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Poro Rosso
Death Panel Truck
Love the Kinks, but…
big ole hound
Netanyahu telling us not to second guess him and then we re-arm him. Our chicken shit congress does this and nothing else before their vacay, My hate of politicians is spilling over to Israel and it seems I am not alone. Stop manufacturing and selling arms to anyone realizing this would cause some great pork barrel unemployment. Screw all the politicians and warmongers worldwide. They are leaches on us all. Grrr
Poro Rosso
Deadly maracas
@Death Panel Truck: I can make fun of the Brits 24/7. But what I can’t explain, and listening to the Who’s Greatest Hits cause of you, Can’t Explain, is why their music is at the core of the stuff I like the most.
My beloved Kinks!
Donald Trump, upset about American Ebola victims getting treatment in the US, makes a fool of himself:
@big ole hound: This is my take on this. We bombed them so much we ran out of bombs. We need more. We (meaning America) are like sure, here have some more. Seems like what is happening. Most of my clients are Jewish. I am not. Heck my best client just got back from Israel last week. Wanted to take his 13 year old daughter there. You ask them about this topic and they sound as liberal as I am if not more so. They are unhappy about it all. Pissed off to be honest.
@MattF: LOL in not such a good way. There are a few things I expect or want my government to do for me. If I was hiking and Iran took me in as a terrorist. I would like America to hop to my aid. Same if it got something like Ebola. I’d be like dude can you help me?
Just a heads-up that this coming Wednesday on TCM is Paul Muni day, 24 hours of his movies beginning 6 a.m. Eastern. Muni was once of those actors who gave his all no matter the role, no matter how lightweight the film might otherwise be, and it’s always worth watching him apply his theatrical flair.
If had to choose just one of the films being shown to recommend, it would be I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (based on a true story), airing at 8 p.m. Eastern.
@big ole hound: Have we made no progress since 1914? Apparently not.
I’ve had an enormously productive 24 hours by attending a play for work, (which didn’t stop me enjoying it, it was a community theatre production of Harvey,) actually getting a good night’s sleep, and updating my fussy iPod (it helped when I realized it had given me multiple copies of my favorite podcasts, thus filling up all my memory.)
So I’m rewarding myself with All About Eve. This is probably my tenth time… and it only gets better.
That’s a great movie.
Jay C
And this is reported as “news”??
Seriously, I were one of those unfortunate Ebola patients, or a friend or family member, I’d feel a lot more confident of their pulling through being treated at a top-notch American hospital, rather than the ramshackle 2×4-and Tyvek facilities they have to deal with in Africa. Though I gather that surviving Ebola is a matter of pure chance in any case.
big ole hound
@Tommy: As you say, we have been coerced by tiny Israel to supply their military against every perceived threat so Israeli- Americans can have a ringside seat to war. What a great way to spend the summer for the kids. “How I spent my summer vacation” or Camp Granada for the Jews.
? Martin
@MattF: I’m sorry, but I have to again point out that ‘conservatism’ has become wholly synonymous with ‘fucking coward’. They’re afraid of germs, they’re afraid of refugee children (sending militias and the national guard being clear evidence). They’re afraid of Muslims, gays, atheists, and minorities in general. They’re so fucking afraid that they’re running around demanding the ability to carry military weapons for day to day interactions. They are developing this truly pathological victimization mindset.
I just cannot see them as anything other than sniveling cowards any longer – and that’s not a group of people I’m willing to vote for or associate with.
@Jay C: It is bizarre. I got rid of cable TV months ago. I see something like this on Democratic Now. Super liberal show. I think god I am lucky I live in the US. Sure maybe Finland is better. But I will take my ER and that I have one above most other nations.
Amir Khalid
@Jay C:
I think you might be underestimating the better African hospitals here, particularly those in the major cities. Also, I imagine there are African doctors and nurses with more firsthand experience treating Ebola than their counterparts in even the finest American hospital.
If there was ever a self-referential sentence…
@big ole hound
And, BTW, regarding that bill passed yesterday:
@big ole hound: As a kid out of college I didn’t know anybody in DC. My Jewish boss brought me to her house time and time again. Let me say that again, time and time again knowing I was an atheist. Included me. As you might expect I recall things like that. She would say as I say this shit is fucked up.
