. Despite being an ideologue, he practically radiates calm and reasonableness. Quite unlike, e.g., Cuccinelli.
But now, it turns out that he’s just another grifter with a pretty face and a good act.
The stupid is everywhere today. Gohmert thinks we cant do math (here), Hannity is leaving New York, cause they don’t like him anymore (what made him think they ever did?) (TPM) and some Florida wannabe congress critter thinks Obama should be lynched (TPM). We may have reached peak wing nut. If McDonnell’s head blows up, that will confirm it.
@Southern Beale: Watching clips right now, he’s trying to parrot Obama’s ’04 speech with Republican spin (‘government bad!’). Even when he’s rehearsed he comes across too angry to pull it off. But I’ve disliked this guy pretty much from the day I first saw him.
@MattF: Yeah, even now, local news in DC is describing McDonnell as a “moderate Republican.” Feh.
Ash Can
Another Holocene Human
WTH is this Richard Sherman beef? I thought from the TDS reference he must have said something dumb or rambled like he was half baked. So I read the transcript and it’s just what we used to call “trash talk” in high school. Has trash talk suddenly become bad sportsmanship? Wha-huh? It wasn’t violent or crude, just “I rule, you drool”. So effing what. He just won a fucking playoff game, I mean seriously people.
What is up with the internet, lots of fans bitter that their team lost looking for someone to take it out on?
Oh, btw, Boston sports fans are racist. I can’t help being a Sox fan, I mean it’s in the blood, but you won’t see me rooting for the Celtics because I lived through the 1980s. And rather than “Go Pats” for me it’s more like “Pats Go — Away”. Oh yeah, Bruins fans are racist too. It’s hard not to root for them when I’m watching and I did so enjoy them taking the Cup away from Vancouver, but, again, I lived through the 80s. I know what I’m talking about. (Red Sox fans are not only racist but classist too … shit … it’s like an addiction.)
Fox News gave a platform to a Texas megachurch pastor who predicts that President Barack Obama is paving the way for the anti-Christ.
Fundamentalist Christian pastor Robert Jeffress appeared Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss his new book, Perfect Ending, which suggests the president’s policies were conditioning Americans to rely on the government and make them vulnerable to the satanic political figure foretold in the Bible.
Y’know, interestingly enough, I suspect that Satan’s minion on Earth probably pays his minions better than do the Koch brothers, Dick DeVos, Erik Prince, Howard Ahmanson or any of the Hunts.
You probably don’t need a union to claim primo pay packages and benefits, unlike those cheap fucking Christers, Satan is willing to pay up for top talent, and I’ll be first in line for that job…
@Another Holocene Human: um, you have seen him, right? He’s black with dreds and the the person interviewing him was a blind white woman. That makes him a terrible person.
that’s like when bill weld thought he could zero out his taxes by bribing endowing the institutions he intended to send his kids to
mcdonnell thought he could let his wife accept the bribes and it would all be legal
clearly he needed some tips from rick scott on how to get your loyal underlings to go down for you
Blond white woman. Sorry, for some reason edit does not work on my cell.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ll just add this to your litany of stupid, though at least it is across the pond. (An Independent Party councilor said that Britain’s floods are a result of God’s wrath over legalized same-sex marriage)
This, though, is a great antidote to the stupidity of Mr.Silvester. The Daily Mash (Onion-esque site) is calling on “Married gays to tour drought-hit countries” to “use their magical flood-creating powers to bring new life to desert regions.”
Also, there is a FB campaign to get “It’s Raining Men” back to the top of the charts. Go!
Another Holocene Human
@Hal: I don’t understand this fear of dreads. They only really look bad on white people with white people hair. My cousin was doing that for a while and it looked like shit. I don’t understand the cornrows hate either. If done right they don’t look that bad on a blond head.
I know, I know, but maybe it’s my autism spectrum disorder talking because I have never, even as a small child, grokked the fear/hatred of natural hair styles by other white people.
Transcript doesn’t come close to giving the full picture. Dude lost his shit in front of 100 million people. Reaction would have been the same if it were J.J. Redick, Jeremy Lin, or Lyle Thompson.
First 2014 poll on the Virginia Senate race puts Warner (D – Incumbent) ahead of Gillespie (R – Challenger) by 29 points. According to TPM the GOP thinks Gillespie is their best hope of taking the seat.
Okay, I posted two spoilerific comments on your blog. I’m trying to distract myself from the snow and the fact that my husband can’t start his drive home for another hour. (It’s close, but still . . .)
Why you’ll never win an argument with an Australian.
@Another Holocene Human: A lot of the reaction to Sherman’s tirade has been over the top, and of course it flushed many racist assholes out of the woodwork, but the man behaved like a giant dickhead. I am not a 49ers fan — in fact I hate the goddamned 49ers and was rooting for the Seahawks.
