Funny that because I feel like the country dodged a bullet on that one.
So I’m sick as a dog and I have no motivation to do anything. I’m not as bad as my cousin who has severe bronchitis (and got turned away at the student health service EVEN THOUGH THEY TOLD HER TO COME BACK IF IT GOT WORSE!!!) but this shit needs to get out of my nose. At least I’m not missing work beyond what I’m doing now.
Speaking of which, doc cleared me to work and drive. I start the new gig February 24th once some last bits of paperwork go through. So yeah, Year of the Horse is rocking.
@Alexandra: Well now isn’t that special. Someone should remind her Mormon women shouldn’t be so disrespectful.
Loss can be a good thing. Lost weight is the obvious one, but I’ve often lost track of things I was unfortunately given and couldn’t immediately hurl against the wall because of baseline politeness. One can also learn from loss, something Princess Romney isn’t showing signs of.
@Yatsuno: Excellent. I hope this new job is awesome.
The reporter, Mr. Scotto, is nephew to one Anthony Scotto, former Mob boss of the Gambino family. Now I know why his co-worker kept describing him as “fearless”.
Traveling — but here’s a fun one: “Republican candidate running for Congress in 4 different states”:
Levene’s reasoning is simple: he wants to be a member of Congress and feels he is too old to follow a traditional path by working his way up in local government. A naturalized citizen originally from England, he told he feels compelled to serve.
“I have such a debt to this country, a debt of gratitude to the United States for taking me in and letting me become a citizen about 40 years ago that I have to repay it,” he said. “I just have to.”
(By Stephanie McNeal, Fox News, today — here’s an older PolitiFact story.)
Here in CA “yellow’s mellow and brown goes down” until it rains/snows a whole lot.
Princess Leia
Fostering a dog – I pick her up tomorrow. She is overweight and needs lovin’. Will fit right in!
If it’s the same thing that was going around my office before the holidays, my neti pot saved me from a whole lot of grief — it cleared all that nasty stuff out and got the remaining mucus down to a drizzle.
And yay for new jobs! It sounds like this one will let you be geographically closer to the family and the border collies, yes?
@Fuzzy: Okay, but I must warn you: back when the original “mellow yellow” tactic was first deployed, it was the 70s and low-flow toilets hadn’t been developed yet. Today’s widely used low-flow models are far less forgiving, as I found out yesterday when my toilet clogged when flushing after a third pee episode: pee only, I tells ya, with minor paper usage – hardly a conscience-shocking production – and yet. So consider the low-flow capacity, and be ready with the plunger.
Great article on Kerry’s first year at State and how he differs from Hillary:
Analysts say Clinton’s political ambitions probably account for some of the differences in results between the two: Clinton saw the post as a stepping stone and played it safe, leaving office with no defining doctrine or big diplomatic feat, while Kerry is approaching it as a capstone, gambling on high-stakes initiatives in hopes of ending his decades-long political career with a diplomatic coup.
A year into Kerry’s tenure, Ross said, the picture from Asia is brighter. Ross, who’s in Beijing for six months, said U.S. diplomacy has brought about improved cooperation with China on North Korea, including landmark banking and other sanctions. And while there are still no U.S.-Chinese military agreements, he said, there are deeper military contacts so that American officials can “pick up the phone and call them if there’s an escalation.”
Perhaps most importantly, Ross said, the U.S. no longer takes hard positions on the sovereignty disputes.
“Secretary Kerry speaks with a quieter voice and made real policy adjustments,” Ross said. “The quiet approach has been more useful than his predecessor’s.”
Amazon considers hiking price for Prime delivery and online media
Reuters staff, Reuters
After missing Wall Street estimates for the holiday period, is considering a $20 to $40 increase in the annual $79 fee it charges users of its “Prime” two-day shipping and online media service, considered instrumental to driving online purchases of both goods and digital media.
Amazon has been trying to sustain its pace of growth by investing heavily in retail and distribution networks across the globe, while expanding into the technology realm with Kindle digital devices, cloud computing services and online media.
That has taken a toll on its bottom line. With revenue growth slowing as Amazon achieves unprecedented scale, analysts said investors may be getting impatient.
