If the satanists get their statue in the Oklahoma state Capitol, Zoroastrians should definitely open a Kickstarter to fund a grand fire temple to Ahura Mazda right in the rotunda. I would kick in ten bucks.
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by Tim F| 51 Comments
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If the satanists get their statue in the Oklahoma state Capitol, Zoroastrians should definitely open a Kickstarter to fund a grand fire temple to Ahura Mazda right in the rotunda. I would kick in ten bucks.
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Warren Terra
No … a Tower Of Silence.
We should keep an eye on this restaurant:
Wouldn’t surprise me if certain well-known Village personalities…
I am dreading the snow here in Eastern NC tomorrow. Not because snow bothers me but because I am going to have to listen to the local right wing radio host Lockwood Phillips go on a “where’s your global warming now, tee hee” bullshit tear. It happens every time we get a cold snap so FSM knows what he will do when it actually snows.
Did anyone else think last night’s Sherlock kind of sucked?
schrodinger's cat
T@Warren Terra: There is a Tower of Silence in Bombay (Mumbai), sometimes you can see the vultures if you happen to look out of the windows of the skyscrapers in Breach Candy.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Why do you have to listen to the local rightwing radio guy? Can’t you just turn it off? Listen to some music or something else instead?
Cluttered Mind
I’m up for a temple to Angra Mainyu built next to every residence the Koch brothers have.
So is Dinesh D’Souza being made to pick up the soap in the prison shower yet? If so, why not? Shouldn’t be hard to prove the transaction in question and send him to jail for a long, long time.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Never happen, b/c IOKIYAR
Insert remark about a freshly-shaved scrotum here.
schrodinger's cat
WP eated my last two comments, I wonder why.
Amir Khalid
Tsk, tsk. Didn’t we just get done giving John Cole grief over a prison-rape joke?
Amir Khalid
I didn’t know the Zoroastrians worshipped Japanese cars.
schrodinger's cat
Some how WP does not seem to like any mention of Sh*rlock.
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
That’s interesting! You probably saw that I had a lost comment about it on another thread.
We could only make it through the first half hour because we had to get up early and it will be repeated on Thursday when we can watch it. But I LOVED the first half hour.
Warren Terra
@schrodinger’s cat: I heard a truly horrible story a couple of years back about vultures in India … apparently there’s a popular, cheap, safe, and effective analgesic available there that’s used by people and in cattle. Thing is, it isn’t metabolized well (it accumulates in muscle), and it’s incredibly toxic to birds. So: carrion birds that traditionally eat cattle (cattle are traditionally left to carrion birds) and Zoroastrians (in the Towers Of Silence) were dying in droves, in such numbers that carcasses and corpses weren’t being cleaned of their meat and were rotting, with noxious and dangerous consequences.
I’m glad to hear the vultures are back …
I never thought I’d agree with Darrell Issa on anything, and it probably won’t ever happen again, but he is dead right about James Clapper…
Congress is finally growing a pair of balls on NSA oversight. About time. Clapper has to go.
@Amir Khalid:
I thought somebody told me Oklahoma was full of Wankels, but apparently I just misheard.
It takes months for a court case to get to trial anymore. Dockets are backed up, lawyers file motions to delay, there’s still investigations ongoing, etc.
I’d love to see a depiction of the Aztec pyramid heart removal sacrifice.
Gimme dat ole time religion, gimme dat ole time religion…
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: I haven’t loved either of the episodes so far, but they both had their moments. Heavy on the comedy and weak on the detective story.
schrodinger's cat
@Warren Terra: Oh I don’t know whether they are back, my anecdote is more than a decade old.
Where is the love for the FSM? Who can deny his/her noodly goodness? Is a small (huge) statue of the FSM too much to ask of the good people of Oklahoma?
Wonder how they’d react to a statue of Kali….
low-tech cyclist
How about a statue of Aqua Buddha on the state capitol grounds in Frankfort, KY?
Forget a fire pit. How about a couple of statues of man’s -best-friend?
“In Zoroastrianism, the dog is regarded as an especially beneficent, clean and righteous creature, which must be fed and taken care of.[9] The dog is praised for the useful work it performs in the household,[10] but it is also seen as having special spiritual virtues. A dog’s gaze is considered to be purifying and to drive off Asuras (demons). It is also believed to have a special connection with the afterlife: the Chinwad Bridge to Heaven is said to be guarded by dogs in Zoroastrian scripture,[“
schrodinger's cat
BJers should petition for a monument of Tunch, sitting sphinx like in the rotunda.
Actually the Satanists are taking the wrong tack here. I’m looking to start a non-profit fund for a very super-conservative “Roman Catholic” crucifix to be placed there. A life-sized (or near life-sized) depiction of Jesus at the crucifixion. Complete with bleeding hands, feet, and blood dripping from Jesus’s temples from the crown of thorns while his eyes are rolled back into his head. And a set of Roman Catholic 10 commandments engraved next to him for good measure.
