Spitting out lyrics homie I’ll wet ya:
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) doesn’t think that the hardline stance Republicans have taken on immigration could hurt the party’s standing with Hispanic voters. Instead, he thinks Democrats are hurting their prospects with white voters.
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. “It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”
Guess I was wrong last night– the blah people aren’t getting the summer off after all.
If there were any justice in this world, this idiotic mofo would suffer the same fate as Grunthos the Flatulent. Unfortunately, there is precious little justice in this world.
Evidently, he thought he didn’t need to bring his codebook because Ingraham had a device that encrypted racist statements in real time installed in her studio.
Davis X. Machina
“That’s our job. If you want race-baiting, a war on women, crab-bucket politics and all those kinds of things, best leave it to the professionals” Coulter went on to add.
If Glen Beck can apologize for calling Obama a racist, surely you people can admit to being racist too.
Anyone with eyes and ears already knows that it is today’s Republican whites who hate everybody else, including whites with lower incomes or who actually work for someone else. I say this as an old white former Republican.
Someone is gonna get a remedial course in Republican Talking Points 101. It’s “Democrat” Party or nothing.
Cue Neil Young.
Randy P
If it’s a War on White People, I think they definitely need to propose and pass a Defense of White People Act. That should rally the voters.
⚽️ Martin
No, we’re claiming the GOP hates everybody else. Actually, that’s not right either – we’re claiming the GOP is terrified of everyone else.
Yep, Obama divided the country into those that believed the country was ready for a black president and those who believed the country needed more lynchings.
I’ll repeat it as often as I have to:
NEVER EVER be under the delusion that Willard Romney did NOT run a Southern Strategy campaign.
He did.
And guess what?
Barack Hussein Obama II still beat his ass like he stole something.
In both the Electoral College and Popular Vote.
Keep on, keeping on that all you need is White votes.
Matters not to me.
Wrap yourself in that delusion.
Dividing us on greed? That’s a new way of phrasing it, isnt it?
@Randy P: Tragically, the “Defense of White People Act” is the motivating animus for the nutty legislation they propose.
Tone In DC
As for Mo Brooks… George Wallace called. He wants his shtick back.
@rikyrah: If Romney had won only 60% of the white vote in Mississippi, he would have lost the state. He won about 88% there.
I’m a white person, and I so don’t want to live in the world that the Republican racists (but I repeat myself) envision. I like having friends who bring something to the table other than a mirror of my own suburban upbringing. I like being able to eat at a different ethnic restaurant every night of the month and not leave my own neighborhood.
Yeah, let them keep up their crap whitey-white-white strategy. That pale skin’s really gonna burn in Hell.
Alex S.
War on white people…. so shooting Obama falls under Stand-your-ground?
@Randy P: I propose a set of local organizations to help protect the white folks in this war. Some White Citizens’ Councils perhaps.
Roger Moore
Yes. The people who are in favor are in one party, and the people who are against are in another.
Joe Biden is white. Hillary Clinton is white. Pajama Boy is white.
“War on Whites”??? That’s going to be the new GOP/Fox buzz phrase?
What part of the non-racist voting public are they thinking to lure over with that stance? Even some racists – who pretend not to be – are not going to be comfortable with something that sounds somewhere between Aryan Nation and Jim Crow.
@catclub: I’m with Nina in my stance on Mississippi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVQjGGJVSXc
Chyron HR
Pajama* Boy is a flagrant Muzlatto frapparoon of indeterminate gentrification.
* Or, in the proper America-hating Obamist spelling, “Pyjama”.
We need to start the War on Hyperbole and/or The War on Fake Victimhood.
Also, I appreciate the use of House of Pain lyrics. Culture appropriatin’ clowns.
In the wonderful world of Conservatives race, sex, greed, envy, class warfare, poverty, and gender problems do not exist until actions to solve or alleviate, including merely discussing, them are taken. It is at that point they throw a tantrum.
Yes, you have to remember both the Civil War and Hippies. Especially in states with low minority populations, the majority of the white vote in the Northeast and upper Midwest went to President Obama, including a majority of the white working class. The white vote on the “left” coast, went for Obama. So Yankees and hippies are not the same as the folks who love NASCAR, the flag of Treason and Slavery (a/k/a the Stars and Bars), and scraggily goatees. As this map shows, their are veins of “Redness through out the country, but the current heartlands runs out of the South and up the Great Plains, with veins running up Appalachia and west through Arizona to the California’s Central Valley. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/115550/cartograms-are-important-inforgraphic-tool
Is Mo Brooks David Brooks’ more honest cousin?
