@Violet: Well, he needed the Subie to transport the pizzas. The pets, however, were probably conspiring against him while he was gone.
Comrade Jake
My BBQ friends are not at all pleased that Obama cut the line at Franklins. Nobody expects POTUS to wait 3+ hrs for food, but a staffer could have. Not cool.
@Violet: Who could blame it? The horrors it has seen….
@Comrade Jake: That’s just stupid. Imagine the security issues if the President of the United States waited in a three hour line for BBQ.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Violet: He said a staffer could have taken the order and stood in line. Honestly, I think that is the best way to handle it.
Hill Dweller
Apparently, the WH staff didn’t tell the owner the President was showing up until 20 minutes before he arrived. I suppose it was done for security reasons, which would seem to rule out a staffer waiting in line.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I guess so, if they’ve got that much time on the ground there. Or just go somewhere else for lunch that doesn’t usually have a line like that. Lots of good places to eat don’t have the culture of the long line.
The President bought lunch for two people in line that he cut in front of. And did the shaking hands with diners thing. He likes doing that sort of thing and wouldn’t have got to do it had a staffer stood in line.
I don’t know–tht kind of thing doesn’t bother me. He’s the President of the United States. He gets to cut the line at a BBQ place. It’s not treason.
Yesterday I had a sore tooth (lower left back), called the dentist and he fit me in. He said it was an old root canal that showed some sign of infection and sent me to an endodontist (root canal dentist) early today. The endodontist looked at the tooth and said it was cracked, and sent me back to the dentist to have it pulled. On the way back to the dentist’s office a gravel truck dropped some gravel and a piece flew up and cracked my windshield.
At the dentist’s office I was numbed up and the dentist was just reaching into my mouth to begin extraction when a small tornado hit nearby and the power went out and we were totally in the dark. The dentist led us out using a small light, and we rescheduled for first thing in the morning.
I can hardly wait.
@Hill Dweller: Yeah, if they’d told the owner the day before or whatever then they’d have to get the Secret Service in to sweep the place because word would get out and then it would be a security risk. Surprise visits are probably safer in general.
I guess some unknown staffer could stand in lne but how would that work? They’d call the President when they were next in line and he’d waltz in? Where would he be waiting until then? It’s not like he could just hang out in his limo outside the door without that being a security problem.
@patrick II: You could not make that up if you tried. I hope it all goes well tomorrow. You’ve earned that after today.
Comrade Jake
@Violet: I don’t view it as an impeachable offense, but it’s not kosher to cut a line that people wait three hours in.
Like I wrote above, I don’t expect him to wait that long – that would obviously be ridiculous too. But figure out a way to do the handshake/ meet and greet without cutting the line. He’s a smart guy – we really think this can’t be worked out? Come on. Let’s just admit that sometimes Obama and his staff just aren’t all that politically astute.
My BBQ friends are not at all pleased that Obama cut the line at Franklins.
Are they routinely inconvenienced by the President?
@Violet: Exactly. He’s the goddamn President of the United States. Respect the damn office. If the POTUS shows up at some fricking over-hyped joint for a bbq, he gets to cut the line.
We’ve turned into a country of mealy-mouthed whiners with congenital butthurt. Sack up and deal.
@Comrade Jake: He’s the damn President of the United States. Not some slob waiting in line at an overhyped joint frequented by foodie hipsters.
The POTUS shows up, the POTUS gets his bbq. Your friends need to stop being such miserable whiners and just suck up and deal. The only ones looking like douches in this situation are them.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@goblue72: I think cutting in line was a mistake; OTOH, I don’t think it is a big deal or worth any real discussion. We have more than beaten this topic to death.
Comrade Jake
@⚽️ Martin: I don’t think it’s about being inconvenienced. It’s just that many of them have waited in that line. I think they would have appreciated the gesture quite a bit more had Obama or his staff figured out a way to have someone wait in the line for the food.
The POTUS shows up, the POTUS gets his bbq. Your friends need to stop being such miserable whiners and just suck up and deal. The only ones looking like douches in this situation are them.
Ooohh.. we’ve got a tough guy in here!!!
@Comrade Jake: Who has three hours to wait in line for BBQ? Do none of those people have jobs or responsibilities? It’s not exactly a quick work day lunch.
Let’s just admit that sometimes Obama and his staff just aren’t all that politically astute.
No problem admitting that but not agreeing that this was one of those times.
@goblue72: Thank gosh you said this. The President of the United States.
