Colbert responds to the #CancelColbert thingy with grace and humor:
Colbert first came to my attention when he had the stones to mock George W. Bush and his press enablers to their faces at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2006. #CancelColbert my ass.
Please feel free to discuss whatever.
i can’t wait to learn how he’s not a good liberal.
Colbert has perfect comedic pitch; I suspected this fuss was overblown. I don’t see anything wrong with what he did… he’s a satire of a right wing blowhard. If you take offense at that, I don’t know how to help you.
For those interested, the Way of Cats fund drive is underway!
I’m still working on the Cat Toy Megolith/Best-Selling Book way of funding. In the meantime, that bandwidth bill still keeps coming. So forgive the bleg… it’s for the kitties.
Got my favorite kind of fan mail just the other day; lady said reading the blog not only solved her kitten raising issues… they decided to get him a kitten.
I love that.
Comrade Jake
What he did was only wrong if you don’t understand satire.
Via the White House press office, 7,041,000. So far, and not counting final numbers from the states that ran their own exchanges.
ETA: Right now, Obama should get in that snazzy Presidential limo and drive down to and around the Capitol while blaring “We are the Champions” out the windows with the volume turned up to 11.
c u n d gulag
Colbert does GREAT satire.
Stewart, when he on, is GREAT at mocking and ridiculing people!
Colbert has the tougher gig.
And he’s BRILLIANT at what he does.
mouse tolliver
The person who started this, Suey Parker, is a self-absorbed head case. Check out her tweets on this thorough take down…
And she’s friends with Michelle “In Defense of Internment” Malkin, which really says a lot about her character.
The work project that made me cry in front of co-workers (twice) is almost over. Yay. At least there’s a party that goes along with the finish.
@c u n d gulag:
Well, his opening credits and set designers did a pitch perfect parody of the Sean Hannity show intro.
Even when I was a right winger, all of the wrapping themselves in the flag that Hannity and his ilk did only reminded me of the old adage about patriotism being the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Colbert mocks their pseudo patriotism utterly.
Also, too, I only just started playing The Sims Freeplay on my iPad, but the game already knows me too well: it tried to bribe me to play last night by promising (sim) cupcakes. I think it must be linked directly to the NSA.
I love that image!
* as long as he isn’t wearing a flight suit
@mouse tolliver: The World of Suzy Wong!
@Mnemosyne: Is it supposed to create sentiment, or is it evil?
Thomas F
Be ready for the Twitter PC praetorian guard to scream “WHITE PRIVILEGE!” at you, which they invariably do when they’re run out of cogent arguments.
@cleek: Someone over at Salon already went there. That bit was almost on par with Chapelle’s blind black KKK leader, who was still a racist after he found out he’s black.
mike with a mic
@mouse tolliver:
The far left outrage machine is just as idiotic as the far right outrage machine. has thrown in with this basket case as well. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone as Salon’s mission in life seems to be living up to every liberal stereotype Rush Limbaugh has ever railed against on air.
@mouse tolliver: I dated one of those in college, same modus operandi, thankfully no internet to serve as a platform. Total scam from one end to the other and totally deliberate. She came off as a “head case”. She wasn’t. She was a self-aggrandizing sociopath.
@mike with a mic: Until economics and/or worker’s rights comes up. Then they seem to adhere to a…different set of talking points, shall we say.
Southern Beale
Tennessee’s Republican governor offered to bribe VW with $300 million in tax incentives if they’d crush the UAW/works council idea, according to a local news investigation.
This needs to be fucking national news, goddamit.
@mike with a mic: I tried to read that salon link but ended up having to skim it instead. Wow, somebody has seriously lost perspective.
They were bad tears, unfortunately. It was one of those projects where more and more kept getting shoved onto my plate because the person who would normally do that task got pulled onto another project and eventually the last straw was put onto my back. (And, as is par for the course with these things, it was something really small and stupid that made me snap because come the fuck on!)
Roger Moore
I understand the temptation, but one of the things I like about Obama is that he’s too classy to do that kind of thing. Diamond Joe Biden, OTOH…
@dmsilev: Obama should get himself caught on an open mic telling Handsome Old Joe “Hey, this is a BIG fvck_ng DEAL!”