And what is best for white males, is what is best for the country by default. The other 2/3 of the population who are non-white, female, or both, are practicing “identity politics”.
White Trash Liberal
They are really coming out and saying it. I’m impressed by the combination of audacity and desperation.
I guarantee you the cross that hangs around the neck of Laura Ingraham has driven quite a few to atheism.
By the way, this geographic and cultural division between North and South and Hippies (whites who have lost “the privilege of being real Americans by their not behaving like “Real Amuricans” should) and the rest probably means 60% is the hard ceiling of the Republican White Vote.
James E. Powell
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party.”
And in the corporate press/media, everyone behaves like this is not the core of every Republican Party campaign since 1972. Even the liberals are afraid to say it.
@Sherparick: neat maps! thanks.
@Chyron HR: “a flagrant Muzlatto frapparoon of indeterminate gentrification”
this is brilliant
Here’s the thing that congressmen like Mo Brooks and their Beltway stenographers often forget: We know what the racist yahoos think. We can’t escape them at family gatherings. We see their email threads. We’ve heard the ranting when “those people” aren’t present. When Mo Brooks goes into hyperspin and Fox is in CYA mode, it won’t matter, because we know them already. The bigotry charge is earned, and it’s entirely fair.
Since women got the vote* white males have lost political power, economic power, and social standing. Some of the loss stems directly from attempts to repress 2/3rds of the US population, in a vain attempt to maintain power and status, by fanatical, unthinking, support for Conservative ideology and policies. Thus, the War on White Males is primarily being conducted by white males.
* and put icky girl cooties on everything
@SatanicPanic: @Chyron HR:
Shrimp Boy is Chinese.
Just wanted to mention that.
Also, too, today’s Google Doodle is one of the best in awhile–John Venn’s 180th birthday.
Mike in NC
Was this said by Mo Brooks or Mel Brooks?
@Davis X. Machina: I was wondering about the “Dividing us on greed.” Is there a side of greed that people want to be on? Because that seems like kind of a natural division–which side is he claiming for the Republican party?
@Chyron HR:
I like that word.
@Trollhattan: Yesh! When I saw today’s Doodle, I thought of Balloon Juice immediately. For obvious reasons.
War on Whites?
How do you respond to a statement that is so absurd, that saying anything will only make you sound like the moron?
I am not aware of a war on MY white people.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@rikyrah: Roger that!
@Mike in NC: Mel should really do Blazing Saddles II – The Run For President
El Caganer
@Mike in NC: I think Mo is Mel’s goober cousin.
Roger Moore
“Please proceed,
GovernorCongressman.”El Caganer
@RareSanity: War on Whites? I thought that didn’t start until after Labor Day. Or am I getting my various class prejudices confused?
Pew Research polling has a 13 point “white” gap between the GOP and Dems. Down considerably from previous Mid-Terms. And, interestingly, the “Enthusiasm Gap” in this poll has vanished.
Possibly why the GOP is ramping up the hysteria this early in the process?
ETA: I’m starting to feel somewhat optimistic about November.
More from Cole’s HuffPost link on Mr. Mo Brooks:
Thoughtful issue. Got it.
[Brooks was speaking on illegal immigration. “It doesn’t make any difference if you’re a white American, a black American, a Hispanic American, an Asian American or if you’re a woman or a man. Every single demographic group is hurt by falling wages and lost jobs,” he said.]
@El Caganer: I am just mad I still haven’t been invited to a Kill Whitey meeting.
I mean these Republican jackasses just seem to assume that black liberals are all plotting the ethnic cleansing of good, God-fearing White America so much. And goddamn the effete, urbane Quislings for siding with ‘us’ in the coming race war.
[I really tire of these Apocalypse-seekers, I really think they would be ones to launch a nuclear holocaust because they are deranged enough to think that God isn’t moving fast enough to reset the Earth on his own…]
Villago Delenda Est
There really does need to be a war on shitheads like Mo Brooks with a take no prisoners rule of engagement.
Roger Moore
Except for employers, who benefit immediately. No wonder the Republicans are fighting to keep undocumented immigrants undocumented but not do a thing to keep anyone from hiring them.