“Amazon’s gotten so many hall passes on earnings,” said Colin Gillis, an analyst at BGC Financial, adding that pressure on the company to produce profit is now rising. “Perhaps the market expectations for them to deliver income, as their revenue growth slows” is increasing, said Gillis.
Amazon now has to tread carefully as it ponders a Prime fee-hike, which could boost revenue and earnings but also risks alienating tens of millions of existing customers or discouraging new ones.
Executives said no decision had been made but stressed that they had not touched the fees since Prime’s inception.
A shameless puff piece on a nincompoop who called the army coup in Egypt a restoration of democracy.
Other than apparently not liking its conclusions, what do you have against the article? Is there anything wrong with the evidence offered and the reasoning therefrom? Re the coup in Egypt, the writer even mentions Kerry’s remark that you apparently find so important.
I ask because Hannah Allam is not a bad reporter and McClatchy’s DC bureau isn’t exactly known for “shameless puff pieces.” Do you have some reasoned basis for dismissing the article?
However, it’s a slam dunk that America won when denying the Marquis de Mittens the presidency prevented this vile harridan from being First Lady.
@Larkspur: Low flow, 1.6 GPF, steep sided bowl made by Toto works every time. Those elongated bowls do not. My plumber insisted on them during a BR remodel 7 years ago and they just plain work.
@russell: That idiot house member from Staten Island threatened to break a reporter in half and throw him off the balcony.
@Sherparick: Oh, come on. Why even think of John Fund in this connection? Much more edifying is Pete’s own testimony before the House Unamerican Activities Committee (August 18, 1955):
PETE SEEGER: I feel that in my whole life I have never done anything of any conspiratorial nature and I resent very much and very deeply the implication of being called before this Committee that in some way because my opinions may be different from yours, or yours, Mr. Willis, or yours, Mr. Scherer, that I am any less of an American than anybody else. I love my country very deeply, sir.
CHAIRMAN FRANCIS WALTER: Why don’t you make a little contribution toward preserving its institutions?
SEEGER: I feel that my whole life is a contribution. That is why I would like to tell you about it.
OK… Ann Romney: ‘The Country Lost’ By Re-Electing Obama
Funny that because I feel like the country dodged a bullet on that one.
So I’m sick as a dog and I have no motivation to do anything. I’m not as bad as my cousin who has severe bronchitis (and got turned away at the student health service EVEN THOUGH THEY TOLD HER TO COME BACK IF IT GOT WORSE!!!) but this shit needs to get out of my nose. At least I’m not missing work beyond what I’m doing now.
Speaking of which, doc cleared me to work and drive. I start the new gig February 24th once some last bits of paperwork go through. So yeah, Year of the Horse is rocking.
@Alexandra: Well now isn’t that special. Someone should remind her Mormon women shouldn’t be so disrespectful.
Loss can be a good thing. Lost weight is the obvious one, but I’ve often lost track of things I was unfortunately given and couldn’t immediately hurl against the wall because of baseline politeness. One can also learn from loss, something Princess Romney isn’t showing signs of.
@Yatsuno: Excellent. I hope this new job is awesome.
The reporter, Mr. Scotto, is nephew to one Anthony Scotto, former Mob boss of the Gambino family. Now I know why his co-worker kept describing him as “fearless”.
Traveling — but here’s a fun one: “Republican candidate running for Congress in 4 different states”:
(By Stephanie McNeal, Fox News, today — here’s an older PolitiFact story.)
Here in CA “yellow’s mellow and brown goes down” until it rains/snows a whole lot.
Princess Leia
Fostering a dog – I pick her up tomorrow. She is overweight and needs lovin’. Will fit right in!
If it’s the same thing that was going around my office before the holidays, my neti pot saved me from a whole lot of grief — it cleared all that nasty stuff out and got the remaining mucus down to a drizzle.
And yay for new jobs! It sounds like this one will let you be geographically closer to the family and the border collies, yes?
