Jelani Cobb, in the New Yorker, late yesterday:
… The conversation here [in Ferguson] has shifted from the immediate reaction to Michael Brown’s death and toward the underlying social dynamics. Two men I spoke with pointed to the disparity in education funding for Ferguson and more affluent municipalities nearby. Another talked about being pulled over by an officer who claimed to smell marijuana in the car as a pretense for searching him. “I’m in the United States Navy,” he told me. “We have to take drug tests in the military so I had proof that there were no drugs in my system. But other people can’t do that.” Six black men I spoke to, nearly consecutively, pointed to Missouri’s felon-disfranchisement laws as part of the equation. “If you’re a student in one of the black schools here and you get into a fight you’ll probably get arrested and charged with assault. We have kids here who are barred from voting before they’re even old enough to register,” one said. Ferguson’s elected officials did not look much different than they had years earlier, when it was a largely white community.
Ferguson had, instead, recently seen two highly visible African-American public officials lose their jobs. Two weeks before Brown was shot, Charles Dooley, an African-American who has served as St. Louis County Executive for a decade, lost a bitter primary to Steve Stenger, a white county councilman, in a race that, whatever the merits of the candidates, was seen as racially divisive. Stenger lobbed allegations of financial mismanagement and incompetence, and worse. Bob McCulloch, the county prosecutor appeared in an ad for Stenger, associating Dooley with corruption; McCulloch would also be responsible for determining whether to charge Darren Wilson. In December, the largely white Ferguson-Florissant school board fired Art McCoy, the superintendent, who is African-American. Those who were gathered at the QuikTrip parking lot on Saturday were as inclined to talk about the underlying political issues as they were about the hail of bullets that ended Brown’s life…
Jordan Weissman, at Slate:
Jeff Smith, a New School professor and former Missouri state senator, had a sensational op-ed in this weekend’s New York Times that dived into the economic forces that have helped shape the strife in Ferguson. His big point is that the local police have a strong financial incentive to arrest, ticket, and otherwise harass the city’s black residents for minor offenses, because that’s how the department funds its budget…
When you split a metro area into dozens of tiny local governments (St. Louis County, to be clear, doesn’t include the actual city of St. Louis, which spun off from it in the 19th century), they tend to duplicate each others’ services, which is of course extremely expensive. But raising taxes so that each tiny borough can afford its own police and fire department is a nonstarter, since wealthy residents can always just move one town over. End result: You have police departments that self-fund by handing out tickets. And thanks to the delightful racial dynamics of U.S. law enforcement, black residents are disproportionately stopped and accosted, even though police in Ferguson are less likely to find contraband when they search black drivers than when they search whites….
Dooley was on one of the MSNBC shows and they made no note that he was on his way out.
Roger Moore
Now if we can only get the national media to start spending as much time talking about the big picture racial dynamics as they do debating whether Michael Brown deserved to be shot, we’ll actually be getting somewhere. A pony would be nice, also, too.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Roger Moore: You could probably buy the pony.
@Roger Moore: that would nKe the media very uncomfortable… So instead… SQUIRREL!
Given the racial dynamics of Ferguson, I find it interesting that our Newsmax friends on the right have spent more time talking about the Perry indictment, judging by the headlines.
Comrade Mary
@KG: Speaking of which: big Toronto news today was the death of one of our white squirrels. Best response was from local writer Desmond Morris.
@Comrade Mary: is it wrong that I laughed at that tweet?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Hell, I’d GIVE him a pony if he promised to feed & vet it.
But an informed dialogue about the complex ongoing effects of structural racism in this country? That, we just can’t afford. Or expect.
What can I say? The blue as all git out CA municipality I am very familiar with the inner workings of, has even fewer black or latino employees than when I started. When I started with them, you might be able to get pickup basketball league. Now, you couldn’t put together a bridge game of colour. I asked another on the bubble employee why? He explained that since he was listed a in an executive position, they considered him to be at the max level necessary for accurate demographic representation to the population. I believe he is now the sole and highest level POC left. It has also been noted that any upper level direct report to electeds has also been refined so no one with objectionable accents will be giving reports to them directly.