Yes, Mo, it’s a war on stupid, unselfconscious, privileged white people.
If there is a problem and you can’t spot it, maybe it’s you.
@El Caganer: No, no war on white after Labor Day. That’s when we break to get ready for War on Christmas.
@Roger Moore:
Ah yes, the “keep fucking that chicken response”…very fitting in that situation.
@El Caganer:
Apparently, it started when a black guy stormed in and unthinkably took up residence in the “White House”. The war started with a white house, but it appears the he has also started ground campaigns on white people as well.
I’m not sure if white pants or white dress shoes are also in his crosshairs at this point…we’ll just have to wait till after Labor Day, and see if he starts attacking retirement communities in Florida before we’ll know for sure.
@aimai: I wonder if the idjit didn’t know that the usual rundown involves the word CREED, not greed. Freudian slip if ever there were.
[e.g., from random school non-discrimination policy: “One of the goals of the district’s programs, curriculum, services, and teaching strategies is to reduce stereotyping and to eliminate bias on the basis of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, and socioeconomic status.”]
Really? Going all thoughtful on that, there is at least one unspoken demographic that benefits from same, otherwise they wouldn’t be implementing so enthusiastically and free-markety. Oh, but whoops!! we’ve both stayed into fomenting greed, envy, class warfare, all those sorts of things.
Comrade Dread
Speaking as a straight, white man, what the hell is he talking about?
If someone is conducting a war against me, they’re doing a really shitty job of it. I can still vote, speak out, (for the most part) not worry about the police trying to beat or kill me if they pull me over, have a better chance of getting a job with my boring white guy name, and I live in suburbia and continue to get fairly decent credit terms from banks despite going bankrupt when the housing market crashed.
Sure, I suppose I can no longer tell racist and misogynistic jokes in public or actively discriminate against a minority group without facing consequences, but I never did that anyway, because I was raised by parents who taught me to treat others the way I want to be treated.
@Roger Moore:
Oh yeah.
There is a demographic or two that is not hurt one little bit by illegal immigration, and employers’ exploitation of same to keep wages depressed.
El Caganer
@BlueDWarrior: A Kill Whitey meeting? Shoot, I haven’t even been invited to a screening of Larry Johnson’s The Whitey Tape: Director’s Cut.
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Dread:
That hippy-dippy red letter guy in the New Testament’s pernicious influence is everywhere!
Doesn’t the war on whites usually start after Labor Day?
Roger Moore
Neither have I. What does a self-hating Jew have to do to get counted as a race traitor these days?
Villago Delenda Est
@bemused: YOUR white people are all race traitors, who probably had relatives who fought against the Aryans in WWII.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore: Point out that perhaps Israel is being a bit too, how shall I say this, Heydrichesque in its approach to the Palestinians.
@Comrade Dread: Agreed. As a straight white dude I feel like things are kind of OK for me. If somebody is waging a war against me (1) I don’t know who they are and (2) as you said they are not doing a very good job at it.
If I was a women. An African American, Heck a Native American I could bitch and bitch. As an Anglo white male I can’t bitch about anything!
@ranchandsyrup: Yep, first ixnay on the white belts and shoes, then the white seersucker.
Sorta O/T, but does Grimes have any chance at all to unseat The Turtle? Because I could get used to seeing this more often over the next six years.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Nah. This is like “terrorist fist jab” and referring to Michelle as “Barack’s baby mama”. Rupert and Roger want dog whistles, not hog calls.
@rikyrah: NEVER EVER be under the delusion that Willard Romney did NOT run a Southern Strategy campaign.
Absolutely. And we should also Tom Brokaw, who was a local news anchor in Atlanta in the late sixties, smugly declaring that there was no “pattern” of racism in the Willard campaign, because John McCain is his war hero surrogate daddy and he pays too much in taxes because we give people “free stuff”. I hate that fucker.
Currently warring on we SWDs: an army of fvcking rich SWDs.
@Comrade Dread:
This is a very simple summary of that makes “The Angry White Guy” so angry.
Villago Delenda Est
@SFAW: “If you’re looking for Justice, You’ve come to the wrong place”. Tyrion Lannister
@SatanicPanic: Rotating tag line or GTFO.