? Martin
@Amir Khalid:
Firsthand experience handling volumes of Ebola patients, sure, but the hospitals that we have which are associated with the CDC and other groups like the Army Infectious Disease group really are the best in the world at this kind of stuff. They effectively have infinite resources. Doctors aren’t going to be torn between dozens of patients. Each american is going to have the best isolation room that exists and more doctors and nurses trained in this stuff than will fit in that room. We have loads of doctors with experience treating ebola – that’s why we send our doctors out to do such work with such frequency.
I don’t think African doctors deserve any criticism over their skills and experience, but as a matter of infrastructure – facilities, access to equipment and medicine, volume of resources that can be brought to bear to a problem, Africa remains a huge problem compared to the US – particularly at the high end. We can’t manage to get water to people in the Superdome in an emergency, but you need a jet and ambulance outfitted for transferring infectious patients and 20 ebola experts in Atlanta in 12 hours – that we can do easily.
I don’t subscribe to Cinemax, but Steven Soderbergh’s latest project, “The Knick,” sounds binge-watching worthy:
@WereBear: Yay for sleep! And the play, of course, that sounds like fun. But, SLEEP!
Jay C
@Amir Khalid: @? Martin:
I’m sure you’re right, Amir, about the quality of African medical facilities in some places, but from what I have seen on news reports (and no, I like to think I’m smart enough not to rely solely on the media for reliable information!) the Ebola outbreaks seem to be mainly in non-urban areas (or at least that’s what has been shown) – and the healthcare infrastructure in those locations is, well, fairly sub-optimal.
And yes, you’re also right about the first-hand-experience factor: though, from what I’ve seen and read about Ebola, there is not a lot anyone can do about it: just try to keep it from spreading.
Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.
The news jackasses have a fucking chopper following the ebola ambulance from Dobbins to Emory and they are all breathless. Alex Witt wants to know if Emory is better than the hospital in Liberia.
Suffern ACE
@Tommy: I reserve the right to be pissed at you for hiking in Iran when you know what has happened to hikers in the past and there are plenty of other trails in the world. At the same time, there are only so many places to go to help fight a disease, and so few volunteers capable of helping that I would expect the government to do better than send you to Hells Island Quarantine Center to die alone.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Tommy: Speaking of clients, I made a comment about your fired client letter downstairs.
@raven: A CDC research unit in an American hospital is somehow less able to perform an experimental treatment than the JFK Medical Center in Monrovia?
Our commerical media is fucked up beyond repair. I want Al Jazeera back on my cable system already.
Suffern ACE
@big ole hound: did they? I think the Senate left town without voting on the issue. Republicans blocked it because the funding for Israel didn’t come out of school lunch programs and UNICEF donations. Or was that resolved?
Suffern ACE
@FlyingToaster: sure. Maybe in the past, but that was before obamacare destroyed our healthcare system.
@FlyingToaster: The head of the Vandy School of medicine is on and he’s telling this twit that any hospital in America could deal with this. Apparently Trump tweeted that we have enough problems and these patients should be kept out!
Suffern ACE
@raven: Obama is just bringing in those Ebola patients so that he can make them citizens and swing the election to the democrats. I’m onto him.
They are bringing the patient in a Grady ambulance. When I broke my back I was in Grady but my surgeon was an Emory orthopod.
The coverage on MSNBC is incredible. This idiot announcer is trying to paint this as some terrifying event and every medical expert she has talked to has said that they would relish the chance to work on such a case.
@Suffern ACE:
Tommy said “If I was hiking and Iran took me in as a terrorist.” A hypothetical scenario yet to happen in real life, I assume.
Two tunes from yute:
@? Martin:
Can’t or won’t? It seems to be a matter of motivation.
Iowa Old Lady
“Ebola” gets headlines, clicks, and eyeballs. “Folks,” ditto. The need for medical research and aid, and our use of torture? Not so much. I am sick of it all.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Y’all are gonna die.
Suffern ACE
@gene108: my anger at his foolishness was also hypothetical.
@Gin & Tonic: 1 2 3 what are we fightin for?
Suffern ACE
@Gin & Tonic: but don’t worry. We here at balloon juice will make memorial donations to the charity of her choice, so it will even out in the end.
@WereBear: I think I’ve seen that movie 10 or more times also. I never get tired of it. Timeless themes and relationships. I feel the same way about Casablanca.
