Via the Washington Post. Don’t know how I missed Ingrid Michaelson earlier, but there you are.
What’s on the agenda as we wrap up the weekend?
This post is in: Music, Open Threads
Via the Washington Post. Don’t know how I missed Ingrid Michaelson earlier, but there you are.
What’s on the agenda as we wrap up the weekend?
Comments are closed.
Watching the Beatles thing and eating salmon with a Dijon mustard/maple syrup glaze, roasted butternut squash and a wild rice pilaf with toasted almonds, green onions and cranberries on a bed of spinach and arugula. A nice New Zealand sauvignon blanc and peach pie with triple vanilla ice cream to round it all out and that will probably put me to bed quite nicely.
The princess wants Dowton instead of True Detective so’s it’s the DVR for that bad boy. Just finished that Sunday staple grilled chicken, collards, blackeyed peas and rice.
@geg6: Jeez.. have a nice evening while I’m sitting here blowing my nose and sniffling.
Higgs Boson's Mate
You made blacked peas and you didn’t cook them with ham hocks and okra?
Southern Beale
Tomorrow, Tennessee’s state House votes on whether to invite Sean Hannity to move to Nashville — I shit you not — but first they’ll have to address some Democratic amendments.
Politics. Le Sigh.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Smoked turkey necks.
Ski jumping is the event I’d most like to try in another life. Now that they’ve decided we can safely do so without our lady bits falling out. Sheesh.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Now I feel like a piker. All I’m cooking up is a garlic crusted pork loin, rice and gravy.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate:
Was Higgs Boson Just The Beginning?
(Huff post link)
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Nice, I’ve been off the swine for quite a while but I remember!
Ingrid Michaelson is easy to miss – she’s MOR for the Pitchfork set.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Don’t feel bad, I just had a peanut butter sandwich. When you’re the only one home, you can dine on that–or on hijiki-and-Spam stirfry, if you so desire. (And I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if someone in Hawaii or South Korea has tried that combination.)
Libby's person
Anyone have any experience selling tee-shirts and stuff with Zazzle or CafePress? I came up with a great logo for a houseparty fundraiser (for the NC House Democratic Caucus). I really want a tee shirt with this logo, and I think others might like one as well. I doubt we’ll try and make money off of the items, I just want a high-quality product and good customer service. Any advice would be welcome!
Higgs Boson's Mate
Amazing! Even so,I categorically refuse to be responsible for all of the mass in the universe. Being responsible for my own mass keeps me busy enough.
OK, before I go out and play in the rain, precipitation update for Central California. Meteorologist in news this morning said one g-damn foot of rain for Central Cal out of this weekend storm.
Addition to snow pack was still predicted to be only 4 to 5 feet. But heavy wet snow, Sierra cement, as one commenter put it last night. Most of that crud will stay there until it melts in the Spring.
I haven’t heard that cement phrase in a long time. It doesn’t fit, it’s more like plaster.
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: It’s the mass of the ass, the hair of the square and the angle of the dangle!
@raven: Speaking of phrases I haven’t heard in a long time. Brings back memories of middle school. Yuck, I hated middle school.
Edit: but isn’t it supposed to be ‘square of the hair’?
@jl: I heard em from engineering students at Illinois.
@jl: yep
Damn, why did the tee-vee have to get so good? Having to choose between Shameless, Walking Dead and Downton Abbey tonight.
@shelly: And True Detective.
Thread needs moar Ginger kitteh.
Libby's person
@JPL: Sorry to hear that you’re sick. I, my husband, and nearly everyone I know has had that crud at some point in the past month. I hope you get over it quickly!
The Fat Kate Middleton
I can’t say how many artists you’ve introduced here that have ended up in my iTunes collection. Thanks! And thanks for this. (BTW: What do you think of The Eels? )
Anne Laurie
@Libby’s person: Balloon Juice uses CafePress, for what it’s worth. Haven’t had to deal with the back end stuff myself (praise goddess) but I’ve been quite pleased with the quality of the calendar & my Tunch tshirt…
I thought most of the snow was Tahoe Basin? Did Mammoth get any?
Comrade Mary
@Garbo: I read something recently that claimed that it’s not the lady bits but female knees that are under high stress. Apparently a fair number of top women in ski jumping have blown out their knees.
