I’m spending the next few days in anticipation of Samuel Alito murdering what’s left of organized labor.
Shoot me.
just went on the facebook, apparently the screaming banshee ann coulter is saying that no one watching the world cup had their great-grandparents born here… she seems… nice.
also, nba draft coming up and it looks to be more or less chaos.
@rikyrah: the Clinton campaign was the first to investigate his birth, the first to find the newspaper notices of his birth, and the first to say it all looking lined up.
Only in America — or in Miami — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in Spanish.
I am pretty much fed up, my boss yelled at me today for “not knowing the law” two days after yelling at me because “he is the lawyer and he knows the fucking law and you don’t” . So as a paralegal am I supposed to know the law or not?
Only in France — or in London — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in French.
Yes, she says that Americans who follow the futból (not that she would ever call it that) are symptomatic of this country’s “moral decay” or something.
(Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court handed a victory to anti-abortion activists on Thursday by making it harder for states to enact laws aimed at helping patients entering abortion clinics to avoid protesters, striking down a Massachusetts statute that had created a no-entry zone.
In a 9-0 vote, the court said the 2007 law violated freedom of speech rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment by preventing anti-abortion activists from standing on the sidewalk and speaking to people entering the clinics. The law allowed only patients, staff, passersby and emergency services to enter the 35-foot (11-meter) zone.
Eleanor McCullen, the abortion protester who was the lead plaintiff in the case, welcomed the decision, saying it allows her to “offer loving help to a woman who wants it” without facing the threat of jail.
McCullen, the lead plaintiff, is often forced to raise her voice in order to be heard, Roberts noted, which is “a mode of communication sharply at odds with the compassionate message she wishes to convey.”
I love those heart-warming stories where a plucky Goliath summons up everything and finally manages to down David after a dozen rounds of punishment from ranged weapons.
Only in America — or in Miami — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in Spanish.
Wonderful observation, MB! I’m going to steal it to share with my Canadian friends, only changing “Spanish” to “French.” Because you know that happened, bien sûr.
But, but this World Cup thing is an Obama plot to distract……..
@rikyrah: I am really not looking forward to another round of the Clinton/Penn show.
@rikyrah: I read the whole article at the link. Wow.
I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.
@SiubhanDuinne: but but, the Entire World depends on the US buying everything, we are the one and only market! All other countries watch home-made TVs (if they can even afford one) communally over small portions of native gruel!
allowing for tape delay, the concept that multicultural environments only occur in the US is so charmingly parochial as to be classic.
Wow, thank you Morzer! I missed that entirely! Very sorry.
(I’m still stealing and making the change to Canada.)
It’s been a faux-litigious week!
Well, Boehner declared he wants to sue Obama over….something. He’ll get back to us on whatever that thing is. And McDaniels is going to sue over the Mississippi primary, tho nobody knows exactly how he can do that.
@rikyrah: Like too many Jens @ 19, I’m not looking forward to the Hillary show but I think your assessment is wrong. It’s a policy paper on how to win. She might lose Hawaii because of his comments but most people do find Hawaii foreign. Please don’t get me wrong, but I have to assume that the Obama campaign had an unflattering paper detailing Hillary’s weaknesses.
btw She’s not going to hire Penn again.
@Suffern ACE: it just amazes me that these assholes who trumpet the whole “land of the free” shtick freak the fuck out when people do stuff other than their approved bullshit.
Wow, sounds like my day today. I was silently yelling that I have to know the law because you don’t you ###%%^&^*&^R%&E%^$@@@$$@!%^&Y!!!!!
@JPL: I might agree with you if I hadn’t read the entire article at the link.
When Penn says this:
“I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”
It surely sounds to me like he believes this about Obama, not that he is sharing a strategy they can use against Obama even though it’s not true. See also, “Save it for 2050.”
@WaterGirl: Yeah it is always fun going to work every morning knowing that the goal posts are going to be moved on a minute to minute basis. I spend my entire day in a state of panic because at any moment he is going to come up with a mistake I might have made ten years ago. It really is no way to live
just went on the facebook, apparently the screaming banshee ann coulter is saying that no one watching the world cup had their great-grandparents born here… she seems… nice.