Suffern ACE
@Suffern ACE: it does make me wonder though. If we all succumb to Ebola, will there be enough commenters and front pagers left to carry on. I think BJ would be down to Amir, Randy and SPT, LT, Debbie and littlebrnft (sp).
schrodinger's cat
s@Suffern ACE: Don’t worry comrade, Steve will carry on the banner of Tunchland.
schrodinger's cat
Caturday thread deserves a kitteh
@WereBear: “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night”. Love “All About Eve” ; great movie to revisit.
Recently, I had a chance encounter with an Annette Bening movie, “About Julia” where Julia, unlike Eve, actually turns the tables on the ruthless aspiring young actress. It had a good supporting cast with Jeremy Irons and Shaun Evans, the young “Inspector Morse”, aka “Endeavour”.
Enjoy your well-earned pleasure.
Why should the average American care about interdicting, thus stopping, a disease with a 60% mortality rate spreading across the US?
Bob In Portland
Merkel-Putin deal?
schrodinger's cat
@Kathleen: May be I am missing something, but I don’t get the hype about Casablanca, it left me unmoved. *ducks*
I saw it a long time ago, may be I should give it another try.
@big ole hound: Seriously, sounds anti-semitic. It’s horrible that you label all American Jews as warmongers wanting a safe ring-side seat from America. Frankly, your comment is disgusting and not Balloon Juice worthy.
@Suffern ACE: I’ve lived under RomneyCare for 8 years, and somehow the life expectancy in the
CommonwealthPeople’s Republic of Massachusetts has gone up! And the school kids have fewer absences (modulo their parents not being anti-vaxxers).@raven: Yep. While not every hospital has a full-bore isolation facility, every teaching hospital that I’m aware of DOES. And I believe the CDC is less than a mile away up Clifton Road NE from Emory University Hospital.
@Bob In Portland:
Molotov-Ribbentrop II?
Suffern ACE
@schrodinger’s cat: maybe you’re confusing it with the short lived Casablanca TV series starring David Soul.
@? Martin: IIRC, Trump has a germ fetish anyway and doesn’t shake hands, even in a business setting.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suffern ACE: Let us never speak of it again.
Villago Delenda Est
Noisemax strikes again!
NRCC Head Greg Walden: Something is ‘Terribly Wrong in Washington’
Yes. They’re called teatards.
@Anoniminous: I guess you’re suggesting that ‘average’ Americans won’t know/won’t care about the facts of very low Ebola transmission rates. You may be right– but here’s some actual information on the subject:
Villago Delenda Est
@PurpleGirl: Well, actually, the thing that lives on his head has the germ fetish.
Suffern ACE
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I have a link to it, but I’ll hold my fire for now. If anyone gets out of line though, it’s coming out.
Bob In Portland
Gulf of Tonkin history.
@schrodinger’s cat: I don’t know what you’re missing but for me “Casablanca” is at the top of my all time greatest hits. I love the story, the cast, the dialog and the score.
Bob In Portland
@Cacti: Besides your poor historic analogy, why would you oppose it?
@Kathleen: Casablanca yes, and also a personal favorite, White Heat.
I like genre, too.
@Suffern ACE:
And no doubt Michele Bachmann would say do medical experiments on them at the same time!
@pamelabrown53: Mmm. Sounds good.
schrodinger's cat
@Suffern ACE: I was not aware of its existence.@pamelabrown53: It is not a bad movie at all but it did not live up to its hype for me, that’s all.
Villago Delenda Est
@Bob In Portland: HODOR!
Horrors! A wealthy Idle man complaining about a probably relatively wealthy productive and highly trained man getting health care following infection after contributing to the welfare of others. What is the free-market health care system coming to! This socialism has just gone too far I’m telling you. Haummph Harummph Harummph. The joys of learning that supposedly the finest health care system the world and invisible free hand can produce and should not at all be interfered with is functionally equivalent to some hastily assembled epidemic facilities in rural areas is also providing a certain mild amusement.
Villago Delenda Est
Electric boogaloo!
The autoplay I get when I come here is;
‘We will NEVER surrender’
and then again
We will NEVER surrender’
and then it cuts off suddenly
It’s in some strange movie dialogue voice, in the background. There is no pop up, and no ad playing. It’s happened for quite awhile (off and on for at least a week).
It’s so strange I am sure everyone will think I am making it all up and say ‘Fuck you, clown’.