Villago Delenda Est
@Tommy: I’m an Anglo White Male, and I’m bitching about these whiny assholes who are also Anglo White Males.
Don’t know if this’ll help turn out more voters of the darker persuasion in November, but hey…
Loving this thread for multiple reasons…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My father’s PhD is in Civil War history. As a kid on summer vacation we didn’t go to Disney World. We went to Gettysburg. It was pounded into my head why we fought that war. How terrible slavery was.
This is where I disagree…everybody has a right to bitch about stuff.
However, if you’re…to use your words, an Anglo white male…don’t be shocked when people have no sympathy for your “white guy” problems. By that I mean, the “problem” that you think all of your unearned income is taxed way too much, at 15%…lower than most of the people you seek sympathy from.
That’s the problem with the GOP…they don’t just want to bitch about stuff, they actually want minorities/women/poor people to feel sorry for them.
Ain’t gonna happen, Cap’n…
This makes them very angry.
Finally a war I can be into like white on white.
On the other hand, wiki has “A white sale is a marketing strategy in which a store steeply discounts its merchandise to increase sales during a short period of time.” which does sound like the current GOP ploy. Sales on sheets? check.
Villago Delenda Est
Too motherfuckin’ bad.
@Villago Delenda Est: I am right with you. Look I am 45. If I live, fingers crossed, as long as most males do in my family I will live into my 90s. If I do I will not be the majority anymore. Literally I could care less. I just hope at that time they treat me better then folks of my race/color treated them.
Good to see everybody gettin’ a good Monday Afternoon Hate on.
El Caganer
@catclub: First, they came for the white belts. And I, because I was not a white belt, I said nothing….
James E. Powell
I’m starting to feel somewhat optimistic about November.
I wish I could share in your optimism. I see pockets of good here and there, but I worry that Dems can’t hold the senate.
@Villago Delenda Est:
So I’ve been told in so many words, not a real ‘Merikan.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Do you want to call the wahambulance for them, or should I?
@Comrade Dread:
Winner comment.
SatanicPanic, flagrant Muzlatto frapparoon of indeterminate gentrification
@Yatsuno: I’m going to refer to myself that way from now on.
@Trollhattan: Lots of local jokes in there, and I don’t expect to get them all (“donut-burger”?), but what was that line from McConnell about how the liberal media can’t tell a coal miner from a “European male model”? Just random gay-baiting? Or an allusion to something from the campaign?
Betty Cracker
@Chyron HR:
LOL! Good one.
I expected some catchy names from the Juice crew for this next great war by now, with perhaps some snazzy acronyms and variations.
I’m drawing a blank at the moment. Luckily I still have more cognitive function than Brooks.
That was really interesting footage from the weekend’s Fancy Farm event in Western Kentucky.
McConnell looks like a man who knows he can lose this one all too easily. Felt a human moment for him, because he appeared distressed by the turnout and reaction for Lundergan.
And she was talking meat and potatoes issues.
McConnell is running against Obama, with a glancing blow or two at Lundergan on her “inexperience.” And another call for repealing Obamacare.
Seems hollow to me.
Lundergan might be a very good debater. She gets her point across. She connected more, IMHO.
Liked how she turned “DC” into “Doesn’t Care.”
FWIW, did you see one person of color anywhere at that event? Other than Elaine Chao, the lucky Mrs. McConnell?
I live in a town that is 98.7% white. A town I grew up in and moved back to. Well long story short I lived 15+ years in DC before moving back here. The first house I bought in NE, I was the only “white” dude on the block. It was a strange experience (and I mean that in a good way). It was so rare for me, how I looked, I wasn’t the majority. IMHO I think everybody needs to live like that for a few months. It would change the way we interact with folks I think.
Awww. Somebody is weally, weally angwy that no one has given him an excuse to put a bullet through every brown face he sees.
@Violet: Yeah greed seems like an unintended second of honesty.
Yeah, was that European Male Model business a local reference?
Not being in Kentucky, I think Lundergan could win this one if she can get the vote out.
McConnell’s not loved, and his mention of Obama’s ruining our healthcare system — when so many Kentuckians flocked to sign up for the insurance exchange — that’s an odd situation, because ALG is not embracing Obama either. (To the effect of “Obama’s not on the ballot, I am.”)
Very strange. And did you see the Mitch supporter with a sign “Obama needs Allison Grimes”?