Comrade Jake
@Violet: for me it boils down to a simple question: could a better decision have been made here. I think the answer is quite obviously yes. Even you said he probably could have simply gone someplace without a line around the block.
Now, is this something that’s going to blow up beyond this thread or a few other blogs? No. This really isn’t that big of a deal. Unfortunately there’s not a “not a big deal but…” font at Balloon Juice for my OP.
@Comrade Jake: If they had to make a surprise visit due to security considerations, why would they need a staffer to stand in line?
Furthermore, I have a hard time believing people would have a problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES cutting in line. If they do, it’s probably time for some introspection.
Police and prosecutors faced a wave of criticism following news media reports that they had obtained a warrant to take photos of the teen’s erect p3nis. Police wanted the pictures to compare against photos he is accused of sending to his 15-year-old girlfriend at the time.
@amk: Jesus, it was probably a mistake to do it the way he did. Obama is not perfect. His staff is not perfect. This was a minor screw-up. Just cop to it and move the fuck on.
Comrade Jake
@amk: Yes, let’s all talk about guts and courage while we stand proudly behind pseudonymous Balloon Juice handles. LOL.
@Comrade Jake: I don’t know. I think the President of the United States, if only by virtue of the fact that, well, lots of people want to shoot him, let alone the fact that he’s the elected leader of the nation, gets cuts so long as he doesn’t make a habit of it, or do it in a place of scarcity (a unique event, etc.) Just the fact that he’s in the restaurant is going to be a massive inconvenience. Quite a large number of social conventions go to shit as soon as the President and his entourage shows up.
My dad and I were on a road trip a hundred years ago and stopped in a restaurant in Kennebunkport. 10 minutes after we were seated we were asked to move to another table. Secret Service came in and swept the place and George and Barbara came in for dinner (he was pres at the time). Just a coincidence. Service was a bit slow, even though there weren’t many people that night (I think there were more secret service than patrons) but I ate a lobster about 15 feet from the president and he chatted with us a bit and shook hands. That was pretty cool, even if I wasn’t a GHWB fan.
Furthermore, I have a hard time believing people would have a problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES cutting in line. If they do, it’s probably time for some introspection.
Exactly. They were waiting in line for 3 hours for BBQ and the extra 10 minutes it took for POTUS to get some BBQ is worth whining about? STFU already seriously.
@amk: Jesus, it was probably a mistake to do it the way he did. Obama is not perfect. his staff is not perfect. This was a minor screw-up. Just cop to it and move the fuck on.
It wasn’t a screw up. A bunch of whiner people are butthurt because they had to wait a few extra minutes for their BBQ. Give me a break.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Comrade Jake: I don’t make a habit of hauling pizzas, but the stuff from the Glass Nickel in Madison isn’t bad.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Jake: Well, at least your friends have the consolation of an anecdote — remember the time we were waiting in the BBQ line and the President cut ahead of us?
Closest I ever came to that protocol nightmare was during the Clinton administration — a dear friend & I were attending a hobby convention at the Albuquerque hotel where President Clinton was giving a speech. So, after a long day of sightseeing/shopping, we drove the rental Tahoe into the parking garage and got the full Secret Service sweep. The dozen or so agents managed not to roll their eyes as we meekly unpacked all our ‘collectibles’ for inspection. And when we play-bowed the bomb-sniffing dog, he not only play-bowed back, he got a little more enthusiastic than his handler really appreciated. (Post 9/11, they probably shoot you for that kind of ter’ristical behavior, even if you are a couple very white, very podgy middle-aged ladies…)
Gohmert is from Texas, he’s going to make sure this line cutting thing us in the articles of impeachment
Comrade Jake
@⚽️ Martin: Pretty much any other restaurant, and I’d agree with you. But pretty much every other restaurant does not have a line around the block by 8am every day, for an 11am opening. These days people are showing up in the middle of the night to wait in line.
But honestly, this really isn’t a big deal, and we’ve devoted way more time to it than it’s worth. My friends are mostly shaking their heads over all of this. The thread on the forum I belong to has all of 7 posts on this. We’re way past that.
Woah, are you guys for real arguing about BBQ and waiting in line? I can’t tell if you’re all being ironic.
What’s a better story?
“The president’s staffer bought some ribs at the rib place”
“I saw the president at the BBQ place today”
Fuck #1, I want to see the president. Even GWB. It would be EVEN BETTER if GWB cut in line. Cause then I could say “I saw GWB and that fucker cut in line” I’d smirk so hard my face would be freeze up.
