ETA: When the Denver QB wants to change the play after everybody has lined up, he yells “Omaha!” to let the team know to pay attention for a coded message detailing the new play.
gogol's wife
Like Elizabelle, I assumed this was a Bruce Dern reference.
I heart Bruce Dern.
Comrade Jake
@MikeJ: I thought it was actually a shorthand for hiking the ball “on one”. If you look at the game footage, that’s how it’s normally used. Manning says “Omaha – hut!” and the ball is hiked.
Here we go again. Treasury has formally notified Congress that the debt ceiling is likely to be reached in late February.
Let the lunacy begin.
Urgh… stupid strikethrough tags not closing…
Joey Maloney
Somewhere in middle America
Get right to the heart of matters
It’s the heart that matters more
I think you better turn your ticket in
Get your money back at the door
Just Some Fuckhead
@burnspbesq: Burns, serious question. Are you embarrassed about all the years you supported the Republican party? Of your views now, what has changed since then?
Hey, does anyone else get that ad about toenail fungus? And does it creep you out as much as it does me?
Oh well, what I was going to say is that I’ve blog-posted the first chapter of my upcoming Regency romance, A Feather To Fly With. Regency fans check it out.
@Bob In Portland: I was in the Army at Ft Lewis and went to “The Ave” in Seattle. We dropped some double domes and were just hanging around Hippie Hill. We went into an ice cream shop and the really loud juke played the song. The start spooked me and my cone went straight up and stuck to the ceiling. . . for a second. Or was it an hour?
@JoyceH: The first rule about that ad is don’t talk about that ad!
The more you talk about it, the more likely it is to appear, and then we will have to hurt you because it is seriously freaky.
Did you see Nebraska yet? Believe you claim living in a one-horse town and the show done passed through?
If not, see it!
Glad to see all the Bruce Dern love while he is around to see it. And he’s (reportedly) up for a part in a new Quentin Tarantino movie that may or may not have been scuttled. Glad to see the man working.
Somehow, our society managed to make it hundreds of years without social security just fine
you fucking retards
Magically the world changed after the new deal, and old people became made of glass.
Later in the same session, Snowden wrote that the elderly “wouldn’t be fucking helpless if you weren’t sending them fucking checks to sit on their ass and lay in hospitals all day.”
(And, at least it doesn’t possibly poison entire counties for days.)
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
As I was going to note (and, obviously, still will)
Somewhere in middle America.
I’m still annoyed by having a birthday lunch with the Director of the Ohio DRC. Granted, it was part of a advocacy coalition day where the steering committee had a working lunch with him, but still.
Snowden also wants to go back to the gold standard.
Not that I have any great love for Seattle (or Brady/Pats/Belichick, for that matter), but I would love to see Peyton lose the Super Bowl (or “Teh Big Game” as some insist on calling it). His persistent step-to-the-line-step-back-yell-an-audible-to-the-tight-end-yell-another-audible-to-the-slot-receiver-step-up-step-back-yell-and-shake-fist-at-sky-step-up-step-back-yell-“Eli gots two rings and I only gots one”-step-up-yell-“Omaha”-or-not-move-to-shotgun-position-step-up-make-the-Sign-of-The-Cross-step-back-WILLYOUCOMEONEALREADY!-step-up-take-the-snap is getting more than a little tiresome. It’s about 38 times worse than Nomar’s 30-second-adjust-his-batting-gloves OCD manifestation.
On the other hand, if the J-E-T-S had him, I might feel differently.
I’m not particularly a Regency fan, but I am a Joyce Harmon fan (really enjoyed the two Passatonnack books) so I’ll gladly give you an opportunity to change my mind. Either way, congratulations!
Just another snowbird. They come down here to Miami, block traffic, party with booze and drugs, throw money around, and get busted. It happens every winter.
Thanks for visiting. Now go home.