Couldn’t that work for her too, if the reader turns out NOT to be a wingnut?
Villago Delenda Est
Quasi-OT, via Atrios: Limbaugh: The Left will politicize Ebola just like they politicized AIDS.
Please proceed, Mr. Pot.
Villago Delenda Est
@Tommy: One four year hitch in the military would help with that, too, but you’re not going to catch Ted Nugent doing such a thing…
Quite a bit was inside-baseball to me, too, living three time zones away, but I sure got her closing, “And it won’t take a hound dog to find him!”
Thanks for parsing it. Is my first time seeing her speak at length, so it’s a huge pleasure to see what a great and energetic campaigner she is. Yertle’s little rasin balls are wrapped around his neck by the end.
@Elizabelle: If the polls I see are correct McConnell has a state wide approval rating lower then Obama. If you can’t win this election then I don’t know what we do.
@JordanRules: The WOW? Early days yet, still deciding in Powwows what conventions to adopt vis-a-vis the WOW-POWs and whether to ally with the Zero-Emission Regiment of Greens for WOWZER, not to mention arguing among ourselves about the very name of the conference. And our away-game Kit is proving problematic.
My other takeaway on Allison Lundergan Grimes was the strong emphasis on women getting equal pay for equal work.
One of those candidates looked hungrier than the other.
Have any Georgians (or others) weighed in on last week’s disclosure of an internal Michelle Nunn campaign paper that discussed her possible weaknesses?
Seeing Lundergan Grimes rail against Washington gridlock (brought to you by her opponent, the turtle) made me wonder how awful being a fresh face might truly be, this election season.
And Kay Hagen running against a Tea Partier in all but name in North Carolina.
Keeping the Senate will be hard, but it might be doable.
Do you really think we can’t motivate voters to turn out?
I live in Georgia, and I just called David Perdue’s office to inquire whether he stands with Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks in calling out Barack Hussein Obama for waging a war on white people. Also whether, if elected, he would sponsor a Defense of White People Act in the Senate. Nobody answered, so I left a voice-mail. I hope to God they leave a voice-mail back answering both questions in the affirmative.
@Elizabelle: I’ve not tracked her 24/7. But paid attention to this race. IMHO she is a rock star in the making. If not a rock star now. Plus, and I hate how sexist this sounds, she is easy on the eyes which in my experience can’t hurt if you are female and running for office.
Roger Moore
Or you could just move to California, and you wouldn’t be part of the majority anymore. Pretty soon, non-Hispanic whites won’t even be the plurality here.
You, sir, are a troublemaker. I approve.
@Elizabelle: I didn’t pay much attention to it, because as I recall, it seemed like really boilerplate stuff for a Dem with an actual shot at winning in a deep red state like Georgia.
The secret history of David Brooks.
The Nunn memo seemed like a big nothingburger to me.
(I see Curt beat me to it).
@AliceBlue: The ads are already running. She gave money to terrorists and also she’s not a real Georgian.
@Elizabelle: The only thing I can think of is the movie “Zoolander” — I thought I saw somewhere on Wonkette or similar a story about McConnell with a picture of Derek Zoolander dressed in a blue velour suit and working in a coal mine with his father and brothers…
@Roger Moore: I am looking at this letter from a family member back in 1913. Written to the public cause he wanted to be elected judge. As he said in the letter he wanted to introduce himself …… talks about coming to this nation from Scotland. Working the rails. Digging coal.
This nation has been amazing to my family. I want the same chance for others.Wish we’d just open up our borders and welcome everybody in.
David Perdue won because he wasn’t backed by the Chamber of Commerce, go figure. That must mean he received some of the populist vote. Nunn needs to recapture that vote in order to win.
May sound sexist, but not gonna hurt Kamala Harris (California’s Attorney General) one tiny bit either.
Great on the issues as well.
I am going to tune in more for AL Grimes. Thinking on doing some out of state canvassing this fall, and wondering if it should be more Kentucky or North Carolina (and maybe both, on successive trips …)
I live in Virginia, and Mark Warner was up 25 points last poll I heard. That will tighten, but the other candidates need more help than he does …
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Campaign photos showing a Greek power plant and a Ukrainian model posing as a coal miner have raised questions about the authenticity of the candidates’ pitches to voters in Kentucky’s hard-hitting Senate race.
