Game of Thrones watchers can skip forward to the 1:40 mark. Which reminds me, NYMag reported earlier:
Turns out that amid all the wild, far-fetched fan theories about how Game of Thrones will end, one or two may have hit the nail right on the severed head. “So many readers were reading the books with so much attention that they were throwing up some theories and while some of those theories were amusing bulls — and creative — some of the theories are right,” author George R.R. Martin confessed during a talk at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. “At least one or two readers had put together the extremely subtle and obscure clues that I’d planted in the books and came to the right solution.”…
On the other hand, this happened:
On the plus side, the Vergara bit has magically united everyone in my Twitter feed in mutual sorrow and shame.
— emilynussbaum (@emilynussbaum) August 26, 2014
Modern Family has dirty pictures of everyone in the academy.
— Matt Zoller Seitz (@mattzollerseitz) August 26, 2014
2 days till football !!
R+L=J, people!
I thought the World Cup just ended. ;-)
@Baud: that’s right and now the real deal gets it on’
@Raven: Do you have tickets for the Clemson game?
OT: I don’t know if this will last, but there was some good news today.
Eric U.
Pedobear University (home of child-raping football coaches) is run by a group of morons reminiscent of a tea partier mcdonalds franchisee. There is a newly instituted policy that programs can’t hire an hourly worker for 30 hours a week because they are afraid they will have to pay benefits. I would complain to my congressman, but he’s a tea partier mcdonalds franchisee that wouldn’t see anything wrong with the policy
gogol's wife
I just found out that Cumberbatch, Freeman, and Moffat won for His Last Vow! We just watched it again the other night and were blown away by it. But Cumberbatch and Freeman weren’t at the ceremony, so no cute speeches to watch. And Amanda (can’t remember last name) should win something too.
Mike in NC
From what we’ve seen, Sophia Vergara has her own line of clothing, furniture, and cosmetics. Maybe much more. Known as “laughing all the way to the bank”.
My 78-year-old aunt LOVES “Game of Thrones.” Yes, the show that became too gruesome for me is her favorite TV show. She’s even read all of the books, and her only fear is that she’s going to die before Martin finishes the series.
(Her mother lived to 94 and her paternal aunt lived to 100, so I don’t think she has too much to worry about.)
Also, whoever decided to submit “True Detective” as a series instead of a mini-series is probably getting pink-slipped today. There was no way that a first-season show like that was going to beat the final season of “Breaking Bad.”
Iowa Old Lady
@Xantar: Yes!
Although J is having his problems at the moment in the books. I’m trying not to spoil the TV watchers.
The pearl-clutching over the Vergara segment was a bit rich.
Mike J
@Eric U.:
After last week’s fuckup with getting the tarp on the field, the Cubs said the grounds staff didn’t have enough practice because they wanted to keep them under 30 hours.
If you want pros working for you, treat and pay them like pros. If you want amateurs, follow the lead of the Cubs.
@Mike J: Yet another argument for getting employers out of the health insurance business.
Bob In Portland
They should have shown more clips of the people and shows up for awards and less of the unfunny dicking around. I was a big fan of “True Detective” but had no problem sending “Breaking Bad” off to retirement with as many awards as they could carry. I guess the band for the show couldn’t afford a slide guitar player.
Bob In Portland
Also, I found this interesting.
This site provides battle updates from eastern Ukraine, of course, from the rebels’ side.
I find it’s more detailed than what little war reporting comes in via American sources or European sources, although European sources are slightly better than those originating in the US.
For example, the big Ukrainian story for the NY Times today was the capture of ten airborne Russians. The story makes little sense, but most of the daily stories coming out of Kiev don’t seem to make sense and eventually just disappear. There is video of the alleged Russians so that alone puts it as more likely than the last half dozen stories without any documentation.
On the other hand, the rebel story linked to above is describing a rebel drive towards Mariupol on the Black Sea. Either western press is ignoring what is very bad news for Kiev, or, as is possible in the fog of war and propaganda, it’s not happening. Readers around the world will have a better idea of what’s happening in a few days. If, in fact, the rebels are making large strides in destroying the Ukrainian army’s southern front it is the kind of story that can’t remain hidden. And then it will be interesting how the west adjusts the storyline.