But let’s not pretend that Sherman’s reaction in that moment was perfectly fine and that the only reason anyone criticized it was because of racism. He was being an asshole, calling out a fellow player by name on national TV and exhibiting incredibly poor sportsmanship by taunting the 49ers bench.
Now, that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. And it doesn’t mean there aren’t terrible people in the NFL and horrible reporters and awful networks and more serious issues and worse incidents. Yes, yes, and yes. But at that moment, Sherman acted like an asshole. I fear we’re losing sight of that, so I just wanted to state it for the record.
Hedgie is so adorable! Awww…
@Southern Beale: Finally! An honestly dishonest politician!
@gogol’s wife: I read them and left comments of my own too. Thanks for stopping by.
Another Holocene Human
What’s more pernicious? Black dude dancing in the end zone after a touchdown, or white coaches expressing their sincerely held beliefs about the timing of their players’ using women for sex impacting on-field performance?
Also, I just love “don’t be a sore winner”. So it’s okay for the people in power to taunt you and neg you all season long, but when you win and express that you feel vindicated you need to shut up. Nice. More from the dish-it-out-and-can’t-take-it brigade.
He was part of the ‘The GOP is making a play for the Senate’ media calculus that they are running with as of late.
It reminds me of the pre-2006 media pooh-poohing the possibility that the Democrats could take the house. Karl Rove’s math told us that couldn’t happen.
Another Holocene Human
@Betty Cracker: I’m trying to understand what the contextual problem is here. I’ve seen Gator frat boys make giant lawn displays on game day that say “LSU BLEAUX” and saw only minimal expressions of distaste. No giant blow up in the papers or demands to apologize. It’s okay for frat boys (in the college paper, too) to talk shit about the Gators’ rivals all year long. So why is it okay for them, wrong for Sherman? Not everybody is a cosseted rich preachers’ kid like Tim Tebow who can act all meek and mild after games because no matter what happens he can go back to his family business and barnstorm about abortion.
I can think of a number of white athletes in recent years who have said and done horrific things and didn’t get this extreme of a reaction. Apparently saying shit about gay people, assaulting people in bars, drinking and driving, or expressing racist attitudes are just boys being boys.
What is it about the timing/context that was wrong?
Betty Cracker
@Another Holocene Human: As I stated up front, there are worse problems in the NFL, and certainly Sherman’s tirade wasn’t that big of a deal. It was a dick move, that’s all.
I’m not sure where Gator frat boys come into it since they weren’t on national TV, but okay, let’s stipulate that Gator frat boys are assholes too, as are many white athletes like John Rocker, etc. As are racist dickheads in general and rapists and murderers and god-botherers and fetus-fetishists — in the NFL and in the fan base. All stipulated.
My only point was, Sherman acted like an asshole, and my only motive for making that point was that, in the rush to denounce the reaction to Sherman, I’m seeing people (here and elsewhere) say things that lead me to believe they think what he did was just fine and dandy and that the only motivation anyone could have for criticizing it would be racism. I’m just calling bullshit on that. Sherman acted like an asshole. Period.
We may have reached peak wing nut. If McDonnell’s head blows up, that will confirm it.
I’m afraid that peak wingnut, like perfection, is a goal to be sought but never truly achieved. Every time that thought has crossed my mind in the last few years – hell, since 2001 – some amount of time has gone by and what I thought was the wingularity is then surpassed by some new heinous fuckery.
lol chikinburd
[hedgehog voiceover] In a world gone mad, with a relentless blazing orb mercilessly beating down on its inhabitants…
Abo gato
Oh, for FSM sake, that little hedgehog is the cutest thing ever.
Paul in KY
@Another Holocene Human: Sounded to me like Mr. Crabtree had been yapping too. Mountain out of a mole hill, IMO.
Paul in KY
Hedgie is adorable!
Comments are closed.
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Scott S.
(noms adorbz hedgehog)
Love, love we got animal lovers here. My cat just walked across my keyboard, put her butt in my face, and asked why doesn’t she get some love? Love me ….
schrodinger's cat
Cute hedgehog is cute. How big is he? and have your dogs tried to eat him?
Howlin Wolfe
HEY! I’M NOCTURNAL TOO!!!! That must be my problem with being up all day.
Southern Beale
My Twitter feed is going apeshit. Apparently Chris Christie’s giving his state address right now and he just said, “I will make this government truly work for those who pay for it.”
So … that’s a little odd.
schrodinger's cat
OK since this is an open thread I am going to post a link to my review of Downton Abbey, episode 3. But please be good kittehs and not discuss spoilers on the thread, you can do so if you like on my blog.
P.S. The review has spoilers too, so if you don’t want to know what happened this Sunday just yet, click later.
@Southern Beale:
“Moochers: you’re on notice!”