It’s not just the south.
Comrade Mary
BTW, if you care at all about what’s happening in Ferguson, you should be listening to TWiB’s live stream from the scene (it’s on NOW!) and following Elon on Twitter.
El Caganer
@Roger Moore: How do you expect them to WIN THE MORNING talking about ‘big picture racial dynamics’? Where’s your ‘both sides do it’ in all that? You might actually have to ask black people what it’s like to live their lives rather than listen to white people’s speculations (which would not, of course, be informed in any way by learned cultural biases). BAWWWRRRINNNNG!
Comrade Mary
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@PhoenixRising: Even well-meaning people often trouble with it. People of color figuring that they need to tone things down a bit so as to not shock the white folks too much and the white folks finding themselves shocked anyway. Then there are the cynics, the angry, the clueless, the pollyannas, the unconscious of their privileges, etc. – and that’s just me.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Comrade Mary: The pic could have been a surrealist image.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): You’re not that clueless if you can type that without being forced. FYI.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@ruemara: I might be going through an angry phase right now. I’ll do clueless again at some point – no matter how hard I try to avoid it.
But, thanks, I try. How well I succeed is a day by day thing.
Felinious Wench
Glad Elon is there.
Mike in NC
Our town is notorious for speed traps to bring in revenue. Live here and you soon figure out where they are. Summer tourists aren’t so fortunate.
Major Major Major Major (formerly J.Ty)
It’s autoplaying for me (Mac, Chrome)
? Martin
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): You can’t protect from racists. Everything you do will be contorted to validate their racism. Religions are funny that way.
I was wondering if that was part of the reason for the vast disparity between the politicians being elected and the population. I’d be very interested to see if anyone could find hard numbers.
@Comrade Mary: I wondered about that, but for less than ten seconds.
Not really wondering at all, I suppose.
@Comrade Mary:
LOL I was just about to ask. L.O.L. Seriously, Out Loud.
“Obama Is Seen As Frustrating His Own Party
read it yourselves, but I came away more pissed at those quoted than with the President
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@lamh36: Obama has been pushing for each branch of government to handle its own shit since he came into office. This is more of the same.
El Caganer
@lamh36: That article seems to be making an awful lot out of nothing. The government is in crisis because the President won’t golf with some of the Congressional Democrats? What delicate creatures.
patrick II
I lived in a St. Louis suburb for thirty years. Traffic through our town was over 95% white, but after a while I noticed that over half the people I saw pulled over at our local speed/stop sign trap were black people driving through town.
On one occasion our business had a black network administrator visit us and he stayed at a hotel in Clayton — the county seat and a very expensive white suburb just West of St. Louis city. On his second morning he was over two hours late to work. He had been stopped by a cop in Clayton for no reason other than he was a young, well dressed black man mistakenly staying in Clayton and driving a new car. The car was a rental with Ohio license plates, so our visiting network administrator had to sit and wait for the cop to check every stolen car in Ohio, because it “matched the description” of a stolen car.
I would say St. Louis has the worst police force, except that I retired and moved to Florida to be near family.
Villago Delenda Est
@lamh36: This is all part of the Village narrative about Obama being, well, near and different.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): This. Democrats are a bunch of weenies (I first wrote pussies , but us (we?) real pussies have so much more to deal with).
I am tried of bringing a knife to a gun fight. And am tired of the “exceptional” shit. Get over it. Oh we are not.