The Reduced Shakespeare Company has been doing three-man comedy shows for more than 25 years. Their show about the Bible was scheduled to open in Newtownabbey outside of Belfast but Ian Paisley’s Democratic Union Party pressured the town council to cancel it. The RSC has been doing the show almost 20 years, but this is the first time than any of their shows have been shut down for its content.
This is the only site on which I do not use AdBlocker so that our blog host can participate in some of that advertising cash flow, even if it is generated by toenail fungus and Newsmax. Someone please correct me if I am wrong and that the money flows with or without AdBlocker.
That wasn’t a mistake, that was Delta Green doing its job.
Hopefully president blah man, when asked a question constructed around a lie, will parse and dissect the lie rather than answer the question. Is that too much to ask for?
I heard them do Hamlet or one of the comedies, possibly on NPR, a number of years ago. It was awesome.
Jim Foolish Literalist
@SFAW: On the other hand, if the J-E-T-S had him, I might feel differently.
Heh. Sports fannism in a nutshell, ain’t it? I’ve come to like Peyton, even though as I think Letterman, a balls-out self-proclaimed Peyton fan boy, observed the other night, He won’t be playing in the Superbowl as he had already scheduled a commercial shoot. (with the right wing Papa John’s douchebag).
I still think it’s a shout out to Omaha the Cat Dancer.
Any Browns fans here? How the hell did the owner(s) ever think to interview Schiano for the head coaching gig? SCHIANO?! You poor bastards were thisclose to getting doomed with a worse coach than the one just fired. I wouldn’t wish that fate on a rival football team… well, maybe the R*dsk*ns.
@Jim Foolish Literalist: You know how a cat will play with a balled up piece of paper? It’s like that.
Look, either root for EVIL MANNING or else live with the Patriots and The Hooded Dark Lord. At least if he wins this Super Bowl Evil Manning will retire…
I wanted to say that I have enjoyed your reviews. I realized reading the last one that I had dozed off a few times so I will probably go re-watch that episode. Sounds like I missed the better parts.
As a general review, I would say that I have been underwhelmed. I felt that way last season, too but I like some of the characters well enough that I want to see what happens to them. I hope they develop Lady Edith much more as I think she has the potential for some more exciting story lines.
The SFAW-ette, possibly more of as commie than her old man, changes the channel when she sees those two doing a commercial. Peyton doesn’t annoy her nearly as much as he annoys me, but she know the Pap John’s guy is a rightwing asshole.
Agree re: sports-fannism, most of the time.There are some things (e.g., if Jack Tatum had been traded to the Pats) that can’t be overlooked, but playing for a team’s rival is no big deal.
Advertisers who haven’t paid for the right to say “Super Bowl”.
Amir Khalid
I just finished watching Der Untergang(Downfall), all 2h 35m of it. I like its lack of sentimentality in depicting the last days of the Third Reich, much of it as seen through the eyes of Traudl Junge, one of the Fuhrer’s personal secretaries. Junge’s memoir is one of the two books on which the film is based..A particularly disturbing scene is the one where Magda Goebbels poisons her young children in their sleep, before going outside to take a bullet from her husband Joseph.
Also: I have no love for Belichick. I mean, he’s been a great coach, and I wish he had stayed with the Jets (instead of getting the string of buffoons they’ve had for 13 or so years now), but as a person, I’m glad he’s dating someone else’s daughter, and not living in my neighborhood.
It’s really not their fault. It’s the NFL that gets on people’s case for using the term “Superbowl®” without their permission. Unless you’re willing to pay to license their All-Holy Trademark®, you must find something else to call it or face the wrath of their lawyers.
Ok. So I just had to share this moment. So I’m at walgreen buying some stuff including some “feminine care” items and I notice the older lady cashier is kinda examining the packaging of the feminine products. So she started ringng me up and gets to them and she asks me are these any good. Now remember I said older she really looked like she was long past them days so I go with the flow, so to speak, and I said yeah they are pretty good. She’s likes oh I was wondering about the “leak protection”, are they better than Depends? I’m admit my flow stopped a minute but I said I doubt it. She finished ringing me up and I got out of there.
