Why can’t Saban recruit effective pass rushers? It’s been a few years since they’ve consistently put pressure on opposing QB’s.
HuffPo (yeah I know) is reporting that the Rams have cut Michael Sam.
You’re truly a loyal WVU masochist. In oh, say an hour or so, you’ll be back whining about how WVU is getting their ass kicked. Though I’d take much more pleasure if Alabama is the one taking an unexpected hard hit in the shorts from WVU. I can’t think of a single thing about the state of Alabama to recommend it to any positive end.
Keith P
@cmorenc: Beautiful trees, beautiful white sand beaches, great shrimp
Hill Dweller
On the bright side, Alabama has a good punter…
Roll Tide.
Huh WVA is doing OK… 10 v 10 at the half. My friend is NOT happy.
@Bex: Confirmed. But he was up against someone just a bit bigger than him. Plus now he’s free to go elsewhere. Can’t imagine *cough*SEATTLE*cough* where though. Sorry had something stuck in my throat.
Apparently Michael Sam can be picked up by the Rams and play on their practice squad or something. That makes no sense to me. I don’t understand the business of football.
HuffPo (yeah I know) is reporting that the Rams have cut Michael Sam.
However, his problem wasn’t with the quality of his preseason performance and more that he was drafted to a team already heavily loaded with quality talent at his position.(defensive lineman). There’s a good chance another team may give him a shot – but if another team doesn’t sign him, the Rams would like to keep him on their 10-man practice reserve squad, and odds are an injury to one of the incumbents will give him an opening to join the full squad during the season.
@Yatsuno: Hope he gets picked up. Seattle would be great.
@Bex: Carroll is a smart drafter, but more importantly he’s a smart player analysis guy. He picked up a player no one wanted to touch named Derrick Coleman and turned him into one productive fullback. Very few of the players on the Super Bowl winning team were first rounders or high draft choices. I think he would be a good fit on special teams or on giving a defensive back a rest if necessary. Plus in NFL terms he’s pretty damn inexpensive.
Keith P
Damn, that Lane Kiffin guy might be something someday! OTOH, Auburn’s offense (with backup QB look like they may be trying for 500 yard passing games this year instead of/addition to 300 yard rushing games.
EDIT: But their defense looks to be about the same as last year. “Ehhh, we’ll still score more”
A team should pick up Michael Sam just from the marketing aspect alone. His jersey was the 6th best selling jersey from the NFL shop through the first portion of 2014’s fiscal year. Link.
Teams go into the preseason with more players than they’re allowed to keep on the roster during the regular season. A major point of the preseason is to give the players a chance to show their stuff. As the preseason goes on, they have to cut players until they get down to their final number for the regular season. In addition to that roster, they’re allowed to keep a “practice squad” of players who aren’t allowed to suit up on game day but are allowed to continue practicing with the team. It sounds as if the Rams like Sam enough that they want to keep him on the practice squad as insurance against injury to or dissatisfaction with one of their roster players. But they can’t just assign him to the practice squad; the other teams have a chance to claim him if they promise to put him on their game day roster. He can only move to the Rams’ practice squad if none of the other teams want him.
Bob In Portland
@Bex: Will probably be resigned to the practice squad on Sunday or Monday.
I’d like to see the Steelers claim Sam. He’s a bit undersized for a DE, and LeBeau knows how to turn those guys into linebackers.
Bob In Portland
And yes, the moderation thingie is kicking out my comments as spam. Hope that helps protect the sensitive people here at BJ. Let’s see if this one is killed.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Bob In Portland: Yeah, Bob, FYWP was nobbled by the Gehlen Org.
Villago Delenda Est
@Bob In Portland: FYWP doesn’t have an AI that puts crap into moderation for a reason.
If that were true, very few of your posts would make it past the spam filter.
It doesn’t make much difference to the Rams if Sam sells a lot of jerseys. All of the licensing revenue for things like jerseys is managed by the league and shared equally between the teams.
Villago Delenda Est
Fighting Fashion Nightmares are hosting the South Dakota Coyotes tonight. Local fishwrap is actually casting the Fashion Nightmares as the Road Runner. Guys, very bad analogy.