Hill Dweller
Aside from not going at all, making a surprise visit and, yes, cutting in line is the most considerate and expedient way to do it. Otherwise, every patron would likely get screened and the entire restaurant would get swept. I suspect that would cause far more delays.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I used to live on Capital Hill in DC. Not working in politics. I just liked the “view” for less of a better word. When the POTUS wants to visit a place the entire area shuts down. Just how it works.
When a Saudi King visits the entire Dulles Toll Road shuts down for his motorcade.
Again just how it works. Fight it if you want but deal with basic facts.
@Tommy: I understand that the shit shuts down when the President shows up. Which basic fact did I miss? I’ve had commutes from work to home of 5 miles take 2 hours because Obama was in town. I see that as different than cutting in line at a no reservations place. I also don’t think it is significant; it was a small mistake. Anyone who tries to make a big deal of it – pro or con – has issues.
@SatanicPanic: I don’t even lock my front door. Not sure it is locked right now. But each year I pick up the crime stats. Nothing that interesting but then a number jumps up. Domestic violence. It seems a lot of men are beating women. I don’t get it, but when I see these cases I just freak.
Nothing that interesting but then a number jumps up. Domestic violence. It seems a lot of men are beating women.
Do you think this is new?
me too.
@Comrade Jake: Christ on a cracker. They can stuff it. It’s the damned President, not Kim Kardashian. That’s who’d be uncool at cutting. The President is not gonna send a staffer to get the food when he’s out doing photo ops.
JC, you’re not exhausted until you want to cry if you don’t sleep soon. Like me. You’re just tired.
@Anne Laurie: Yeah, that really got me too. That family photo is just the biggest bummer.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: So what does this have to do with you not locking your front door? Domestic abuse and the safety of some single dude in downstate Illinois are rather unrelated.
@goblue72: Long ago I was an army officer (well down from POTUS). By virtue of my rank, I could cut in front of soldiers in the D-Fac (Mess Hall) to get my meal faster. I didn’t do it, nor did my fellow officers. Having a privilege and not using it can matter.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): If you waited in line did it require extensive security sweeps and result in major disruptions for everyone in the building?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: Well, no shit. Aside from the fact that you think crime is bad, do you have a point?
And, yeah, I happened to have a shitty day, so comments from Lake Woebegone, Southern Illinois, grind on me more that usual. Jesus, at least swear.
@Tommy: I noted that my rank was well below that. I will note, however, that my rank was mine not something that I try to absorb from my father.
@Violet: No, of course, it did not. I think that POTUS shouldn’t disturb ordinary people more than is necessary for his job. I think this was a very minor mistake by the White House – and that is it.
I rarely read HuffPo. Maybe once every 3 months. The writing is just poor.
But when I have read HuffPo the comment sections would be full of wingers.
I’m not sure when they changed their commenting policy but now you have to be a member of facebook in order to post comment. Well, that change has resulted in the wingers evaporating. I just went though a couple of articles, each with over 200 comments, and not a single winger. not one. it’s as if they were ruptured.
That correlation is striking and fascinating: it seems that most politically active wingers don’t facebook accounts.
A good portion of the liberal commenters left HP after that rule change and went to DK. People like being able to comment anonymously about politics without everyone knowing who you are. I think that is the same on both the left and the right.
Come on now, everything Obummer does is an impeachable offense.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@askew: I suggest that you change anonymously with pseudonymously.
James E. Powell
I don’t get what people are so upset about. It’s not like he completely shut down an airport for a haircut.
tebow diddley
This blog has been a daily staple of mine for the past few years. Chiming in tonight for the first time. Hope I can occasionally add something to the discussion – most commenters here seem to have a better grasp on the issues of the day than I do.
Going up to D.C. on the 18th for a few days. Got tickets to see Nick Cave at the DAR hall. I’m pretty stoked about it. Anyone have any recommendations for food?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@James E. Powell: Well played. The alleged delay never actually happened.
I should say there are wingers on facebook. They’re disturbed and conspiratorial, without any basic knowledge of civics. Mostly regurgitating Glenn Beck’s loony talking points. They’re so nutty, I actually wonder if they’re functional.
Wingers are sometimes referred to as low-information voters. And it’s true, they often have no clue about basic information and current events. But it’s more than that. When you see them attempt to construct an argument it’s sad and scary. We refrain from saying it because it’s hard, but it’s more than being low-information, but it’s also low-I.Q.
