Michael Grimm, a Republican representing Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, won the State of the Union Republican Asshole of the Day Contest after an interview with a home-town cable news reporter:
“So Congressman Michael Grimm does not want to talk about some of the allegations concerning his campaign finances,” Scotto said before tossing back to the station. But as the camera continued to roll, Grimm walked back up to Scotto and began speaking to him in a low voice.
“What?” Scotto responded. “I just wanted to ask you…”
Grimm: “Let me be clear to you, you ever do that to me again I’ll throw you off this f—–g balcony.”
Scotto: “Why? I just wanted to ask you…”
[[cross talk]]Grimm: “If you ever do that to me again…”
Scotto: “Why? Why? It’s a valid question.”
[[cross talk]]Grimm: “No, no, you’re not man enough, you’re not man enough. I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”
There’s video at the link.
As you can expect this is big story on NY1 this morning. People are surprised at the Congressman’s actions since he could have seen the camera was still there and Scotto was still holding his mic. It should be assumed that the mic on still on and the camera still running. Stupid reaction on Grimm’s part. His constituency might like it, think it shows he’s a tough man but it shows, I think, that he’s a stupid man.
What a total asswipe and worst, the low IQ’s that voted for this complete filth will be pround of that clown’s actions; be sure, the coward making those threats would get his clock cleaned if he had tried to act on those empty words. What a joke all thugs are but that piece of shit is near the top (except that shit like him – sinks.)
Ash Can
@PurpleGirl: My first thought too. How difficult is it to understand the concept of video evidence? Grimm is a fucking moron.
Might want to go back through his FBI work to see who else he threatened and cajoled.
Grimm’s excuse for this idiocy is that the reporter didn’t “respect” him.
Why is the image of Fredo from “Godfather II” in my head?
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
Hey, everybody, settle down, what he did was OK because he was annoyed.
He isn’t even a current target in the finance thing–it’s a straw donor thing. Guilty conscience much?
I dont think barack obama gets enough credit for not doing this pretty much every second.
mai naem
I’m wondering if there is tape of Dawn Zimmer at the public tv event with the Richard Constable fellow when he allegedly told her that the rumor in Trenton was that she was against the Rockefeller project and that governor wanted to move on it. I just thought it was odd that she specifically mentioned that the mikes were on when he said this, almost because she had evidence.
I’ve had guys try to pull this act on me outside court in post-divorce confrontations on several occasions. They’re usually abusive fucks unhappy that I’ve beaten them in court.
My response is to double down-I lean in, drop my stuff, and invite it by telling them they get first swing. I go a step beyond after that, saying “but it better be a good one that puts me down, because if it isn’t a KO, then it’s on.”
Works like a charm every time. The bully wannabes never take me up on it.
@gf120581: What is it with assholes and respect. Did nobody ever take thm aside and tell them that respect has to be earned , it is not an entitlement. One thing I have learned is that most of these POS that have to demand respect have never done anything to earn it
@PurpleGirl: Not only that, nowadays, you should assume that the camera is on, even when you can’t see a camera or mic, and that everything you say can, and will be posted on the intertoobz
Patricia Kayden
@Botsplainer: You must not live in a Stand Your Ground state.
Amir Khalid
So there’s more than one hoodlum in the Republican party. Gosh, I am surprised.
At least he’s not some sort of thug like Richard Sherman.
There was an article in the New Yorker a couple of years ago in which Grimm is alleged to have said (about his date’s husband) that he would “make him disappear where nobody will find him.”
So … still an idiot.
@GRANDPA john:
Republican: not allowed to ask questions during an interview unless sufficiently respectful
Democrat: you may yell, “you lie!” during the State of the Union.
Ash Can
I’m amused by the roundup of tweets (from various reporters) on this subject that commenters at LGF are posting. The general consensus is that Grimm’s is the only Republican response that anyone’s talking about this morning.
