GoT spoilers below. I waited until the west coast viewing to post this.
First things first- in the final scene in the closing battle, all I could think about while the Red Viper was fighting and had the Mountain on the ground was the Evil Overlord list. Just fucking kill him, fer fuck’s sake.
When Tyrion and Jamie had their dialogue in jail before the fight, Tyrion mentioned while discussing the beetle crusher that “a lot of books have been written about great men, but not a lot about morons.”
My first thought was that Sarah Palin and the tea party sure solved that deficit.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Ahem *TyriOn not TyriAn*
Blog standards have clearly declined since the glory days of 1776.
So, next week will be the execution of TyriOn not TyriAn. Good to know. I’ll check when it will be on the TV.
John Casey
@carolinadave: Many a slip ‘twix cup and lip.
Joseph Nobles
No, next week is strictly at the Wall. Execution is slated for week after next.
@John Casey: I think that’s “twix’t”….
Current earworm
great drumming on that.
Ha ha ha! I don’t watch GoT. You’re spoilers mean nothing to me, Cole!
Edit: except, if the plot needs thickening or sickening, or more time to pad, the hero/villain never kills the villain/hero the first time they have a chance, but it is obvious that if they had a lick of sense, they should get it over with and kill the person. That is, like, a given.
@Joseph Nobles:
Seems so. Neil Marshall directed next weeks episode. He’s the same guy who did the Battle of the Blackwater episode from Season Two, which took place entirely in King’s Landing.
James E. Powell
Sadly, I am without HBO for the next couple weeks. I read all the books, so the only spoilers are what did the script writers change?
All I have to say is this:
When someone tells you to wear a helmet, you wear the fucking helmet.
@James E. Powell: a few things, some that could have drastically changed the story, but maybe not
schrodinger's cat
Last day in India and I am a mess. Packing still to be done and just had a huge argument with my husband over the phone. I need a hug.
@schrodinger’s cat: *hug* from the many thousands of kilometres that separate us.
Higgs Boson's Mate
Mary G is very much a fan of the show. I’ve watched it with her a couple of times and I couldn’t get into it. The sets, locations, and costumes were feature film quality. The dialog was well written. The acting seemed good to me though I am a bit tone-deaf in that regard. For whatever reason, Brit mystery shows (And not even all of them) are the only series I have cared to follow for more than one or two episodes.
Since we’re not going to see him again, I must say that Pedro Pascal’s portrayal of Oberyn was, for me, the surprise hit of the Season. The casting on the show has generally been top-notch, especially the kid actors, but Pascal really hit the ball out of the park.
@Sly: Maisie Williams rocks my existence.
Okay tech people, help me out. My laptop just totally froze up on me out of nowhere. Like, I’d been doing stuff normally, sent a tweet, then a couple minutes later tried to do something and could not move my cursor, couldn’t CTRL-ALT-DEL, nothing. Waited a few minutes to see if it corrected itself, nope. Had to hard boot it which I haaaaate doing. So, what might have caused that? Please don’t tell me my computer is gonna die because I am poor as fuck and this damn thing is only a few years old.
schrodinger's cat
@Alison: Is your hard drive dying?
Higgs Boson's Mate
Hard to say definitively from what you wrote though it doesn’t sound like a hardware problem. My first steps would be to run CCleaner (It’s free and it works very well) then defragment your hard drive. Those steps usually solve the most common problems with Windows machines that have been in service for a few years.
Best line ever of a cute woman addressing open carry idiots at a family restaurant.
“There are children here. And you’re a dumbass.”
It was the way she said it. Totally dismissive and laughing at the wannabe manhood of these idiots.
That guy is probably still at home licking his wounds from that brief verbal ass kicking.
The scenes with her and Charles Dance (Tywin) at Harrenhal in Season 2, which weren’t even in the books, are still my favorite scenes of the entire series. Massie does great justice to the narrative arc that Arya is on. An arc that ought to disturb people a lot more than it appears to, at least by my general sense of fandom reaction.
Kevin B.
To me, Oberyn enacted the “Talking Killer” cliche that Roger Ebert talked about many years ago.
Major Major Major Major (formerly J.Ty)
@Alison: Operating system?
