I saw some internets about “Perkinsnacht” and I assumed it was a joke. Silly me.
Liberal vituperation makes our letter writer’s point.
Has anyone on the right connected the obvious dots and noted how the prosecution of brave dissidents like Dinesh D’Souza and Bob McDonnell is pretty much exactly how the Holocaust began?
Also too, this is nitpicking, but “vituperative” is very 2010. I like to think it died when David Broder did. The operative word now is “gleeful”, I’m fairly sure.
negative 1
Since apparently we liberals control everything now and I get to help choose who we persecute, can I please add a few names to the list? I don’t know, just obscure billionaires and people who like Dinesh shot themselves in the foot long before I could persecute them just don’t seem to get me excited like they once did. I propose we get rid of David Brooks, so we could at least claim we’re making the world a better place.
it’s simply a shame that we can’t harness all of this projection to get a better look at space objects, but then again, maybe having to account for the extreme shift to the right in the resulting doppler effect outweighs any potential benefits…..
I thought this cartoon from Matt Bors at Daily Kos was not only the best comeback but shows just how ridiculous these whiners are. Anytime someone says “A is just like B” then reverse it and see just how ridiculous it sounds.
This morning I cut open a grapefruit and the skin was thicker than I expected. With less pulp it felt as though something terrible had been done to me.
It was worse than the Holocaust.
Obama’s War goes deeper than you think. Scroll down and look at the caption of the second image.
@Belafon: That is so full of win.
Reminds me a little when emoprogs compare everything to a police state.
” This morning I cut open a grapefruit and the skin was thicker than I expected. With less pulp it ”
Well, thaaaaaaaaaanks Obama!
I don’t think the operative word is ‘gleeful’. I think ‘astonished’ and ‘amused’ are more accurate.
Half a degree removed from “I support [sociopath X] because he/she/it drives liberals crazy!”
A philosophy that will get one far, in life.
Ash Can
One does not need to be poor, or liberal, or socialist, or left wing, or anything Perkins and the WSJ object to, to find a comparison between resentment of the wealthy and the Holocaust COMPLETELY FUCKING OBJECTIONABLE.
Forget Perkins. I think the Wall Street Journal is saying a whole lot more here than it thinks it is, and I hope it gets an earful about it from right-minded people everywhere.
Eric U.
When someone demonstrates they are as confused by reality as Perkins obviously is, it causes a sort of mental whiplash in observers. Nonplussed is probably not strong enough to describe my response, but I don’t think there is much overlap between ridicule and ‘vituperative’. I don’t think he is that well-known anyway, who cares?
NO! Not…………vituperation! (Shudders.)
If liberals control everything (according to right-wing media propagandists), then why is it:
Unionizations of the workforce is at an all time low?
Global warming continue unabated while the U.S. does nothing?
Income inequality is at all time highs?
Wall Street grows richer while the percentage of Americans living in or near poverty is swelling?
Single payer healthcare is barely any closer to fruition than before Obamacare?
Guantanamo Bay is STILL open?
But I guess not taking seriously each bit of insane nonsense any rich person says is how the Holocaust began, indeed, all genocides begin.
Is there some old saying about how you know you are winning when everyone starts laughing at your enemy?
Maybe the strong man and thug Mahatma Gandhi said something like that? I’m not sure.
Anyway, making fun of some one equals genocide. That is elementary.
And speaking Gandhi, you know who else was a popular leader of a mas movement, don’t you?
pseudonymous in nc
The WSJ is a newspaper dedicated to free market capitalism.
It charges for access to news articles. It provides its opinions for free.
And it’s basically trolling liberals here while sucking up to the Master Baiters of the Universe.
Joey Maloney
@Citizen_X: NOBODY expects the Liberal Inquisition!
So there.
Der leader is now the Sky Assassin at some wingnut sites.
Perkins should read that libertarian Daniel Suarez’s sci-fi. Part of the plot is chasing the 1% into their panic rooms with autonomous motorcycle drones equipped with torches and buzz saws. And then doing gory homages to Jackson Pollock.
Liberals just aren’t creative enough with the machinery of holocaust.
Villago Delenda Est
I really think we should indulge Perkins and work very hard to make his fantasy come true.
Splitting Image
Everything is like the Holocaust except the Holocaust. Everything is like slavery except slavery. Everything is like rape except rape.