Local fishwrap is actually casting the Fashion Nightmares as the Road Runner. Guys, very bad analogy.
Why is that a bad analogy? They’re very likely to win, while the Coyotes will remain the sympathetic ones.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore: Yes, but the Road Runner wins almost by default, as the Coyote’s Acme-supplied schemes fail or backfire on him. The Roadrunner does not pummel the Coyote incessantly.
Cal is beating the snot out of my Wildcats. Cal! So awful.
Now I can go back to rooting against the Rams and hating the NFL.
My Rutgers Scarlet Knights beat a supposedly up-and-coming Mike Leach-led WSU team on Thursday night. Big underdogs going in.
Been told for 2 years we have no chance in the B1G, but so far, not impressed. Maybe this won’t be the writeoff season we’ve been led to believe. Remember the names Paul James and Leonte Caroo.
@BGinCHI: Here in LA, I see no evidence of this NFL football entity. I guess there is the National Forensic League.
Keith P
Auburn’s defense sucks, but holy cow, they have a killer pair of QBs. Air or ground.
James E. Powell
That was the third completely bullshit call against WVU. NB – I have no dog in this fight.
@BillinGlendaleCA: The only football I watch now involves a goal and forbids the use of hands.
J R in WV
Mountaineers rock. If they got even penalty calling they would be ahead in the game.
OOOOWWW! bad snap. no telling what will go wrong next. Could still win.
Did anyone believe WVU would be in the game in the 4th quarter? Most of the expert fans I know thought our game would be over after the 1st quarter.
Proud of the WVU mountaineers, win or lose, for their play in this game.
Not Adding Much to the Community
I got to ‘currently watching’ before sleep took me.
@M. Bouffant: I am totally with you. I am an LSU homer. We got Wisconsin tonight. Playing to our level. But we have a few on our schedule that we should not have. I was always taught you should play to the level of your competition. Play against the best.
Whew. Roll Tide.
Mr Stagger Lee
I have given up my cable and I have been looking for a good stream service, one without the malware inducing services.
You go Cole. I put out the flag the other day. LSU. As strange as it may be, in southern IL where I live, the guy that lives next to me is a Tennessee fan. We have some good nature ribbing.
@Mr Stagger Lee: I got rid of cable myself a few months ago. I honestly don’t know where you get “legal” cable. I’ve looked around and there is no option IMHO.
@efgoldman: I got no issue with Idaho. Maybe a really good school. But they have no school being on the same turf as Florida.
The only proper way to schedule such a game would be at Idaho, in late November or early December, in a blizzard.
Idaho has an indoor stadium.
Charles Pierce
In another kind of football, Kerry beat those Mayo jackeens today in an All Ireland semi that took two full games plus extra time to settle. Up the Kingdom!!
@Yatsuno: I got to say this. They have an indoor stadium?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
The Packers have decided to keep three quarterbacks on the roster for the first since, I believe, 2007.
Mike J
@Yatsuno: Is that the school that’s within spitting distance of Cougland?
J R in WV
Everyone in my family went to WVU, except me, we lived close to Marshall U when it was time for me to resume my multi-faceted college career.
This year, for the first time in memory, MU may have a team comparable to WVU. Many pick MU to rule their conference, and run 9-3 or so on the year. If WVU goes 9-3 in the Big 12, that will be a great effort on their part.
I would like both teams to go undefeated, although too late for WVU. But in a game where they were 27 point underdogs, a 10 point loss is not shabby. They were in the game to the bitter end. Honest hard work, a couple of referee calls different, that was a game they could have won.
Better luck next week!
Go HERD!! Forgive me John Cole, but there it is, I went to MU, and I root for both teams every weekend. I had a hard time when they were playing each other, all that family history. Dad was taking us to a game or two in Morgantown from the age of 7 or 8, so I was bleeding gold and blue from an early age. Still really more of a WVU fan than a Herd fan, a little bit.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Tommy: I am trying Wiziwig.TV they are out of England.
Howard Beale IV
@Tommy: When it comes to TV, you have only 3 real choices-OTA, Cable, and satellite. At least OTA, having moved to digital, has actually increased the number of available channels-unfortunately, most of those new channels are either Catholic or Evangelical programming-and to top it off, you’re stuck for the most part at 480i for all the new OTA channels.
