What do all these governors have in common?
• In Maine PPP found Republican Gov. Paul LePage (pictured) trailing Rep. Mike Michaud (D) 37 percent to 44 percent.
• In Kansas, Gov. Sam Brownback (R) trails Democratic gubernatorial candidate Paul Davis 41 percent to 45 percent.
• In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett (R) is behind the generic potential Democratic candidate by double digits. PPP found Corbett trailing the generic candidate 56 percent to 34 percent.
• In the Georgia gubernatorial race, state Sen. Jason Carter (D) just barely leads Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) 43 percent to 42 percent.
• In Florida, former Gov. Charlie Crist (D) leads Gov. Rick Scott (R), 49 percent to 42 percent.
I don’t know about Nathan Deal, but LePage, Brownback, Corbett and Scott are all flatulating buttholes.
Sadly, not quite nobody.
Betty Cracker
I am going to have such a party if Rick Scott gets the boot!
Mustang Bobby
@Betty Cracker: I’ll drive up from Miami and bring nachos and salsa.
Deal is a fucking dope.
@Betty Cracker:
You should give out drug test kits as party favors.
John S.
@Betty Cracker: Heck, I’ll drive up from Fort Lauderdale and bring BBQ. If we give Skeletor the boot, we should definitely have a meetup in Orlando or something to celebrate.
ice weasel
Sadly, here in PA, the generic candidate probably looks better than any one of the real candidates. But, I’m hoping Corbett goes down hard as a one term wonder. He’s been horrible for this state. Solace for repubs , no matter what the rethugs will still own one of the most worthless and corrupt legislatures in the country. So, you take your wins where you can.
Meanwhile, back in the MO,
A Republican lawmaker in Missouri who is sponsoring a bill that would mandate women seeking an abortion undergo an ultrasound and wait three days for the procedure defended his measure Tuesday, suggesting a woman getting an abortion should treat it with the same deliberation as shopping for cars or carpeting.
I await with bated breath for the state GOP to propose laws mandating ultrasounds and 3 day waiting periods before the purchase of any car.
BWAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAA… gasp… wheeze… Sometimes I just crack me up.
Ya’ll have fun now, and be safe today.
Betty Cracker
A Bat Boy / Skeletor theme party!
Well your premise is OK as far as it goes but there is not enough data to reach your conclusion. I’d point to Wisconsin’s Scott Walker who could easily keep pace with the people you mention yet was re-elected. You may want to view adding an alternative conclusion to see if the data fits better: Republican voters luvs them some flatulating buttholes.
I’m not going to start celebrating over polls this far out from election day. However, it’s worth noting that all the listed governors have turned down Medicaid expansion in their states. I guess saying “NO!” to free federal money doesn’t make you popular.
Mustang Bobby
@Betty Cracker: My 85-year-old mother refers to Rick Scott as “that dick-with-ears.”
John S.
@Mustang Bobby: My 70 year-old mother refers to him similarly. “Governor Putz” has a nice ring to it.
John S.
I suppose it’s only fitting for a giant prick like Rick Scott to work in a giant phallus:
Maybe some really hot governor races could jack up Dem turnout for the congressional races. That would be nice.
And Republicans. But I repeat myself…
Betty Cracker
@John S.: Tallahassee’s 2nd Biggest Dick…
A mind is not only a terrible thing to waste, it’s almost impossible to change it, too.
People of a certain age and background associate “Democratic Party” with “hippies running around drugged out and nekkid.” Republicans are the party of grownups!
It was true when I was ten, and it’s still true now. I’ve changed, a lot, and welcome it. These people have not. And never will.
OT, but you all need to go–right now–to Tbogg’s site. He has posted his finest piece of writing ever, which is really saying something. I mean it. Go on now. Git:
Felonius Monk
For Nathan Deal, the jury may still be out on the flatulating part, but he definitely is part of the butthole clan.
@ice weasel: I’m just glad my state rep and senator are retiring. The best pickup opportunities in the state! What are the odds of the Dems picking up at least one of the houses?