So I guess none of the 20,000 US fans who are in Brazil right now had their great-grandparents born here. What a mind-boggingly stupid statement.
Just like with Mr Blow – why isn’t she cheering for the US? It’s almost like she wants us to lose.
just went on the facebook, apparently the screaming banshee ann coulter is saying that no one watching the world cup had their great-grandparents born here
I’m not watching the World Cup and my great-grandparents weren’t born here. What’s her point again?
(Okay, technically, one great-grandparent (of 8) was born here. All the rest of them immigrated. I can be real American?)
Seriously, you need to polish up your resume and GTF out of there. Like, yesterday. Didn’t you have several people come out of the woodwork to offer you jobs when he was threatening to cut you to part time?
@Litlebritdifrnt: I know looking for work sucks. But maybe it’s gotten to the point where it’s time for you to pursue some of those other attorneys that you thought might want to pick you up in a heartbeat. Maybe just a couple of conversations to get the lay of the land?
God help us if we can’t even root for our team in whatever sports they are playing.
USA advances?
Every fool is occasionally blessed with luck
I’m not watching the World Cup and my great-grandparents weren’t born here. What’s her point again?
That America was founded by Jesus and other white people. Just check the Fox News archives.
@WaterGirl: That was his opinion though. What I found interesting was how often she spoke about her midwest values, so she was listening. I read the entire piece. Did he really lie about acquiring his mother’s Kansas accent? That was just stupid on Penn’s part because children do pick up accents from their parents. I was raised in MA and my son spelled wash wrong on a spelling test in first or second grade. We lived in TX and he never lived in MA.
edit. .sometimes those in MA tend to add r’s to words.
Did you see the 2 dumbest fucking comments made about the World Cup from wingnut land?
Ann Coulter: “If more ‘Americans’ are watching soccer today, it’s only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration law.”
Fox News’ resident psychoanalyst Dr. Keith Ablow: “At a time when there’s so many national issues and international issues of such prominence, I am a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. Let’s roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws and get people more crazy about yet another entertainment event. This is to distract people. This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup.”
@Litlebritdifrnt: As others have mentioned, it’s time to polish up the resume.
@MomSense: I am so glad someone else knows what I am going through. On Monday he handed a limited driving privilege up to a judge that was not the sentencing judge, he was told that the judge could not sign it, he then yelled at me for not checking the law to see who could sign the privilege. On the same day he told me “I am the lawyer I know the fucking law”. I give give up
@Mustang Bobby: Only in America — or in Miami — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in Spanish.
Only in southern Louisiana will you find Korean people eating in a restaurant that serves fried gator and watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in China with narration in French.
[‘Bobby Jindal or no Bobby Jindal.’]
@rikyrah: One thing I will never understand about Hillary’s approach in 2008 is why she didn’t simply come out and say “Obama is great. We need a Democrat in the White House. Here’s why I think it should be me.”
The campaign’s decision to attack Obama so vociferously had me flummoxed. All the time she could have been focusing on the Republicans and ultimately McCain, and simply making the case for her, she decided was better spent trying to undermine Obama.
I expect oppositional research, that’s what Penn was being payed for, but the level of anger from the Clinton’s at what they saw as theirs really surprised me.
But I’ll say it again, I will vote for HRC is she is the candidate, and not even in the hold your nose and pull the lever variety. I still think HRC has her strong points, and she will be light years ahead of whoever the right picks. Back in 2008 I wasn’t so sure.
Don’t these fuckers know about squibs? And why were they firing a howitzer at a gun range? Shouldn’t they be firing it at an artillery range?
@KG: This son of the American Revolution played in HS, college, coached the kids and reffed until the knee I blew playing in my mid 30’s started aching too much. Weird thing this year, for the first time wife is really into it; even hollering at the TV.
Sounds like time to start looking for a different boss.
@Hal: We are lucky she didn’t run that type of campaign.
I think Hillary will make a much better president than a candidate.
