Because there’s at least a few opera buffs here, and many more with eclectic musical/documentary tastes. From the Kickstarter link:
THE TENOR FROM ABIDJAN is a feature documentary that will capture one West African’s quest to become a professional opera singer, despite the overwhelming odds against him. The film will focus on Landry Assokoly, a 24 year-old Ivorian from the tropical city of Abidjan, and follow him as he struggles for a spot in a top European conservatory, dealing with the implications of leaving home, moving to the Netherlands, and facing the highly competitive audition process, among other things.
The film will begin with Landry’s experience living in Cote d’Ivoire, and juxtapose his life at home with entirely different environment he will encounter in Europe. We will tag along as he endures a draconian visa approval process, says goodbye to family, boards a plane for the first time in his life, sets foot in Europe (also for the first time), finds himself alone in a foreign country, and exposes himself to criticism and acclaim from peers and professionals alike. We will see him succeed, stumble, and pick himself back up – all in the name of his deepest desire.
The Tenor from Abidjan is a film about an underdog’s hope in the face of adversity, and about daring to dream – but most of all it celebrates the unlikely story of Landry’s love for the Opera…
And because commentor Aji asked me so nicely:
You were kind enough to let me post a link to the Kickstarter campaign for a documentary film project by my spirit sister’s daughter: The Tenor From Abidjan. Kickstarter’s rule is that you must meet every single cent of the goal within the allotted timeframe, or the project gets NONE of the monies already pledged. Anyway, Taneisha is now down to the last four days, and still in need of $4,000 (out of an overall goal of $22,500)…
Her mom (shanikka at Daily Kos, and the one I call my spirit sis) posted a last-minute diary at DK today, here: A Different African Story. The Kickstarter link is here…
Oh, how cool. If I could I would, but I can share.
Dammit. I’m a bit tapped out after helping Michael Morones and buying a new computer plus the car payment next week. Guilt. I feelz it.
Anne Laurie
@Yatsuno: Spread the news, you can still do that!
Little Boots
oh good lord
@Yatsuno: I’m still angry. I hate knowing there isn’t much you can do.
Little Boots
or we could do this thing:
@Cassidy: Why are you angry?
I’m in. How could anyone say no to Taneisha Berg? I think if she asked me to go lie in the road I would probably do it.
Little Boots
the important thing is, I’m right.
plus, Omnes.
@Violet: The Michael Morones suicide attempt.
@Cassidy: @Violet: This. Family is on Medicaid but they’re in North Carolina and that won’t cover everything. Plus Medicaid is VERY stingy on rehab costs. The family has the full support of the brony community, and I’m hoping that the mention in People magazine will help out even more.
Little Boots
we need a new country.
I kicked in $50. I hope it helps.
Little Boots
we need a labor party. we really do.
@Cassidy: @Yatsuno: Thanks. I caught something about that here but hadn’t seen the actual story. How sad.
Edit: Wish I had some extra cash but I do not.
@Little Boots:
So does Britain.
@Violet: They’re at almost $50K plus the People mention just got out there. The article also included the donation info plus other news sources so help is pouring in. I’d rather you help the Kickstarter campaign because this story is very important and needs to be told.
And BTW the British lady who set this up is amazingly lovely. :) If I manage to get to London I definitely plan on visiting her then heading up to Cardiff to hit up another brony I’ve met through this.
Little Boots
yeah, we all do. If we ever see it.
I wish Tanisha had been mic’ed better for her promotional video. I could hardly hear her.
@ruemara: Seems like your workshop must be coming up soon. Wondering if you were able to get housing and if you guys are doing a BJ meet up.
I’m in.
Omnes Omnibus
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I just applied for a job with Allianz as a Compliance and Accounting Policy Analyst. It’s the kind of thing I’d be perfect for. I wish there was a chance in hell I’d get it.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
bout time you showed up.
I won’t have money until Thursday, but I’ll try to kick a little bit in then. Anything for the opera!
Pussy Riot on Colbert …
Roger Moore
@Little Boots:
Little Boots
@Roger Moore:
Little Boots
so nobody’s here?
come on? seriously, omnes.
Roger Moore
Good questions. I’m still willing to volunteer a spare bedroom, and I’m definitely up for a meetup.
Little Boots
I ask again.
@Roger Moore:
Me three. Though if it’s now the weekend of the 15th (which was the last I heard), I’m not sure I can make a meetup — my brother-in-law is coming into town that weekend. :-(
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: I also linked it on Facebook.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
oh, great.
do you know there are people that dont like The Weight.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Some even work hard to lose it.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
Just from this clip, it’s clear he has a fine natural voice, perfectly suited (to my ear) to the french repertoire he knows and loves. All it needs is training and nurturing and I hope to heaven he gets his kickstart.
@WaterGirl, @RogerMoore @ Memosyne
I had to make some tough choices and decided to forgo the workshop and take a photo job. Figured a career building move was worth putting off an educational event. But I will be going down on the 14th-16th to do some informational interviews and general networking events. Aww, Mem, maybe a Sunday Brunch-up?
Weirdly, Saturday night might be workable — he’s coming in Sunday morning.
ETA: The question is mainly, How much housecleaning will I have accomplished by Saturday afternoon?
@ruemara: Thank you so much for sharing! I just discovered this site, and I had a lot of love from you guys this morning! Thank you!
@Yatsuno: No guilt necessary. If you can think of a friend who might back, spread the word. Thank you for your support!
@Cassidy: There is lot’s you can do :) Spread the word! Kickstarter is all about grassroots and word of mouth. You might not be able to pledge, but someone you do might! Thank you all for your support, I’m really humbled – especially because Aji, who is spirit sister to my mom, did this all on her own!
@Mnemosyne: Thank you for your support! We’re going strong until Saturday so tomorrow is still in time. And if you know anyone who might be interested, feel free to spread the word. Here’s the link:
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Scott! Thank you so much. Which name did you use? You guys have been a real help, and even the smallest push is what it takes. Thank you again, and continue to spread the word!
@Mandalay: I would never put you in danger, promise. Especially because you are clearly very kind-hearted to back this project by a person you don’t know. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
@grishaxxx: thank you for our kind words. I will pass them along to Landry! Feel free to share, spread the word, tweet. You are all pretty damn amazing!
@Omnes Omnibus: Wow! Thank you! A lot!
@SiubhanDuinne: You are fantastic. Please, give yourself a hug for me. Thank you!
@ruemara: Sorry you couldn’t hear me! I’d be happy to answer any questions you have personally – didn’t realize that was an issue, but now I know!
Joy in FL
I hope the project gets funded. I just contributed– looking forward to the digital download.
Best wishes no matter what.