Hey, I been called worse.
I think the Ebola story is being added into the migrants/refugees story to form one big ball of panic about the Invasion Of The Infectious Outsiders. Lotta PhD theses are going to be written about this nonsense in 50 years or so.
@nalbar: It’s Ted Cruz. See the autoplay ‘Site Maintenance Thread’ thread just below this one.
big ole hound
@pamelabrown53: Dangerously close? Once again, anti Israel is not anti semitic. Why is this so hard to fathom? I did not label anyone except those that want to travel there in a time of war for a ringside seat. The warmongers.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Hey, Omnes, how are you celebrating our birthday? (Tomorrow is also someone else’s birthday from around here — Cassidy, maybe?)
Anyhow, I know it’s a major, ending-in-zero day for you. Wishing you all the best in case I don’t see you again before The Day.
Suffern ACE
@MattF: we’re being attacked by Ted Cruz?
ETA: it sounds like we might be winning.
@nalbar: Did you post this comment in the thread immediately below this one (“Site Maintenance”). And lots of regulars have been commenting on autoplays, pop-ups, and the surrender thing.
@Suffern ACE: Apparently. And we will never surrender.
@Villago Delenda Est: LOL.
By Grabthor’s hammer. Never surrender, never give up.
@Suffern ACE:
According to a commenter who must not be named, most of us are actually sitting in cubicles in a basement at the Pentagon (or was it Langley??) so BJ should ride this out just fine.
@PurpleGirl: I was thinking that looked a bit familiar and characteristically not quite feathered to recent conversations. Part of the overall program or is my sub-hobby of internet suspicions getting out of hand again?
@? Martin:
A study done in the UK supports your observation.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: NSA is headquartered in MD, so we could be there too.
Need moar kitteh?
@schrodinger’s cat: are we really all in the same basement? Why don’t I ever see anyone at the vending machines?
@scav: It could also be that my mind is quite filled with cultural references (pop or not). No surrender becomes never surrender becomes Galaxy Quest dialogue.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@SiubhanDuinne: I plan to do a mile per year ride. How about you?
Suffern ACE
@scav: they pay you enough to buy food at vending machine prices? Well I’ll be…
@schrodinger’s cat:
(waving hello from across the windowless room)
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suffern ACE: I think scav is management.
Mike E
@pamelabrown53: Being Julia is terrific…highly recommend it.
Sad news for Atlanta Braves fans. RIP, Pete Van Wieren.
@jeffreyw: The moar kittehs, the better. (S/he a cutie.)
@scav: It’s a secret. And do not press the big red button.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Uh … something different.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Have a Happy. You got enough commas for your ride?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I think I will be okay.
Villago Delenda Est
@MattF: (lunges for big red button)
@Suffern ACE: I’ll share the location of the CEOs couch with its cushions. . . . .
Lunch thread needs moar sammich.
And if you look under the cushions you will find Cole’s mustard!
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: That kitteh is going to be huge when he grows into his ears. Looks like a little snow leopard.
@PurpleGirl: Staffers at the shelter are calling him Sherwood.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: Waves back.
Think of it, what better way to pass encoded secret messages than through lolcats? Seems so innocent, but is it?
schrodinger's cat
@scav: What are you doing on the CEO’s couch?
@schrodinger’s cat: The Case of Sherlock Holmes and the Dancing Memes.
ETA: Disciplinary Vacuum duty.
@big ole hound: I understand the strong feelings against Israel. What I don’t understand is how you lumped every American jew into your “enjoying the carnage from the sidelines” scenario. How can you justify that statement?
Any news on/from Cole? Has he punched a hippie for trying to administer a toxin cleansing enema? (Hope I’m not being too glib. Know some people who have gone through it. Some went smoothly, some were horrible. One friend solo cold turkeyed off heroin. Said he barely slept for a month. Went borderline psychotic with hallucinations.)
schrodinger's cat
@scav: Cumberbatch can check my memes any time.
@FlyingToaster: The are more than one CDC facilities in Atlanta but the one in question is right there.
@p.a.: He’ll let you know when he has something to say.
Villago Delenda Est
The Ted Cruz experience can be very traumatizing, yes.