If the Colbert cancellation crisis (CCC) is any indication, that would be big big news, covered nonstop for days.
Pundits would called in to worry about presidential dignity!
@Comrade Jake: Wingnuts don’t understand humour. So it should surprise no-one that they’re bent out of shape at being lampooned intelligently. Were I Colbert, I’d take the whole thing as a sign I’m doing things right.
@WereBear: Almost afraid to ask how James Bond is doing.
Sorry to hear; I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed because of competency. (Thanks a bunch, past bosses!)
It’s always the little thing, paradoxically. The big things don’t do it. Funny/weird.
@hoodie: Didn’t read most of the article, but I like this near the end:
I don’t think she understands Colbert at all.
It wasn’t just overblown, it was yet another entirely manufactured conservative ragegasm. I did a search on the hashtag while it was going on, and nearly all the profiles were wingers who obviously never gave a damn about racism until they thought they had caught a liberal at it.
BTW, what I found particularly infuriating, because both that there are apparently many people like this, and that the news seemed to think it was news
was… interviews with people who started trying to enroll at 11 PM on Monday complaining that the internet site was not working well, and griping about the gummint can’t do nothing right. And it was a big pain that for one reason or another they had to finish in person or on the phone.
@Southern Beale: Teahadist Waves Money at Job Creators to Scr3w Labor. Film at 11.
It’s 2014 and the GOTea is officially anti-worker: a single instance of this, while worthy of publication, shouldn’t be “news” to anyone. Although I suspect that the national outlets were shown similar-sized wads of cash to keep the story out of print and off the airwaves.
Roger Moore
No. The really scary thing is that Google and similar businesses probably know more about you than the NSA does or cares to. For all that people are worried about government data collection, corporate data collection is a more realistic threat to the average American.
El Caganer
@raven: More like Suzy Wrong
@El Caganer: Um, that was it.
just the text of that link was enough to give me cramps from rolling my eyes too forcefully
What a brilliant response from Colbert. Contextualizing his work, acknowledging the opportunity for misperception, calling for good behavior, and doing it all without missing a comedic beat. Impressive.
@Roger Moore:
Maybe Diamond Joe could hop in his Pontiac Firebird & whip shittys in front of the Capitol. That would be OK.
schrodinger's cat
I love Colbert. His evisceration of Bush and the sycophantic DC media was courageous and funny. Added bonus; it made Richard Cohen has a sad.
BTW, I did my monthly check-in of Sully’s place. NDeGT has hurt Sully tender catholic fee-fees by criticizing the Catholic Church in the first episode. Isn’t Sully against torture? How is the inquisition of Bruno anything but torture? Was it OK because Bruno was not a scientist?
@c u n d gulag:
When he began the show I thought Colbert was especially brilliant at what he was attempting to do–a double-flip of conservative blowhard opinionartors posing as “news” people–but didn’t believe he’s be able to keep it going and fresh.
Have never been so glad to have been so wrong.
loved Colbert since back in the Exit 57 and Strangers With Candy days. But never loved him more than when the Colbert Show first came out and some winger friends didn’t get that they were the butt of the joke on the show.
Paul in KY
@mouse tolliver: Friends with Malkin says it all.
@Trollhattan: It might have been hard say, in the late 80s. But today, he has so much to choose from.
Oh, they “get” humor alright. Humor is a doctored Obama picture with a bone in his nose. Get it? He’s just like a dude in an African Tribe, har-har-har! Now forward this to everybody on your email list.
Humor is faking tremors while accusing an MS sufferer of faking his tremors. Comedy gold.
Hobby Lobby doesn’t have any problem with contraception when they’re making money from it.
@hoodie: I thought I saw a similar thing by a different author there last week but am feeling too lazy to look it up. It’s not my place to tell people how they should feel about things, but I can’t control my own feelings about their feelings and my feelings are best summed up as indifference.
I’m listening to Randi Rhodes and this is hysterical. Ted Cruz made the mistake of putting up a quick poll on Obamacare asking if you are better off since ACA put into law 4 years ago. He got slammed with amazing responses. It isn’t just his faithful fan base that follows his fb page.
