Just for fun I checked the Eventim Apollo website, and there were a handful of Kate Bush tickets available. I’m already seeing her on September 16, but just because I could I got a ticket for the 20th as well.
I’m quite exhausted and sore. I took a walk to some of the housing developments in the hills north of “Beautiful Downtown Glendale”(which is next to “Beautiful Downtown Burbank”, made famous by Johnny Carson). About a 12 mile walk round trip with a 900 foot change in elevation. Really nice views of Glendale with Downtown LA in the background.
Keith P
This gives me an idea for dog beds that look like hot dog buns.
When asked on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day why there wasn’t a Children’s Day, my father always said, “Because EVERY day is Children’s Day.” Much as every day is National Dog (and yes, Cat) Day.
So nice to see these dogs enjoying life thanks to your kindness in rescuing them.
I would like to do that walk. Not today; I am on the other coast. But soon.
Love those high energy action shots:-) :-)
We got a new puppy on Dog Day. Drove from Hotlanner to East Alabama to get a gift from a friend who breeds dogs. Has stolen the wife’s heart in less than 24 hours.
This gives me an idea for dog beds that look like hot dog buns.
I’d google it. Every good idea has usually already been appropriated.
J R in WV
I would totally buy a dog bed that was a hot dog bun.
We had hot dogs for lunch yesterday, they were “english” dogs with those flat sided buns that they put on the grill to toast while the “freedom” french frys [sic] are cooking.
Mustard, chili onions and slaw, mmmmm, good. The fries were a little crunchy, maybe a little overdone, but still good.
We have two dogs, both in the 50 pound range, one we have had just a year, she’s nearly 2 now, and still very puppyish. She’s white lab mix if she were clean, pale cream/tan mostly as a farm dog. Older dog is brown, very sweet, also lab mix, nearly 13, having the puppy has rejuvenated her, they run side by side full tilt into the woods.
We also have 3 “day-care” dogs who come down from the neighbor’s house when they leave for work. It’s so boring without the people on duty, isn’t it? They rarely show on Saturday or Sunday, but regular as clockwork M-F, unless someone takes a day off or works at home. They’re a strange mix of types, all 5 are rescues. We love them all.
Treats for everybody. Wonder if that’s why the day-care dogs come ’round?
J R in WV
I would totally buy a dog bed that was a hot dog bun.
We had hot dogs for lunch yesterday, they were “english” dogs with those flat sided buns that they put on the grill to toast while the “freedom” french frys [sic] are cooking.
Mustard, chili onions and slaw, mmmmm, good. The fries were a little crunchy, maybe a little overdone, but still good.
We have two dogs, both in the 50 pound range, one we have had just a year, she’s nearly 2 now, and still very puppyish. She’s white lab mix if she were clean, pale cream/tan mostly as a farm dog. Older dog is brown, very sweet, also lab mix, nearly 13, having the puppy has rejuvenated her, they run side by side full tilt into the woods.
We also have 3 “day-care” dogs who come down from the neighbor’s house when they leave for work. It’s so boring without the people on duty, isn’t it? They rarely show on Saturday or Sunday, but regular as clockwork M-F, unless someone takes a day off or works at home. They’re a strange mix of types, all 5 are rescues. We love them all.
Treats for everybody. Wonder if that’s why the day-care dogs come ’round?
Did not know about national dog day, but I gave my dog a bath today in honor of the holiday.
Yay! Piglets! So sweet. Do they help your shoulders feel better?
Ford Powers
Now look at my little misters!
Mike J
I’m dog tired. Race night at the boat club. Five races, one first, two seconds, one third. One beer after.
Please don’t hand the dog in the top pic a fully automatic weapon. Looks a bit too tired to aim and fire.
I thought yesterday was National Dog Day? I have been misled.
Karen in GA
Just for fun I checked the Eventim Apollo website, and there were a handful of Kate Bush tickets available. I’m already seeing her on September 16, but just because I could I got a ticket for the 20th as well.