So I’m not looking forward to the next 27 months. Lord help us.
She’s a trimmer like her husband, but without his agility and oleaginous Southern charm. And Jesus Christ, she (and Chelsea) are moving into Romney territory with the out-of-touchness. Weird.
Okay, technically, one great-grandparent (of 8) was born here. All the rest of them immigrated. I can be real American?
Well, 5 of my 8 great grandparents were born here, and one was an American citizen born abroad. Does that make be only 5/8 of a real American, or 3/4?
Sitting in the waiting room. Get lightly kidney punched.
‘The US is through, look look look, see the alert, oh wait, now it’s gone, wait… I can’t get it back. AHHH.’
‘Lemme see. Here. See?’
‘Yeah yeah yeah.’
‘You know, you didn’t have to punch me.’
‘Oh, sorry, I had to do something, and I couldn’t jump up and down and scream…’
[‘And also, YAY Algeria! Nothing much nice ever happens to them so that’s pretty cool.’]
Anne Laurie
@Mustang Bobby: Here north of Boston, it’s the Brazilian steakhouse with the narration in Spanish… and the swearing from the customers in a mix of Italian, Cape Verdean, Hindi (there are half a dozen Indian restaurants on the same block), and (im)pure Masshole…
@Roger Moore: I’m split 50-50, but multiple lines of the ‘mercan 50 easily go DAR — can I only watch half the time and vote in half the elections?
I do soooo know what you are going through. My boss is never wrong. He can only be wronged.
I don’t know about you, but I correct so much of what is produced without saying anything because if I gave him his stuff without corrections he would assume it was my screw up. And then there are the creative ways that I ask questions hoping he will go in a different direction with a case because he would not take my suggestions seriously if I gave them to him straight.
There are not a lot of jobs for paralegals and in fact the legal field was hit hard by the recession and has really not recovered.
We should write a tell-all together!!
@Roger Moore: Would you welcome discovering she’s close kin?
I think this quote from the article rings true today:
The left is hell-bent on proving Clinton fatigue, and everyday they drudge up muck and rather [than] look at Hillary and what she has accomplished
There’s a crazy-ass level of hate directed at Hillary from the Left, when she’s just as fucking liberal as anyone else Democrats could possibly run.
And if the liberalist liberal running was what Democratic voters wanted, we’d have Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Whether Mark Penn, in March 2007, really believed Obama was unAmerican or thought this would be a good campaign tactic will not be known unless he clarifies.
Keep in mind, Obama 100% supports Arne “I’m glad CA teachers no longer have tenure” Duncan has his Sec. of Ed. Two things I think teachers see as job perks are (a) job security and (b) pensions. Obama backs a guy, who is glad (a) is gone.
O’Malley – the white knight anti-Hillary champion – has recently decided underfunding MD pension system would be a good way to close budget loopholes that takes perk (b) away from being a teacher or state employee. Mind you, this is after demanding greater contributions from state employees and smaller payouts for current employees, who have decades to go before retirement.
VP Joe Biden voted for the AUMF. He also was nasty to Anita Hill, as head of the Senate Judiciary committee, during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Plus, I think, he was big in reforming bankruptcy laws that more favored creditors than debtors.
I really do not understand where the Left so hates Hillary, but will give other Democrats a pass for having the exact same positions or positions more to the Right than her.
In 2007 candidate Obama said he’d expand U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, even as he got troops out of Iraq, but he was seen as the “anti-war Candidate”. He never voted against additional funds for the adventure in Iraq.
Yet Hillary Clinton is the “hawk” who will start a “thousand wars”.
I can understand not wanting dynastic Presidential families. Otherwise she just seems to conveniently be a canvas for liberals to spray their anxieties about the future President onto.
Haven’t been following the World Cup except by watching the Google doodles every day. They may not be animated stories but they have been cute.
@Mustang Bobby: My only in America story is the Mexican worker at the Indian supermarket in Jackson Heights speaking Hindi with his boss.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I would say it depends on if you are generalist or have a specialty. After working in Utility Rate Regulation for 4 years, I knew certain laws or the core of them but I wouldn’t say I could give a legal opinion on how the law operated or what it meant.