Yow Betty. I’d a thought you might have first seen Colbert when he was one of Jon Stewart’s on-air peoples. I guess you aren’t a Daily Show fan. Best News on cable.
Speaking of white privilege, my anarchist buddy was complaining about buying health insurance and how the penalties are extortion, etc. He always frames things in the view of being forced to do something or men with guns will throw you in a rape dungeon. As usual I told him his framing was silly, and he compared his station to slavery. Anyway, he always has something to say about how I’m paid with stolen money, so on and so forth. Usually I ignore it, but not this time and he got his feelings hurt. Oh well. Looks like another unfriending.
@SatanicPanic: That being said if someone is calling Suey racist names that needs to stop.
Roger Moore
It is actually novel; they’re used to Job Creators screwing labor without wanting or needing any extra incentive. The idea that a company would actually want an active labor union and would need to be bribed into fighting it is most unusual.
@SatanicPanic: Yea, that would be Wong!
Betty Cracker
That’s my default setting, and often if I shut up and listen, I can see a point I originally missed. This New Yorker piece suggests that in a thoughtful way, but possibly the author is giving Park too much credit.
He was a riot on the short-lived Dana Carvey Show.
It wasn’t deliberate, though; occidents will happen.
Betty Cracker
@kindness: I’ve been an occasional Daily Show viewer for years and do remember Colbert’s spots vaguely. But he really got my attention for the first time with the Correspondents’ Dinner thing.
There was another brilliant bit a few days ago when Colbert was interviewing the creator of House of Cards, and needling him about how anachronistic it is to have a powerful Democrat from South Carolina as his main character. The guy went a bit “both sides”, describing how, unlike our real world where nothing gets done in Congress, his character proposes giving Republicans most (or he may have said all) of what they want, and then they’ll give us what we want.
Colbert totally broke character, laughed, and blurted out, “But that’s bullshit!”
The response couldn’t have been more perfect.
In other news, I accidentally knocked my Nexus 7 tablet off the nightstand and cracked the screen.
The bottom half is still touch sensitive, but the top half with the cracks has no response at all.
It’ll take about a month to get the scratch together for a replacement, but I can get another 1st. generation Nexus 7 for $150 or so, or a new one for $230.
Surprising myself, when I realized it broke my only response was an ‘Aw, shit’ and laid it down instead of cussing up a storm. :)
the Conster
No one – NO ONE – is going to go through life without having to intersect with the health care system. He wants to be a free rider, and his special snowflake self doesn’t like to be told no. All anarchy is, is toddlerhood practiced by adults.
Comrade Mary
Let me just say this to Bell Canada / CTV / The Comedy Network: FUCK YOU!
We now need to login and prove that we subscribe to cable or some other heinous, overpriced way of getting tv to get to the actual Comedy Network site.
In conclusion: FUCK YOU, I have Media Hint.
Those Norwegians need to get on the ball and create a Nobel Prize for Snark.
? Martin
Good job, Kentucky.
It’s almost unbelievable that any state could cut their uninsured by that amount in 6 months, and doubly so in a state which isn’t exactly known for embracing new ideas. A lot of people did a lot of right things there and they deserve every bit of credit that comes their way.
It’s also illustrative of the power of Republican opposition that more states didn’t see similar results. Every state bordering Kentucky should have seen similar results, and, well, not one of them did.
Another Holocene Human
@dmsilev: FSCK YEAH!
Got a minute? Watch this video about a Doctor quits to skate on the strand.
“Slomo’s combination of candor and eloquence made him a natural on camera, and his background as a neurologist legitimized his metaphysical theories about skating, lateral motion and the brain. But like many of the people who saw him skating by, I couldn’t help wondering: was this guy nuts, or was he onto something?”
Another Holocene Human
@CONGRATULATIONS!: The Munchhausen syndrome is the tell.
It’s true there’s no such thing as Munchhausen or Munchhausen by proxy. Not really. It’s just an acting out tactic of a seriously disturbed personality disorder with no conscience whatsoever.
