Allen West is calling for impeachment because of the release of Bergdahl.
Game ON!
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This post is in: Military, Clown Shoes
Allen West is calling for impeachment because of the release of Bergdahl.
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Somebody needs to kick that bastard’s ginormous balls into his lying teeth.
I was late by one minute.
Well, this changes everything…
Of course he is. I’m sure Sarah Palin has been ululating on Facebook as well.
Dave C
Please proceed, Republicans.
Villago Delenda Est
So, war criminal disgrace to the officer corps of the United States Army is calling for impeachment over the Bergdahl deal?
Please proceed, Rethuglican scum. Seal your own doom.
Come on, West. Call for a mock execution!
@Citizen_X: This is Alan Fucking West we’re talking about here — he’ll go straight for a real execution, with the newly refurbished Texas electric chair.
@Villago Delenda Est: Self-awareness isn’t his strong point.
But, regardless. I think West and his pals are in for a surprise.
West and his fellow grifters will be keeping track of the take off this proposal, if picken’s are good, expect a summer blockbuster action thriller rollout for the base, then a professionally done Autumn sales campaign for the more discerning audience, a la the promotion for criminal, corrupt and blunderific Iraw war.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Given Allen West’s apparent obsession with impeaching Obama over words beginning with “B”, I guess we’d better make sure he never watches the Princess Bride, or Buttercup is going to wake up one morning and discover she was running the Florin chapter of the Socialist Muslim Crypto-Kenyan Arugula Jihad all along.
Mustang Bobby
If this keeps up, The Onion is going to sue for copyright infringement.
@Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers): I’m convinced that the GOP will soon start screeching about Ben-Gay.
I’d be worried if it was Adam West.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Or Ben Wa Balls, that well known Asian-American cousin of (the British Commie Liberal) Ed.
Villago Delenda Est
@Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers): “You keep using that word, Mr. West. I do not think It means what you think it means.”
Chris T.
Damn, beaten to the “please proceed” punch.
Someone should post that to the comments on the linked page though…
Let’s see….conservative acts to raise blood pressure in base. Check.
All they have is anger and rage. I feel bad for their families.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
@Villago Delenda Est:
“I would not say such things if I were you, Reality!”
Villago Delenda Est
@BGinCHI: I’d be even more worried if it were Burt Ward.
Dear DiFi:
Please fucking retire!!
Do it do it do it! gimme gimme! want that!
@Villago Delenda Est: Win.
‘ File charges, already. ‘
Why? In their opinion, he was already serving his sentence as a POW for whatever crime he did, which he did do, sure enough. The unconstitutional Nobama done committed a jail break.
Anyway, you do a real investigation, who know what that might turn up? Maybe the guy had a nervous breakdown. Need to bring on the noise, bring on the funk to drown out where serious fact stuff might lead.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Di Spy with her eye in the sky
Leering down at you and I.
Arm The Homeless
11th dimensional chess, or blessed with deeply flawed adversaries? You decide.
But seriously, the elder Bergdahl seems like quite an interesting story. No matter what comes of this, this will be one of those zombie stories that will constantly mutate to be used as a rhetorical club against Dems.
Are the Idaho reps holding their fire? Thats how I usually gauge these sorts of personality driven kerfuffles.
He’s a psycho. Eff him.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
@Arm The Homeless:
In later years, men were judged and their careers blighted by whether they had been objectively pro-elder Bergdahlist or not.
@Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers): She is literally clutching her pearls.
Mr. West? A favor? Could you go down the active duty rosters of the military, and tell us ahead of time which personnel aren’t worthy of repatriation? We could save a lot of time, money and family heartache if we knew ahead of time whether we should get a prisoner released or recover a body depending on whether they meet the Allen West Standard.
Pretty please? I’m sure it would be good for morale, too, knowing that if your buddy doesn’t come back, it’s none of the troops’ concern. “Ah, fuck him. Allen West said he wasn’t worth recovering.”
Betty Cracker
West got kicked off the US Congress gravy train after a single term, and he’s been suckling at the wingnut welfare teat ever since to avoid getting an actual job. He’s a low-rent Snowflake Snooki, which is low-rent indeed.
mike with a mic
Impeach him for returning a soldier… this should be good for laughs.
mike with a mic
Impeach him for returning a soldier… this should be good for laughs.