@Mike E: I enjoyed “Being Julia” too. Especially because I found it serendipitously and thus had no expectations beyond “what a great cast”.
schrodinger's cat
@Villago Delenda Est:
Or the 50 shades of Cray.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Cumberbatch is in all the things and the CEO, too? His plan for world domination must be nearly complete.
@schrodinger’s cat: Re: Cumberbatch. On this our tastes coincide…and I’m gay. For me Cumberbatch is akin to Melissa Etheridge’s “attraction” to Brad Pitt.
@MomSense: Would that we could welcome our new overlord.
Suffern ACE
@scav: nah. I tend to avoid management. That’s why I don’t buy that marked up vending machine food that they “provide” us as a “benefit.” I know the score. Just because I work to sow confusion and obfuscation covering for our most reckless blunders and vile policies doesn’t mean I can’t be said to stick it to the man now and again.
@jeffreyw: “Need moar kitteh” Mebbe, but I’d settle for need moar recipes.
@schrodinger’s cat:
50 Shades of Cray. Perfect!
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: How is garage kitteh? Better behaved? How is Bitsy? She must be full grown by now.
@Amir Khalid:
Yes in that they have first hand clinical experience.
No in that Doctors Without Borders, WHO, and African doctors have experience with Ebola outbreaks in rural areas. This is the first time it’s made the jump to major cities. Nobody in the world has experience with that.
At the moment Ebola is unsuccessful organism in human hosts. It kills the host too rapidly and it contagious rate is very low. Now that it is in major cities it will encounter hosts with other infections, e.g., influenza, with a high rate of contagion. Thus the odds of Ebola mutating and gaining a high rate of contagion are good. Well. For the Ebola virus. Not so much for humans.
@schrodinger’s cat:
schrodinger's cat
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks!
@Suffern ACE: Well, I tried eating the cushions with the mustard found underneath, but . …… I was really hungry and haven’t managed a way out for months now …..
schrodinger's cat
@scav: Is Cole there too, along with the mustard and the Subaru?
@schrodinger’s cat: Now I’m worrying about the crunchy bits . . . . . .
Joy in FL
I wanted to post an update on Goathouse Refuge. That story really got to me– not sure why. When I checked their website this morning, I saw some information about having donations doubled. I thought some of you would be interested to know that and possibly contribute, or even contribute again. So here’s that link.
@schrodinger’s cat: They are all out and about today. Bitsy is petite but with a thick coat that has her gasping during her walks if the heat is bad. Mrs J knows how to help her with that.
Bob In Portland
They wouldn’t lie to us.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): So you’re doing a 30 mile ride? Happy b-day bud.
@Suffern ACE: What is the process for naturalizing people who are American citizens? Do they need to be denatured first?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@BillinGlendaleCA: Add a few.
Obama destroys West Virginia:
@scav: Is THAT where the mustard went?!?
I was snarking.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): 33 1/3?
@srv: Why am I suspicious of the salary number? Did they include the CEO and all management in the averaging calculation? Are Alpha Natural Resource’s mines union or non-union?
James E. Powell
It’s got nothing to do with Obama or the EPA. If you want to know why those miners are getting laid off, just ask Alpha:
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@BillinGlendaleCA: Still more. 16 2/3 more.
In other news, I made my own mayo yesterday, using a mason jar and a stick blender, and I’m ecstatic. I’m planning to use fresh dill… macadamia nut oil… horseradish… it’s so darn easy!
Anyone from Toledo? Via Reddit, water is contaminated with algae produced toxins. No drinking or touching water apparently.
RobertDSC-Power Mac G5 Dual
Her front paw reminds me of Tunch.
? Martin
@PurpleGirl: Well, next time I see him in New York, I’ll make a point to pee on him.
? Martin
@James E. Powell: In the US, the leveled cost of electricity from coal is the same or higher than for wind, natural gas, hydro, and commercial solar. There’s no cost advantage to coal, and with record low interest rates, everyone is better off with higher capital cost plants such as solar and wind than with high recurring cost plant such as coal.
Anyone who is in this for the next 3 decades is running from coal. And there’s a PR cost to those energy companies now as well. Why keep fighting the EPA when it’s just as, or more cost effective to not build a coal plant?
Gin & Tonic
Football (soccer) fans in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, today, marching through the streets before the Metalist (Kharkiv) vs Dynamo (Kiev) match, chanting the well-known “Putin khuilo!” slogan. What I find interesting is that the banner at the head of the column, on the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian national colors, says “Kharkiv is Ukraine.” In Russian. As I have been saying for months, the purported division between Russian-speaking Ukrainians and Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians is a myth.