@Betty Cracker: He makes a fair point there about Asians tending to be the go to for racial humor (though I remember plenty of sombrero jokes outta Colber), and I can imagine that some liberal activists probably said some nasty things to Park about her campaign. I’ve seen that myself. I’m taking issue mostly with Salon’s policy of hiring the most ridiculous college liberal types. Like, put down the Ward Churchill! No one is ever convinced by that type of argument.
@raven: Slomo creeps the heck out of women on the boardwalk. He’s an institution, though.
@Another Holocene Human:
That’s called ‘Axis II’. There’s a whole range of psych diagnoses that amount to ‘You don’t have a neurological problem, you’re just such an asshole you’re hurting yourself and everyone around you.’
(Disclaimer: There are probably some Axis II conditions where the diagnosee deserves lots of sympathy, but the idea is that they’re personality rather than medical.)
Another Holocene Human
@Redshift: It was a big relief to find out it was just a bunch of pinhead conservatives because there were calls for Colbert’s head over supposed trans*phobia and I was really upset about that.
@ranchandsyrup: “I think he is a veteran” she said!
There used to be an old man who would greet people coming into Laguna Beach. I remember him from when we moved to LA in the early 60’s.
Another Holocene Human
@El Caganer: @Suey_Wrong sounds like a parody twitter account in the making. She won’t be able to resist the temptation to engage, either.
@the Conster: Yeah. I told him he had a case of “white people problems”. I wish I had been witty enough to remind him he had health insurance. Oh well.
Heh indeedy.
The redneck burgh that I spent time in as a youngin’ had two “welcomers”. One was The Waver, who walked back and forth between two towns 30 miles apart and waved to all.
The other one was this dingus that drove around with anti-abortion slogans spray painted on his car and a doll covered in blood to represent an aborted fetus. Life Magazine chose this guy to represent the town in their Day in the Life of America series.
Another Holocene Human
@Frankensteinbeck: Well, lack of empathy is I would say a neurological problem, but not one we really know how to treat, hence the need to box such people in with a system of laws and consequences for everyone’s safety.
Unless you disagree there’s an organic component to it. I kind of feel like there is. Again, I wouldn’t say just because it’s organic that we know or even potentially can do anything about it.
People on ASD spectrum often also have empathy, communication, and theory of mind problems but IMO these are potentially treatable.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Stephen Colbert is the greatest American satirist since Mark Twain. Seriously. I believe that 50 or 100 years from now, any English student who learns about satire is going to be reading about, and watching, Stephen Colbert. The only thing I’m wondering is, what was he drinking? I couldn’t make out the label.
Live statement from Obama right now about ACA:
Another Holocene Human
@Comrade Mary: Nice. I run into similar problems with Canadian or British tv. It’s bullshit. What, my internet needs a passport? Maybe a birth certificate? I might be passing terror bits over the border?
Remember regions on DVDs? WTFITS, for real. If I wanted to buy a German DVD why shouldn’t I be able to play it without buying a separate dvd player? It’s not like they’re releasing them for Region 1. Sony pulls that shit with games, too. (Google pulls that shit with their homepages. Tries to parse where you’re coming from and borks your searches like a boss.)
Just this week Hulu told me I have to log in with Facebook to watch Colbert to prove my age. That is the dumbest justification to track my every move I’ve ever heard. And MSNBC won’t stream for me because it wanted me to prove I have cable… and I do have cable … but my landlord pays for it whereas I pay for my internet separately. Apparently either the cable provider or the content provider couldn’t parse that shit. Too bad, I miss MHP.
@Another Holocene Human:
I believe it’s only a neurological problem when they’re incapable of empathy, not when they just don’t use it. Thus, narcissism is a personality disorder. They have evolved through their process of emotional development and environment to be assholes. It’s not dictated by their neurology.
Another Holocene Human
@SatanicPanic: It’s also apparently true that she got into it with a bunch of dudebros, who often get called liberal, all evidence to the contrary. And the usual group of middle school kids and arrested development sorts from the shittier parts of the internet went on the attack when they saw blood in the water, although I think Colbert did a decent job telling them to stop, as much as you can.