A great example of this is Palin. She didn’t know what the Fed was, she didn’t know why there was a North and South Korea, she though Paul Revere was warning the British and the American Revolution was about musket control. But when you see her try to think, it’s more than lack of knowledge, it’s her gears don’t mesh.
And this is what you see with the wingers: low-information and low-I.Q.
Where are you going to be located? Washington is big. It’s like saying, “I’m coming to New York City. Any recommendations for food?” There are good places everywhere. It’s not like there’s only one good Thai place, one good steakhouse, etc. Narrow it down and you’ll get plenty of recommendations.
another Holocene human
@askew: if all that waiting like a foodie clown enhances the experience then it’s POTUS who lost out, amirite?
Or is this more class resentment, like d00d, it’s not 1805 any more and you can’t just waltz into the White House and berate the President for not “doing something” about Barbary piracy with the ear budget your congressional buddies helped zero out. Some shit went down in the interim.
If B Obama were still a Chicago professor on book tour then hate him all day long, seriously the man can’t do anything normal right now, he’s not allowed, and you want to condemn him for flattering type insider-y tastes?
@David Koch: some of the ones I work with? Just barely.
The others are just mean.
another Holocene human
@tebow diddley: all I gotta say is, Alachua County? From here, stuck here, or warm college memories?
It’s been years but Pollo Loco was the best food in the DC area imo. Chicken, yucca fries, fresh salsa. It is NOT Pollo Tropical, which is a nasty germy disaster.
Adams Morgan used to have good eateries for a bit more money but it’s a ways from the nearest Metro stop.
DupontCircle is on red line, stop is famous for being first station, 3 stories below ground, longest outdoor escalator in world (which takes a lot of maintenance). Doubt you’ll regret anything you eat there.
Eastern Market is historic in East Cap they used to sell “discount” (hot) CDs there, ‘hood has changed in a flash. On Metro, gr or bl or whatever, likely hipster central these days if you’re into that kind of shit.
If you want fast and choices, basement of union station food court, red line near Congress and the Postal Museum.
another Holocene human
@Steeplejack: Good point, there’s Vietnamese, there’s Iraqi, there’s shitty French, there’s Indian, you get diplomats and other foreign nationals not to mention immigrants. Filipino? I mean there are intriguing choices.
That Texas shooter story is fucking horrible. What is wrong with people?
A heartbreaking tragedy, apparently long in the making.
However, it should be noted that this was a shooting in Texas, not a Texas shooter. I believe he was from out of state.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind a bit of POTUS cut and the event continued moving along. I would be incredibly frustrated if something I expected to take X time slowed to a standstill due to a muckety mucks random visit.
And I wouldn’t limit it to POTUS either. I wouldn’t mind if, for example, a pregnant woman or disabled individual went ahead of me. What’s the problem?
Regarding the 3 hour wait, I’ve had mind numbingly excellent BBQ before, and I routinely have much better than “good” BBQ at a number of places. I wouldn’t wait in that line anywhere for any food item I can think of, not even if Salma Hayek were personally handing out plates.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Hauling pizzas can be tiring.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Especially when you’re worried about where your pets are. And your Subaru.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Violet: Well, he needed the Subie to transport the pizzas. The pets, however, were probably conspiring against him while he was gone.
Comrade Jake
My BBQ friends are not at all pleased that Obama cut the line at Franklins. Nobody expects POTUS to wait 3+ hrs for food, but a staffer could have. Not cool.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Hell, even the mop was probably conspiring against him while he was gone.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Violet: Who could blame it? The horrors it has seen….
@Comrade Jake: That’s just stupid. Imagine the security issues if the President of the United States waited in a three hour line for BBQ.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Violet: He said a staffer could have taken the order and stood in line. Honestly, I think that is the best way to handle it.
Hill Dweller
Apparently, the WH staff didn’t tell the owner the President was showing up until 20 minutes before he arrived. I suppose it was done for security reasons, which would seem to rule out a staffer waiting in line.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I guess so, if they’ve got that much time on the ground there. Or just go somewhere else for lunch that doesn’t usually have a line like that. Lots of good places to eat don’t have the culture of the long line.
The President bought lunch for two people in line that he cut in front of. And did the shaking hands with diners thing. He likes doing that sort of thing and wouldn’t have got to do it had a staffer stood in line.