Villago Delenda Est
@Gin & Tonic:
Our local myth spreader is Bob Romanov.
Bob In Portland
Over there, over there.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
Google Translate does not oblige. Could you share the meaning of “Putin khuilo”?
@efgoldman: Well, getting a Mason to emulsify with anything but another Mason, is rather a trick. Stick Blenders just don’t have the handshake.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Should we get off your lawn? Happy Birthday!!!
Bob In Portland
@Villago Delenda Est: If there is no division why has the “anti-terror” campaign been going on for four months? Are the Ukrainians fighting with their best lemurs? It’s awful slow considering that there is no division between Russian speakers and the fascists. Sorry, mates, but some people actually remember what the fascists did the last time they were in power. And some people actually resent having their homes flattened by mortars and their families killed by the Ukie army.
Four months. Or is it five yet? How many more months? Will they eliminate the terrorists before winter?
Also, what about the deal being brokered between Merkel and Putin? It’s essentially natural gas to Ukraine in exchange for Crimea and a devolved, federalized eastern Ukraine where death squads cannot operate and people can speak Russian. Or don’t you believe in negotiating? How about the California National Guard training with the Ukrainian army? Here or there? And what happens when one of those Californians gets shot?
Bob In Portland
@Amir Khalid: And maybe you can translate “Muscovite Jew” into Ukrainian.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@schrodinger’s cat: You can stay on my lawn until tomorrow – the actual day.
@? Martin: This brings to mind the experience of Tucson Electric Power in the late 80s and early 90s. With the lower prices of coal and the potential for selling power to utilities in California, they began planning the Springerville coal plants. There were to be 4 plants. They built one and began generating and selling the power. In the meantime, the prices of gas went down, coal prices began going up; they mothballed Springerville 2 without bringing it on-line, put building Springerville 3 on hold and never moved to get construction plans for Springerville 4. I think they eventually brought Springerville 2 on-line and stopped there. It’s been a while since I looked at their website to see how the company was doing.
Amir Khalid
@Bob In Portland:
Germany and Russia are negotiating over Russia trading natural gas for the sovereign territory of Ukraine? Yeah, sounds legit to me.
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: Is that just a Simpson’s reference or is there some other story behind the onion on the belt?
Bob In Portland
@Amir Khalid: Ah, the Kosovo Rule. You probably didn’t even notice it when it happened. But we know that there was a time in the 90s when the Serbs were the designated bad guys, so lopping off a piece of their country was just hunky dory for you. And pushing a half million “folks” out of Krajina was okey dokey too. Unfortunately, after all that bombing there were a lot more “folks” who died there than in Russia’s military operations in Crimea.
How about the US “infringing” on the sovereignty of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, et al? I guess around here if you get mildly upset by what the US does to “some folks” it’s okay to exchange recipes and kick back for some lemonade in our quickly warming world.
Bob In Portland
Another Kremlin mouthpiece.
@Amir Khalid:
roughly “putin is a dickhead”
Bob In Portland
@Amir Khalid: Yes, and Texas is soon to be transferred back to Mexico. And Florida to the Seminoles. If you want to draw the line on sovereignty with a place that has a longer history with Russia than Ukraine, most of whose inhabitants are glad to be rid of the Ukie fascists, then you go ahead. The Ukies accept international volunteers.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: It is a vulgar saying, basically “Putin’s a dick.”
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: It is a vulgar saying, basically “Putin’s a dick.”
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: FYWP. Adding, it’s kind of a play on words, sounding similar to “Putin, Hello.” The Wiki article is pretty good.
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: FYWP. Adding, it’s kind of a play on words, sounding similar to “Putin, Hello.” The Wiki article is pretty good.
Amir Khalid
@Bob In Portland:
You’re the only person I’ve come across who refers to Ukraine and Ukrainians as “the Ukies”. Is it meant to be disparaging? It does sound like a good name for a ukelele band, though.
By the way, Russia’s long history of sovereignty over Crimea doesn’t mean anything in the present day. Crimea is Ukrainian sovereign territory now and Russia has no more right to it.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: If we go by duration, Constantinople has a greater claim than Muscovy.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: Here’s one view of Putin’s view of the world.
