Bled the clutch in the car, doing some laundry now. The SO is out doing some editing work on her new book, and I have some video gaming and packing to do.
I also picked up a new 4.5″ angle grinder, so I am planning out how to build a dog bed from some recycled pallets sitting in the sun room. Yay for man-toys.
Thinking about trying to sleep, but the body is not in agreement.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m glad to be home. 15 hour travel day Friday. 2 countries, 4 airports, 3 planes, 3 time zones. Got home at 1:30 am.
Time for chores and breakfast.
Oh, also the clothes washer broke this week. Welcome home.
chrome agnomen
seconded. and thorny, and briary, and thistly.
@cleek: Yeah, here too if I can get off my ass and stay off it. Cleaning about 2 dozen windows inside and out, getting under the mower deck to replace the blades, then changing oil and filters on the tractor, and maybe – just maybe – taking it out for a spin to cut the fast-growing lawn.
Then there’s the maintenance on this old house itself. Well, I knew what I was getting into when I bought it …..
Your photo makes me want to take a road trip.
Good luck w the garden.
@chrome agnomen: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. And chain saw-y.
Recovering from younger brothers wedding last night. Last of my six siblings, who all brought amazingly kind and wonderful people into our family. I am very happy but worn out. Low key day today, heading back south tomorrow.
Kindle is blowing up with emails from the boss. It looks like there was no real strong media plan done before her trip. I’m officially not starting yet, but I’ve been reading documents and checking strategies I can do since yesterday at 9 pm. I guess I should log these hours. Plus side, I am heading out to enjoy the day.
Arm The Homeless
@Elizabelle: Aside from being the seat of Evil, Tallahassee has some wonderful canopy roads. If you ever get the chance its a great drive, so long as you don’t end up in Georgia or Alabama.
BD of MN
Today was to include cleaning dog crap from the yard (two Great Pyrennes) since the last of the snow melted on Tuesday or Wednesday, but now it’s raining, so, um, yay…
A couple of my wingnutty relatives and friends have been clogging up facebook with the Bundy Ranch saga, it’s complete with jackbooted gubmint thugs, State’s rights, Oathkeepers, talk of the “next Waco”, etc… I’ve been able to derail their butthurt by asking why it’s OK for the Bundy clan to not pay their grazing fees for 20 years…
J R in WV
I ought to climb up onto the roof (a flat rubber roof. I swore I would never have a flat roof, my Dad’s roof was replaced every 4 or 5 years, but that was before rubber. everyone assured me rubber is better than built-up tar and gravel. well, kinda) and sweep the winter’s accumulation of stuff off. Then clean the gutters.
Then put in the dehumidifier in the sub-basement.
Then garden the wildflowers some. I want to move a couple of shovels of the trout lilies from the biggest bed to some other likely spot – they only bloom for a few days, and then even the foliage dies back. But they are so cool in the meantime.
I could do the same for the bluebells, which we have 3 big beds of, and which could be spread into two or three other spots.
Bah. Recently I’ve had two people use the stupid argument against raising Minnesota minimum wage, “Why don’t we just raise it to $100 an hour then, huh, huh?’ I’d like to find a short snappy sarcastic comeback, not that it would change their minds but I have to have some fun.
Already cleaned the stove and steam-cleaned the kitchen floor. Hubs is cleaning the front porch in preparation for painting. I see lunch, a nap, and watching The Masters later.
I will make a point of driving some of those Tallahassee area “canopy roads.” Goes on the list.
Had never heard of them. Thank you.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Speaking of ‘wingers, I spent a bit of time in airport book stores recently looking for something to keep me occupied on the plane.
Amazingly, books by recognizable right wingers (Coulter, O’Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Ollie N., etc.) outnumber books by recognizable liberals by at least 10 to 1. Both in authors and in titles. One particular store had at least 5 Bill O. books and lacked any at all by Krugman. Among liberal authors, none was represented by more than a single title, yet Coulter’s entire outspew was on display.