@Fuzzy: Okay, but I must warn you: back when the original “mellow yellow” tactic was first deployed, it was the 70s and low-flow toilets hadn’t been developed yet. Today’s widely used low-flow models are far less forgiving, as I found out yesterday when my toilet clogged when flushing after a third pee episode: pee only, I tells ya, with minor paper usage – hardly a conscience-shocking production – and yet. So consider the low-flow capacity, and be ready with the plunger.
Great article on Kerry’s first year at State and how he differs from Hillary:
Amazon considers hiking price for Prime delivery and online media
Reuters staff, Reuters
After missing Wall Street estimates for the holiday period, is considering a $20 to $40 increase in the annual $79 fee it charges users of its “Prime” two-day shipping and online media service, considered instrumental to driving online purchases of both goods and digital media.
Amazon has been trying to sustain its pace of growth by investing heavily in retail and distribution networks across the globe, while expanding into the technology realm with Kindle digital devices, cloud computing services and online media.
That has taken a toll on its bottom line. With revenue growth slowing as Amazon achieves unprecedented scale, analysts said investors may be getting impatient.
“Amazon’s gotten so many hall passes on earnings,” said Colin Gillis, an analyst at BGC Financial, adding that pressure on the company to produce profit is now rising. “Perhaps the market expectations for them to deliver income, as their revenue growth slows” is increasing, said Gillis.
Amazon now has to tread carefully as it ponders a Prime fee-hike, which could boost revenue and earnings but also risks alienating tens of millions of existing customers or discouraging new ones.
Executives said no decision had been made but stressed that they had not touched the fees since Prime’s inception.
who the f**k walks around breaking boys in half?
A shameless puff piece on a nincompoop who called the army coup in Egypt a restoration of democracy.
Kerry is a pompous windbag who is way out of his depth in the Middle East.
Al Swearengen
What was that weird “like a boy” quip?
The first thing I thought was “How many boys have you ‘broken in half’? Is that some gay pedophile saying?”
@Yatsuno: Congratulations on the new gig! Last I saw there was a possibility the start date would be a unresolvable issue.
So you’re cleared to work now? Like you could go back to work next week?
@Stacy: Yeah, but I’m pretty sure the Mob aint dumb enough to try to whack a sitting US Congressman, and Grimm knows it.
Comrade Mary
@Yatsuno: Yay! / happy Kermit flailing dance
But why so violent, dpm? Why break this thread like a boy? Why not tickle it, like manly men?
Doesn’t mean you can’t have a couple of big guys loitering outside the congressman’s office to freak him out just for giggles.
Villago Delenda Est
And you should know, as you’re out of your depth on a wet sidewalk.
Other than apparently not liking its conclusions, what do you have against the article? Is there anything wrong with the evidence offered and the reasoning therefrom? Re the coup in Egypt, the writer even mentions Kerry’s remark that you apparently find so important.
I ask because Hannah Allam is not a bad reporter and McClatchy’s DC bureau isn’t exactly known for “shameless puff pieces.” Do you have some reasoned basis for dismissing the article?
Villago Delenda Est
That may or may not be true.
However, it’s a slam dunk that America won when denying the Marquis de Mittens the presidency prevented this vile harridan from being First Lady.
@Larkspur: Low flow, 1.6 GPF, steep sided bowl made by Toto works every time. Those elongated bowls do not. My plumber insisted on them during a BR remodel 7 years ago and they just plain work.
@russell: That idiot house member from Staten Island threatened to break a reporter in half and throw him off the balcony.
And worse, he failed to do it using Tom Hardy’s vocal affectations as BANE.
Comrade Mary
@PaulW: Are you sure?
Paul in KY
@Al Swearengen: Didn’t it refer to the asshole GOP dude after SOU address?
I would like to throw this out. John Fund is a dick, but is he a bigger dick than Rick Santorum or Tim Huelskamp? My evidence that at least for today, he is:
@Sherparick: Oh, come on. Why even think of John Fund in this connection? Much more edifying is Pete’s own testimony before the House Unamerican Activities Committee (August 18, 1955):
And so on.
The only thing that could have made that smackdown better would have been for Seeger to bring out his banjo and sing his testimony.
Open thread title FTW.