If the Republicans’ outreach program extended to the First Nations, everything would be like the Trail of Tears. Except the Trail of Tears.
Villago Delenda Est
Yup. Just ask the Dixie Chicks about that.
I suppose a deluge of liberal apologies will follow. Because moral high ground and all that.
Paul in KY
@goblue72: We are luring them into a state of overconfidence (buwhahahaha), and then we will withhold our means of production & the capitalist running dogs will grovel in fear at our proletariat tumbrels!
One billionaire, one bullet.
El Caganer
All they need is to add a line about having something rammed down their throats, and it will be wingnut perfection.
Way back in the day, I do think there was a time when political correctness ran amok among some liberals and lefties. (I was at the University of Michigan in the late 80s, and it could get irritating, even for someone who was on their side.)
But those days are long gone. The WATB are almost exclusively on the right. And it looks particularly ludicrous for tough-guy advocates of rough-and-tumble capitalism to have such delicate fee-fees.
Where are the Anti-Defamation League and the other anti-anti-semitism vigilantes on this?
Saying that liberal criticism = Kristallnacht is basically sh*tting on the memory of every holocaust victim.
Could we build a Galt’s Gulch that was really a giant gas chamber?
Or would they just self spontaneously combust from their own gas?
Villago Delenda Est
I think they’re busy looking for critics of militarist, racist Likud government of Israel.
schrodinger's cat
This is nothing, watch the GOP implode when and if the House takes up immigration reform.
First they came for the capital gains tax.
Yes, it’s a rare example of a post-’60s phenomenon that holds an important place in the conservative mind.
@Tractarian: If it doesn’t concern Israel, the ADL does not care.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m so with you. We could have open warfare between the business wing and the tea partiers/nativists just in time for the 2104 election.
I sure hope so, because I don’t think it’s going to go well for us unless we catch a break like this.
Amir Khalid
Not soon enough.
schrodinger's cat
@EconWatcher: The demands of the nativists keep increasing.
1. They don’t want a path to citizenship for the undocumented/out of status immigrants unless they already qualify for one of the existing green card categories.
2. They also want to curtail future immigration flows severely.
They also want enforcement first, whatever that means.
Okay, someone check my history on this.
But weren’t Jews pretty much barred from politics and the positions of power in pre WWII Germany? They were likened to parasites, as people pulling down the rest of the population by not being productive.
The terminology used by the Nazis during the Kristallnacht period, well… it’s pretty much what you hear on Fox News about the Occupy Movement?
(Or have I just invoked Poe’s Law?)
Rob in CT
@Villago Delenda Est:
The best comparison to their fever dream is actually the The Blacklist and the HUAC hearings. Their side was behind that (and still largely think it was A-ok), so obviously liberals are coordinating this stuff. And of course they fail to mention the stuff their side was behind and still likes, even though it’s directly on point. Scum.
@EconWatcher: Yeah, well I was on campus in the late 90s and I can tell you the Michigan Review pretty much made sure that ended fast.
@Rob in CT:
Goes back further but, yes, those are great examples.
I had to google to find out what you were talking about. I am a very old man.
By the way, Go Blue!
schrodinger's cat
Has any one read Tiger mom’s new book? Their entire premise is flawed not to mention stupid.
Roger Moore
I think luring the billionaires into an actual Galt’s Gulch would be plenty good enough. Without a horde of servants, they’re going to be in trouble when they actually have to start doing stuff for themselves, and the whole thing will look more like the geezer version of Lord of the Flies than what Ayn Rand imagined.
Speaking of backstabbing low-lifes,
We need to talk more about Obama shredding the Constitution with all his decrees;
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
That means we implement all the harsh enforcement parts of the law first, and the part where immigrants get anything only come when the people who don’t believe in immigration say they’re satisfied, i.e. the twelfth of never. It’s a slightly less transparent way of making a bargain and then backing out on their side.
@srv: ‘Math’ and ‘counting’ are liberal conspiracies.
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: That’s how I read it too. For a country the size of a continent, it is going to be almost impossible to do what the antis want without turning the whole country into East Germany, and even then there will be some who will manage to slip past all that.
Shouldn’t the WSJ have phrased that as “unsere briefstellerische Angriff”?