Cross Columbia off the list of World Cup challengers.
@MomSense: Thanks! I wish that JF had done something different with Edith, given her a career instead of another inappropriate suitor. Could have made a famous writer or something. She is so sidelined at home that she falls for anyone who says something nice to her or gives her a compliment. She is so needy.
Amir Khalid
Yes, the one with Bruno Ganz and that much-parodied scene. You know, the one that where Hitler screams, “Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiners war ein BEFEHL!!” By then, of course, the forces General Steiner needed to make his attack were all in Hitler’s head. It was fascinating, in a way, to watch the gradual collapse of the reality-distortion field that surrounded a charismatic leader like Hitler — to see it crumble from the outside until it fell in on the Leader himself.
No One of Consequence
I submit to the gallery, an as-of-yet-unused, but sure-to-be-a-hit post title:
“He’s the Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man!”
probably best for some outrageous inanity that disguises itself as a David Brooks column.
@schrodinger’s cat: Homer may be getting used to Ginger kitteh, there are fewer hissy fits being thrown. Mrs J reports Ginger sleeping in her bed without any particular problems with him bothering Bitsy et al.
Scamp Dog
@Joey Maloney: Still one of my favorite albums. Counting Crows FTW!
Bruno Ganz is great in that. A nice palate-cleanser is Gillian Armstrong’s The Last Days of Chez Nous (1992). Not quite a full-on comedy, but Ganz in a lighter mode.
@PaulW: It’s a fracking farce writ large. Steeler boy buys a bottom-of-the-league-since-forever team for a ridiculous sum, promises big things to go along with his new orange tie collection, and then cops the pages that fell out of Jerry Jordan’s “How To Make Long-Time Fans Hate You In The Course of a Single Season,” just as the FBI starts sniffing around the corrupt business practices in his national business. Browns fans are loyal to a fault, and the team still sells out the stadium for every game. This town wants a winner *SO**BAD* the fans are willing to tolerate just about anything, even another shit-for-brains front office and a continued merry-go-round in place of the head coach.
Alexander Payne! Alexander Payne!
Or Warren Buffett! Warren Buffett?
What are you talking about, affianced DougJ?
@Elizabelle: Calling an audible.
ETA: When the Denver QB wants to change the play after everybody has lined up, he yells “Omaha!” to let the team know to pay attention for a coded message detailing the new play.
gogol's wife
Like Elizabelle, I assumed this was a Bruce Dern reference.
I heart Bruce Dern.
Comrade Jake
@MikeJ: I thought it was actually a shorthand for hiking the ball “on one”. If you look at the game footage, that’s how it’s normally used. Manning says “Omaha – hut!” and the ball is hiked.
Manning on the line, calling the snap count to the offense.
ETA: Ah, I should refresh and read first. I’ve also heard that some of the shouty things are just bullshit to confuse the defense.
Bob In Portland
This will date me:
schrodinger's cat
Mary, Mary
P.S. My review of DA episode 3 at the link. Also too, it has spoilers.
In two weeks, “Omaha” is going to mean “Oh shit, it’s Cliff Avril”
Teh Beeber arrested for a DUI!
@Comrade Jake: Maybe, maybe not. That is one theory. Another is that it means run the play in the other direction.
Just Some Fuckhead
.. and Peyton kept scoring (sob) and I couldn’t catch up (sob)
Rep. Steve Stockman has gone missing on the
Appalachian campaign trail!
Here we go again. Treasury has formally notified Congress that the debt ceiling is likely to be reached in late February.
Let the lunacy begin.
Urgh… stupid strikethrough tags not closing…
Joey Maloney
Somewhere in middle America
Get right to the heart of matters
It’s the heart that matters more
I think you better turn your ticket in
Get your money back at the door
Just Some Fuckhead
@burnspbesq: Burns, serious question. Are you embarrassed about all the years you supported the Republican party? Of your views now, what has changed since then?
