excellent clip of Pete Seeger & Johnny Cash playing together http://t.co/T7b2Vmm4Wq
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) January 28, 2014
Stolen from Billmon’s twitter feed, of course.
How goes the evening?
This post is in: Music, Open Threads
excellent clip of Pete Seeger & Johnny Cash playing together http://t.co/T7b2Vmm4Wq
— Mike Elk (@MikeElk) January 28, 2014
Stolen from Billmon’s twitter feed, of course.
How goes the evening?
Comments are closed.
Palate cleanser here.
To clean or not clean dogs on other non-SOTU thread.
Refreshingly brisk SOTU.
Heaven is where Pete Seeger and Johnny Cash (and June) are.
I missed the SOTU completely. I apparently have the flu. I blame my students.
Just wondering – if my fever is 102, does that mean global warming is a hoax?
patrick II
If you have facebook, make sure to check out Pee-wee Herman’s page for a picture of tonight’s SOTU.
Feel better, soonest.
@themis: a fellow sufferer! This flu is a stinker, isn’t it? Really high temps. I got some tamiflu this morning, plus benzonatate and the two of them seem to be helping a bit.
No but 102 degree fever is in serious territory. You might want to take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to try and knock it down.
pseudonymous in nc
50 minutes of Pete Seeger, Johnny Cash and June Carter from 1965.
Tweety is such a lost caus. Why does he think only “center right” are patriotic? Apparently, parts of the speech were “center right” because of the patriotic message.
Hill Dweller
TCM is showing Get Carter(Michael Caine version) unedited. This has to be the most nudity they’ve shown before midnight in the channel’s history.
@Elizabelle: @SuperHrefna:
Both of you are too kind. I was fine, really fine 4 hours ago. Then I was tired, took a nap and now I’m awake enough to not even know what time it is.
I get being sick – I just don’t get it sneaking up like this. I cancelled classes tomorrow, so at least my students love me. I have that:)
@Anoniminous: Already done
@themis: Hope you feel better. After 3 weeks I am still not fully recovered from my bout with the flu.
So I got an e-mail today. It was from the IRS recruiter for the job I put in for way back in December (right before my surgery). He wanted to call and discuss the position. I was having trouble with my phone signal (it gets dicey out at the ranch) so I asked him if I could call tomorrow. He e-mailed back and said okay, but I’m offering you the position. So now I get to move back to the Tri-Cities. Oh and the only pay I lose is my differential for Seattle.
My song of the night is Laura Mvula’s She http://youtu.be/3J7DbO56QOI
I think what he is sensing is that the president was outlining progressive goals and rooting them in traditional values (framing) which is effective messaging. I hope that Democrats will do the same this campaign season. Framing UI benefits as hardworking Americans taking their shot at achieving the American dream is brilliant.
@themis: that happened to me on Sunday. I was fine until I was very, very, very sick with a fever of 102.5. Go see a doctor! It’s a nasty flu, and there are things they can prescribe that help, though mostly we just have to knuckle down to the drink fluids and rest program.
@Yatsuno: Congrats! Or Congrats? In any case, where’s the Tri-Cities?
Congratulations, Yatsuno.
What are the Tri-Cities?
@patrick II: HAHAHAHA ! That’s excellent
@Violet: isn’t that where Patricia Briggs sets her werewolf novels?
@Hill Dweller:
Yep. Already tuned to TCM.
Last TCM movie I saw was “The Baby” on Saturday overnight. With big 1970s cars, one a big green sedan.
Swear I saw the same car in “Dallas Buyer’s Club” today. Deja vu that Buick or whatever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wish I had known Pierce was live-tweeting
Anne Laurie, if you get the chance, please let us know how the Okiciyap fundraiser is going. And thank you for letting us know about it.
@Yatsuno: Tri-Cities as in southeast WA Tri-Cities? instead of Seattle? Is that a good thing?
I am glad I am not the only one with that question.
Twin Cities. We’d think “lots of snow and Lutherans.”
Tri-Cities. Could be anywhere.
OT: Michael Caine is so handsome. Jude Law will never attain those sideburns.