Same thing in the ‘finance’, ‘business’ and ‘self improvement’ areas. Mostly right wing liars, scammers and grifters. I wish I’d noted the name of that store. It was in GWB Houston airport.
J R in WV
Now I’m thinking that it’ll be too hot on the (black) roof, I’ll just skip to the dehumidifier, then garden some. Scoop up a shovel of trout lilies, then put them down next to another big rock.
Scoop up some bluebells, put them next to a big rock.
Carefully dig up a couple of ramps, transplant them to a nearby spot where they may start another clump…
First things first… are there fresh mushrooms for breakfast?
I found 5 gigantic concrete planters for $10 each at a yard sale!
Randy P
@Ultraviolet Thunder: For the flip side of that, some years ago in Charles de Gaulle airport I ran into a book by an American journalist, trying to explain to the French all that sudden anti-French sentiment the wingers drummed up in 2003 when they wouldn’t join W on his excellent Iraqi Adventure. Trying to explain Americans, period.
What a bargain! My 2nd thought was the logistics of getting very heavy planters home and in place but I’m sure you have that covered.
J R in WV
Mrs J R just told me of a third patch of dogtooth lilies, aka trout lilies, which I looked at. They’re by the creek on the bank, and looking good, though not blooming yet. I vaguely remember putting a couple of roots in there a long time ago.
The shitakes are indeed flushing after light rain yesterday, and I did dig 6 ramps to cook today, so bacon, and eggs scrambled with shrooms and ramps! Brunch from the wild flower garden!
I’m wondering who the hell Mike Huckabee thinks he is to question Barack Obama’s — or anyone else’s, for that matter — Christian convictions.
I have a large garden rake and a rather coarse suggestion about what he should do with it.
The canopy road photo is similar to a whole set of photos a friend sent from his walking tour of Brookgreen Gardens near Myrtle Beach SC. What a beautiful place.
Getting all cutting equipment ready for mowing chores ahead; leveling riding mower blades, and filling all tires (car, truck, mower, wheel barrow), with correct air pressures. Don’t forget the spares in the trunk too.
We just had the big melt. Should look into pansies for the front urns, but I don’t see them out yet.
On the other hand. Still sick.
Fortunately, Somebody Up There loves me, and made me aware of Oyster, an Apple app which is like Netflix for books. They seem to have an extensive catalog.
I’m a fiber artist and I make hooked rugs from dyed strips of wool pulled in loops through a linen backing. I’ve posted about being a hooker before. ;-)
I’m creating a rather large rug, 34″ by 48″ and it’s a Steampunk portrait. It’s going really well and I hope to finish it soon.
Haircut then prepping to entertain one of our favorite families tonight. Going to have the kids build their own mini pizzas. For apps I’m gonna wrap various things in bacon. Jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese, water chestnuts, dried apricots, asparagus. My wife will counterbalance with healthier things.
@bemused: Ah, no problem. The seller helped me load them. I brought them home in my chevy truck and have a driveway that, when my back wheels are at the bottom, my tailgate will drop to within 4 inches of the street. Shoveled the dirt out, muscled them down and put them on my hand truck. Field expediency.
Amir Khalid
Remember the nine-month old baby in Pakistan against whom the police filed a charge of attempted murder? I think everyone will be pleased to learn that the judge has dropped the charge and ordered the cops to explain themselves in writing.
I’m helping my spouse finish packing for a 5-day backpacking trip to Havasupai , in the Grand Canyon.
The last-minute scrambling and upheaval every time he goes backpacking does not make me sad to see him gone.
@Amir Khalid: I would hope so. Though considering a baby’s attention span, it couldn’t have been premeditated.
I’ve been removing the rampant goat-head thorn weeds from my favorite mountain biking trail behind our house. I’ve been doing it for 4 years, starting after I noticed them and by last year there were very few. Then the floods in CO last September washed TONS of seeds over the slopes and they were 100x worse than ever, plus the trail was closed all winter or I would have been on it sooner.