Let’s see how ecumenical the Christians in OK are when they’re faced with that. Many Christians don’t like to actually have the fact that their holy symbol is an instrument of torture thrust into their faces like that, and Protestants often don’t realize that they have a different set of 10 commandments than the Catholics do. The whole point that Jewish, Catholic and Baptist activists had in the early 20th century for pushing separation of Church and State was exactly because they were marginalized from the “Protestant Christian Mainstream” denominations in the first place. Why not a big old reminder of why this whole “separation of Church and State” idea was a good one in the first place?
Did Ahura Mazda invent the rotary engine?
Screw that, as a Pastafarian I demand the capitol dome be replaced with a colander!
No, it was invented by a German named Wankel.
DAMN I want a like button for this. Put me in for $20 if you get it started.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Five words:
The Passion of the Christ
You’ve obviously never sat through an Easter service in a Southern Baptist church, over an hour of the pastor describing the tortures in detail, ever muscle fiber exposed by the scourge, every splinter in the cross that dug into that bloody mess of a back, etc. It’s the mother of all guilt trips.
Funny how those “balls” magically appeared on gooper crotches when a Dem is in the White House. They laughed when we told them they were giving these powers to the next Prez, who might be Hitlery. So thats another significant thing they got wrong.
“I’ll kick in ten bucks.”
Can I kick in ten Okie legislators?
@Schlemizel: Wanker? I remember that from My Blue Heaven.
“You’ve obviously never sat through an Easter service”
What you described makes sense for Good Friday services. But part of the reason for Good Friday services is to get to the Joy of Easter. I will take your word on the biblical inerrancy of Baptist preachers.
Today in derp:
Sometimes, there’s no accounting for taste.
@Schlemizel: Funny how those “balls” magically appeared on gooper crotches when a Dem is in the White House.
Yeah, it’s almost like how elected Democrats get really brave about civil liberties when a Repuke is in the White House. Imagine that.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Pikers. The real marathons are in Eastern Orthodoxy, the 4 hour service on Holy Thursday evening with all the passion gospels, the Lamentations on Good Friday (another 3 hours in the evening), and the 3-4 hour Pascha (Easter) service at midnight on Sat night/Sun morning. And don’t forget all the little 2 hour extravaganzas in the middle.
When you get home at 4:30 AM or so on Sunday morning, you’re drained,
You are so drained at 4:30 am that you eat the Mayiritsa without complaining.
I am not sure what your point is. Obama has been in office for several years, and it is only now that either party in Congress is seriously addressing the Congressional oversight of our national security. And Alan Grayson signed the letter I quoted, so it can’t be framed as an entirely partisan effort.
And I don’t see much value in having a pissing contest about whether Democrats in Congress have been as bad as Republicans over national security; both parties have been disgraceful.
dr. luba
@MomSense: Ha! Ukrainian orthodox (5 hours minimum Pasch service) get kobasa (sausage), salo, paska (sweet Easter bread), hard-boiled eggs and vodka.
@beltane: I loved it, but I know a lot of people haven’t liked The Empty Hearse and The Sign of Three because they think the episodes focused too much on emotional issues and were too comical.
Moffat and Gatiss have a history of confounding expectations, and playing fast-and-loose with genre conventions; so it’s not unexpected they would take Sherlock places many fans don’t care for.
I won’t say I love everything they’ve done without reservation; but my reservations are very small.
The voices in my head are much more coherent than any rt wing radio idiot. And they have better conversations.
@dr. luba:
That sounds much better! Are the eggs blood red?
@Mandalay: Issa doesn’t give a flying fuck about Clappers actions per se. They may be serious, he may be evil incarnate. Issa doesn’t care. He sees him in exactly the same way he sees anyone else in what he perceives to be a compromised situation. Just another convenient stick with which to beat Obama until the next news cycle. Then rinse and repeat with another poor schmuck.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
You pretty much agree with Issa about everything. STFU.
@schrodinger’s cat:
You can know the location of a comment, or it’s time, but not both.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Except that Southern Baptists don’t do Good Friday services. (At least, not when I was still trapped among them. Such things were *whispers* Papist.) And they don’t do catharsis. For them, the wrap up isn’t emotional release and joy, but “look at what your sin put him through!” It’s a miserable way of missing the point of a passion play.
So no, I don’t think that the serious Godbotherers will be put off at all by an unsanitized crucifix.
@Arclite: Given OK’s being the center of the natural gas production in the US these days, an eternal flame burning at a Zoroastrian fire temple would be most appropriate. Just sell it to the OK legislature as another use for fossil fuels. Go Nowruz!