I have paid well over $1,000,000 , yes that is ONE MILLION DOLLARS in taxes in my lifetime (and I am a month shy of 52 years old). And where has it gone? To war. And to those profiting from war. I want my money to go to education. And social programs. And roads and bridges and… Good FSM I am exhausted
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: apparently I’ve used up my free articles, and I’m waiting for a special offer to subscribe so I can’t read it, but it’s particularly rich if Joe Mancin is whining because Obama isn’t paying enough attention to him
In other congressional news, dimwitted, cowardly old drunk John Boehner, who has less power in his caucus than racist full-mooner Steven King, said today that ISIS is a result of Obama’s “apology tour”. Obama should reach out to him, then Congress could Get Something Done.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: When exactly was this “apology tour” and couldn’t they have named it something cooler like “Voodoo Lounge?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
People are throwing rocks at Chris Hayes and Craig Melvin
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: These guys sure get paid a fine salary + benefits to do absolutely fucking NOTHING but whine, complain and say stupid shit.
What a scam.
This tweet made me laugh:
@Violet: It came after this one:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: At this point, all media outlets look like Fox.
@El Caganer: My goodness, they are practically hot house flowers. So delicate.
Amir Khalid
@El Caganer:
This has been a thing for a while now, hasn’t it: berating Obama for not working with people who don’t dare get caught working with him.
It’s particularly rich considering how much beltway flak the President has been taking for the fundraising he’s constantly doing for these ungrateful ankle-biters.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Wait, what?
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t Ferguson MO have a city government? Why has its mayor & council not suspended or fired the police chief, responded to its community, and acted as if they gave a damn?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I really wish POTUS would reach out and clean his clock! I know he can’t but it sure would be sweet!
@Citizen_X: No they are not. Watching Chris Hayes live on MSNBC. Nothing is happening except Chris is talking about something may be happening. Jeebus.
@Bennett:hmm, because they don’t?
Mike in NC
@Villago Delenda Est: He’s also aloof and deliberate and fails to give reporters cute nicknames!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I got in to that NYT article, where Manchin, whining about the lack of Obama’s “outreach”, is referred to as a bridge-building “centrist Democrat”
Here’s his ad, bragging about his NRA endorsement, vowing to “take on this administration”, to repeal “the bad parts of Obamacare”, to fight the EPA, and shooting up the cap and trade bill. I give him credit for trying to pass some gun control, but he’s a dick, he’s constantly available for a media quote suggesting the administration needs to compromise more. Why would Obama want to eat with him?
@Helen: Rocks were thrown at them, I kid you not. Melvin was grabbing Hayes to pull him back
@Bennett: The police are doing just what the city leaders want them to do–keep the black folks under control. They don’t see any problems with their police department.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@leeleeFL: They hate his glasses.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If they’ve lost Jake Tapper…
@Violet: THIS!
@lamh36: I looked at the article, and this seemed like a whole lot of nothing. The two most concrete complaints were:
(1) telling Harry Reid to work out some ambassador nominations with Mitch McConnell, rather than having the discussion of it take up time devoted consulting with Democratic leadership on the Iraq crisis (Obama called up McConnell later about the issue);
(2) Obama being unwilling to schmooze with Dems (e.g. small parties, having his picture taken with members).
OTOH, Sen. McCaskill seemed generally sympathetic towards Obama.
It is unclear who the “them” in the last quote is – Congress, or the White House.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sadly, it will not last. Shep Smith had a moment of clarity during Katrina, but he still works at Fox.
mike with a mic
Video of the rocks being thrown and a comment about Jews.
@leeleeFL: That was a tape. OMG I am watching CNN and someone is talking about “anarchists” Who? Mark O’mara – George Zimmerman’s defense attorney.
@patrick II: as someone (white upper middle class family) who grew up in Clayton I can definitely speak to that. Many anecdotes about the Clayton cops and black people. Drive thru Clayton late at night while black, you are getting pulled over. Period.
We had a new kid move in in my junior year of high school. Black. Like many of us he was fortunate to have parents who bought him a car (most of us had shit boxes, as did he, since our parents didn’t trust us with any valuable car). The first six weekends he drove when we went out, he was pulled over. When the cops would see the rest of the occupants (and they knew us too because they also pulled over teens quite frequently) they would change it from a “black stop” (I.e. Call in backup, have the car pulled over for a long time, search the car, etc.) it would turn in to a “white teen stop” (“you got booze, drugs, up to no good? Ok on your way). Once the cops knew his car, the stops decreased massively. Only to start again when his patents had to get him a new car when the old one died. The stops ramped back up again until the cops recognised his car again.