I don’t know–tht kind of thing doesn’t bother me. He’s the President of the United States. He gets to cut the line at a BBQ place. It’s not treason.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): The mop is probably conspiring with the mustard, which has gone deep undercover.
patrick II
Yesterday I had a sore tooth (lower left back), called the dentist and he fit me in. He said it was an old root canal that showed some sign of infection and sent me to an endodontist (root canal dentist) early today. The endodontist looked at the tooth and said it was cracked, and sent me back to the dentist to have it pulled. On the way back to the dentist’s office a gravel truck dropped some gravel and a piece flew up and cracked my windshield.
At the dentist’s office I was numbed up and the dentist was just reaching into my mouth to begin extraction when a small tornado hit nearby and the power went out and we were totally in the dark. The dentist led us out using a small light, and we rescheduled for first thing in the morning.
I can hardly wait.
@Hill Dweller: Yeah, if they’d told the owner the day before or whatever then they’d have to get the Secret Service in to sweep the place because word would get out and then it would be a security risk. Surprise visits are probably safer in general.
I guess some unknown staffer could stand in lne but how would that work? They’d call the President when they were next in line and he’d waltz in? Where would he be waiting until then? It’s not like he could just hang out in his limo outside the door without that being a security problem.
@patrick II: You could not make that up if you tried. I hope it all goes well tomorrow. You’ve earned that after today.
Comrade Jake
@Violet: I don’t view it as an impeachable offense, but it’s not kosher to cut a line that people wait three hours in.
Like I wrote above, I don’t expect him to wait that long – that would obviously be ridiculous too. But figure out a way to do the handshake/ meet and greet without cutting the line. He’s a smart guy – we really think this can’t be worked out? Come on. Let’s just admit that sometimes Obama and his staff just aren’t all that politically astute.
⚽️ Martin
@Comrade Jake:
Are they routinely inconvenienced by the President?
@Violet: Exactly. He’s the goddamn President of the United States. Respect the damn office. If the POTUS shows up at some fricking over-hyped joint for a bbq, he gets to cut the line.
We’ve turned into a country of mealy-mouthed whiners with congenital butthurt. Sack up and deal.
@Comrade Jake: He’s the damn President of the United States. Not some slob waiting in line at an overhyped joint frequented by foodie hipsters.
The POTUS shows up, the POTUS gets his bbq. Your friends need to stop being such miserable whiners and just suck up and deal. The only ones looking like douches in this situation are them.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@goblue72: I think cutting in line was a mistake; OTOH, I don’t think it is a big deal or worth any real discussion. We have more than beaten this topic to death.
Comrade Jake
@⚽️ Martin: I don’t think it’s about being inconvenienced. It’s just that many of them have waited in that line. I think they would have appreciated the gesture quite a bit more had Obama or his staff figured out a way to have someone wait in the line for the food.
Comrade Jake
Ooohh.. we’ve got a tough guy in here!!!
@Comrade Jake: Who has three hours to wait in line for BBQ? Do none of those people have jobs or responsibilities? It’s not exactly a quick work day lunch.
@Comrade Jake:
No problem admitting that but not agreeing that this was one of those times.
@goblue72: Thank gosh you said this. The President of the United States.
Comrade Jake
@Violet: for me it boils down to a simple question: could a better decision have been made here. I think the answer is quite obviously yes. Even you said he probably could have simply gone someplace without a line around the block.
Now, is this something that’s going to blow up beyond this thread or a few other blogs? No. This really isn’t that big of a deal. Unfortunately there’s not a “not a big deal but…” font at Balloon Juice for my OP.
@Comrade Jake:
Buncha sir whinesalots. Find better bbq pals.
Hill Dweller
@Comrade Jake: If they had to make a surprise visit due to security considerations, why would they need a staffer to stand in line?
Furthermore, I have a hard time believing people would have a problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES cutting in line. If they do, it’s probably time for some introspection.
Comrade Jake
@amk: DIAF
The VA prosecutor has backed off taking a picture of that 17 year old dude’s junk. Seriously, WTF were they thinking? Thank FSM for the internet:
@Comrade Jake:
If only you had the guts to tell that to your pals.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: Gosh? Jesus Titty Fucking Christ. Gosh?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@amk: Jesus, it was probably a mistake to do it the way he did. Obama is not perfect. His staff is not perfect. This was a minor screw-up. Just cop to it and move the fuck on.
Comrade Jake
@amk: Yes, let’s all talk about guts and courage while we stand proudly behind pseudonymous Balloon Juice handles. LOL.
@Comrade Jake: CD much?