@jl: I think he meant file impeachment charges against Obama.
I dare DiFi to say the same thing in person to the father of Bergdahl. Hell, I don’t recall she was all that adamant about Bush following the law…
princess leia
Now Feinstein is expressing concern….
Villago Delenda Est
@Betty Cracker: Sub-sub-basement Snooki. Lower than Mediterranean Avenue low rent.
@Betty Cracker: Check out the cover of West’s book. It screams “I am grifting the wingnuts” louder than anything not written by Anne Coulter.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Has he denied being a Which yet?
@Patrick: She has the courage of her convictions but is not sure what her convictions are.
@princess leia: can we get rid of her yet? Why is she still our Senator? She sucks.
Betty Cracker
@dmsilev: OMFG! He actually refers to himself as “An American Ronin” without shame or irony. Nice screaming eagle graphics on the Harley, too.
a flag desecrator sez what about impeachment?
Betty Cracker
@BGinCHI: The only detectable conviction I’ve observed is the conceit that she’s Verra Important!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers): Well, he isn’t a Who.
Bush tortured people. Obama didn’t consult with Congress. What exactly is worse, Mrs Feinstein??? This isn’t exactly brain surgery.
Bring. It. On.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
I think he tried to spell Moron, but it came out Ronin instead.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Patrick: But she wasn’t treated with the deference that is her due.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I Dunno.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m sure that the cash register is chinging like mad over at Allen West Grifting, Inc. right now, as wingtards forward substantial portions of their disability and social security checks to the Allen West fund for boat payments.
@Betty Cracker: Well, if we take a quick look at the original Ronin (via Wikipedia):
Actually, that’s not a bad descriptor of a large swath of the GOP.
@Patrick: Bush Lied. Obama made it possible to get affordable healthcare and killed Osama Bin Laden and got us out of our pointless wars.
/bumper sticker
Villago Delenda Est
@Patrick: For DiFi, apparently it is.
Concern troll DiFi is concerned! Oh my stars and garters!
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
IIRC, Obama included a signing statement when he signed the relevant bill last year, saying that he would feel free not to consult in emergency cases. So he isn’t bound to consult Feinstein’s corrupt ass anyway.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I’ll happily remedy the situation and apply the boot-to-her-ass deference which is all she deserves.
@different-church-lady: @efgoldman:
Ooohhhh.. OK. Sure, go ahead then. But really they won’t while grifting the buildup is profitable.
My co-worker was just ranting about this. According to her Bergdahl should be shot, along with Obama, but she says that all the time. The last time was when President Obama’s speech ruined her recording of a soap opera.
Oh, and off topic, but noisemax is hilarious:
Inside headline:
And then this bit of “math”
@Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers):
Unitary exec, baby! Signing statement!!11!!
Surely they must remember. Except this wasn’t crushing a child’s testicles, so maybe unitary executive has some limits?
Serve a paper & sue me, sue me
What can you do me
Give a holler & hate me…
Where do I sign to put the full force of my endorsement behind the House GOP putting the President on trial for getting a soldier back from the Taliban?
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Was this the skewed poll, or the poll unskewed for conservative truthiness?
Villago Delenda Est
@Hal: Sorta like grumbling about ACA, except that at least half the grumbling was that ACA didn’t go far enough.
Villago Delenda Est
@jl: Let’s call John Yoo and find out!
Such a shame that Mr West lost his (brief) Congressional sinecure once the people in his district realized what a useless fucking embarrassment and tool he actually was. Otherwise he could, you know, actually draft said Articles of Impeachment. Instead, he’s reduced to his natural role of attention whoring.
Long Tooth
If indeed even a single black American ever fought tooth-and-nail for the Confederacy, I bet it was one of Allen West’s great grandpappys.
princess leia
@SatanicPanic: Indeed. You would think we could come up with SOMEONE progressive in this state!
Do it! Please! Spend the next six months trying to impeach Obama for rescuing a marine from the Taliban!
Mike in NC
We need an Impeachment Pool. I say it will happen before Labor Day.
This would be a good time to remind the public that Allen West was drummed out of the service for war crimes, and was spared court martial.
