(Cornered via GoComics.com)
I’ve always been partial to a nice chopped chicken liver and corned beef on rye, myself…
What’s on the agenda tonight?
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(Cornered via GoComics.com)
I’ve always been partial to a nice chopped chicken liver and corned beef on rye, myself…
What’s on the agenda tonight?
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J.D. Rhoades
Former head of the South Carolina GOP calls Wendy Davis a “monumental whore”, tells detractor to “lick his taint” and says “intellectual honesty is for losers.”
I’m sure some of the ‘both sides do it” crowd can come up with an example of a Democratic Party official publicly calling a female Republican candidate a “whore” and gleefully urging his followers to “torture her until she begs for it to stop.”
@J.D. Rhoades: Continuing the GOP outreach to women.
James E. Powell
The cartoon reminded me of this from SCTV. I loved that show.
I was surprised by this note, about the fire at the nursing home in Quebec.
“… This may force a requirement for sprinklers in nursing homes in Quebec.”
I find it hard to imagine that not being a requirement anywhere on the continent. Wow.
Also, the LGM “I get Letters” posting is a hoot.
@J.D. Rhoades: That seems similar to the LGM “I get Letters” post, in Texas sized crazyness.
@J.D. Rhoades:
ladies and gentlemen, your republican party.
I made homemade bahn mi for dinner, though I was lazy and used cooked chicken instead of roasting pork for them. They were still damn tasty.
@AL @James E. Powell:
I was thinking Rainbow Meat
“The world would be a better place if she’d been aborted.” And a pube joke to make him more like Clarence Thomas.
Republican Party, I’m smelling your VP candidate right here!
Omnes Omnibus
@J.D. Rhoades:
/Charlie Sheen
Sarah, Proud and Tall
Gimlets, roast chicken and the odd music thread, I suspect.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah, Proud and Tall: Can we post normal music too?
It’s been a day. In fact, it’s been a month.
Nothing beats pastrami on rye. With side orders of potato salad and cole slaw. Yum!
Sarah, Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
Only if the video is odd.
Jack Canuck
Trying not to get too depressed about the fact that, after spending four years getting a PhD (and a year getting an MA before that), three years teaching as a sessional lecturer at various universities, and then the last year getting qualified as a secondary school teacher, I’m now back working in a warehouse, just like I was eight years ago. Can’t get the time of day from either universities or secondary schools (the Australian school year starts next week). Fuck me. Maybe I should just stick with the damn warehouse work (if I can get it as a long-term thing) and stop looking for something that actually uses my education. At least there’s no work to take home, it’s easy (if physically strenuous and filthy at times), and maybe I could actually get back to making art and/or music in my evenings and weekends, along with spending time with my wife and son. How long am I supposed to keep beating my head against the wall? Sick to death of it, frankly.
@Jack Canuck: I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. What’s your academic field and where Down Under are you?
Jack Canuck
@Cervantes: I live near Melbourne. Got a PhD in History (looked at human rights and Western policies relating to the breakup of Yugoslavia), an MA in European Studies, BA in History. I gave up on the sessional stuff after the university I’d been teaching at hired someone else instead when the position finally came up as an ongoing gig (this was after a lot of unsuccessful applications elsewhere, mind you). The secondary teaching was supposed to lead to a bit more stable work – at least one year contracts instead of a semester at a time, for instance. But out of fifty or so applications (I’m qualified to teach in history/humanities and drama, of all things), I got two interviews at private schools, one at a state school, and no job. And I’ve been told by lots of people that I shouldn’t even mention having the PhD when applying for secondary jobs, because people will be threatened/think I won’t stick around or I’m just slumming until a uni gig comes along/who-the-hell-knows why. So now I’ve spent the last year working my ass off on the diploma and taking care of our son while my wife worked her ass off working three jobs to pay our way – and I’m back where I was before I even started the PhD, more or less. Kind of dispiriting, to say the least. At least back then it was a permanent job and it was in a store that sold sheet music and musical instruments, which I was interested in. The warehouse gig I’ve got now is casual in a high-end food store, which is fine, but doesn’t particularly grab me in terms of the actual stock. I’m tired, my wife’s tired, and I’m sick to death of job-hunting.
Just had to vent somewhere. I think I might have broken the thread!
James E. Powell
Nothing beats pastrami on rye. With side orders of potato salad and cole slaw. Yum!
Thing is, the whole thing only works if you have a pickle. And I mean a real pickle.
@Jack Canuck:
A historian? Then you should have no trouble taking the long view!
About not mentioning the Ph. D.: it’s true that some may feel threatened. But suppose you don’t mention it and are therefore hired … imagine having to work with such people day in and day out. I’d advise full disclosure coupled with a stated willingness to learn the ropes, do whatever’s needed, etc.
I feel for your wife, but remember that bringing up your boy is an extremely important albeit unpaid job — and that he, at least, has an excellent teacher close at hand.
That said, I know it’s dispiriting. I don’t mean to suggest otherwise.
Glad to meet you — hang in there — and good luck!
Jack Canuck
@Cervantes: That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing: including the PhD on the CV, along with tertiary teaching experience as being relevant – but not emphasising it, and making clear in the rest of the application that yes, I’m new to secondary teaching etc etc. I don’t really want to work somewhere where they wouldn’t have hired me if they knew I was Dr X, not just Mr X. And it’s not like I’d lie about if I was directly asked anyway (‘so, what have you been doing since 2006?’).
I’ve got a few applications out for tertiary jobs right now, both of which might actually be boosted by my secondary qualifications (one’s in a School of Education teaching humanities/social sciences, the other is a ‘teaching intensive’ position in humanities/social sciences), along with some for jobs involving editing and the like. But for the moment the market for secondary teacher’s is pretty dead – all the hiring’s been done for the new year, and people haven’t started quitting/being hit by buses yet. I don’t actually mind the warehouse work – it’s kind of nice to do something physical again for a change, and it’s a hell of a lot easier than dealing with classrooms full of students of any age. It’s just a bit depressing to be back here again. I kind of thought I’d be able to do a bit more with my life, you know? Hence the thinking about sticking with this and going back to photography and music – the warehouse to pay the bills, the artistic stuff to feel like I’m doing something worthwhile. Aside from spending time with my son, which is as you say a worthwhile thing to be doing.
Cheers and thanks.
@Jack Canuck: I’ve bookmarked this thread. If you can, let me know in a few months how things are going.
Aha! I’m not the only one who’s ever made that joke. Rabbi Burns is my favourite gaon.
Haggis is simply the Scottish version of kishke. When properly made, it’s delicious. I wouldn’t put it ON the sandwich though — just as a side on the plate.