⚽️ Martin
@Comrade Jake: I don’t know. I think the President of the United States, if only by virtue of the fact that, well, lots of people want to shoot him, let alone the fact that he’s the elected leader of the nation, gets cuts so long as he doesn’t make a habit of it, or do it in a place of scarcity (a unique event, etc.) Just the fact that he’s in the restaurant is going to be a massive inconvenience. Quite a large number of social conventions go to shit as soon as the President and his entourage shows up.
My dad and I were on a road trip a hundred years ago and stopped in a restaurant in Kennebunkport. 10 minutes after we were seated we were asked to move to another table. Secret Service came in and swept the place and George and Barbara came in for dinner (he was pres at the time). Just a coincidence. Service was a bit slow, even though there weren’t many people that night (I think there were more secret service than patrons) but I ate a lobster about 15 feet from the president and he chatted with us a bit and shook hands. That was pretty cool, even if I wasn’t a GHWB fan.
@Hill Dweller:
Exactly. They were waiting in line for 3 hours for BBQ and the extra 10 minutes it took for POTUS to get some BBQ is worth whining about? STFU already seriously.
Comrade Jake
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): what kind of pizzas you hauling?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): No, it’s not and yeah, move the fuck on.
BBQ in Texas isn’t even BBQ. It’s beef. BBQ, proper BBQ, is pork.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
It wasn’t a screw up. A bunch of whiner people are butthurt because they had to wait a few extra minutes for their BBQ. Give me a break.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Comrade Jake: I don’t make a habit of hauling pizzas, but the stuff from the Glass Nickel in Madison isn’t bad.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Jake: Well, at least your friends have the consolation of an anecdote — remember the time we were waiting in the BBQ line and the President cut ahead of us?
Closest I ever came to that protocol nightmare was during the Clinton administration — a dear friend & I were attending a hobby convention at the Albuquerque hotel where President Clinton was giving a speech. So, after a long day of sightseeing/shopping, we drove the rental Tahoe into the parking garage and got the full Secret Service sweep. The dozen or so agents managed not to roll their eyes as we meekly unpacked all our ‘collectibles’ for inspection. And when we play-bowed the bomb-sniffing dog, he not only play-bowed back, he got a little more enthusiastic than his handler really appreciated. (Post 9/11, they probably shoot you for that kind of ter’ristical behavior, even if you are a couple very white, very podgy middle-aged ladies…)
Gohmert is from Texas, he’s going to make sure this line cutting thing us in the articles of impeachment
Comrade Jake
@⚽️ Martin: Pretty much any other restaurant, and I’d agree with you. But pretty much every other restaurant does not have a line around the block by 8am every day, for an 11am opening. These days people are showing up in the middle of the night to wait in line.
But honestly, this really isn’t a big deal, and we’ve devoted way more time to it than it’s worth. My friends are mostly shaking their heads over all of this. The thread on the forum I belong to has all of 7 posts on this. We’re way past that.
Sorry to derail an open thread folks.
Woah, are you guys for real arguing about BBQ and waiting in line? I can’t tell if you’re all being ironic.
What’s a better story?
“The president’s staffer bought some ribs at the rib place”
“I saw the president at the BBQ place today”
Fuck #1, I want to see the president. Even GWB. It would be EVEN BETTER if GWB cut in line. Cause then I could say “I saw GWB and that fucker cut in line” I’d smirk so hard my face would be freeze up.
Hill Dweller
Aside from not going at all, making a surprise visit and, yes, cutting in line is the most considerate and expedient way to do it. Otherwise, every patron would likely get screened and the entire restaurant would get swept. I suspect that would cause far more delays.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I used to live on Capital Hill in DC. Not working in politics. I just liked the “view” for less of a better word. When the POTUS wants to visit a place the entire area shuts down. Just how it works.
When a Saudi King visits the entire Dulles Toll Road shuts down for his motorcade.
Again just how it works. Fight it if you want but deal with basic facts.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@askew: Good fucking god.
That Texas shooter story is fucking horrible. What is wrong with people?
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Moon 98% full, that’s my
excusebest explanation.Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: I understand that the shit shuts down when the President shows up. Which basic fact did I miss? I’ve had commutes from work to home of 5 miles take 2 hours because Obama was in town. I see that as different than cutting in line at a no reservations place. I also don’t think it is significant; it was a small mistake. Anyone who tries to make a big deal of it – pro or con – has issues.
Fucking moderation. WTF??