Betty Cracker
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Agreed: Colbert is a worthy heir of Twain. I believe he was drinking a Bud Light with lime, which is really taking one for the team.
Another Holocene Human
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Product placement libel! It’s Bud Light Lime.
At least it’s not that ImBev shit with Clamato already mixed in!
@Roger Moore: The trouble in this case is that the Job Creator is Volkswagen. Obviously the company producing The People’s Car (as literally translated) would need extra incentives – and not especially surprising that they seem to have been indifferent to the offer.
That, and there’s the very (conservatist) American assumption that all you need to do is wave the right amount of $$$ under someone’s nose and they’ll abandon their ethics in a heartbeat – because wealth trumps morality every time. “Everyone has a price” doesn’t necessarily translate well from Ahmurrcan English.
Mike E
Colbert is lord. I’m getting a tattoo today of him doing a ThreatDown against a grizzly bear.
Another Holocene Human
@Frankensteinbeck: I agree, but isn’t there a point at which your face freezes that way, which means it’s underscored by connections and changes in the brain? I mean, we’re talking about people who can be total liars and douchebags and not even flinch. They broke something upstairs to be able to do that.
I totally agree that I’ve never heard of anyone who got to adulthood that way ever changing.
@Trollhattan: Forgive me: I keep forgetting that humor, bigotry and insensitivity are all interchangeable in Teahadistan.
Another Holocene Human
@Greg: Goddamnit. Somebody tell me there’s a link on youtube because the feed is freezing constantly for me right now.
Betty Cracker
@SatanicPanic: Yeah, I read the piece originally linked, and I’ve read other stuff by that author. She often has an interesting point, but she’s either too unskilled a writer to truly engage readers or she’s trolling.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I think it was one of the flavored bud light type beers. In other words, the most disgusting beer you can find that has a big corporate brand behind it. Pretty right on for the ‘product placement’ gag.
A Humble Lurker
@Betty Cracker:
I think that’s been a running joke ever since McChrystal.
gogol's wife
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
That speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner blew Mark Twain out of the water. Just by virtue of his having to keep his cool while delivering it to a hostile audience including the President.
Oh noes! He’s donning his tank helmet as we blog.
I’m following Obama’s statement on the ACA signups. He pointed out there were still no death panels and asked why anyone would be mad at the idea of folks having health insurance. He also said history would not be kind.
Mike E
@gogol’s wife: They didn’t know they were getting utterly skewered, his rapier was so sharp and smooth.
@Another Holocene Human: They probably are liberals. The right doesn’t have a monopoly on self-centered dumbasses. I personally know a guy who is a liberal Democrat who voted for Barack Obama… but will casually say all kinds of racist stuff. I guess you could make a larger point- see, liberals say they’re doing satire but some of them are laughing in the wrong way. I could see that. I probably wouldn’t hire anyone at Salon to write that for me though.
@the Conster:
I mentioned this before but the guy we just hired at work tried to talk the company into not insuring him but giving him the money instead. He was going to do without insurance just to rove his point! He felt he could get a MUCH better deal with “some sort of cost sharing plan from an insurance company”.
Iooked at him & said “My radiation treatments alone were $80,000, there is no part of that I wanted to pay a share of considering the other expenses I had.” He stopped talking ACA with me so I have that going for me.
@raven: I remember “the old man” in Laguna Beach – he was very friendly in person as well and we always looked forward to seeing him when we visited. I believe the city erected a full-size statue in his honor after he died. Wonder if it is still there? (I am also glad that I’m not the only person still around who remembers him).
@raven: I remember “the old man” in Laguna Beach – he was very friendly in person as well and we always looked forward to seeing him when we visited. I believe the city erected a full-size statue in his honor after he died. Wonder if it is still there? (I am also glad that I’m not the only person still around who remembers him).
the Conster
I’ve met a lot of fucktards in my life, but none of them were stupid enough to deliberately not have insurance if they could. That’s just another level of dumbassery, and you should avoid him every chance you get in case there’s any chance of contagion.
Just watched the prez’s statement. Thought it was very good.