I wonder if I’d realized just how extensive the infestation was if I would have even tried this year. I think there is just a small part of the trail left to weed, and I’m not even addressing what is growing outside the trail but the blisters and the back pain are an issue. If I don’t get them within the next week, they will go to seed and all the work will be for nothing.
Sunny and warm today, snowy upslope storm coming tomorrow so 6 to 10 inches are possible. Gardening (wildland style) today, skiing tomorrow!
Plumbing woes at home and server upgrades at work.
I miss two-day weekends.
@Arm The Homeless: there’s a stretch of US 301 like that, headed north from Jacksonville into Georgia. MUCH nicer than I-95, and far less traveled.
We own a tiny, old cabin in Blue Jay, California (near Lake Arrowhead) and were thinking of selling it because we live near Seattle now… until we got here to get it ready to sell. We had forgotten how much we love the place so we’ve decided to keep it. we are working on a few items like cleaning out a closet, replacing a threshhold, putting up the screen door, etc.
Old cabins up here tend to come partly furnished and this one also came with a lot of books and CDs and a stack of old vinyl LPs, so we picked up a turntable at Target and have been listening to things like Shelley Berman and Louis Prima. Unfortunately they were not treated well, stored horizontally, the jackets look like they were left outside in the dirt for a while, and some don’t even have jackets, and some look like they have scratches or a foreign material (bird poop?) on them. The Shelley Berman is in remarkably good condition and it was one without a jacket. Some of the albums look like a collection of demo singles, others are from unknowns. Teen Queens, anyone?
With Keeley Smith singing in the background, we are clearing the counters in the kitchen and moving stuff out of the way today so that Monday a contractor can come in and yank out the terrible tile floor as well as at least one layer of vinyl flooring and one of real linoleum in the kitchen. We are hoping what we find underneath is fir flooring that matches the wood in the living room so we can just refinish it.
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my list is long and hard and filthy
Arm The Homeless
Bled the clutch in the car, doing some laundry now. The SO is out doing some editing work on her new book, and I have some video gaming and packing to do.
I also picked up a new 4.5″ angle grinder, so I am planning out how to build a dog bed from some recycled pallets sitting in the sun room. Yay for man-toys.
Thinking about trying to sleep, but the body is not in agreement.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m glad to be home. 15 hour travel day Friday. 2 countries, 4 airports, 3 planes, 3 time zones. Got home at 1:30 am.
Time for chores and breakfast.
Oh, also the clothes washer broke this week. Welcome home.
chrome agnomen
seconded. and thorny, and briary, and thistly.
@cleek: Yeah, here too if I can get off my ass and stay off it. Cleaning about 2 dozen windows inside and out, getting under the mower deck to replace the blades, then changing oil and filters on the tractor, and maybe – just maybe – taking it out for a spin to cut the fast-growing lawn.
Then there’s the maintenance on this old house itself. Well, I knew what I was getting into when I bought it …..
Your photo makes me want to take a road trip.
Good luck w the garden.
@chrome agnomen: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. And chain saw-y.
Recovering from younger brothers wedding last night. Last of my six siblings, who all brought amazingly kind and wonderful people into our family. I am very happy but worn out. Low key day today, heading back south tomorrow.
Kindle is blowing up with emails from the boss. It looks like there was no real strong media plan done before her trip. I’m officially not starting yet, but I’ve been reading documents and checking strategies I can do since yesterday at 9 pm. I guess I should log these hours. Plus side, I am heading out to enjoy the day.
Arm The Homeless
@Elizabelle: Aside from being the seat of Evil, Tallahassee has some wonderful canopy roads. If you ever get the chance its a great drive, so long as you don’t end up in Georgia or Alabama.
BD of MN
Today was to include cleaning dog crap from the yard (two Great Pyrennes) since the last of the snow melted on Tuesday or Wednesday, but now it’s raining, so, um, yay…
A couple of my wingnutty relatives and friends have been clogging up facebook with the Bundy Ranch saga, it’s complete with jackbooted gubmint thugs, State’s rights, Oathkeepers, talk of the “next Waco”, etc… I’ve been able to derail their butthurt by asking why it’s OK for the Bundy clan to not pay their grazing fees for 20 years…
J R in WV
I ought to climb up onto the roof (a flat rubber roof. I swore I would never have a flat roof, my Dad’s roof was replaced every 4 or 5 years, but that was before rubber. everyone assured me rubber is better than built-up tar and gravel. well, kinda) and sweep the winter’s accumulation of stuff off. Then clean the gutters.