Gov ultrasound and his wife have been indicted on federal corruption charges.
Suffern ACE
@Trollhattan: thankfully, we have a sales tax, an income tax And property tax. I don’t actually live in NJ, but because I work and shop there, I pay 2 of those 3 taxes. I expect that government to 2/3 work for me.
schrodinger's cat
@Hal: Another one bites the dust.
Southern Beale
He is not a bully.
He is not a bully.
He is not a bully.
He is not a bully.
Southern Beale
WHAT?! Awesome!!!
Volokh conspiracy replaces Ezra. Glibertarians secure a nice perch to impose their view of the law under the mantle of wonkiness.
Judge Crater
Former VA governor Bob McDonnell indicted:
@schrodinger’s cat: McDonnell always struck me as a dangerous politician. Despite being an ideologue, he practically radiates calm and reasonableness. Quite unlike, e.g., Cuccinelli.
But now, it turns out that he’s just another grifter with a pretty face and a good act.
Speaking of cute hedgehogs, check out this brilliant video titled “If Google was a guy.” (You think you deal with a lot of idiots? Imagine how Google must feel. Also, hedgehog cute!)
The stupid is everywhere today. Gohmert thinks we cant do math (here), Hannity is leaving New York, cause they don’t like him anymore (what made him think they ever did?) (TPM) and some Florida wannabe congress critter thinks Obama should be lynched (TPM). We may have reached peak wing nut. If McDonnell’s head blows up, that will confirm it.
That implies that Gohmert can do math which is giving him way too much credit.
Betty Cracker
@schrodinger’s cat: About the size of a fat beer can.
@Southern Beale:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Southern Beale: Watching clips right now, he’s trying to parrot Obama’s ’04 speech with Republican spin (‘government bad!’). Even when he’s rehearsed he comes across too angry to pull it off. But I’ve disliked this guy pretty much from the day I first saw him.
@MattF: Yeah, even now, local news in DC is describing McDonnell as a “moderate Republican.” Feh.
Ash Can
Another Holocene Human
WTH is this Richard Sherman beef? I thought from the TDS reference he must have said something dumb or rambled like he was half baked. So I read the transcript and it’s just what we used to call “trash talk” in high school. Has trash talk suddenly become bad sportsmanship? Wha-huh? It wasn’t violent or crude, just “I rule, you drool”. So effing what. He just won a fucking playoff game, I mean seriously people.
What is up with the internet, lots of fans bitter that their team lost looking for someone to take it out on?
Oh, btw, Boston sports fans are racist. I can’t help being a Sox fan, I mean it’s in the blood, but you won’t see me rooting for the Celtics because I lived through the 1980s. And rather than “Go Pats” for me it’s more like “Pats Go — Away”. Oh yeah, Bruins fans are racist too. It’s hard not to root for them when I’m watching and I did so enjoy them taking the Cup away from Vancouver, but, again, I lived through the 80s. I know what I’m talking about. (Red Sox fans are not only racist but classist too … shit … it’s like an addiction.)
Apparently, Obama is ushering in the Antichrist.
Y’know, interestingly enough, I suspect that Satan’s minion on Earth probably pays his minions better than do the Koch brothers, Dick DeVos, Erik Prince, Howard Ahmanson or any of the Hunts.
You probably don’t need a union to claim primo pay packages and benefits, unlike those cheap fucking Christers, Satan is willing to pay up for top talent, and I’ll be first in line for that job…
@Southern Beale:
Best government money can buy!
@Another Holocene Human: The 80’s. Ha.
@Another Holocene Human: um, you have seen him, right? He’s black with dreds and the the person interviewing him was a blind white woman. That makes him a terrible person.
Another Holocene Human
@Hal: hahahaha
that’s like when bill weld thought he could zero out his taxes by bribing endowing the institutions he intended to send his kids to
mcdonnell thought he could let his wife accept the bribes and it would all be legal
clearly he needed some tips from rick scott on how to get your loyal underlings to go down for you
Blond white woman. Sorry, for some reason edit does not work on my cell.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’ll just add this to your litany of stupid, though at least it is across the pond. (An Independent Party councilor said that Britain’s floods are a result of God’s wrath over legalized same-sex marriage)
This, though, is a great antidote to the stupidity of Mr.Silvester. The Daily Mash (Onion-esque site) is calling on “Married gays to tour drought-hit countries” to “use their magical flood-creating powers to bring new life to desert regions.”
Also, there is a FB campaign to get “It’s Raining Men” back to the top of the charts. Go!
Another Holocene Human
@Hal: I don’t understand this fear of dreads. They only really look bad on white people with white people hair. My cousin was doing that for a while and it looked like shit. I don’t understand the cornrows hate either. If done right they don’t look that bad on a blond head.