Also heard news that ACA is getting a substantial boost in the polls from the 7 million enrollments.
And, wonder of wonders, the political hack interviewed on ABC (I think it was ABC) sounded reasonable.
But this is BJ, so I believe the blog rules are that I must gripe about something. OK, I will.
G dammit to H! Why does every damned analyst on the news have to be some political hack, or flack, or something like that. Could they not find one health care expert, or somebody, anybody, credible from a facty and sciency point of view to talk about it?
All these political cruds polluting the news analysis on the big broadcast and cable channels is one of the main reasons I never watch that stuff, unless I happen to stumble onto it. Like, the hack start blabbing too soon after the real news clip is over for me to turn the channels or click off the intertubes.
I hate all those damn political consultant hacks on the TV news. I guess our failed corporate media experiment likes them because they never say anything at all interesting, so they are safe bets to fill some time.
Edit: probably it is just my envy. What did that Schlub on ABC get paid for spouting nothing on TV for 90 seconds? Do they do that for free or do they get 500 bucks or something?
@LauraPDX: If you look at the link it is a newspaper article about him. There was a second fellow that was there from the 70’s on.
Are there other kinds of ultimatums? (Gotta love Newsmax headlines)
Another Holocene Human
@SatanicPanic: Yeah, you’re right, racist white liberal Democrats are a dime a dozen, but there are plenty of “socially liberal/fiscally conservative” libertarian dudebros out there who get called “liberal” in these kinds of contretemps but are anything but. I guess that was my point if I had one. Remember the “left” libertarians who were pontificating lately about women always bitching about their uteri? Not only is he no liberal, he wouldn’t call himself one either, not without qualification.
And then there are the racist sexist people who call themselves lefties, who are lefties, who never get why lefties are marginalized and why many radical people won’t call themselves lefties. And then there are the lefties who cast a blind eye at such lefties and wonder why I’m such a sellout to hide their posts on Facebook. These are the kind of people who would get mad if you took them for a liberal Democrat.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Hopefully this will have some effect at the polls in November.
Wow. How old is this idiot?
People who think they know everything also make less than ideal co-workers.
Another Holocene Human
@Belafon: A Grim Ultimatum?
Gay Ultimatum sounds so Roaring 20s to me.
@the Conster: Sadly, I have to work with him every day. He is OK most of the times but I make a point of not mentioning any current events around him. He takes oblique shots at Obama occasionally and I just ignore him, he is not worth it.
I would guess around 40, he has 2 teenage kids. I didn’t ask him what his wife does but I bet he was just putting on a show for us & would get his insurance through her work but who knows?
@schrodinger’s cat: haha i love this point about Cosmos. Seriously, I had the apology about the Bruno story. “He wasn’t executed because he was a scientist, he was executed because he didn’t believe in the virgin birth, etc” as if that’s just fine!
The Thin Black Duke
@Roger Moore: I think it will. Once the word gets out about how people’s lives have changed because they can afford to have real health insurance, the people who don’t have it are going to be pissed.
Yea, best to ignore him as you said. He seems to like provocation to get attention.
Now a few moments for the dead enders; I hope this guy keeps it up all the way to November.
Paul Ryan: Obamacare Sign-Ups A ‘Pyrrhic Victory,’ Law Still A ‘Fiasco’
‘ “we repeal Obamacare,” Ryan told reporters on a conference call discussing his newly released budget blueprint. ‘
@cokane: I laughed at Sunday’s swipe at Creationism: “If the Universe were only as young as some believe, we’d only be seeing this much light” shows small circle imposed over the Milky Way Galaxy. (paraphrased)
“Just like Jesus.” Love it.
@Comrade Mary: All the stations are starting to do this. I couldn’t even watch an episode of The Good Wife on CBS without getting a comcast login.
Betty Cracker
@jl: Please proceed, Congressman.
Mike E
@Belafon: Plus, the whole EyeOfSauron motif, which keeps putting a finger in the creationist’s “irreducible complexity” argument every damn show. Awesome.