Hey, does anyone else get that ad about toenail fungus? And does it creep you out as much as it does me?
Oh well, what I was going to say is that I’ve blog-posted the first chapter of my upcoming Regency romance, A Feather To Fly With. Regency fans check it out.
@Bob In Portland: I was in the Army at Ft Lewis and went to “The Ave” in Seattle. We dropped some double domes and were just hanging around Hippie Hill. We went into an ice cream shop and the really loud juke played the song. The start spooked me and my cone went straight up and stuck to the ceiling. . . for a second. Or was it an hour?
@JoyceH: The first rule about that ad is don’t talk about that ad!
The more you talk about it, the more likely it is to appear, and then we will have to hurt you because it is seriously freaky.
Certified Mutant Enemy
Happy Bounty Day!
@JoyceH: I’ve been googling labrum tear surgery and I get tons of ads related to that.
Ah. Inside baseball reference. Sorta.
Now when someone says:
We will know what that means.
@gogol’s wife:
Did you see Nebraska yet? Believe you claim living in a one-horse town and the show done passed through?
If not, see it!
Glad to see all the Bruce Dern love while he is around to see it. And he’s (reportedly) up for a part in a new Quentin Tarantino movie that may or may not have been scuttled. Glad to see the man working.
Ad blocker is your friend. Schrodinger’s cat suggested it.
Blissfully not seeing Newsmax headlines, toe fungus, or buxom women conservatives don’t want me to see.
Still get the artwork of Tunch and Feed. That’s all that’s needed.
Bob In Portland
I’m sorry, Flooding a control room with cement has got to be one of the better contractor whoops moments.
(And, at least it doesn’t possibly poison entire counties for days.)
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
As I was going to note (and, obviously, still will)
Somewhere in middle America.
I’m still annoyed by having a birthday lunch with the Director of the Ohio DRC. Granted, it was part of a advocacy coalition day where the steering committee had a working lunch with him, but still.
Bob In Portland
Snowden also wants to go back to the gold standard.
Not that I have any great love for Seattle (or Brady/Pats/Belichick, for that matter), but I would love to see Peyton lose the Super Bowl (or “Teh Big Game” as some insist on calling it). His persistent step-to-the-line-step-back-yell-an-audible-to-the-tight-end-yell-another-audible-to-the-slot-receiver-step-up-step-back-yell-and-shake-fist-at-sky-step-up-step-back-yell-“Eli gots two rings and I only gots one”-step-up-yell-“Omaha”-or-not-move-to-shotgun-position-step-up-make-the-Sign-of-The-Cross-step-back-WILLYOUCOMEONEALREADY!-step-up-take-the-snap is getting more than a little tiresome. It’s about 38 times worse than Nomar’s 30-second-adjust-his-batting-gloves OCD manifestation.
On the other hand, if the J-E-T-S had him, I might feel differently.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Bob In Portland:
He must be stopped from switching us to the gold standard. Someone must do something.
Jim Foolish Literalist
I don’t want to make more of this than it is, I am neither betrayed nor thrown under the bus with a shit sandwich but… Why, Barack? Why?
I’m not particularly a Regency fan, but I am a Joyce Harmon fan (really enjoyed the two Passatonnack books) so I’ll gladly give you an opportunity to change my mind. Either way, congratulations!
Mustang Bobby
Just another snowbird. They come down here to Miami, block traffic, party with booze and drugs, throw money around, and get busted. It happens every winter.
Thanks for visiting. Now go home.
The Reduced Shakespeare Company has been doing three-man comedy shows for more than 25 years. Their show about the Bible was scheduled to open in Newtownabbey outside of Belfast but Ian Paisley’s Democratic Union Party pressured the town council to cancel it. The RSC has been doing the show almost 20 years, but this is the first time than any of their shows have been shut down for its content.