@srv: Actually, that is pretty alarming. As Mr. Mcawber said: increase of 291, wonderful idyllic democracy, increase of 167, DISASTER!
St. godhead ground-of-our-being zombie Reagan issued 12667, which is the constitutional number of executive orders.
You’re proving the wingnuts points for them.
The Obama machine is going to throw you off a balcony, break you in half, like a boy.
@srv: Daniel Suarez’ future gets my vote. I’d love to give Loki and his army of deathbots free reign.
But I’d even sooner have a President or Prime Minister use the unlimited power at their disposal to establish the criminal conspiracies that surely exists amongst the 1%, and have the culprits spend the rest of their lives in a military prison while civil forfeiture apprehends their assests.
All the tools needed are in place….no sci-fi future is necessary.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
Shhh! You’re revealing their secret plan!
I agree that what’s gobsmacking here is the WSJ. I’ll allow that Perkins is accustomed to spouting off and is doing his old rich asshole routine. “You think I’m senile? Well, fuck you.” Not a big deal. But, folks, the WSJ is a major newspaper, and their editors, we now know, are completely delusional. This can’t be good.
schrodinger's cat
@MattF: Don’t forget that WSJ is Murdoch Faux News Journal now.
J.D. Rhoades
Well, confess, after reading whiny-ass crap like Perkins’ little tantrum and the “see, you disagree with him and you don’t kiss his ass, so it IS like the Holocaust” defenses, the idea of pogroms against these people is getting a lot more attractive.
schrodinger's cat
Wouldn’t comparison to the French Revolution have been more accurate?
@Tractarian: “Where are the Anti-Defamation League?”
The head is a wacko likudnik, and so this kind of insult gets no objection from him.
@schrodinger’s cat:
If the inmates really did take over the asylum at Charenton, like in Marat/Sade, then I agree, French Revolution fits today’s situation better.
Nice Stones reference..in my opinion their best song ever.
@SpotWeld: “But weren’t Jews pretty much barred from politics and the positions of power in pre WWII Germany?”
No, they were given editorial page space on the leading German newspapers to fulminate against the government.
@srv: The Emancipation proclamation was an executive order.
So was FDR exiting the Gold Standard. This will not end well for Meachem.
Mike in NC
We’re not even out of January, yet damn near every day so far this year has been a conservative demolition derby: Christie, McDonnell, D’Souza, Huckabee, Grimm, etc. Will this clown show ever cease?
@Roger Moore:
If someone will make that movie, I so promise to buy a ticket.
Great opening that’s for sure.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
But less flattering to 0.01% egos. Nobody wants to be compared to Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette.
Wow. You mean a scientist…did his job? What a monster.
And him bringing a libel suit is “trending towards totalitarianism.” Fuck you, assrocket. Oh, sorry, I just gulaged him by calling him a name.
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: How about the Russian Revolution, then? After all Obama is communist, Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist.
Ernest Pikeman
I don’t know, I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.
Villago Delenda Est
@Rob in CT:
It’s always projection with these motherfuckers.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
That’s because no one emphasizes with Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette. The subtext is that the two got what they deserved, and parasites like Perkins don’t want to draw that parallel.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sure. The underlying problem is that the 0.01% are not very sympathetic themselves and do deserve to be taken down, if not necessarily executed. They’re going to keep drawing inaccurate analogies because any analogy about people being torn apart by the mob that’s remotely apt will have to refer to people who got what they had coming.
@Citizen_X: Right. They think they can dish it out, but really they fail at that all the time.
Never mind taking it in return.
Bubblegum Tate
Wingnut response to this: “Yes, but Obama’s Executive Orders are illegal!”
Splitting Image
@Villago Delenda Est:
Actually, I have a fair amount of sympathy for Marie Antoinette. She was married off to the ruler of a foreign country to cement a political alliance and ended up trying to run the government of his country as it slid into chaos because he was even less up to the job of doing it than she was.
When she tried to do the smart thing and get out of Dodge, she was blocked from leaving. Then they cut her head off.
The real damage to France was done by the previous generation, who lived the good life and figured they would all die before the shit hit the fan. “Aprez nous, le deluge” – Mme. de Pompadour.
@DougJ: Best opening ever…
@Mudge: This might be the best night in the last five years for posting headlines, with the Specials one that follows. Or maybe the one that’s most relevant to my sophomore year in college.