Accusations of misusing stock photos are flying between the campaigns of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and Alison Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky’s Democratic secretary of state. The sensitive issues of coal and gun rights are at the center of the dispute.
Having grown up in Atlanta, my personal opinion is that there aren’t many undecideds in Georgia…and short of some kind of scandal from either side, people pretty much know if they are voting (D) or (R), regardless of the name in front of it.
It’s basically the more liberal Atlanta Metro area vs. the rest of the state. We’ll see if this is the first election where the city actually overpowers everywhere else. With the growth of the metro area, it’s going to happen…it’s just a matter of when, and could this be the first time it occurs.
@nellcote: Ah, OK, that makes more sense.
@JPL: Nothing a good ground game can’t beat, especially since they’re blowing their load in August.
@Elizabelle: Not sure who are are thinking about in NC. I am behind Grimes. I got not tie to that campaign but I think we can win that seat.
Ah, thank you for doing the research! From your link:
Is it that hard to aim a camera at a Kentuckian or something located IN the state?
Would that require paying, perhaps, the photographer instead of grabbing an image off teh intertubes?
Thank you (and others) re the Georgia Senate update.
It does come down to city vs. suburb vs. exurb a lot, doesn’t it?
@Elizabelle: It is hard. I develop web sites for a living. Most of my clients don’t want to pay for images. I don’t steel shit, so they get the same stock images I use with most of my clients.It seems to make no sense to you. Makes no sense to me. But alas it is how it works more times then not.
Thank you. It all comes down to what one wants to pay for, more than we would like to admit.
Nice to be part of a minority.
One of the 40% that enthusiastically voted for President Obama.
Hunter Gathers
It’s cheaper to just pull the image off the tubes. Pollsters, consultants, high-end hotel stays, ad buys, fancy dinners, campaign vehicles and photo ops don’t pay for themselves, you know. Paying a photographer for stock photos would be so gauche.
Roger Moore
Got it in one. If you look, the photo credits on a huge number of photos you see on the web mention Shutterstock. They’ve really taken over the stock photograph industry. That’s especially true because they’ve changed the basic stock photography model. It used to be that you’d pay a royalty for each use of a stock image. Shutterstock changed that to a royalty-free model, where you pay an up-front price for unlimited use. It’s very popular on the web, where people really don’t know how many clicks they’re going to get, and getting slashdotted could cost them a ton of money with a traditional stock photograph.
Yes it does.
I have seen the Atlanta Metro area grow so much more diverse from we I was a youngster in the 80s.
Seeing the numbers of latinos, Indians (from India), and Asians that now live here, would have been unthinkable just 30 years ago. The Olympics, for all its controversy, was the catalyst for the long-term growth and diversification of the city.
It’s really amazing to see what has happened to the city in such a relatively short amount of time.
Thank you all re stock photography.
So Shutterstock is the Clear Channel of the intertubes?
There’s something sexy about seeing creatives paid for their work. Or at least knowing that it IS their work. Oh well.
@Randy P: Isn’t that what the 2d Amendment is supposed to be?
A few minutes ago I decided to have a glass of water instead of lemonade & thank gods for it. That way it didn’t hurt so much when it came snorting out of my nose from laughing.
Dee Loralei
@Elizabelle: I was thinking of doing that too. Maybe we can coordinate and do it at the same time. Then we can write and record “Go the Fuck to Sleep” for the olds. HA!
@Elizabelle: I spent most of my adult life working for high-end ad agencies. We rarely bought stock. Generally speaking paid somebody for as photo shot, But really expensive.
@Dee Loralei:
Sounds like a plan.
Seriously!! I am so up for a trip to Kentucky; maybe we can find some more door to door volunteers.
(Great exercise!! Less fattening than sitting at home watching the idiocies, too.)
@nellcote: Ahhh, THAT’S what it was…I forgot about that!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
OT, but…. Jesus wept, and I suspect Jefferson and Madison have migraines:
Beer just came out of my nose!!!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If there’s a LoLcat Bible, why isn’t there an Ayn Rand/Milton Friedman translation of the bible for wingnuts.
Couldn’t there be a Holy Bible, St. Reagan Version?
Patricia Kayden
So Mo Brooks said this out loud? What was the reaction of the “moderate” Republicans to his obvious race baiting?