The VA prosecutor has backed off taking a picture of that 17 year old dude’s junk. Seriously, WTF were they thinking? Thank FSM for the internet:
@SatanicPanic: I don’t even lock my front door. Not sure it is locked right now. But each year I pick up the crime stats. Nothing that interesting but then a number jumps up. Domestic violence. It seems a lot of men are beating women. I don’t get it, but when I see these cases I just freak.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Do you think this is new?
me too.
@Comrade Jake: Christ on a cracker. They can stuff it. It’s the damned President, not Kim Kardashian. That’s who’d be uncool at cutting. The President is not gonna send a staffer to get the food when he’s out doing photo ops.
JC, you’re not exhausted until you want to cry if you don’t sleep soon. Like me. You’re just tired.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): No I don’t think it is new. Just pains me.
Anne Laurie
@SatanicPanic: First comment is from the Gawker writer: I hated writing this post.
Some events, you can’t even…
@askew: Exactly.
John Revolta
BBQ in Texas isn’t even BBQ. It’s beef. BBQ, proper BBQ, is pork.
AHA! We have PROOF!!
Obama’s a SECRET MOOSLIM!!!!
Ipso fatso.
@ruemara: Sounds about right. He’s not some ordinary slob. Respect the damn office. I’d say the same thing if it was Bush.
@Anne Laurie: Yeah, that really got me too. That family photo is just the biggest bummer.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: So what does this have to do with you not locking your front door? Domestic abuse and the safety of some single dude in downstate Illinois are rather unrelated.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): the biggest danger is inside the house?
ETA- making a general statement, not saying you, Tommy, are a danger to anyone
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Bet most single women don’t feel the same way.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@goblue72: Long ago I was an army officer (well down from POTUS). By virtue of my rank, I could cut in front of soldiers in the D-Fac (Mess Hall) to get my meal faster. I didn’t do it, nor did my fellow officers. Having a privilege and not using it can matter.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): LOL. At any time where you POTUS of the US?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): If you waited in line did it require extensive security sweeps and result in major disruptions for everyone in the building?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: Well, no shit. Aside from the fact that you think crime is bad, do you have a point?
And, yeah, I happened to have a shitty day, so comments from Lake Woebegone, Southern Illinois, grind on me more that usual. Jesus, at least swear.
@Tommy: I noted that my rank was well below that. I will note, however, that my rank was mine not something that I try to absorb from my father.
@Violet: No, of course, it did not. I think that POTUS shouldn’t disturb ordinary people more than is necessary for his job. I think this was a very minor mistake by the White House – and that is it.
David Koch
I rarely read HuffPo. Maybe once every 3 months. The writing is just poor.
But when I have read HuffPo the comment sections would be full of wingers.
I’m not sure when they changed their commenting policy but now you have to be a member of facebook in order to post comment. Well, that change has resulted in the wingers evaporating. I just went though a couple of articles, each with over 200 comments, and not a single winger. not one. it’s as if they were ruptured.
That correlation is striking and fascinating: it seems that most politically active wingers don’t facebook accounts.
@David Koch:
A good portion of the liberal commenters left HP after that rule change and went to DK. People like being able to comment anonymously about politics without everyone knowing who you are. I think that is the same on both the left and the right.
@Comrade Jake:
Come on now, everything Obummer does is an impeachable offense.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@askew: I suggest that you change anonymously with pseudonymously.
James E. Powell
I don’t get what people are so upset about. It’s not like he completely shut down an airport for a haircut.
tebow diddley
This blog has been a daily staple of mine for the past few years. Chiming in tonight for the first time. Hope I can occasionally add something to the discussion – most commenters here seem to have a better grasp on the issues of the day than I do.
Going up to D.C. on the 18th for a few days. Got tickets to see Nick Cave at the DAR hall. I’m pretty stoked about it. Anyone have any recommendations for food?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@James E. Powell: Well played. The alleged delay never actually happened.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tommy: Come on, say something. Anything?
⚽️ Martin
@James E. Powell: That’s nothing. How about delivering a mavericky cake while a city drowns?
David Koch
I should say there are wingers on facebook. They’re disturbed and conspiratorial, without any basic knowledge of civics. Mostly regurgitating Glenn Beck’s loony talking points. They’re so nutty, I actually wonder if they’re functional.
⚽️ Martin
@David Koch: It’s hard to reason when there’s a black man holding the high ground.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): whatever. Just deal with the fact that the whiners in line were whiners.
And srsly, whatever mediocre rank you had does not equal POTUS. Just deal with it.
David Koch
David Koch
What did the spare ribs know and when did they know it?