@Ash Can:
If true, that’s exactly as it should be.
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
@Ash Can: Well, it was the most coherent one.
He’s twice the size of the reporter. Let’s see him try that shit with me.
mai naem
@Ash Can: Well, I am not a Republican but here’s the transcript of my response(I taped in my basement living room festooned with my Obama picture, my Yes We Can poster, my various Obama bumper stickers, and ofcourse my limited edition Franklin Mint Obama commemorative plate. I was dressed in my Obama 2012 polo and khakis and had water in my Obama tumbler close by so I wouldn’t do a Marco Rubio.) Also too I had the musleemee symbol thing hanging off my gold rapper chain and a black panther arm band.
“The President showed a lot of leadership tonight. He’s a constitutional lawyer so I am sure his executive orders are all legal and stuff. And his wife looked hawt tonight. Also, the injured soldier was just a great rhetorical flourish. Anyhow, President Obama is the greatest president of our time and this is the greatest State of the Union address of our time. Thank you and Allah Akbar”
Fucking Staten Island.
Ash Can
@maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor:
One reporter observed that Grimm pulled his little stunt at precisely the wrong time — not just with the camera rolling, but on SOTU night, when every reporter nationwide is on line.
Ash Can
@mai naem: Heh!
ETA: And that’s probably a lot more sincere than all the other responses put together.
Cowards have guns.
Careful, dude. One of them is going to blast you one of these days.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Well, this should stop anyone from asking about the campaign finance investigation that Mr Grimm so sensitive about.
Also, too, he is not a bully. (I’m pretty sure he was one of the first to speak up for Christie, before Giuliani or Barbour)
@GRANDPA john:
When this is what one of Grimm’s peers in the US House of Reps has to say, then no, I don’t think respect is to be accorded to any of these dicks. The GOP has become a sewer of anger, resentment and ill-mannered jackals. They can ‘t show even basic decorum about the POTUS, so they don’t deserve to receive any in return.
I think it’s time to give Staten Island back to New Jersey.
@MattF: No, what we should do is give it back to the Lenape.
Shocked that he did that in front of a camera.
Poor impulse control.
How possible is it for a Democrat to win Grimm’s Staten Island district?
Rex Everything
You have to admit Grimm is pretty tough for standing up to an intimidating fella like Michael Scotto. My hero!
Possible — but as currently constituted, the district is more likely to elect a conservative Democrat than a liberal one.
(By the way, it’s Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn.)
I believe its rated vulnerable. Here’s Democrat Domenic Recchia’s Act Blue page. I gave last night before going to bed.
@Elizabelle: I’d guess that it’s a gerrymandered district, safely Republican. Unless the current representative does something exceptionally stupid…
Suffern ACE
Blah. I woke up this morning with watery eyes, drippy nose, stuffy head and a sore throat. I’d threaten to sneeze on reporters. No need to break anyone in half.
You beat me to it.
maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor
@Elizabelle: @Elizabelle:
Staten Island. It’s possible last night’s hijinx sealed a win for him this fall.
Thank you. Fingers crossed Congressthug Grimm finds himself in another line of work at next year’s SOTU.
Go Dems!
@maximiliano furtive, formerly known as dr. bloor:
Yeah, there is that. But let’s give Staten Island the benefit of a doubt.
NY-11 is rated lean Republican by the Cook Report. It’s only R+2.
Saw somewhere last night that even before this incident, Grimm was one of the more vulnerable Rs in ’14.
Smartypants sure managed to get his little locally confined issue of campaign finance shennanigans national attention. ChiTrib certainly had no reason to bother before, let alone the Guard. Still, Great bouts of back-slapping among the PRTeam, no doubt. Personal Publicity Achieved, and with his own schtick too! Next time he can do it with his Mexican Wrestler mask on. Wheeee!
@Elizabelle: “Cowards have guns.”
Not on leaving the courtroom.
Aww, go easy on the Congressman.