I know, just a rhetorical question.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: Romney was not the only Republican candidate to get 60% of the White vote, right? But no doubt Romney is no less a racist than the rest of them are. I’ll never forget his “joke” about people not asking where he was born. So funny.
Eric U.
Aides had a party for Eric Cantor and then after he left they found out he was resigning. So they were out of a job months earlier than they thought. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people, no doubt
@James E. Powell:
Sam Wang has the Senate coming down to four races: Kentucky, Iowa, Louisiana, and Colorado. GOP has to take all four to gain control and don’t think that is going to happen.
And it is still possible tho’ not very likely for Mississippi to flip. Only 37% (~2.2 million) of Mississippians bothered to vote in 2010. With those small numbers a few percentage of TeaBaggers staying home and another few percent spite voting for Childers and he could sneak in.
Roger Moore
Stock photography is to photography as fast food is to food. It’s something generic of mediocre quality that’s prepared in advance so somebody can grab it quickly when they want. Shutterstock is the photographic equivalent of endless refills on your soft drink or bottomless french fries. You pay once and then gorge yourself on the same thing for as long as you want.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Not to be outdone, little Paul Ryan ran through the Rayburn Office Building, flinging hardback copies of “Atlas Shrugged” at bewildered House members, many of whom received nasty scalp wounds. “You won’t understand America until you understand objectivism!” he shrieked.with obvious glee.
Roger Moore
Conservapedia is already working on it.
@Eric U.:
That made me laugh.
And recall how some “Cantor aides and supporters” ponied up hundreds of $$ each to take a Capitol Hill dive bar private for the evening in the wake of his primary loss. Just what you and I would do.
Larry Sabato has Cantor’s number:
Any guesses on where Eric Cantor will pop up next?
Dee Loralei
@Elizabelle: That’s a plan! Registering new voters was my fav thing in 2012, but door knocking came in 2nd. And I would much rather do that than moan and bitch about why no one did more, if she loses.
My schedule is pretty much open and I’m free just about anytime. Figure out when is good for you and where we will be most needed and let’s do this! Anyone else wanna join me and Elizabelle in KY for some good old electioneering? She and I are mostly harmless, I promise.
I’d think the “where” is easy: Wall Street. He has a load of chits to cash in. As to what firm(s), am just not well-versed enough to guess. Do they need to buy the access he can provide or do they skip the middlemen altogether and just buy incumbants, outright?
Rep Brooks got one thing correct in his statement & I think we owe it to him to point out the one true thing he said
It’s rare that a lying liar admits it – none of what he said was true.
@Dee Loralei:
Let’s do it! We can find some more BJuicers, too, methinks. I will contact you offline.
Eric U.
@Trollhattan: I assume he’s going to K Street. Wall Street seems too smart to buy someone like Cantor, unless it’s temporarily through a lobbyist outfit
Thank you for spotlighting Sam Wang.
Jerseyvotes, hmm? That’s most of the country.
I like his reasoning, though.
Dee Loralei
@Elizabelle: yes, please do
Citizen Alan
@James E. Powell:
Nate Silver predicts a 60% chance that the Repukes will take the Senate but only by a 51-49 majority, which is actually a lot better than I thought we’d be by now. I can almost handle the idea of a 51-49 split that includes a Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. And there’s still three months for some of the GoPers to self-destruct.
Dee Loralei
@Dee Loralei: it wouldn’t let me edit my comment, so FYWP! I was gonna suggest that maybe AL could FP it to see if any other of the BJ miscreants wants to join us.
@Eric U.:
I’m taking the view that he’ll follow his wife, who works for these guys and sits on several boards of directors. Now that he’s out, she has the juice and I’m betting he’ll follow her rather than vice versa (unless it’s a double-reverse and it’s now she who has no juice because he lost the seat).
I am planning to go to NC. I have campaigned there before and have friends who will put me up so I can knock on doors/GOTV. Would be really cool if we had juicers in KY and NC and could report back about it.
Dee Loralei
@MomSense: I love NC and would do that too. But if Sam Wang has Ky being critical for Dems retention of the Senate, then I’m needed more there.
Warning: Politico link, but it’s funny (if mostly speculative) re Cantor:
Yea for doing GOTV and persuasion in the Tarheel State! Way to go.
For all: campaigns frequently have supporter housing for out of state volunteers, and sometimes it can be really nice. Do not let lack of a friend on the ground keep you from traveling to politick.