David Koch
Wingers are sometimes referred to as low-information voters. And it’s true, they often have no clue about basic information and current events. But it’s more than that. When you see them attempt to construct an argument it’s sad and scary. We refrain from saying it because it’s hard, but it’s more than being low-information, but it’s also low-I.Q.
A great example of this is Palin. She didn’t know what the Fed was, she didn’t know why there was a North and South Korea, she though Paul Revere was warning the British and the American Revolution was about musket control. But when you see her try to think, it’s more than lack of knowledge, it’s her gears don’t mesh.
And this is what you see with the wingers: low-information and low-I.Q.
David Koch
Powerful and damaging expose in the NY Times. Apparently Obama consistently takes up two parking spaces in parking lots.
James E. Powell
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
The alleged delay never actually happened.
I wasn’t sure that everyone here knows that, but I decided to roll the dice.
3 hours in line? For BBQ?
No way, José. For what would I wait 3 hours in line?
(mental Rolodex rapidly flipping)
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
@tebow diddley:
You should eat two, maybe three times a day.
Where are you going to be located? Washington is big. It’s like saying, “I’m coming to New York City. Any recommendations for food?” There are good places everywhere. It’s not like there’s only one good Thai place, one good steakhouse, etc. Narrow it down and you’ll get plenty of recommendations.
another Holocene human
@askew: if all that waiting like a foodie clown enhances the experience then it’s POTUS who lost out, amirite?
Or is this more class resentment, like d00d, it’s not 1805 any more and you can’t just waltz into the White House and berate the President for not “doing something” about Barbary piracy with the ear budget your congressional buddies helped zero out. Some shit went down in the interim.
If B Obama were still a Chicago professor on book tour then hate him all day long, seriously the man can’t do anything normal right now, he’s not allowed, and you want to condemn him for flattering type insider-y tastes?
@⚽️ Martin:
another Holocene human
@David Koch: some of the ones I work with? Just barely.
The others are just mean.
another Holocene human
@tebow diddley: all I gotta say is, Alachua County? From here, stuck here, or warm college memories?
It’s been years but Pollo Loco was the best food in the DC area imo. Chicken, yucca fries, fresh salsa. It is NOT Pollo Tropical, which is a nasty germy disaster.
Adams Morgan used to have good eateries for a bit more money but it’s a ways from the nearest Metro stop.
DupontCircle is on red line, stop is famous for being first station, 3 stories below ground, longest outdoor escalator in world (which takes a lot of maintenance). Doubt you’ll regret anything you eat there.
Eastern Market is historic in East Cap they used to sell “discount” (hot) CDs there, ‘hood has changed in a flash. On Metro, gr or bl or whatever, likely hipster central these days if you’re into that kind of shit.
If you want fast and choices, basement of union station food court, red line near Congress and the Postal Museum.
another Holocene human
@Steeplejack: Good point, there’s Vietnamese, there’s Iraqi, there’s shitty French, there’s Indian, you get diplomats and other foreign nationals not to mention immigrants. Filipino? I mean there are intriguing choices.
another Holocene human
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): who pissed in your corn flakes? Jesus.
I freak when I see those stats too. It’s an epidemic.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): You’re not alone in that reaction.
Living right and eating right is exhausting and sometimes not worth it.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@Comrade Jake:
Your friends need therapy.
On a related note, my sponsor says I am ready to be a sponsor.
Um…I think I’ll pray on it a little.
Corner Stone
A heartbreaking tragedy, apparently long in the making.
However, it should be noted that this was a shooting in Texas, not a Texas shooter. I believe he was from out of state.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I always miss out on these Cranky Omnes episodes.
Corner Stone
Personally, I wouldn’t mind a bit of POTUS cut and the event continued moving along. I would be incredibly frustrated if something I expected to take X time slowed to a standstill due to a muckety mucks random visit.
And I wouldn’t limit it to POTUS either. I wouldn’t mind if, for example, a pregnant woman or disabled individual went ahead of me. What’s the problem?
Regarding the 3 hour wait, I’ve had mind numbingly excellent BBQ before, and I routinely have much better than “good” BBQ at a number of places. I wouldn’t wait in that line anywhere for any food item I can think of, not even if Salma Hayek were personally handing out plates.
schrodinger's cat
@Corner Stone: They usually happen late at night or early in the morning so I miss them too.
@⚽️ Martin:
Yeah, let’s not forget the gigantic 3 hour wait in traffic he will cause! :)