@Gin & Tonic:
your link, she no be work. you fix.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
@Bob In Portland:
Now that would be a fascinating conflict to watch, wouldn’t it, Bob? I wonder which side you would, um, advocate for.
Gin & Tonic
@tybee: Works for me. Try this instead.
@scav: Speaking of handshake, I learned the other day that the bottom of blenders is the same as mason jars, and you can blend right in that. Mind blown!
Am I the only one who didn’t get this glorious memo?
Villago Delenda Est
@Amir Khalid: Well, it’s not like Germany and Russia have never negotiated over the division of the territory of other sovereign states before. I mean, just ask Poland about that.
Amir Khalid
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yes. And given the management in each of those two countries at that time, I wonder if Bob in Portland feels comfortable relying on that precedent.
sm*t cl*de
Puzzled, me. A couple of Americans want to go home. The staff at a hospital are keen to treat their colleagues. Why do Trump, or the media, or anyone else think they have a say?
More of Trump’s tweets here:
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@debbie: Your link takes me to an article about a man trying to push a Brussels sprout up Mt. Snowdon with his nose. Admittedly this is both more interesting and valuable that a link to tweets by a short-fingered vulgarian, but it is not what you advertised.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
When I learned to type, the teacher said, “Your fingers will be as light as feathers upon the keys.” Sometimes, my keystrokes fail me.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@debbie: The sprout article was pretty cool. I mean, what gives someone that idea?
I have no idea. But why do it with that backpack strapped to him?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@debbie: I think that once you are pushing a Brussels sprout up Mt. Snowdon with your nose all else is ephemera.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Bill Gates is not my favorite human being, but at least when it comes to giving away his money one of his pet projects has been health concerns around the globe.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
The headline definitely gives you pause: ” Stuart Kettell starts pushing sprout up Snowdon with nose”
I mean, I’m not a huge Edward S. fan, but this seems extreme.
@SiubhanDuinne: @Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Happy mutual Birthday to two of my favorite commenters! Live long and prosper.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@satby: It’s actually tomorrow for both of us. But thank you.
@Gin & Tonic:
spacibo, tovarisch.
i liked the part of the map labeled “nervous”. :)
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Just wait TWO more hours, here in EDT.
Bob In Portland
@Amir Khalid: Well, that means that you only read one side of the news. It was pretty obvious before, though.
Bob In Portland
@Gin & Tonic: Take a vote. Oh wait, they did.
Bob In Portland
@Gin & Tonic: Take a vote. Oh wait, they did.
Bob In Portland
@Villago Delenda Est: Who divided Korea? How about the US in Vietnam, when it blocked elections in 1954 and Vietnam became North and South? That worked out well. Lots of examples of people dividing territory.
But if you don’t want Russia to keep Crimea, what do you plan to do to put it back in Ukraine? War? How far are you willing to go? Exchange of nukes? Low-level guerrilla warfare?
More sanctions? And what is your best solution to Ukraine running out of natural gas in a few months?
And what do you intend to do with those folks in eastern Ukraine? I realize that Gin says that all the rebels in eastern Ukraine aren’t Ukrainian (which, considering the OUN/B history is a little scary, considering how they’ve determined who’s Ukrainian or not in the past), but bear with me. How about Russian? Will people get to speak it for official business? What about Pravy Sektor? Okay to allow those fascist militias directed by oligarchs to keep operating?
I asked the other day what BJers thought were the US and Russian national interests in Ukraine. I’ve asked the same questions in other forums. The best I’ve gotten is one poor soul who said the US has no interests in Ukraine, suggesting that we’re rattling sabers and are willing to risk nuclear war for fuck all. BJers certainly can’t identify any US national interests.
All I get here besides ad hominems (the post-John Locke kind) are smarmy remarks. I presume that most people here want peace and most people here want some kind of negotiated settlement. Most people don’t want a nuclear war.
So does anyone here have a solution? Let them keep fighting until the winter when Ukraine runs out of gas? Have the US Air Force do a Libya on the rebels? Flood Ukraine with NATO weapons?
If I recall the west and the east divided up Germany at one point. The West divided up Yugoslavia in the 90s. How is dividing up Yugoslavia okay and dividing up Ukraine (or at least acknowledging that they lost Crimea) not okay?
I realize that by asking so many questions here none of you will answer anything. You can’t.