Hey, Hounds of Love. Kind of dog-related, no?
@Mnemosyne: Seems to be today, August 26th. Or yesterday depending what time zone your’e in. http://www.nationaldogday.com/
EVERY day should be National Dog Day.
It is in my house.
@Suzanne: Not according to my cat. :P
Our doggie passed…jeez, it’ll be six years in November. I still miss him.
Betty Cracker
@BillinGlendaleCA: Mine too. I told them they should take it easy in honor of the holiday. They work so hard every day, holding that sofa down…
And Andrew Breitbart is still dead :)
(Ignore this, Mr. Cole.)
Big Dog
Salty Dog
Hair of the Dog
Every dog must have her day.
365 of them, chez Cole.
I’m quite exhausted and sore. I took a walk to some of the housing developments in the hills north of “Beautiful Downtown Glendale”(which is next to “Beautiful Downtown Burbank”, made famous by Johnny Carson). About a 12 mile walk round trip with a 900 foot change in elevation. Really nice views of Glendale with Downtown LA in the background.
Keith P
This gives me an idea for dog beds that look like hot dog buns.
When asked on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day why there wasn’t a Children’s Day, my father always said, “Because EVERY day is Children’s Day.” Much as every day is National Dog (and yes, Cat) Day.
So nice to see these dogs enjoying life thanks to your kindness in rescuing them.
I would like to do that walk. Not today; I am on the other coast. But soon.
Love those high energy action shots:-) :-)
We got a new puppy on Dog Day. Drove from Hotlanner to East Alabama to get a gift from a friend who breeds dogs. Has stolen the wife’s heart in less than 24 hours.
I’d google it. Every good idea has usually already been appropriated.
J R in WV
I would totally buy a dog bed that was a hot dog bun.
We had hot dogs for lunch yesterday, they were “english” dogs with those flat sided buns that they put on the grill to toast while the “freedom” french frys [sic] are cooking.
Mustard, chili onions and slaw, mmmmm, good. The fries were a little crunchy, maybe a little overdone, but still good.
We have two dogs, both in the 50 pound range, one we have had just a year, she’s nearly 2 now, and still very puppyish. She’s white lab mix if she were clean, pale cream/tan mostly as a farm dog. Older dog is brown, very sweet, also lab mix, nearly 13, having the puppy has rejuvenated her, they run side by side full tilt into the woods.
We also have 3 “day-care” dogs who come down from the neighbor’s house when they leave for work. It’s so boring without the people on duty, isn’t it? They rarely show on Saturday or Sunday, but regular as clockwork M-F, unless someone takes a day off or works at home. They’re a strange mix of types, all 5 are rescues. We love them all.
Treats for everybody. Wonder if that’s why the day-care dogs come ’round?
J R in WV
I would totally buy a dog bed that was a hot dog bun.
We had hot dogs for lunch yesterday, they were “english” dogs with those flat sided buns that they put on the grill to toast while the “freedom” french frys [sic] are cooking.
Mustard, chili onions and slaw, mmmmm, good. The fries were a little crunchy, maybe a little overdone, but still good.
We have two dogs, both in the 50 pound range, one we have had just a year, she’s nearly 2 now, and still very puppyish. She’s white lab mix if she were clean, pale cream/tan mostly as a farm dog. Older dog is brown, very sweet, also lab mix, nearly 13, having the puppy has rejuvenated her, they run side by side full tilt into the woods.
We also have 3 “day-care” dogs who come down from the neighbor’s house when they leave for work. It’s so boring without the people on duty, isn’t it? They rarely show on Saturday or Sunday, but regular as clockwork M-F, unless someone takes a day off or works at home. They’re a strange mix of types, all 5 are rescues. We love them all.
Treats for everybody. Wonder if that’s why the day-care dogs come ’round?
Jim Pharo
“Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!” – TL
@J R in WV:
You’re lucky dogs aren’t on the internet yet.
To our knowledge.