Previous advice is spot-on though, don’t have much to add until I know your OS.
Major Major Major Major (formerly J.Ty)
Apparently my previous comment is awaiting moderation, testing 123
ETA: Must be the new nym?
@schrodinger’s cat: Well…how would I know?
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Thanks, I’ll give that a try tomorrow.
A Humble Lurker
@schrodinger’s cat: {[(You)]}
schrodinger's cat
@Alison: Has it been making weird sounds off late?
@schrodinger’s cat: Now, let’s not get supernatural. Perhaps it’s possessed, perhaps not.
Anne Laurie
@Higgs Boson’s Mate:
Technically a (semi-comic) BBC police procedural rather than a mystery, but I recommend NEW TRICKS:
This is a good song and video
Alright, I give up. I just can’t seem to forward links.
@schrodinger’s cat: Eh, no. Sometimes it runs a little high, but only for a couple minutes.
Jay S
@Alison: Overheating can cause lockups before thermal shutdown. Were the vents clear when it had problems? Was the running high comment about fan noise? Check for dust clogging the vents. Does it feel hot to the touch in places? It may need a cleaning.
Jay S
@Anne Laurie: Is anyone still running New Tricks? It’s a bit long in the tooth. It was a good series though.
I poured it on and I poured it out. I tried to show you just how much I care. I’m tired of words and I’m to hoarse to shout. But you been so cold to me so long I’m crying icicles instead of tears.
Oh, well.
@Anne Laurie: BBC America rocks. I find myself saying British stuff. Started with Doctor Who. Then Sherlock, but moved into many other shows.
@Jay S: That’s probably part of it. Not that I have any idea how to clean it…
Don’t be sad. Cause two out of three ain’t bad.
Anne Laurie
@Jay S: All ten seasons of New Tricks are available through Netflix; Season 11 is now being filmed, and will be shown later this year. Three of the four original central cast members have moved on, but their replacements are doing very well IMO (and I was a sceptic, but we’ve just finished watching the Season Ten finale earlier in the week).
You know nothing, carolinadave. Next week is the Battle of the Wall.
Brian R.
Good Lord, Game of Thrones.
The Mountain didn’t look too good at the end of that either. What happens if they both die? Is that a result like a hung jury?
The spark of interest between Missandei and Grey Worm wasn’t in the books. In the books, her relationship was with Dany
Lurking Canadian
The death-by-taunting of the Red Viper is tragic, but not entirely Evil Overlord worthy. In his mind, the Mountain is just a tool. It’s *Tywin* who he thinks really killed Elia and the kids. He needs to get a confession before the witness dies.
The BIG change last night is that Allayne Stone has been outed to all the world as Sansa Stark. That’s kind of huge, in my opinion.
big ole hound
@Higgs Boson’s Mate: Foyles War is the bestof the “British mysteries”. Started again last night.
Actually it is very easy to clean.
There are 2 way2.
1) Buy a can of compressed air (usually a buck or two). Find the air vents and other openings and use short bursts of air to clean out any dust.
2) Use the small nozzle extension on your vacuum cleaner. Run it all over your laptop paying close attention to the air vents and other openings.If needed you could probably use the vacuum at your neighborhood car wash to do the same thing.
@Lurking Canadian:
IIRC, that is a huge departure from the book.
@Brian R.:
First to die determines the verdict.
David Hunt
@bg: Nope. Oberyn’s dead, Dead, DEAD right now so the Mountain still wins even if he succumbs to his wounds/whatever subtle poison that Oberyn (the show went out their way to tell I studied poisons at the Citadel) Martell put on that spear, later.
Edit: This was meant as response to Brian R.
David Hunt
@Lurking Canadian: Sansa being outed would be huge. I think they’re covering it by having Vale lords who were there say they’d keep the secret. If those three lords keep their mouths shut, it won’t change much in the short term.
All I kept thinking about during Oberyn’s grandstanding was “Hello! My name is Oberyn Martell! You killed my sister (and her kids)! Prepare to die!”. And then the six-fingered man crushed his skull.
@Kevin B.: In “The Incredibles”, it’s called “monologging” (sp)?
First, Mr. Martin better not die before he finishes this and, two, I hope there is something resembling a happy ending when this is all said and done.