OH! MY. GOD! This is so moving: Dying father pens 800 napkin messages for his daughter.
@SuperHrefna: No idea. Never heard of her or her novels.
? Martin
Oops. Wrong thread. Nevermind.
Another Holocene Human
Pete Seeger is dead, but the social justice and labor movements are alive. Pass it on. Just got done watching #SOTUchat.
@Violet: Ah! Best selling urban fantasies set in WA.
@SuperHrefna: a Doc is my first thing to do tomorrow – I even managed to call a friend to take me. I’ll live, but right at this moment, I’m not sure I want to:)
The SOTU is a family party in my upbringing – and I slept through it. I’m leaning on you guys to catch me up.
Johnny Cash’s TV show was an absolute cultural treasure. RIP to both of them.
@Violet: @Elizabelle: Here.
@themis: IMHO, tt was a snappily delivered laundry list that did not seem like one, with some barely subtextual put-downs and double-dog dares to Congressional GOP. GOPers polite, no one tired to citizen arrest or impeach Barack and Joe on the spot. Boehner appeared to be seriously shit-face drunk. Biden took a lot of notes and smiled (or had a contact drunk from Boehner).
Two first ladies glowingly good looking.
Moving tribute to wounded soldier to wrap up.
Obama did not seem like a wounded president trying to recover from the Most Awful Year in Presidential History, or even a slump.
Some Democrat love to KY guv pulling a great Obamacare rollout.
A pleasant interlude for the evening.
Edit: GOP might consider a combo response / cooking show next year. Nothing seems to work for them responswise.
@Yatsuno: So is that move a good thing? Nearer family or something?
Jesus Christ. You should hear this poo-flinging monkey Huelskamp on MSNBC. It’s insane.
Rachel Maddow is interviewing some crazy republican from Kansas. He just called her a cheerleader for the administration.
@Anya: That’s pretty mild. Are you sure he is a crazy GOP, or a poseur?
@jl: It’s a big leg up in the career, so I can live with it. Plus my parents and some good friends are also about. I’m just going to have to live on coffee because I’m gonna have to go back to doing a normal human schedule again.
@jl: Mom – is that you? I know I missed our annual phone call…
Seriously, thank you. I’m half-listening to MSNBCs post mortum, but every time Chris Mathews speaks I need to barf.again.
I’m thinking that the new flu is a republican plot to keep a good liberal from lecturing her poor poor students from learning that the brain is an actual thing.
Maybe it can be like “Chopped” and one of the speechifyers is eliminated after each round.
You now win all the internets.
@jl: Oh trust me, the crazy was off the chart. Really insane.
Omnes Omnibus
I saw part of Tapper interviewing Cruz when I switched on CNN during commercial break on Justified. Creep and Creepier. I can’t believe Cruz is as young as he is; I think he is one of those people who was born late middle aged and disapproving. I switched back to Justified pretty damn fast.
Another Holocene Human
@Yatsuno: Big congrats!
Omnes Omnibus
@Yatsuno: Lateral move? More interesting job? Location?
Suffern ACE
@Yatsuno: can you pick which three cities, or are you tied to a specific set of three cities?
@Omnes Omnibus: Definitely a more interesting job. Plus I’ll pick up the business side of things which will expand my knowledge. Plus I can go higher here than in my current job, so it makes sense.
I’ll have to break my current lease to take this job, so that will be interesting. Especially since they’ve done nothing to improve the property in the 4 1/2 years I’ve live there. And raised my rent twice. But I can get a place much cheaper, I don’t have to pay for parking or a housecleaner (unless I want one), and cost of living is lower here. I MIGHT even get to keep my current salary, but I’m not sure.
Omnes Omnibus
Even with the Feds, things are negotiable.
ETA: It doesn’t hurt to ask.
@Suffern ACE: I could live in any of them or out of town if I wanted. Getting to that office isn’t difficult driving-wise. So I have lots of options for where to live location-wise.
Kelso Richland and Longview.
Congratulations, Yats!
Pete’s going to be missed, badly. What a cool human being.
Congrats Yatsuno!
I was floored when I saw him do “Colours” with Donovan.