There is an ancient, parochial-school-friendly Lucille Ball comedy which includes the following passage:
Widow: “I’m glad I have eight kids.”
Widower: “I’m glad I have ten kids.”
Innocent Bystander: “I’m glad I’m careful!”
For your “I’m glad I’m careful” files, Spencer Hall at SB Nation:
1. Kirby Chambliss is a pilot. That sentence is somewhat accurate, since many, many people are pilots, and their quality, skills, and ability to peel a plane away from gravity and send it bouncing end-over-end through the air vary greatly…
2. Red Bull is a company apparently capable of space travel, mind control, and countless other potential technologies it ignores in favor of a.) selling energy drinks, and b.) subsidizing outlandish, speed-freaky sports in the name of self-promotion. It is very good at both, and that is why you see Austrian teenagers with their fear glands removed diving sideways in wingsuits off the tops of Norwegian fjords wearing its logo all over YouTube. Occasionally they invite a journalist along to do one of these stupid things, and usually the journalist refuses because these things are very, very stupid.
3. The exception to that is me, because I am stupid and actually want to get in the plane with Chambliss, a tall, easygoing dude from Texas who talks like a pilot, walks like a pilot, and has a supernatural ability to speak clearly and easily while throwing his plane into G-heavy vomit spirals….
Apart from watching other people be stupid, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
I like my caffeine as much as the next person. Maybe more, but I’ll have a cup of coffee if I want some. I tried a Red Bull for the first time a few months ago and I had two thoughts. One, Red Bull isn’t even red and two my gosh that tasted terrible. But they sure seem to sell a lot of it.
There’s never anything on the agenda apart from watching people being stupid.
Not much other than I’ve been invade by fleas, I haven’t had this problem in yrs. I have no pets, I do hate them. I would love any ideas on this.
Thanks in advance
@jo6pac: Cedar products are a good natural flea deterrent. I somehow got fleas in the house last year and used cedar spray on furniture and along baseboards. They disappeared. It’s non-toxic and smells good too.
Another thing to try is diatomaceous earth. Don’t get the kind for pools–it has chemicals in it. Get food grade. Sprinkle it along baseboards, leave for a day or two, then vacuum up. It kills fleas by scraping their exoskeleton (or something) and then they die. It’s pet safe for those who have pets.
Good luck. Fleas are the worst.
@jo6pac: I’ve only had fleas once when I took in a stray cat. It was a nightmare. I used the bomb and treated the cats. The only thing I found is the “cheap” flea stuff just doesn’t work. Pay the big bucks for the best you can afford and you will be rewarded.
Mike in NC
You won’t see a crappier movie in your life if you tune in to “Bermuda Tentacles” tonight on SyFy. Leave the house NOW!
Tomorrow is my last day of work at my former employer! I’m finally getting around to packing my apartment in BR. I’m already half moved into the NOLA apt. Just need to pack my stuff and be ready for next week when I move the big furniture
Right now I’m sitting in my old apartment with no cable and no Internet (except on my phone) so I’ve been watching some of my DVDs. Now watching The Mummy. I’m telling ya I love me some Brendan Fraser but dude who played the mummy was kinda hot.
I favor Rockstar over Red Bull and always go with the sugar free version (unless I’m at a bar and it’s being mixed with vodka… Though I don’t do that much anymore). I kinda miss doing stupid things
An exciting time for you! I wish you all the best withe the transition!
I’ve been looking for this information all day and finally found it. The BLM only wanted that loon in NV to pay $1.35 per month.
Now I am no expert on cattle or grazing, but that sure seems like a pretty good deal and he wouldn’t even pay that.
I was thinking of going to a Yuri’s Night event tonight, but one of the local ones is sold out, and the other one doesn’t appeal to me. Oh, well.
Happy anniversary of human spaceflight, everyone!
Just watched “The Girl With the Green Eyes” with Rita Tushingham and Peter Finch.