Then put in the dehumidifier in the sub-basement.
Then garden the wildflowers some. I want to move a couple of shovels of the trout lilies from the biggest bed to some other likely spot – they only bloom for a few days, and then even the foliage dies back. But they are so cool in the meantime.
I could do the same for the bluebells, which we have 3 big beds of, and which could be spread into two or three other spots.
Bah. Recently I’ve had two people use the stupid argument against raising Minnesota minimum wage, “Why don’t we just raise it to $100 an hour then, huh, huh?’ I’d like to find a short snappy sarcastic comeback, not that it would change their minds but I have to have some fun.
Already cleaned the stove and steam-cleaned the kitchen floor. Hubs is cleaning the front porch in preparation for painting. I see lunch, a nap, and watching The Masters later.
@bemused: I think I’d have to roll with ‘Ok’.
Being a smartass, would answer thusly: “It would totally be worth it to hear you saying ‘You want fries with that?’ for a living.”
@Arm The Homeless:
I will make a point of driving some of those Tallahassee area “canopy roads.” Goes on the list.
Had never heard of them. Thank you.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Speaking of ‘wingers, I spent a bit of time in airport book stores recently looking for something to keep me occupied on the plane.
Amazingly, books by recognizable right wingers (Coulter, O’Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Ollie N., etc.) outnumber books by recognizable liberals by at least 10 to 1. Both in authors and in titles. One particular store had at least 5 Bill O. books and lacked any at all by Krugman. Among liberal authors, none was represented by more than a single title, yet Coulter’s entire outspew was on display.
Same thing in the ‘finance’, ‘business’ and ‘self improvement’ areas. Mostly right wing liars, scammers and grifters. I wish I’d noted the name of that store. It was in GWB Houston airport.
J R in WV
Now I’m thinking that it’ll be too hot on the (black) roof, I’ll just skip to the dehumidifier, then garden some. Scoop up a shovel of trout lilies, then put them down next to another big rock.
Scoop up some bluebells, put them next to a big rock.
Carefully dig up a couple of ramps, transplant them to a nearby spot where they may start another clump…
First things first… are there fresh mushrooms for breakfast?
Randy P
Singing. Choral concert tomorrow.
I found 5 gigantic concrete planters for $10 each at a yard sale!
Randy P
@Ultraviolet Thunder: For the flip side of that, some years ago in Charles de Gaulle airport I ran into a book by an American journalist, trying to explain to the French all that sudden anti-French sentiment the wingers drummed up in 2003 when they wouldn’t join W on his excellent Iraqi Adventure. Trying to explain Americans, period.
Randy P
@bemused: “Wait, did you just offer your boss an argument on why you should never be offered a raise?”
What a bargain! My 2nd thought was the logistics of getting very heavy planters home and in place but I’m sure you have that covered.
J R in WV
Mrs J R just told me of a third patch of dogtooth lilies, aka trout lilies, which I looked at. They’re by the creek on the bank, and looking good, though not blooming yet. I vaguely remember putting a couple of roots in there a long time ago.
The shitakes are indeed flushing after light rain yesterday, and I did dig 6 ramps to cook today, so bacon, and eggs scrambled with shrooms and ramps! Brunch from the wild flower garden!
Sweet. Then the work.
Mustang Bobby
I’m wondering who the hell Mike Huckabee thinks he is to question Barack Obama’s — or anyone else’s, for that matter — Christian convictions.
I have a large garden rake and a rather coarse suggestion about what he should do with it.
The canopy road photo is similar to a whole set of photos a friend sent from his walking tour of Brookgreen Gardens near Myrtle Beach SC. What a beautiful place.