Roger Moore
@Another Holocene Human:
There’s always going to be some kind of organic component to any neurological problem, if only because the “programming” of the brain is instantiated by physical changes in synapses. But that kind of organic component is likely to be different from the chemical imbalances implicated in other kinds of psychological problems.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Bud Light with Lime, a running joke since McChrystal, IIRC.
Captain C
I always wonder how many of these people, right, left, or neither, who, afte refusing to buy health insurance, would hit up all their friends and family in the event of a catastrophic medical emergency, probably using guilt.
“Well, friends and family, I have (lethal or a least highly expensive Condition X). As I have no health insurance*, this will be very expensve. Please, give ’til it hurts.”
*the “by my own choice” caveat will of course be omitted.
@Another Holocene Human: I had a problem with Comcast for about 18 months, and by the end I was nearly in a rage about it. Finally, after all that time, I discovered an email address for comcast – where they actually respond to you AND fix your problem.
[email protected]
The folks at that email address actually give a shit, and they are competent. I cannot recommend that highly enough.
First nice thing i’ve ever said about comcast.
@Another Holocene Human: Oh yeah, the dudebros who deliberately don’t claim any party because they’re pretending to be non-partisan. Yeah those guys are lame. Ralph Nader’s comment about “gonadal politics” was the big tell.
Roger Moore
It makes me respect Obama more. I wish our Commanders in Chief had shown more willingness to stand up to the brass and tell them to obey orders or GTFO.
Hungry Joe
@raven: Re Eiler Larsen, Laguna Beach’s Official Greeter: Joe, a friend of mine (not me, not hungry), swore that he once talked to Eiler for a couple of minutes, and when he came back to Laguna Beach a few years later, from half a block away Eiler called out “Hello, Joe!”
For some bizarre reason, I want to see this movie.
It actually presses some buttons on a fear I’ve had which has kept me for larkingly filming some sexytime betwixt me and the spouse (not to mention, she’d completely kill me for even suggesting it). Some stuff actually uploads to the cloud, and I don’t understand it.
This would be just my luck.
And yes, I’m an immature freak still.
No One of Consequence
Good afternoon all. I have a quick open-thread question for anyone who comments on Esquire’s politics blog with Mr. Pierce:
If I crafted a response for posting there, would one of you be so kind as to do it for me?
I cannot comment there on Esquire’s site, alas, as I refuse to become a page, paragraph or patsy for the Book of Faces. Seriously, Fuck Mark Zuckerberg and his entire enterprise.
I also cannot find an email to Mr. Pierce in his section of the web site.
Esquire’s Contact Us page was last updated in 2008 and is seriously boinked with the latest site redesign. No form mail or other email link to be found valid there…
Oh, and the lovely icon of the ‘envelope’ in their navigation leads to a placeholder (tech-speak for interior anchor tag that is inactive and does *NOTHING*) #newsletter_rightrail. Maybe it’s just the /politics directory…. Nope, it’s that way on every page of the site.
Fucking Bravo, you incompetent jackasses at Esquire’s online offering. You deserve to be dead-tree media.
So I need your publication for answers on ‘How to be a man’? Really?
Then allow me to dust off an old reply of mine: “Real men eat quiche and tell other ‘alleged’ men to Fuck Off.”
(slash rant)
Thank you!
– NOoC
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
It was Bud Light Lime. I recognize the label from the McChrystal coverage (he being a 5 star general that drank exclusively bud light lime).
Roger Moore
@No One of Consequence:
Despite the title, I think that was the basic message of the book. Being a real man is more about authenticity than masculinity. Real men were supposed to live their lives as they saw fit, rather than bending to fashion. Eating quiche was simply something the authors chose as an example of bending to fashion.
@WaterGirl: Thanks for asking! Vet coming tomorrow morning. He says it sounds like hyperthyroid, which is very treatable so I’ve calmed down. ;)
No One of Consequence
@Roger Moore: I must confess to never having read the book. The title alone made me discount it out of hand.
You’re comment about authenticity vs. masculinity is very well stated. I fall somewhere on the line between that statement and my perceptions that Eminence Front provides considerable insight into dealing with your fellow human beings.
Thanks again Roger,
– NOoC
p.s. You were always my favorite Bond.