Obviously, that’s pretty tame stuff, but showed a vivid example of profiling and different treatment for different people based on color in St. Louis county.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
FWIW St. Patrick’s Day is a good time to schmooze with constituents back home. Parades and all that.
@Helen: Well, isn’t that special? And Chris Hayes is live since 11
Also want to send some love to Ms. McCaskill. The snark us strong un that lady!
Mike in NC
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Video I see seems to indicate cops outnumber protesters by roughly three to one. They really look like Gestapo goons.
Suffern ACE
@Carolinus: I’d go. I’d even bring a dish to pass. Maybe shrimp toast.
I don’t get Senators at all. They are a lot more id than super ego.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): When this Obama-doesn’t-socialize shit started up last summer (IIRC) the White House released a list of events they had invited McConnell to, to which McConnell didn’t show up, including again IIRC a screening of Spielberg’s Lincoln. Chuck Todd, who seized on that issue like it was his invite to the grown-up table, said those didn’t count because it wasn’t “the living quarters”. Obama is supposed to have McConnell over for milk and cookies and a playdate.
Also, that flare up started when Bob Woodward quoted Newt Gingrich as lamenting Obama’s lack of outreach. GOPAC memo, Susan Smith-is-a-result-of-Democrat-policies, foodstamp-president Gingrich was Bob Woodward’s Deep Throat for Outreachgate.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This is yet another reason why Chuckles the Toddler should be imprisoned in a pain amplifier with the dial turned up to 11.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
FUck. They’ve started launching tear gas.
Mike in NC
@Villago Delenda Est: Chuck Todd needs to be fitted for an Iron Maiden.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You mean THIS Newt Gingrich?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Visit the Times from a PrivateBrowsing/Incognito tab to get around their limits. Ctrl-Shift-P in Firefox, Ctrl-Shift-N in Chrome.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Could you please re-phrase that? Thanks in advance.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Cervantes: Triggered your gag reflex, did it?
mai naem
I find politics really depressing. There was a tweet from Bill Moyers citing a study that showed that only wealthy people have any real statistically significant effect on politics. If that’s the case then what’s the point of even voting? I have a couple of liberal friends who feel the same way primarily because they see Obama being blocked at every step. They understand the reason why but we’ve all reached the same conclusion – the people who need to show up to vote don’t bother. And don’t fucking tell me they don’t have the time because the same people find time to go to the casino to gamble, to spend hours getting their hair and nails done, they find out when there’s a $100 tax refund and do the paperwork for that, they go to movies – all that but they can’t spend an hour to vote every couple of years.
@ruemara: O.C.?
@Goblue72: Person Of Color.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): That’s a comment I wish I’d written.
Mike J
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I thought he was asking if it was Orange County, but since ruemara said “blue as all git out” I’d guess not.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Cervantes: Thank you.
@Mnemosyne: Study of Felon Disenfranchisement –
Missouri – 6.9% of A-A’s cannot vote due to felon disenfranchisement laws.
@Mike J: yes. That is what I was asking. Curious if it was a city in OC. Wouldn’t be surprised. Heck, there’s even some towns in the Bay Area I wouldn’t be surprised at that. (Certain cities in Contra Costa County, I’m looking at you.)
Villago Delenda Est
This seems appropriate for tonight’s activities in Missouri (or, as my great aunt who lived in Missouri called it , “Missoura”)
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Villago Delenda Est: I had expected this.
Roger Moore
They don’t give a damn and aren’t good enough actors to pretend. The city government is white dominated and appears to see the police department’s job as keeping the majority black populace under control and fining them to bring in revenue. That’s exactly what the police have been doing, and the city government isn’t going to fire the police chief for doing his job no matter what you, I, or the black citizens of Ferguson think.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Doesn’t everyone who lives there pronounce it that way? When I lived in Arkansas I never heard anyone pronounce it Missour-ee.