Well, they still think the GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln.
@EconWatcher: Wow. Fun read.
Chris Christie.
Isn’t he, famously, a “jerk”?
How’s he doing in the polls? (I have not checked recently.)
Deal is the Governor, when trying to justify why he won’t expand Medicaid…also wants Emergency Rooms to be able to turn away people.
Wasn’t every one of those guys, or all but one, elected in the great Tea Party Diarrheoclypse of 2010? Cause it’s about time to start cleaning out those fuckers.
Fixteded, it is.
Ben Cisco
Can’t wait for McCrory to be added to this list.
Karen in GA
@Felonius Monk: For Nathan Deal, the jury may still be out on the flatulating part
Only because the jury thinks it might be too kind.
@Ben Cisco:
hear hear
Untrue as a flat statement, I’m sorry to say. There are a great many Republicans* out there who do like obnoxious assholes, and the more obnoxious the candidate or officeholder the better they like it. Examples are too numerous to list completely, but the list above is only scratching the surface. One could mention Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Darryl Issa…okay, Louie is from Texas where being an asshole is almost a prerequisite for being elected, but you get the point. It’s more unusual to find out and out roaring, screaming assholes in governors’ offices, true, what with not having the ol’ gerrymandering advantage at work.
*Democrats too, more rarely; else how to explain the occupancy of the Chicago mayor’s office for the last half century or so by Daleys, or for that matter Rahmses.I. (Driftglass’ Photoshop Classics never get old.)
Is it me or are each of those losing Republicans in states that have rejected Medicaid funding all because “it’s ObamaCare eeeeeeeeeeeeekk.”
As for being here in Florida, GET THE GODDAMN VOTE OUT DEMOCRATS. We had a weak turnout in 2010 AND LOOK WHAT WE ENDED UP WITH! GET OUT AND VOTE!
Comrade Dread
I’m pretty sure most Republicans do.
Kentucky loves jerks, but they have to be strong. Rand Paul’s base didn’t give two shakes of a rat’s ass about Aqua Buddha, but when he got scared of Conway’s attacks and canceled a debate, his poll numbers plummeted until he put it back on.
That probably just fits into the overall theme: All Republicans want is someone who will put the negro in the White House back in his place.
Each of those guys profits from extremely carved-out gerrymanders where the voters are mostly ultra-conservative even within relatively purple/blue states (Texas is going purple any minute now, even with some of the most stretched out districts ever seen: Iowa as a state went with Obama…). They could run dead elephants in those districts and still get a 53-46 win – over a Blue Dog Dem no less – out of 39 percent voter turnout.
@Schlemizel: Walker wasn’t reelected. He beat back a recall attempt with tons of outside money (think Koch) which was spent not so much to promote him but to basically say that recalls are immoral and the work of the devil etc. This fall will be more telling, assuming he isn’t behind bars by then.
Regarding Deal. He is a Republican in Georgia. ’nuff said.
mai naem
How can LaPage be only 7 points behind the Dem candidate? LaPage is a total whackjob. The 37 percent is even above the national wingnut baseline of 27 percent. I thought Maine was supposed to be a New England Rockefeller Republican kind of state. Is the Dem candidate not a good candidate?
Five for five.
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever gunna happen. First of all, KS has successfully rigged the voting requirements that pretty much bounce anyone without a passport or birth certy. That’s not an exaggeration. That’s probably 50% of the KC metro area that’s dark, dark blue. Secondly, it’s Kansas, so it will never, ever, ever happen. Gubbnuh Sabs was such the anomoly.
@mai naem:
Third party candidate who is taking away a good chunk of Dem votes. That’s how LaPage got in in the first place. Other wise, he would be down 12 or 13 points.
japa21 got there before me, but Walker wasn’t re-elected, he was not recalled. Big difference.
Mike in NC
@Ben Cisco: Did anybody see where the state of NC is defending pollution by Duke Energy? Merely a coincidence that McCrory worked for Duke for 28 years!
Ben Cisco
@Mike in NC: Yes, saw that. Totally unsurprising.