? Martin
@Mike in NC: We have it queued up on the DVR. Family is eagerly waiting for it to start here. And yes, it looks absolutely terrible. Probably the best film production and acting that $1000 can buy.
@SiubhanDuinne: thx. I admit that I am way tired of the trips back and forth to BR. It will be good when I no longer have to. It will be even better once I can get my bed to the new house rather than having to sleep on an air matress
Roger Moore
I think the bigger deal was that they changed the grazing rules to try to protect the desert tortoise. I’m not certain of the exact rule changes, but it probably involved reducing the density of cattle in the area and requiring them to keep out of some critical areas entirely. That was apparently too much for him, so he just ignored the new rules. Once he was ignoring the grazing rules, he presumably also gave up paying his grazing fees, too. Why bother paying the feds grazing fees when you’re disputing their right to control the land at all? The feds are talking up the “won’t pay fees” part because it’s easy to understand and obviously wrong, while failure to obey nit-picky rules is more abstruse.
? Martin
There is no discount on freedom.
What’s more interesting is the unabridged freakshow that is supporting him. They’ve stopped the roundup, the FBI is going to wait until most of the supporters are gone and then roll in, toss his ass in jail, confiscate the cattle, and track down everyone else that was involved. Shutting down an interstate? I don’t think they’re going to drop this.
@Roger Moore: That Reuters story I linked to is about the best I found with a timeline. I was having a hard time following it from the other articles I read. I think you are spot on, that the desert tortoise was really the breaking point. I mean the far right likes to get all up in arms about that kind of thing.
@? Martin: But the FBI will do it. I don’t blame the BLM for not endangering their people.
@raven: You liked the movie so much, you wrote that you watched it three times???
@MikeJ: Neither do I. Look I wish we would have just rounded up all his cattle and put him in jail. But smarter people are running things in our government and cooler heads prevailed. Which was a smart thing I think.
From the videos I’ve seen that protest was a push, shove, or a hand on a gun and things could have gotten ugly pretty fast. In fact it almost did.
@PurpleGirl: It’s been happening to me a great deal lately.
? Martin
@MikeJ: I think it’s a good move to deescalate. He’s not going anywhere nor are the cattle. Wait for everyone to dissipate, so you aren’t getting into a large scale shooting situation.
@? Martin: a missed opportunity to thin the herd a bit.
Ain’t nobody from Texas named “Chambliss” who hadn’t had a busted lip. I want to see the scar.
@jo6pac: Could not recommend Best Yet more highly. I bought a jug over 3 years ago and still have it. Great product.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
Local commenter something fabulous and I ended up signing up for the same screenwriting symposium. It came in especially handy waiting in the gigantic line for the food truck.
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Lol, small town. Was it a good symposium?
I think you are alluding to Yours, Mine and Ours? IIRC another of Ball’s latter-life miscastings that did her no justice (speaking as one who adores the woman).
My day was parade, loads of cute puppehs, and SCIENCE!
And his loon ‘supporters’ got 21/2 to 36.
freedumb indeed.
Welp. Guess I’ll watch The Scorpian King to end my night. I live The Rock. I had a dream iOmarried The Rock once. LAMH-Johnson had a nice ring to it. Le sigh, I have never been more mad than when my alarm went off…lol.
Good night BJ
BD of MN
I’ve only been peripherally following this, but is this referencing the LE dog getting kicked and the subsequent tazing? Or am I repeating unsubstantiated rumors?
And why did it take 20 year to get this far? Shit, if a renter misses his rent payment he’s out on his ass in what, 60 days? BLM should have been rounding up cattle in, oh, 1995 or so…
Boy, oh boy, is the excerpt blockquoted ever a full-blown example of overwrought prose. Haven’t read anything that painful since The Rover Boys.
It was okay — one segment was pretty much a commercial for the Austin Film Festival, which is selling themselves as a really good writers’ festival (not many of those around). And the price was right: $65 for an all-day event. I am very tired now, though.