Of course, in a world where men who box or play football risk getting their brains permanently damaged, this doesn’t mean that those women should be forbidden from taking those risks.
@jl: To you it may be plaster, to your ACL it’s definitely cement.
Glad to see some diminishment of your drought. I guess the rest of us will be able to eat food and drink wine next year after all.
Work work work til I die!
lurker dean
NJ’s paper of record publicly regrets their endorsement of Christie.
Their endorsement was actually very critical of Christie, which goes to show what a fraud the village was with their Christie fawning. “Our own view is that Christie is overrated. His spin is way ahead of his substance.”
Suffern ACE
@Southern Beale: I think you’ve put up a good fight over the years, but it’s time to move on. I think that we should start a bleg for you to raise 3.6 million to move into hannity’s apartment and we’ll petition the state legislature to issue a proclamation welcoming you to your new digs.
Leave Mr Peabody ALONE!
@Southern Beale:
I would like to see Hannity move in next door to John Cole.
This blog would be 1000 times more awesome than it already is.
Felonius Monk
That Ingrid Michaelson video reminds me of THIS.
A study on medical debt in Massachusetts has encouraging implications for the ACA.
Where is Sean Hannity going to move? For his career, he could move to California, or Atlanta, (CNN), but California is worse than NY, or does he move where he’s more in line politically like the deep south? But the negative to living in the deep south is the lack of culture that they must have enjoyed in NY and where would his children go to school? I vote for Chicago.
@Libby’s person:
There are a couple of companies that do t-shirts specifically for fundraising: here’s the page for Custom Ink and here’s the one for You might get slightly more cash from them than from the other guys, but read the fine print.
One step at a time.
Eat lentil soup and watch a gritty British cop show on Hulu.
@lurker dean: Interesting articles. Lame excuse that they felt they had to pick a candidate – if they thought they were both flawed but both had positive features as well, they could have just laid out their take of both candidates. That really would have been the better option since they admit toward the bottom of the article that the editorial boards was split.
Mike E
Thank God for Stevie Wonder, his Hohner, and his rockin’ chromatic harmonica.
I’m concerned that the absence of crushing debt will diminish the incentive to work and, ultimately, the dignity of work.
Mike E
And now, arguably, the greatest love song ever recorded.
@Comrade Mary:
It turns out that unisex sports training isn’t always good, because women’s knees need more strengthening than men’s do thanks to anatomy. It’s not a big deal if coaches are knowledgeable and focus on it, but a lot of coaches are clueless, especially at the high school and college levels, so women end up with more knee injuries.
Fun fact I discovered while researching for a friend: the most common knee injury in roller derby is tearing the PCL (posterior crucitate ligament) rather than the more common ACL injury you hear about in other sports.
Mike E
Rutles sighting!
edited for greater accuracy.
@Yatsuno: Nice article. Good for him. Yikes, 3 siblings who died and 2 who were in jail. No dad in the picture, and raised by another family part of the time. This guy must be really something special to have made such a success of himself.
Comrade Mary
@Mnemosyne: Nice link — thanks!
I’ve been looking for more sources to back up that opinion piece I read, but haven’t found anything else specifically about injury rates for men versus women in ski jumping. This was interesting, though, if a few years old.
What seems to be sadly common among both sexes in ski jumping is disordered eating.
Corner Stone
@raven: I was just reading that. Seems like something worthy of an inclusion in an FP post/update.
Kind of a big deal the young man might have possibly just lit a few million dollars on fire to be who he is, IRL.
Fucking ballsy, and amazing.
Anne Laurie
@Felonius Monk: Yup, it’s a parody of the Palmer video (which is why there was a story in the WaPo). But I didn’t find the original particularly compelling, then or now.
@Corner Stone: I put it on my FB and the likes are pouring in. It will be nice when this is not news.
Keith P
@cathyx: Probably Florida. It’s either TX or FL, but if me moves to FL, he’ll have Limbaugh and his target demographic (Del Boca Vista) nearby. If he goes to TX, he has to stomach being near Austin.
Brian Williams did a thing on head injuries in the winter Olympic sports on the Nightly News. Women’s Hockey, all these flying through the air sports. Guess what girls and boys, no matter how you struggle and strive, you’ll never get out of this world alive.
Now I’ll have to watch the draft this year to see where he ends up.
I wonder if this will open the floodgates.