Also, too, I guess this means the Republicans are giving up on the “soccer mom” vote — The game your kids play is stupid and unAmerican!
@Litlebritdifrnt: Welcome to my world…I get frantic phone calls from closings from an boss who couldn’t be bothered to look at the HUD or other closing docs prior to leaving the office. WTF!
Fox News’ resident psychoanalyst Dr. Keith Ablow: “At a time when there’s so many national issues and international issues of such prominence, I am a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. Let’s roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws and get people more crazy about yet another entertainment event. This is to distract people. This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup.”
@KG: I would bet that the set of Americans with all eight great-grandparents born in the United States tilts much more heavily black than the population as a whole. So it’s pretty funny that Coulter is pushing this meme from the wingnut point of view.
Also: I’ve never been so happy after my team lost. The sweet, sweet taste of defictory!
@Wally Ballou: As Lewis Black said; “I don’t know if letting your kids watch Chaz Bono will turn them into transsexuals, but I’m pretty sure letting them watch Keith Ablow will turn them into assholes.”
@Hal: I like how Penn just simply writes off the blogosphere. Its just not a constituency of folks he wants to think matters. Yeah, they aren’t as powerful as they like to think out here, but still. If he’s complaining that Clinton needs surrogates, he could have at least tried to find some virtual ones to go with Madeline Albright. Nothing against Madeline Albright, mind you, but even in 2008, she wasn’t exactly “current”. It was as if the Clintons hadn’t updated their roster of friends since 1992.
Paul in KY
@Litlebritdifrnt: I would like my paralegals to know as much of it as they could know.
Paul in KY
@WaterGirl: Mark Penn is a gigantic asshole. That is his opinion there.
Paul in KY
@Litlebritdifrnt: That sure sucks. Sorry your workplace is like that.
I’ll take losing our way in any day. Hopefully we can rebound and beat a tough Belgium next Tuesday.
Ran across a bold prediction that Shatner will win the World Cup.
Seems reasonable.
Spent some time watching this:
Kinda fun.
Part of the Mark Penn memo to the Clinton campaign about painting Barack Obama as ‘ THE OTHER’.
and, folks say that those of us who say the Birther shyt originated with the Clinton campaign are wrong?
yeah, ok.
let me quote it:
uh huh
uh huh
I’m spending the next few days in anticipation of Samuel Alito murdering what’s left of organized labor.
Shoot me.
just went on the facebook, apparently the screaming banshee ann coulter is saying that no one watching the world cup had their great-grandparents born here… she seems… nice.
also, nba draft coming up and it looks to be more or less chaos.
@rikyrah: the Clinton campaign was the first to investigate his birth, the first to find the newspaper notices of his birth, and the first to say it all looking lined up.
Mustang Bobby
Only in America — or in Miami — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in Spanish.
I am pretty much fed up, my boss yelled at me today for “not knowing the law” two days after yelling at me because “he is the lawyer and he knows the fucking law and you don’t” . So as a paralegal am I supposed to know the law or not?
@Mustang Bobby:
Only in France — or in London — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in French.
Yes, she says that Americans who follow the futból (not that she would ever call it that) are symptomatic of this country’s “moral decay” or something.
At Wimbledon today, Nadal took his revenge against Lukas Rosol.
I love those heart-warming stories where a plucky Goliath summons up everything and finally manages to down David after a dozen rounds of punishment from ranged weapons.
@Mustang Bobby:
Wonderful observation, MB! I’m going to steal it to share with my Canadian friends, only changing “Spanish” to “French.” Because you know that happened, bien sûr.
But, but this World Cup thing is an Obama plot to distract……..
Madame, may I gently draw your attention to comment #10?
Suffern ACE
@KG: I guess we should let the Daughters of the American Revolution choose our sports and the Society of the Cincinnati choose our movies.
@rikyrah: I am really not looking forward to another round of the Clinton/Penn show.
@rikyrah: I read the whole article at the link. Wow.