@WereBear: My heart skipped a beat when I read that the vet is coming out in the morning, then I got to the rest of the sentence. Yay! Crossing my fingers.
And Kentucky will still hate Obama and keep voting for Republicans.
What the hell do these people think insurance fucking is?
Not his style. I can imagine Biden doing that, but in a Hummer, so that when he’s done at the Capitol he can drive up the front steps of the Supreme Court and flip Roberts the bird.
@rk: Indeed they will. But I have to hand it to Beshear and the legislature, which, unlike my state (Ohio) accepted Medicaid expansion. Never thought I would tell my neighbors across the river “Great Job”. Also, too, Go Wildcats. Now I’m scaring myself.
Dumbfuck, that’s the employees’ money, and it’s the employees who benefit.
Fuck, the 40th anniversary of ERISA is coming up in September–are there still people who don’t get the concept?
In a pissing contest between the government of Tennessee and the government of Lower Saxony, bet on Lower Saxony every time. The state is VW’s biggest shareholder, and has seats on the board.
On the board along with reps of VW labor–a concept Tenn. and the rest of the neo-confederacy will never figure out.
Just One More Canuck
@Comrade Mary: seriously? That’s messed up – I’m on Rogers – I’ll see if it’s the same with them
the Conster
The same people who think Obama is making every decision about what kind of medical care everyone gets. Really, that’s what they think he’s doing. Personally. Because you know, socialism.
@raven: There was a second Laguna Old Man? We left the Laguna/Dana Point/San Clemente area in the very late 60s, so all I ever knew about was the original. Laguna was a fun, funky place back then – don’t think I’d like it (or recognize it) very much now (nor DP or SC).
Thanks for the link to the article – many good memories.
Comrade Mary
@Just One More Canuck: It is very, very fucked. The usual Comedy Network URL resolved to and just showed me a lot of Bell content with absolutely no hint that I was at the right place until I re-checked the address bar.
Aaaand — OK if I go straight to the Colbert Report page, it seems to let me in: But I had to Google for that direct link. Incompetence still outweighing evil?
Comrade Mary
…. aaaaand it appears the CORRECT URL is — if you leave of the “the”, you get booted to Bell.
@Frankensteinbeck: No more Axis II in DSM-5!
One of my least favorite types of gasms.
@gogol’s wife:
Watching Laura Bush say ‘fuck you’ on national television was a highlight of the decade.
Pity she didn’t get hit with a big FCC fine.
Paul in KY
@raven: Thank you for link. Wish I could have met that guy (and traveled to Laguna Beach also).
Paul in KY
@Another Holocene Human: Grim Ultimatum would be a good band name. Speed metal or something like that.
Paul in KY
@yoohoocthulhu: 4 star at most. We don’t have any 5 star generals at present time.
The Suey Park/Colbert thing is very interesting. By my understanding, the main complaint by Suey and others is that Colbert fought racism by marginalizing and “othering” another kind of minority, and that it is lazy comedy and yes…racist. (Even the most enlightened progressive can still unwittingly do and say racist shit, mostly because they don’t have the perspective/experiences of being a person of colour.)
Now, of course, the bigger story is the reaction. Suey dared to call out a liberal god on something that she felt he did wrong. Whether she was right or wrong about Colbert is debatable. But even if she was, the fact remains that her mentions, her email, and yes, her home phone voicemail are chock-full of death threats and rape threats. So now the question is why we’re so comfortable thinking that right-wingers are the only racists, and why men are oh-so quick and eager to threaten death and rape against a woman who speaks up, and why we become so personally invested in the flawlessness of our liberal heroes that any criticism of them becomes a horrible personal affront?
I follow Suey on Twitter. I don’t know if she’s right or wrong regarding Colbert. I didn’t see the segment. But even if I disagreed vehemently with her about him, I would still be utterly horrified at the way people have reacted to her accusations. NOBODY deserves the kind of shit she’s getting right now. And as an outspoken woman, it frightens the fuck out of me. It silences women, because we see what Suey got for daring to speak out (rightly or wrongly), and none of us want to go through that as well.