Getting all cutting equipment ready for mowing chores ahead; leveling riding mower blades, and filling all tires (car, truck, mower, wheel barrow), with correct air pressures. Don’t forget the spares in the trunk too.
We just had the big melt. Should look into pansies for the front urns, but I don’t see them out yet.
On the other hand. Still sick.
Fortunately, Somebody Up There loves me, and made me aware of Oyster, an Apple app which is like Netflix for books. They seem to have an extensive catalog.
I’m a fiber artist and I make hooked rugs from dyed strips of wool pulled in loops through a linen backing. I’ve posted about being a hooker before. ;-)
I’m creating a rather large rug, 34″ by 48″ and it’s a Steampunk portrait. It’s going really well and I hope to finish it soon.
Haircut then prepping to entertain one of our favorite families tonight. Going to have the kids build their own mini pizzas. For apps I’m gonna wrap various things in bacon. Jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese, water chestnuts, dried apricots, asparagus. My wife will counterbalance with healthier things.
@bemused: Ah, no problem. The seller helped me load them. I brought them home in my chevy truck and have a driveway that, when my back wheels are at the bottom, my tailgate will drop to within 4 inches of the street. Shoveled the dirt out, muscled them down and put them on my hand truck. Field expediency.
Amir Khalid
Remember the nine-month old baby in Pakistan against whom the police filed a charge of attempted murder? I think everyone will be pleased to learn that the judge has dropped the charge and ordered the cops to explain themselves in writing.
I’m helping my spouse finish packing for a 5-day backpacking trip to Havasupai , in the Grand Canyon.
The last-minute scrambling and upheaval every time he goes backpacking does not make me sad to see him gone.
Post pics when they are planted and growing beauteously.
@Amir Khalid: I would hope so. Though considering a baby’s attention span, it couldn’t have been premeditated.
I’ve been removing the rampant goat-head thorn weeds from my favorite mountain biking trail behind our house. I’ve been doing it for 4 years, starting after I noticed them and by last year there were very few. Then the floods in CO last September washed TONS of seeds over the slopes and they were 100x worse than ever, plus the trail was closed all winter or I would have been on it sooner.
I wonder if I’d realized just how extensive the infestation was if I would have even tried this year. I think there is just a small part of the trail left to weed, and I’m not even addressing what is growing outside the trail but the blisters and the back pain are an issue. If I don’t get them within the next week, they will go to seed and all the work will be for nothing.
Sunny and warm today, snowy upslope storm coming tomorrow so 6 to 10 inches are possible. Gardening (wildland style) today, skiing tomorrow!
Plumbing woes at home and server upgrades at work.
I miss two-day weekends.
@Arm The Homeless: there’s a stretch of US 301 like that, headed north from Jacksonville into Georgia. MUCH nicer than I-95, and far less traveled.
We own a tiny, old cabin in Blue Jay, California (near Lake Arrowhead) and were thinking of selling it because we live near Seattle now… until we got here to get it ready to sell. We had forgotten how much we love the place so we’ve decided to keep it. we are working on a few items like cleaning out a closet, replacing a threshhold, putting up the screen door, etc.
Old cabins up here tend to come partly furnished and this one also came with a lot of books and CDs and a stack of old vinyl LPs, so we picked up a turntable at Target and have been listening to things like Shelley Berman and Louis Prima. Unfortunately they were not treated well, stored horizontally, the jackets look like they were left outside in the dirt for a while, and some don’t even have jackets, and some look like they have scratches or a foreign material (bird poop?) on them. The Shelley Berman is in remarkably good condition and it was one without a jacket. Some of the albums look like a collection of demo singles, others are from unknowns. Teen Queens, anyone?
With Keeley Smith singing in the background, we are clearing the counters in the kitchen and moving stuff out of the way today so that Monday a contractor can come in and yank out the terrible tile floor as well as at least one layer of vinyl flooring and one of real linoleum in the kitchen. We are hoping what we find underneath is fir flooring that matches the wood in the living room so we can just refinish it.