@SiubhanDuinne: but but, the Entire World depends on the US buying everything, we are the one and only market! All other countries watch home-made TVs (if they can even afford one) communally over small portions of native gruel!
allowing for tape delay, the concept that multicultural environments only occur in the US is so charmingly parochial as to be classic.
It appears that the correct answer to that question change by the day. That’s always fun!
The only way to stop a bad guy with a howitzer is a good guy with a howitzer.
I have not forgotten!
Wow, thank you Morzer! I missed that entirely! Very sorry.
(I’m still stealing and making the change to Canada.)
It’s been a faux-litigious week!
Well, Boehner declared he wants to sue Obama over….something. He’ll get back to us on whatever that thing is. And McDaniels is going to sue over the Mississippi primary, tho nobody knows exactly how he can do that.
@rikyrah: Like too many Jens @ 19, I’m not looking forward to the Hillary show but I think your assessment is wrong. It’s a policy paper on how to win. She might lose Hawaii because of his comments but most people do find Hawaii foreign. Please don’t get me wrong, but I have to assume that the Obama campaign had an unflattering paper detailing Hillary’s weaknesses.
btw She’s not going to hire Penn again.
@Suffern ACE: it just amazes me that these assholes who trumpet the whole “land of the free” shtick freak the fuck out when people do stuff other than their approved bullshit.
Wow, sounds like my day today. I was silently yelling that I have to know the law because you don’t you ###%%^&^*&^R%&E%^$@@@$$@!%^&Y!!!!!
@JPL: I might agree with you if I hadn’t read the entire article at the link.
When Penn says this:
“I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”
It surely sounds to me like he believes this about Obama, not that he is sharing a strategy they can use against Obama even though it’s not true. See also, “Save it for 2050.”
@WaterGirl: Yeah it is always fun going to work every morning knowing that the goal posts are going to be moved on a minute to minute basis. I spend my entire day in a state of panic because at any moment he is going to come up with a mistake I might have made ten years ago. It really is no way to live
So I guess none of the 20,000 US fans who are in Brazil right now had their great-grandparents born here. What a mind-boggingly stupid statement.
Just like with Mr Blow – why isn’t she cheering for the US? It’s almost like she wants us to lose.
I’m not watching the World Cup and my great-grandparents weren’t born here. What’s her point again?
(Okay, technically, one great-grandparent (of 8) was born here. All the rest of them immigrated. I can be real American?)
Seriously, you need to polish up your resume and GTF out of there. Like, yesterday. Didn’t you have several people come out of the woodwork to offer you jobs when he was threatening to cut you to part time?
@Litlebritdifrnt: I know looking for work sucks. But maybe it’s gotten to the point where it’s time for you to pursue some of those other attorneys that you thought might want to pick you up in a heartbeat. Maybe just a couple of conversations to get the lay of the land?
Edit: I forgot to say “What an asshole!”
God help us if we can’t even root for our team in whatever sports they are playing.
USA advances?
Every fool is occasionally blessed with luck
That America was founded by Jesus and other white people. Just check the Fox News archives.
@WaterGirl: That was his opinion though. What I found interesting was how often she spoke about her midwest values, so she was listening. I read the entire piece. Did he really lie about acquiring his mother’s Kansas accent? That was just stupid on Penn’s part because children do pick up accents from their parents. I was raised in MA and my son spelled wash wrong on a spelling test in first or second grade. We lived in TX and he never lived in MA.
edit. .sometimes those in MA tend to add r’s to words.
Did you see the 2 dumbest fucking comments made about the World Cup from wingnut land?
Ann Coulter: “If more ‘Americans’ are watching soccer today, it’s only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration law.”
h/t http://www.mediaite.com/online/coulter-trolls-u-s-world-cup-fans-its-a-sign-of-the-nations-moral-decay
Fox News’ resident psychoanalyst Dr. Keith Ablow: “At a time when there’s so many national issues and international issues of such prominence, I am a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. Let’s roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws and get people more crazy about yet another entertainment event. This is to distract people. This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup.”
h/t http://www.mediaite.com/tv/foxs-keith-ablow-knows-why-obama-loves-world-cup-this-is-to-distract-people
@Litlebritdifrnt: As others have mentioned, it’s time to polish up the resume.