The thing he did that DID surprise was proclaim his friendship with our recently indicted and now former mayor Patrick Cannon (as in “I’m angered and disappointed in the actions of my friend..”) – if so, that makes Cannon (who I didn’t vote for in the primaries) even more suspect than he already looked. I’m so furious at what he apparently did that I cannot even put it into words.
@Mnemosyne: same difference to me – he stood before the voters, exposed for the asshole he is, and they voted for him again.
True wisdom from Iron Man: “Sorry, it’s funny how annoying a little prick can be.”
Paul in KY
@EconWatcher: Thanks for the link! Wish I could write like that.
Paul in KY
@mai naem: I think there is a 3rd party candidate involved.
Patricia Kayden
Would be so nice for Corbett to lose in PA. I don’t understand how so many blue states end up with Republican governors.
Anthony McCarthy
I’m not sure about the others but the reasons LePage got in were, 1. he benefitted by a three-way race which split the non-Republican-fascist vote, 2. a surprisingly weak campaign by the Democratic nominee, Libby Mitchell who would have been an excellent governor, 3. a center-right independent millionaire, Elliot Cutler, who is doing his best to put LePage back in office by running another independent bid this time. You can add the disasterous non-support from the DNC in the Rahm-Obama repudiation of the 50 state strategy of Howard Dean. Rahm and the crew who gave us the wasteful disaster of the 1st Obama administration should never be allowed to get hold of the Democratic Party ever again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemizel: Walker wasn’t re-elected. He may well be re-elected in November, but he is still a first term governor. He survived a recall; it is not the same a being re-elected.
Parco Molo
How many of those governors have ordered the termination of their own citizens without so much as a trial?
Difference between Executive office and being a legislature.
There are dozens or hundreds of other legislators around you, so even if you are a jerk no one really gets hurt; it is all fun and games.
Governors, mayors, etc do not get to hide like that. They signed onto a job, where their actions stand out.
Villago Delenda Est
@Schlemizel: Walker has not been reelected. He survived a recall effort. Big difference. Walker is running for reelection this year, however.
On edit: I see our local cheesehead redleg has beat me to it. Among others, I might add.
But Karl Rove told me he has the numbers, and the the GOP is going to run the table in 2014? What possible reason could have have to lie to us?? I are confused….
A lot of people voted against Walker’s recall out of a distaste for recalls, not necessarily out of a liking for Walker.
Paul in KY
@Parco Molo: I’m pretty sure most of these guys would like to do it.
Paul in KY
@jayjaybear: Those people are what we call ‘principled dumbasses’.
flatulating buttholes is a cutsie term that belies the very real Sadism that is the heart of today’s republican ideology and actions.
No Deal
Georgian here. More specifically, an ATLien, so nothing our state government does will ever do anything for me. If the state monkeyhouse could actually pass a law requiring Atlanta to be nuked, they’d do it.
Deal is mostly lousy- a corrupt, moral coward- but that’s really the best we can hope for out of the governor’s mansion these days. “Bozo steward of state business who’ll attract a few companies via mammoth tax breaks” is as good as it gets. And he’s miles better than the endless clones of Rep. Cletus Q. Beauregard IV from Deliverance County who populate our state government.
The people who run this state embarrass the people in this state who actually matter, perpetually. But that’s what happens when the wide swaths of Hicksville GA are divided into a billion districts and counties, all of which requiring equal representation for their five residents as me and hundreds of thousands of others get for ourselves.
I think your snarking, but if the election from 2013 was held today Buono would win.
@Betty Cracker:
gotta get the damn vote out, betty, make sure Rick “Medicare Fraud” Scott gets that richly-deserved boot. then we can party. if’s there a good place to gather, i’ll be there bringing the finest cheeses and diet cokes in the land.
I wouldn’t call it wisdom coming out of a guy who turned out to be Hydra.
Poor Wisconsin. Poor Michigan. The crop of Koch-funded governors is mostly going down, but Snyder is smart and seems likely to survive, and unbelievably, Walker may survive too.