Corner Stone
@raven: SEC Defensive Player of the year.
That’s no joke. Looking forward to seeing him crush it in the combine.
Villago Delenda Est
Ted Cruz’s Father: ‘Let’s Start Being Biblically Correct’
Dominionist scum. The posterchildren for totally legal retroactive abortion.
@raven: I am looking forward to a Dave Zirin post on this guy. Zirin has been relentless on this issue, in a good way.
@Corner Stone: I remember his visit here.
Leftover grilled ham and cheese sandwich, reheated in the toaster oven. Other demands on my time…
I had the same thought as I was reading the story. I certainly hope that’s the case.
HIGHLIGHT: Michael Sam 21 yard fumble return for a TD vs Georgia
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yeah, let’s start with the rule against bearing false witness. Oops, and there goes the entire conservative movement.
the Conster
Love Ingrid Michaelson. Saw her opening for Death Cab for Cutie and her voice is ridiculously strong and great. Her songs have been used for lots of commercials. She does a nice cover of Somebody That I Used to Know
@Corner Stone: What’s “the combine”? (not much of a football person) I read that in the article and wondered what that meant.
If you’re a gay man who’s already playing for an NFL team, are you really going to let some rookie show you up?
@WaterGirl: Instead of each player going to each team for an evaluation they have a series of tests at a common location and all the teams “combine” to take part.
@lurker dean: How do we know one of the governor’s aides didn’t drop by the Star-Ledger and tell them it’s a nice little newspaper they have there, it would be a shame if anything happened to it? Without his knowledge, of course.
@Comrade Mary:
Yep, PEP Training is what I was researching for my friend (it shows up towards the end of that article).
They don’t specifically say it in the article, but I distinctly remember the male football and soccer players in high school spending a lot of time weight training in addition to their regular drills. I don’t remember hearing about the female basketball and soccer players doing the same thing. Some of the problem may still be the fear of weight training women.
@cathyx: For his career, he could move to California, or Atlanta, (CNN), but California is worse than NY, or does he move where he’s more in line politically like the deep south? But the negative to living in the deep south is the lack of culture that they must have enjoyed in NY and where would his children go to school? I vote for Chicago.
What did Chicago ever do to you? There’s one good place for Meester Hannity and that is Birmingham, Alabama. (There are some good substitutes available such as Tallahassee, Jackson, Knoxville (probably too liberal for him), Baton Rouge, Waco or, of course, fucking Tulsa.)
[‘So he can be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE… of Those People.’]
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: The combine is a pre-NFL draft event where all the best prospects are invited to come and do drills, lift weights, do long jumps, etc.
The teams use the measurables and interviews to try and sort out value for the kids they may want to draft.
I’m the kind of dork who loves watching every round of the combine. I love breaking down tape and all the rest of the drills these kids have to run to see who has what strengths/weaknesses.
@Baud: You think this might sound a little lame? “Um, yeah, me, too”. So they might start coming out before he’s drafted?
@WaterGirl: I wouldn’t bet on it.
@WaterGirl: @raven:
Folks might want to see if he gets punished in the draft for coming out.
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: Too much money invested in the Culture of Macho that is the NFL.
It’s all about toughness and macho and being a real man who plays through pain and hurt.
It’s all going to break one day soon. This young man may advance the ball, so to speak, but I am not hopeful for a floodgate event.
Bill E Pilgrim
@lurker dean: Endorser’s remorse? Of course, of course.
@raven: @Corner Stone: Thanks for that! I wondered whether it was combine as in combination, or combine as in chewing them up and spitting them out. I have my answer!
One reason I am so drawn to what Dave Zirin writes is the “where sports and politics collide” thing. I have learned a lot from him. Great writer, too.
Mike E
@RSA: Leftovers are my middle name, I cook for one and a la cart can be a yummy treat every now and again but big batches saves me a lot of money.
Oh Katy. Well, it is the most recorded pop song in music…
Corner Stone
@Baud: In a way, it’s more pressure. He can’t give them an easy excuse. He has to lift the most weights, run the fastest splits, jump highest/farthest and answer every question honestly.
He can’t be mediocre in measurables or else they will bury him.
Ingrid Michaelson is great. She does an amazing cover of Creep:
@Keith P: I should have thought of Florida. I can see a move there.
ETA: He probably already owns a house there.