I think Goblue72 was asking whether she’s in Orange County (O.C.).
ETA: What Mike J said.
ETFA: Fuck, just late to the thread on all counts.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mandalay: Yup, I reckon you’re right about that.
The PNW English pronunciation has always been “Missour-ee”, though.
I lived in Missouri for three years and heard many people pronounce it with a long e at the end. They didn’t stress it, though.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I think the key part of Mandalay’s comment is “When I lived in Arkansas.”
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Villago Delenda Est: The Upper Midwest and New England say “Missour-ee” as well.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: It also explains a lot about Mandalay.
It’s awful, but this is something Rand Paul is trying to address. And anyone who wants to leap in and tell us what a POS he is should also be required to list the Democrats who are doing more than Rand Paul on this issue. I don’t know of any.
To highlight the injustice of what we do, the European Court of Human Rights has overruled Britain’s prohibition on voting by prisoners. As Kurt Vonnegut used to say, think of that. Britain is in the shit for disenfranchising prisoners, yet some states here won’t let them vote even after they are released.
We are a wealthy country, but socially we remain in the Dark Ages.
Corey Booker is working with Rand Paul on this issue. He’s doing as much lifting as Rand is. He just gets less press coverage.
patrick II
It is tame right up until the stopped person isn’t deferential enough — at which time it can get serious in a hurry. Ask any number of stopped and then beaten black men. The potential for any stop to turn into a serious incident is always just a hair away, which is why that sort of racial profiling is more insidious and stifling than just accounting for the number of traffic stops would seem.
I thought the same myself until a few minutes ago. I amended my comment after reading this:
Villago Delenda Est
@Steeplejack: Well, my great aunt was originally from Arkansas, and lived in Thayer…which is right on the border with Arkansas.
So there’s that.
That’s weird. Booker is definitely working with Paul on criminal justice issues. I’ve seen them do media together about it.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Mandalay: Paul is still a complete asshole and unworthy of federal office. If you add everything up.
So Paul has talked about introducing a bill, while Cardin has actually introduced one, but Paul gets all the credit and Cardin gets ignored while people sneer about Democrats not doing anything.
Ah, glibertarians.
Good for Cardin. He is one of those Senators who gets no media attention at all.
@Violet: Excellent news – I did not know about that. Thanks. While Cardin’s bill goes further, my understanding is that Paul has been forced to reduce the potency of his original proposal in order for it to have any chance of progressing. Even if neither bill goes anywhere they represent a step forward, however small.
@Mnemosyne: Cardin’s probably not media-sexy like Paul. By media-sexy I mean “the media find him sexy”, not that he is in any way sexy.
@patrick II: sorry. I meant only what I witnessed was tame in the context of the larger issues involved and being discussed. Obviously what I witnessed is only the tip of the iceberg, but I didn’t want to exaggerate my experiences into more than they were.
patrick II
Don’t be sorry, and thanks for amplifying my remark. I didn’t mean to be strident, but that sword of damocles constantly hanging over their heads during any encounter with white cops must be horrible.
@askew: Don’t look for Booker to do a lot of “lifting” on behalf of the poor and downtrodden. He’ll be too busy saturating every form of media with his presence while doing the bidding of Wall Street (and Silicon Valley). He’s the Ted Cruz of the Democratic Party — they both see the Senate as a warm-up for the White House.
The New York Times did not dived, it dove. I’ve seen that quite a few times recently. As a reader-type-person, it feels as if I’ve hit a speed bump.
@Mandalay: In Canada, prisoners have been able to vote for as long as I can remember. If you go to the Elections Canada website, they have special sections on how to vote from various kinds of institutions (e.g. prisons and hospitals).
I bet the Conservatives don’t garner much of the prison vote. There is probably a goodly faction in this country anymore that is in prison because of Conservative policies…
@Mike in NC:
Counting the agents provocateurs or not? Maybe they only work the late shift.
FYI for those interested: this doesn’t seem to fool the Washington Post.
@Tata: Both are OK, and “dove” is more American than not.