J R in WV
@Comrade Dread:
Yes, the last 4 times we were involved with police officers, one was a black Tennessee trooper who was very helpful when we got a big truck stuck in the I-40 medium. Two months later we rolled the same truck in the medium of I-25 in Neww Mexico – there were a ton of state police, all white/hispanic, very helpful and caring as we were actually stunned.
Coming home in a new truck, we were pulled over by a very white deputy in Kansas, who didn’t see the temp license taked to the tinted back window of the new truck. He was pretty nice too, and had a big F-350 himself, as he grew up on a big farm and still helped on the family farm. We talked about big trucks and he wished us well.
Back home, I got the new truck registered, paid the taxes, got a license… didn’t think to get a state inspection sticker. So a very nice black state trooper regretfully gave me a ticket for no inspection sticker – as it was a late model truck, he made it a “fic it and dismiss it” ticket, which didn’t cost me a nickel.
At the magistrate’s office, I complemented the trooper, and the magistrate said yes, he is one of the nicest ones when he can be. It IS that kind of profession, you need to determine when you can afford to be nice, and when you just can’t.
War on White People? Not so much! No, not. Even the non-white folks aren’t in a war on white people. Just as most white people (who aren’t Republicans!) aren’t in a war on blah people, and Messicans. Just on Republicans, and them only because they are so dangerous to be nice to.
A few nights ago I was in a restaurant (okay, a bar) and was kind of half-assedly watching one of the TVs but with no sound, and I saw a lot of photos of GA Senate candidate Michelle Nunn standing next to (or Photoshopped next to) President Obama, and the text was something like “Michelle Nunn. Good for Obama.” And I was so excited that the Nunn campaign was claiming their liberal bona fides and supporting the President’s agenda. And then it went to a very scary image with the text caption “BAD FOR GEORGIA,” and I realized, of course, that it was a Perdue ad. But honestly, the first part, at least visually, would have worked well with a liberal electorate.
Happy to have JPL, Raven, and others weigh in. I think they are both of the opinion that Michelle Nunn will not win in November. And they could easily be right, although I’m doing everything I can to make that not happen :-)
That said, I am volunteering for Michelle (and Jason Carter for Governor, for that matter) as a default. She is about as far from my ideal candidate as one could find in the Democratic Party ranks. On just about every issue, I either disagree with her outright or think she doesn’t go nearly far enough.
But you know what? This is Georgia. There’s no way in hell we’re going to have as a candidate, let alone elect, an Elizabeth Warren. Right now, I don’t care how soggy the (D) after Michelle’s name is — it’s still a D, and if we can get her elected to the US Senate, that’s a pickup for our side and another opportunity to hold, or even extend our majority, in the Senate.
That’s why I’m sending her money and volunteering my time for her.
@Dee Loralei: depending on when, I may be able to for a few days. Lexington is about 4-5 hours south of me.
Fuck David Perdue. Both he and Michelle Nunn were born in Macon, GA. Is he saying that his Macon is “real” but hers (with a local pedigree that goes back about eleventy-seven generations) isn’t?
The “war on white people” is really just the erosion of white privilege that has been ongoing for the past few to several decades.The repubs can’t call it that becuase it would require admitting that the game used to be overwhelmingly rigged in favor of white guys, and what they are now really upset about is that it is not rigged in their favor as much as it used to be.
Proud of you, my girl. Way to use the new year!!
Are you still in your birthday aftermath? Post some of that cake!
Years ago, I thought about doing a LOLCat translation of Atlas Shrugged.
Unfortunately, I never got much beyond the opening line:
“John Galt, who iz dat?”
At my age, one doesn’t do “birthday aftermaths.” You need to ask Omnes Omnibus, he had a major, significant birthday. Check with me again in a few years on my 75th.
I ate the cake (chocolate cheesecake with fresh raspberries and warm raspberry sauce and whipped cream) before it even occurred to me to think of taking a picture. I must not be a real foodie.
Roger Moore
No. He’s saying that only people who agree with him represent Real Georgians®. People who disagree with him and conspire with Those People are the enemy.
@Roger Moore:
Actually, I think it’s even more blatant than that.
Roger Moore
Sorry, I didn’t say it in quite blatant enough terms. Nunn is a race traitor, which means she can’t be a Real Georgian®.
@Roger Moore:
This, about a thousand times.