@Corner Stone:
All that, plus the media spotlight on him will be intense. If I didn’t know better, I’d say this is all one big publicity stunt by the NFL.
@ Baud @ Raven @ Cornerstone:
“Folks might want to see if he gets punished in the draft for coming out.”
“It’s all going to break one day soon. This young man may advance the ball, so to speak, but I am not hopeful for a floodgate event.”
Something will tip the scales at some point, I will hope it’s this, or something else soon. I hope we are approaching critical mass on this.
This guy has a lot of courage and confidence to come out now. Sounds like he’s quite a guy.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, they need to keep diverting attention from the concussion thing.
Libby's person
@Mnemosyne and @Anne Laurie: Thanks for the info. I’ll check out Custom Ink and Booster, and it’s good to know that CafePress’ products are good quality (I’d read some iffy reviews).
@Villago Delenda Est: Yea because it’s the only dangerous sport in the world. . .oh, sorry, gotta go watch the ski jumping.
Interesting to hear about the difference in knees and training.
But I was referring to an IOC member’s actual rationale for not allowing women in ski jumping: that their reproductive organs were too fragile and might be injured. Which I find hilarious. Menz talkin’ nonsense ’bout female parts again.
Felonius Monk
@Anne Laurie: I seem to remember a lot of criticism of the Robert Palmer video at the time. Not among my favorites by any stretch.
I didn’t see the Palmer tag on Ingrid’s video initially, but as soon as I saw about 30 seconds I recalled the “Simply Irresistible” video.
The agony of defeat. /ABC Sports
Corner Stone
@Baud: If…”if” he gets drafted and signed…he’s going to pay an awesome price wherever he goes.
This isn’t a stunt. This kid has balls the size of fucking icebergs.
He spent four years (1992-96) in Atlanta, just before he moved to NY and went syndicated. We don’t want him back.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah, does that mean he wants to kill people who wear mixed fabrics (cotton-polyester anyone), eating shrimp, mixing meat and dairy (cheeseburger, or worse bacon cheeseburgers). How about selling your daughter as a slave?
VDE, there’s a lot of stuff they ignore that we could get them on.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m certain that he won’t move to my neck of the woods, Oregon, so I don’t pity the conservative east and south since the majority loves him there.
lurker dean
@mdblanche: yes, apparently he has no idea what anyone on his staff is doing, lol. i had no idea he hasn’t spoken with the star ledger’s editorial board in 4 years, that’s pretty remarkable for a public official in NJ.
@PurpleGirl: Totally OT, and I know you’re having a serious conversation….
But your comment made me think of John Bellushi scene in the restaurant: How much for the little girl?
Bill E Pilgrim
@lurker dean: The best satire on this whole thing to date.
“All right, I’ll be in my office if you need me, whoever you are”
@WaterGirl: It applies perfectly well and mentioning the Belushi clip is fine. There’s an amount of tongue-in-cheek in listing what I did.
lurker dean
@Bill E Pilgrim: that’s awesome, hadn’t seen that before. i grew up in NJ and the people there are way too cynical to buy what the guv, joe, and mika are selling.
And Pharrell is wearing The Hat.
When the Palmer video came out I was dating a woman with one hell of sense of humor. I picked her up for dinner one Friday night and she was dressed like one of Palmer’s girls. Stopped the restaurant dead when she sashayed in. Slicked back hair and bright red lipstick and she had the walk down perfectly. A moron came over to our table and asked her for her autograph.
@Baud: Video of Rosie clamped on Hannity’s butt. Or Steve.
Comrade Mary
@Garbo: Well, yeah, that was a completely assholish statement — medically ignorant to boot — but I mentioned what I did because the lady parts argument reminded me of the recent opinion piece. Weird thing is, that columnist was the only one I could find making that specific fuss.
Another great “homage” to Robert Palmers’s classic video ‘Addicted to Love’?
Humorous video by German pop singer Mattias Reim, ‘Last Christmas already a year ago… blah blah blah’. A straight nostalgic love song with a rather ironic background.
Paul in KY
Ingrid Michaelson will be at The Hangout in Gulf Shores, Al in mid May. If you want to go to a kick-ass (no camping) rock festival (3 days), you would be hard pressed to do any better than The Hangout.
Paul in KY
@Greg: Glad someone plays it. That creep Yorke won’t play it anymore.