Jay C
Sorry, Bowe Bergdahl wasn’t a Marine: he was an Army Guy, unit: 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division,
Ash Can
Meh. Allen West is just another camp follower at this point. I’ll get excited when Eric Cantor calls for Obama’s impeachment.
Yeah, maybe we could get a two-fer: Obama impeached and West court martialed.
Only question I have is: does the UCMJ allow execution by firing squad for “Being a Lying Fucking Weasel and Asshole”? Because if it does, West might end up doing remote grifting from Toronto, tout de suite..
@Betty Cracker:
Straight from the department of redundancy department.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): As a smart-mouthed 13-year-old, when my mother told me I needed to treat her with more respect, I said: “Respect is given where respect is due.”
In retrospect, I’m a bit dismayed that I actually made it to 14, but I was reminded of that little line when you talked about DiFi.
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
You think Rob Ford is going to allow another crocodile into his warm, sunny pool of grift?
@jl: From Mr. West’s website
THERE ARE NO ARTIOCLE 2 SIGNING statements. Not only is he a war criminal but a total stupid one at that.
From Wikipedia
David Koch
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@WaterGirl: At approximately that age, I made some remark to my mom – I don’t recall what it was – and my dad who was doing something outside the house overheard me say it. Within seconds, he was standing in front and quietly saying, “Do not ever speak to your mother that way again,” and then he turned around and went back outside. I never spoke to my mother that way again.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Sometimes less is more. Your dad sounds like a good guy.
Alan West would call for impeachment if Obama fed Bo too many Milk Bones.
Why, oh why, are we supposed to give credence to folks like West, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Gingrich? People who the electorate have soundly rejected. And lets not even get started on total fraud, Trump
Chris T.
@Hal: Also, remember that the poll options surely went like this:
The amazing thing is not that 79% chose one of the first three, but that 21% chose option 4 at all.
I wish these chickenshit motherfuckers would.
Hill Dweller
Diane Feinstein is a profile in courage.
Tweety has lost his f’n mind. I’m rooting for a Howard Beale-esque meltdown.
Ash Can
Bad news for Mad Magazine fans — Mad has jumped aboard the Bergdahl-sucks bandwagon. (Sorry no link — h/t the LGF commenters)
As far as Feinstein being worthless, somebody posted that if the Legislative branch wants to sue over this, they should.
It would help a LOT to clarify what power the executive actually has.
Has anyone else noted that Obama had a signing statement on that bill because of the Guantanamo constraints.
Betty Cracker
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Smart boy. It’s good to have parents who stick up for each other.
Ash Can
Headline Of The Day: Oliver North (Yes, Oliver North) Accuses Obama Of ‘Financing A Terrorist Organization’ With Bergdahl Release
Gloria Borger was just on CNN pontificating on whether President Obama should be impeached over “Bergazi”.
Anyone thinking that cable news cannot possibly get any worse should recalibrate their sewerometer accordingly.
“I renew my call on the Defense Department to redouble its efforts to find Sergeant Bergdahl and return him safely to his family.”
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
Memorial Day, 2014
I wonder what changed her mind in the course of 2-weeks?
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
Gloria Borgia? The one who slept with her brother and stole the papal elections in Mississippi?
Betty Cracker
@Mandalay: I’ve pretty much stopped watching “the news,” including MSNBC. I just can’t anymore.
the Conster
I hope I live long enough to tell the tale (in a Cicely Tyson voice) of how white America – mostly middle aged men – lost their collective shit starting Jan. 20, 2009, and that according to those men, history began at that moment and everything that happened before then, by their telling, was lost in the mists of time even though it was recorded and documented in many kinds of digitalized formats, and that there was a mass hysteria that settled upon the land in the year Y2K 2000 that darkened the earth, blotting out enlightenment, reason and compassion for two decades, and that force was… the popular election of OBAMA.
Mike in NC
@Ash Can: Ollie North, Allen West, John McCain: all disgraced the uniform and made a buck off of it. Only in America.
Fascinating watching the presumably righties demand action on the hero Marine held by the Mexicans on weapons charges. Again there are all manners of ‘facts’ floating about as to what this guy did or didn’t do but if he was in Mexico with guns he broke Mexican law. Of course the right thinks as a real Murkin he doesn’t have to obey Mexican law. No wonder most of the world thinks we are stuck up cry babies.