This is the only site on which I do not use AdBlocker so that our blog host can participate in some of that advertising cash flow, even if it is generated by toenail fungus and Newsmax. Someone please correct me if I am wrong and that the money flows with or without AdBlocker.
That wasn’t a mistake, that was Delta Green doing its job.
@Jim Foolish Literalist:
Uhhhh. Yeah, good question, why indeed?
Hopefully president blah man, when asked a question constructed around a lie, will parse and dissect the lie rather than answer the question. Is that too much to ask for?
I heard them do Hamlet or one of the comedies, possibly on NPR, a number of years ago. It was awesome.
Jim Foolish Literalist
Heh. Sports fannism in a nutshell, ain’t it? I’ve come to like Peyton, even though as I think Letterman, a balls-out self-proclaimed Peyton fan boy, observed the other night, He won’t be playing in the Superbowl as he had already scheduled a commercial shoot. (with the right wing Papa John’s douchebag).
How to monetize your snark, musically.
I still think it’s a shout out to Omaha the Cat Dancer.
Any Browns fans here? How the hell did the owner(s) ever think to interview Schiano for the head coaching gig? SCHIANO?! You poor bastards were thisclose to getting doomed with a worse coach than the one just fired. I wouldn’t wish that fate on a rival football team… well, maybe the R*dsk*ns.
@Jim Foolish Literalist: You know how a cat will play with a balled up piece of paper? It’s like that.
Look, either root for EVIL MANNING or else live with the Patriots and The Hooded Dark Lord. At least if he wins this Super Bowl Evil Manning will retire…
Roger Moore
Attica! Attica!
@schrodinger’s cat:
I wanted to say that I have enjoyed your reviews. I realized reading the last one that I had dozed off a few times so I will probably go re-watch that episode. Sounds like I missed the better parts.
As a general review, I would say that I have been underwhelmed. I felt that way last season, too but I like some of the characters well enough that I want to see what happens to them. I hope they develop Lady Edith much more as I think she has the potential for some more exciting story lines.
@Jim Foolish Literalist:
The SFAW-ette, possibly more of as commie than her old man, changes the channel when she sees those two doing a commercial. Peyton doesn’t annoy her nearly as much as he annoys me, but she know the Pap John’s guy is a rightwing asshole.
Agree re: sports-fannism, most of the time.There are some things (e.g., if Jack Tatum had been traded to the Pats) that can’t be overlooked, but playing for a team’s rival is no big deal.
Advertisers who haven’t paid for the right to say “Super Bowl”.
Amir Khalid
I just finished watching Der Untergang(Downfall), all 2h 35m of it. I like its lack of sentimentality in depicting the last days of the Third Reich, much of it as seen through the eyes of Traudl Junge, one of the Fuhrer’s personal secretaries. Junge’s memoir is one of the two books on which the film is based..A particularly disturbing scene is the one where Magda Goebbels poisons her young children in their sleep, before going outside to take a bullet from her husband Joseph.
Or root for the Seahawks?
Also: I have no love for Belichick. I mean, he’s been a great coach, and I wish he had stayed with the Jets (instead of getting the string of buffoons they’ve had for 13 or so years now), but as a person, I’m glad he’s dating someone else’s daughter, and not living in my neighborhood.
Roger Moore
It’s really not their fault. It’s the NFL that gets on people’s case for using the term “Superbowl®” without their permission. Unless you’re willing to pay to license their All-Holy Trademark®, you must find something else to call it or face the wrath of their lawyers.
@MikeJ: ETA: and Roger Moore
Yes, I know. I just think it’s funny how dickish the NFL is about that.
Who on the right brings the top junk? Cant see the ads….so…guessin….Megyn Kelly or Pam “Atlas Shrugged”?
Amir Khalid
@Jim Foolish Literalist:
What, you don’t look forward to seeing Obama make Bill O’Reilly look like a fool?
@Amir Khalid:
With Bruno Gans?