He was probably expecting the bootlicking that Dancin’ Dave would have given him.
An actual journalist asking actual questions was more than he was ready for.
Ben Cisco
Trial balloons floating for adding this asshole to the 2016 NeoConfederate ticket in 5, 4, 3, 2…
I know that, but couldn’t he grab one out of his car? Or find botsplainer at his office?
@mai naem: I read or heard a couple of weeks ago that the station said they do not keep tapes that long, so there is no record.
Michael Grimm has landed himself in The New Yorker, which provides a recap on his various legal scuffles over the years. He’s also got a history of getting into it with reporters.
Is Michael Grimm Man Enough to Serve?
Ah. He massages the “law and order” nerve of his constituents. But it’s his own law:
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. New Yorker article is short and worth a read.
Bill Arnold
Or mirrors. In this case fire seems far more likely though, agreed.
of course. easiest way to make sure the skeletons stay in the closet is the physically threaten a reporter. amirite?
@Patricia Kayden:
Metal detectors in the courthouse. Plus, at home and at work, I’m not without items of my own.
What an asshole. So, as a Marine, he had problems with civilian control; as a fed, with upholding the law; as a congressman, with serving his constituents. Got it. Investigate his whole fucking adult life.
Besides, didn’t he commit a felony on TV last night? “Issuing Terroristic Threats” usually involves too much he said/he said, but Grimm was stupid enough to do it on camera. Shouldn’t he be facing charges?
@RaflW: only if the Dem sends dog whistle signals that he doesn’t like black folks. It’s Staten Island after all.
Always talk in public with the expectation there are cameras on you and people are documenting your rants. Save your rage for the shadows… where your ninja squads await your orders…
Not that I’ve read it (and neither has Congress) that buried somewhere in the Patriot Act it defines overt threats of violence and mayhem in the Capitol as ‘terrorism.’
Thank you for your service, and though your enlistment helped the cause of freedom and gives you the right to be a dick, your position in government means that you are a public servant in another context.
“The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.” –Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823
Not that I’ve read it (and neither has Congress) but I’d bet that buried somewhere in the Patriot Act it defines overt threats of violence and mayhem in the Capitol as ‘terrorism.’
Thank you for your service, and though your enlistment helped the cause of freedom and gives you the right to be a dick, your position in government means that you are a public servant in another context.
“The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.” –Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823
Paul in KY
If I was the reporter, I’d have laughed at him and said something to effect of ‘Go ahead, I’ll get a Pulitzer for sure!’
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer: One of them may shoot you in the back some day. That’s how those kinds of cowards operate.
Paul in KY
@Elizabelle: See you already mentioned that.
“Representative Grimm, you may think you are some big powerful guy. But I’ve seen a man throw a boy off a balcony and break him. I know Jaime Lassiter. I REALLY know Jaime Lassiter. And you, Ser, are no Jaime Lassiter.”–Cersei Lassiter
Paul in KY
@catclub: They would get him later (I think that was mine & Elizabelle’s assumption). Was mine anyway.
Paul in KY
@Botsplainer: Glad you are.
Paul in KY
@jon: Nicely done, but it is ‘Lannister’.
Pendantic point…
@Paul in KY: Damnit!
(And how dare you disrespect me like that!? I ought to… thank you.)
I will break you… Mister Wayne…
Did you ever hear the Sopranos’ alternate opening title? Tindersticks’ cover of “Other Side of Town”. They did appear in the show anyways, via “Tiny Tears”.
Also, with respect to Michael Grimm.
“My wife’s up there poking around like she knows what the fuck she’s doing, I fired her ass off onto the fucking car.”
Paul in KY
@jon: You’re typing fast & have a good quip to get out. I’ve certainly made my share of them!
@MattF: Check out his facebook page. His constituents don’t see, too happy with him either. I couldn’t be more proud of my old home of Bay Ridge Brooklyn, they see him for the punk he is.