McCain is pulling the same shit:
McCain on February 18:
McCain on June 1:
So to be clear, McCain was against it before he was for it before he was against it.
That disgusting fucker actually ran for president.
Hill Dweller
@Betty Cracker: This whole damn thing feels weird. The Republican attacks are predictable. On some level the Village going along with it is predictable. But there are a lot of Dems going ape shit as well. It feels coordinated.
I actually laughed out loud when I read this:
House Republicans have pledged to press for hearings to review the administration’s decision to act without notifying Congress.
I think Obama is pretty awesome anyway, but he went up a couple of notches when he gave the finger to that pile of filth.
@Hill Dweller:
It’s not coordinated; it’s visceral. Obama effectively told Congress to stay out of the fucking way so he could do his job.
Dems are going to have a tantrum over being dissed just as much as Republicans.
Dear lord, jesus and baby jesus please let the republicans impeach the prez over anything.
we should be so lucky
allen west can suck my cock, as long as he dosn’t bite to hard when I cum
@the Conster: The Biography of Miss Jane Pittman!
This from a guy who was a POW himself. I’m speechless.
Suffern ACE
@Hill Dweller: your democratic senators like Guantanamo. They really do. How many times do they have to vote for it for you to believe that the elite political establishment likes it. There are 20,000 Taliban. 13 years ago there were 20,000 Taliban. But these five are special. These were supposed to be locked away forever.
Reagan had no problem working with Saddam who gassed his own people and Bush 43 certainly made nice with Qdaffy. Didn’t McCain take a trip to Libya and make kissy face with Qdaffy?
wonder gir.
@Ash Can: Boy oh Boy they are screeching like wild Monkeys! Who turned up the volume………
Morzer (0th of His PseudoName and Founder of the Walter Sobchak Peacekeepers)
@Suffern ACE:
A former Burlington Coat Factory would like to remind us all of the heroic courage of those same Democrats.
the Conster
I didn’t know that.
Kelly Ayotte is paralyzed from the neck up.
Suffern ACE
@Cacti: they were all hoping for a transfer that involved death.
@Hill Dweller:
I agree. Congress never wanted responsibility for Guantanamo. They’ve ducked it at every turn. It is hard for me to believe that they wanted a head’s up on the exchange, because then they would be responsible on the one hand for okaying an exchange, or on the other, leaving him there. This way it’s all on Obama.
I’m particularly interested in the fact that McCain said this in February:
That’s really specific, and it’s also exactly what happened. I think we have to see what the legal status of the remaining prisoners is with the (official) end of the war. If this is actually a way for the Obama Administration to move on that, I personally will be convinced Congress is just covering their ass and letting the President do what has to be done, which is get those people out of there. They really can’t stay in the Cuban prison forever, and this war really can’t go on forever. It has to end.
Or not. Some semi-intelligent Taliban-watcher (in the sense of Nate being a poll watcher) said that the guys released, although formerly fairly high up, have been gone for 13 years, and have been replaced by younger persons. Same commenter noted that they’re all fairly old now, and may not be as jihad-prone as they once were.
I have no idea whether the speaker knew his shit, or was just talking out of his ass, but it seemed to make a little more sense than the characterization of the detainees being Jordan, Magic, Kareem, Wilt, Julius, and Harthorne Wingo, all rolled into one (sort of).
@Suffern ACE:
They could get their wish: Allen West could kill himself in protest. Problem solved!
@Hill Dweller:
And, what does this mean? A confidence-building measure towards what? They’re then confident we’ll make good and release the other prisoners, because we released five deemed dangerous or risky?
I think we have to call Senator John McCain as a witness at this impeachment hearing! :)
I have questions! Many!
So if he gets impeached what happens to Obama then? Does he get thrown into jail? Removed from the Presidency? Or what the GOP wants, executed?
pseudonymous in nc
Like Robert E. Lee, another military commander in a civil war?
Cluttered Mind
I got a slight sunburn on my shoulders today after going swimming, even though I made sure to apply sunscreen. Clearly this means Obama must be impeached RIGHT NOW!
Such a shame that West was not re-elected to the House; then he might have even been able to vote on this proposal! Screw him with a rusty rake, he is a real traitor to his country. He’ll get off on the technicality that he is bat-shit insane.