@MomSense: I am so glad someone else knows what I am going through. On Monday he handed a limited driving privilege up to a judge that was not the sentencing judge, he was told that the judge could not sign it, he then yelled at me for not checking the law to see who could sign the privilege. On the same day he told me “I am the lawyer I know the fucking law”. I give give up
@Mustang Bobby: Only in America — or in Miami — will you find people in a Chinese restaurant watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in Korea with the narration in Spanish.
Only in southern Louisiana will you find Korean people eating in a restaurant that serves fried gator and watching the US/Germany World Cup match from Brazil on a TV made in China with narration in French.
[‘Bobby Jindal or no Bobby Jindal.’]
@rikyrah: One thing I will never understand about Hillary’s approach in 2008 is why she didn’t simply come out and say “Obama is great. We need a Democrat in the White House. Here’s why I think it should be me.”
The campaign’s decision to attack Obama so vociferously had me flummoxed. All the time she could have been focusing on the Republicans and ultimately McCain, and simply making the case for her, she decided was better spent trying to undermine Obama.
I expect oppositional research, that’s what Penn was being payed for, but the level of anger from the Clinton’s at what they saw as theirs really surprised me.
But I’ll say it again, I will vote for HRC is she is the candidate, and not even in the hold your nose and pull the lever variety. I still think HRC has her strong points, and she will be light years ahead of whoever the right picks. Back in 2008 I wasn’t so sure.
Roger Moore
Don’t these fuckers know about squibs? And why were they firing a howitzer at a gun range? Shouldn’t they be firing it at an artillery range?
@KG: This son of the American Revolution played in HS, college, coached the kids and reffed until the knee I blew playing in my mid 30’s started aching too much. Weird thing this year, for the first time wife is really into it; even hollering at the TV.
Roger Moore
Sounds like time to start looking for a different boss.
@Hal: We are lucky she didn’t run that type of campaign.
I think Hillary will make a much better president than a candidate.
So I’m not looking forward to the next 27 months. Lord help us.
She’s a trimmer like her husband, but without his agility and oleaginous Southern charm. And Jesus Christ, she (and Chelsea) are moving into Romney territory with the out-of-touchness. Weird.
Roger Moore
Well, 5 of my 8 great grandparents were born here, and one was an American citizen born abroad. Does that make be only 5/8 of a real American, or 3/4?
Sitting in the waiting room. Get lightly kidney punched.
‘The US is through, look look look, see the alert, oh wait, now it’s gone, wait… I can’t get it back. AHHH.’
‘Lemme see. Here. See?’
‘Yeah yeah yeah.’
‘You know, you didn’t have to punch me.’
‘Oh, sorry, I had to do something, and I couldn’t jump up and down and scream…’
[‘And also, YAY Algeria! Nothing much nice ever happens to them so that’s pretty cool.’]
Anne Laurie
@Mustang Bobby: Here north of Boston, it’s the Brazilian steakhouse with the narration in Spanish… and the swearing from the customers in a mix of Italian, Cape Verdean, Hindi (there are half a dozen Indian restaurants on the same block), and (im)pure Masshole…
@Roger Moore: I’m split 50-50, but multiple lines of the ‘mercan 50 easily go DAR — can I only watch half the time and vote in half the elections?
Roger Moore
I think it’s time to start inspecting Ann Coulter’s
I do soooo know what you are going through. My boss is never wrong. He can only be wronged.
I don’t know about you, but I correct so much of what is produced without saying anything because if I gave him his stuff without corrections he would assume it was my screw up. And then there are the creative ways that I ask questions hoping he will go in a different direction with a case because he would not take my suggestions seriously if I gave them to him straight.
There are not a lot of jobs for paralegals and in fact the legal field was hit hard by the recession and has really not recovered.
We should write a tell-all together!!
@Roger Moore: Would you welcome discovering she’s close kin?