Saw that one in the theater, and remember well the scene with the Goebbels children.
Very good flick.
@Amir Khalid:
Passover already?
Ok. So I just had to share this moment. So I’m at walgreen buying some stuff including some “feminine care” items and I notice the older lady cashier is kinda examining the packaging of the feminine products. So she started ringng me up and gets to them and she asks me are these any good. Now remember I said older she really looked like she was long past them days so I go with the flow, so to speak, and I said yeah they are pretty good. She’s likes oh I was wondering about the “leak protection”, are they better than Depends? I’m admit my flow stopped a minute but I said I doubt it. She finished ringing me up and I got out of there.
Cross Columbia off the list of World Cup challengers.
HA! I’m hoping the gap between those two kinds of products is a looong one!
@lamh36: Is there a price difference? Maybe that’s why she was asking.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: Thanks! I wish that JF had done something different with Edith, given her a career instead of another inappropriate suitor. Could have made a famous writer or something. She is so sidelined at home that she falls for anyone who says something nice to her or gives her a compliment. She is so needy.
Amir Khalid
Yes, the one with Bruno Ganz and that much-parodied scene. You know, the one that where Hitler screams, “Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiners war ein BEFEHL!!” By then, of course, the forces General Steiner needed to make his attack were all in Hitler’s head. It was fascinating, in a way, to watch the gradual collapse of the reality-distortion field that surrounded a charismatic leader like Hitler — to see it crumble from the outside until it fell in on the Leader himself.
No One of Consequence
I submit to the gallery, an as-of-yet-unused, but sure-to-be-a-hit post title:
“He’s the Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man!”
probably best for some outrageous inanity that disguises itself as a David Brooks column.
– NOoC
@Amir Khalid:
You go to war with the army your Fuehrer thinks you have, not the army you want.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Dickface, I’ve never voted for a Republican in my entire life. Don’t know who you’ve mistaken me for.
But Princeton is still in with a shot?
Bob In Portland
@Just Some Fuckhead: Once his mission is over.
Not enough to make a dog owner out of me, but that comes pretty close.
Thanks for the excellent shot.
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: Aww so sweet. How is Homer kitteh and how is the new kitteh? Have they become friends?
@jeffreyw: I’m in love.
@JPL: I’m pretty sure Depends cost more, but I’ve never had to buy them
Villago Delenda Est
Whereever Stockman is, let’s hope he never returns from there.
The man is potting soil, and that’s being charitable.
@schrodinger’s cat: Homer may be getting used to Ginger kitteh, there are fewer hissy fits being thrown. Mrs J reports Ginger sleeping in her bed without any particular problems with him bothering Bitsy et al.
Scamp Dog
@Joey Maloney: Still one of my favorite albums. Counting Crows FTW!
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: We can has photos?
Good gosh, I love me some Pope.
@burnspbesq: One of the few instances where “dickface” is a perfectly reasonable reaction.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Amir Khalid:
Bruno Ganz is great in that. A nice palate-cleanser is Gillian Armstrong’s The Last Days of Chez Nous (1992). Not quite a full-on comedy, but Ganz in a lighter mode.
@PaulW: It’s a fracking farce writ large. Steeler boy buys a bottom-of-the-league-since-forever team for a ridiculous sum, promises big things to go along with his new orange tie collection, and then cops the pages that fell out of Jerry Jordan’s “How To Make Long-Time Fans Hate You In The Course of a Single Season,” just as the FBI starts sniffing around the corrupt business practices in his national business. Browns fans are loyal to a fault, and the team still sells out the stadium for every game. This town wants a winner *SO**BAD* the fans are willing to tolerate just about anything, even another shit-for-brains front office and a continued merry-go-round in place of the head coach.
As the song goes, wake me up when September ends.
@Villago Delenda Est: Potting Soil Defence League on line two for you.
Kayla Rudbek
@JoyceH: @JoyceH: so when is the book going to be out? I love Regency romances….