I know, I know, but maybe it’s my autism spectrum disorder talking because I have never, even as a small child, grokked the fear/hatred of natural hair styles by other white people.
@Another Holocene Human:
Transcript doesn’t come close to giving the full picture. Dude lost his shit in front of 100 million people. Reaction would have been the same if it were J.J. Redick, Jeremy Lin, or Lyle Thompson.
First 2014 poll on the Virginia Senate race puts Warner (D – Incumbent) ahead of Gillespie (R – Challenger) by 29 points. According to TPM the GOP thinks Gillespie is their best hope of taking the seat.
Pathetic, really.
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
Okay, I posted two spoilerific comments on your blog. I’m trying to distract myself from the snow and the fact that my husband can’t start his drive home for another hour. (It’s close, but still . . .)
Why you’ll never win an argument with an Australian.
Betty Cracker
@Another Holocene Human: A lot of the reaction to Sherman’s tirade has been over the top, and of course it flushed many racist assholes out of the woodwork, but the man behaved like a giant dickhead. I am not a 49ers fan — in fact I hate the goddamned 49ers and was rooting for the Seahawks.
But let’s not pretend that Sherman’s reaction in that moment was perfectly fine and that the only reason anyone criticized it was because of racism. He was being an asshole, calling out a fellow player by name on national TV and exhibiting incredibly poor sportsmanship by taunting the 49ers bench.
Now, that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. And it doesn’t mean there aren’t terrible people in the NFL and horrible reporters and awful networks and more serious issues and worse incidents. Yes, yes, and yes. But at that moment, Sherman acted like an asshole. I fear we’re losing sight of that, so I just wanted to state it for the record.
Hedgie is so adorable! Awww…
@Southern Beale: Finally! An honestly dishonest politician!
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: I read them and left comments of my own too. Thanks for stopping by.
Another Holocene Human
What’s more pernicious? Black dude dancing in the end zone after a touchdown, or white coaches expressing their sincerely held beliefs about the timing of their players’ using women for sex impacting on-field performance?
Also, I just love “don’t be a sore winner”. So it’s okay for the people in power to taunt you and neg you all season long, but when you win and express that you feel vindicated you need to shut up. Nice. More from the dish-it-out-and-can’t-take-it brigade.
He was part of the ‘The GOP is making a play for the Senate’ media calculus that they are running with as of late.
It reminds me of the pre-2006 media pooh-poohing the possibility that the Democrats could take the house. Karl Rove’s math told us that couldn’t happen.
Another Holocene Human
@Betty Cracker: I’m trying to understand what the contextual problem is here. I’ve seen Gator frat boys make giant lawn displays on game day that say “LSU BLEAUX” and saw only minimal expressions of distaste. No giant blow up in the papers or demands to apologize. It’s okay for frat boys (in the college paper, too) to talk shit about the Gators’ rivals all year long. So why is it okay for them, wrong for Sherman? Not everybody is a cosseted rich preachers’ kid like Tim Tebow who can act all meek and mild after games because no matter what happens he can go back to his family business and barnstorm about abortion.
I can think of a number of white athletes in recent years who have said and done horrific things and didn’t get this extreme of a reaction. Apparently saying shit about gay people, assaulting people in bars, drinking and driving, or expressing racist attitudes are just boys being boys.
What is it about the timing/context that was wrong?
Betty Cracker
@Another Holocene Human: As I stated up front, there are worse problems in the NFL, and certainly Sherman’s tirade wasn’t that big of a deal. It was a dick move, that’s all.
I’m not sure where Gator frat boys come into it since they weren’t on national TV, but okay, let’s stipulate that Gator frat boys are assholes too, as are many white athletes like John Rocker, etc. As are racist dickheads in general and rapists and murderers and god-botherers and fetus-fetishists — in the NFL and in the fan base. All stipulated.
My only point was, Sherman acted like an asshole, and my only motive for making that point was that, in the rush to denounce the reaction to Sherman, I’m seeing people (here and elsewhere) say things that lead me to believe they think what he did was just fine and dandy and that the only motivation anyone could have for criticizing it would be racism. I’m just calling bullshit on that. Sherman acted like an asshole. Period.
I’m afraid that peak wingnut, like perfection, is a goal to be sought but never truly achieved. Every time that thought has crossed my mind in the last few years – hell, since 2001 – some amount of time has gone by and what I thought was the wingularity is then surpassed by some new heinous fuckery.
lol chikinburd
[hedgehog voiceover] In a world gone mad, with a relentless blazing orb mercilessly beating down on its inhabitants…
Abo gato
Oh, for FSM sake, that little hedgehog is the cutest thing ever.
Paul in KY
@Another Holocene Human: Sounded to me like Mr. Crabtree had been yapping too. Mountain out of a mole hill, IMO.
Paul in KY
Hedgie is adorable!