I think this quote from the article rings true today:
There’s a crazy-ass level of hate directed at Hillary from the Left, when she’s just as fucking liberal as anyone else Democrats could possibly run.
And if the liberalist liberal running was what Democratic voters wanted, we’d have Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Whether Mark Penn, in March 2007, really believed Obama was unAmerican or thought this would be a good campaign tactic will not be known unless he clarifies.
Keep in mind, Obama 100% supports Arne “I’m glad CA teachers no longer have tenure” Duncan has his Sec. of Ed. Two things I think teachers see as job perks are (a) job security and (b) pensions. Obama backs a guy, who is glad (a) is gone.
O’Malley – the white knight anti-Hillary champion – has recently decided underfunding MD pension system would be a good way to close budget loopholes that takes perk (b) away from being a teacher or state employee. Mind you, this is after demanding greater contributions from state employees and smaller payouts for current employees, who have decades to go before retirement.
VP Joe Biden voted for the AUMF. He also was nasty to Anita Hill, as head of the Senate Judiciary committee, during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Plus, I think, he was big in reforming bankruptcy laws that more favored creditors than debtors.
I really do not understand where the Left so hates Hillary, but will give other Democrats a pass for having the exact same positions or positions more to the Right than her.
In 2007 candidate Obama said he’d expand U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, even as he got troops out of Iraq, but he was seen as the “anti-war Candidate”. He never voted against additional funds for the adventure in Iraq.
Yet Hillary Clinton is the “hawk” who will start a “thousand wars”.
I can understand not wanting dynastic Presidential families. Otherwise she just seems to conveniently be a canvas for liberals to spray their anxieties about the future President onto.
Haven’t been following the World Cup except by watching the Google doodles every day. They may not be animated stories but they have been cute.
@srv: Shit. Shit. SHIT.
@Mustang Bobby: My only in America story is the Mexican worker at the Indian supermarket in Jackson Heights speaking Hindi with his boss.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I would say it depends on if you are generalist or have a specialty. After working in Utility Rate Regulation for 4 years, I knew certain laws or the core of them but I wouldn’t say I could give a legal opinion on how the law operated or what it meant.
IOW: your boss is a jerk.
Roger Moore
I was more hoping to show that her ancestors had immigrated more recently than the standard she’s claiming, thus disqualifying her as a real American.
@Roger Moore: Just worrying about collateral damage.
Also, too, I guess this means the Republicans are giving up on the “soccer mom” vote — The game your kids play is stupid and unAmerican!
@Litlebritdifrnt: Welcome to my world…I get frantic phone calls from closings from an boss who couldn’t be bothered to look at the HUD or other closing docs prior to leaving the office. WTF!
@JPL: Warsh? Rural New York state, too.
Wally Ballou
@hilts: @hilts:
Yeah, you never see that happen with Real American Sports™ during a GOP administration.
@KG: I would bet that the set of Americans with all eight great-grandparents born in the United States tilts much more heavily black than the population as a whole. So it’s pretty funny that Coulter is pushing this meme from the wingnut point of view.
Also: I’ve never been so happy after my team lost. The sweet, sweet taste of defictory!
@Wally Ballou: As Lewis Black said; “I don’t know if letting your kids watch Chaz Bono will turn them into transsexuals, but I’m pretty sure letting them watch Keith Ablow will turn them into assholes.”
Suffern ACE
@Hal: I like how Penn just simply writes off the blogosphere. Its just not a constituency of folks he wants to think matters. Yeah, they aren’t as powerful as they like to think out here, but still. If he’s complaining that Clinton needs surrogates, he could have at least tried to find some virtual ones to go with Madeline Albright. Nothing against Madeline Albright, mind you, but even in 2008, she wasn’t exactly “current”. It was as if the Clintons hadn’t updated their roster of friends since 1992.
Paul in KY
@Litlebritdifrnt: I would like my paralegals to know as much of it as they could know.
Paul in KY
@WaterGirl: Mark Penn is a gigantic asshole. That is his opinion there.
Paul in KY
@Litlebritdifrnt: That sure sucks. Sorry your workplace is like that.
Paul in KY
@gene108: Good points, Gene.