Of course, big media is so incestuous I really think that come 2016 someone should run a campaign on breaking them up. After all, when South Park starts taking on the cable companies, you know you’ve pissed on the wrong folks. And we ain’t talking Cannibal! the Musical here, folks…..
@Mr Stagger Lee: We use Wiziwig for rugby. Works pretty well. Depends on the feed.
Go Clemson Tigers! Beat the bulldogs.
@Charles Pierce: Child of Kerry here. I’m with ya. Up the Kingdom!!
@M. Bouffant: Here’s the thing: these smaller schools get a huge payout to be punching bags for PAC 12 powerhouses. It gets them some national exposure, it gives the players something of a thrill to play a “big league” team, even if they lose.
Small schools line up for this sort of thing. And there’s always the chance that they’ll pull some sort of Appalachian State upset of Michigan.
@Mike J: 8 mile drive east from Pullman. Irritates the shit out of business owners there because they have to pay higher than minimum or else they get no workers there at all. But when you can make over $2 an hour more in an 8 mile drive it’s a no-brainer.
Every year that I can remember Florida has had a series of cake teams to play. Citadel or Alabama at Birmingham or some shit like that. Last year they actually lost to Georgia Southern. I always wondered why, but then in 2011 Florida played Ohio State in The Taxslayer.com bowl game and both teams needed that win for an above 500 season. The announcers kept harping on it over and over and one even mentioned that whichever coach won would get tens (maybe hundreds I don’t recall, but a lot)of thousands of dollars in bonuses because they won both a bowl game and finished with a better than 500 record. Then they put their schedule on the screen and BOTH teams had puff games. Florida played Furman, Florida Atlantic, and UAB. Ohio played Toledo and Akron. It occurred to me at that point that regardless of what they say in public or officially the reason the big schools schedule these games is to make it more likely everyone involved gets their win bonuses at the end of the season. No way either of those teams that year would have been close to .500 if every game was competitive and no one would have gotten their bonuses. The small schools do it for exposure and tv cash.
Anyway, it’s just a hypothesis at the moment.
Idaho v Florida is still on lightning delay. Interesting that the gator radio channel has managed to get somehow quickly permission to broadcast golden eagles vs miss st bulldogs from golden eagles channel so presumably we won’t be too bored. I wonder how the fans at the game feel. this has been a very long delay and it will be very crowded under cover. It was exceptionally hot before the storm rolled in and it hasn’t really cooled off yet.
generally the sec teams have some of the toughest schedules in the country year after year. If you already have the 4th or 6th hardest schedule it can be dangerous to add tough teams just cause that is what the fans like. dangerous as in more player injuries because they get worn down. Take a look at each sec teams whole schedule and compare to some other team that may be ranked. it’s not always true but a lot of years it is. It went out of style in the sec decades ago to schedule out of conference hard games. Now back before th whole league got tough and they were trying to build a reputation, they were just like the up and coming hopeful schools are now and we’re glad to get a chance to play a famous school.
there have been some player injuries from out of conference games that have made fans very mad at more than one SEC school. the fans still do complain about the cream puffs anyway.
Most big name teams play a couple of cupcakes. You have 5 conference games, 3 or 4 decent opponents and a rivalry game.Putting a couple of patsies in there to beat up on is okay in my book. What I get tired of is the big name teams cough cough Notre Dame cough cough who put 3 or 4 cupcakes on their schedule & then bitch about how tough their schedule is.
@Charles Pierce: Up your kingdom, or so sez this Castlebar boy.
OTOH, the game at Croke Park was most satisfactory.
So they wore down the Clemson defense. I happened to be speaking with a friend whose husband is at the game and is also a major Clemson supporter during those four minutes. Not good.
If you get WPXI on your cable, they are showing a film of the play, The Chief, about Art Rooney, Sr. A character that even non-Pittsburghers would find amusing and amazing. You can get it on DVD and I highly recommend it. Great stuff and a great actor.
Gators 7pm kickoff delayed till 9:30 and what I am hearing outside makes me think that is optimistic. I am about 20 miles ne of the stadium and I think the storm is coming from my direction towards them. I wonder if college teams ever play Sunday morning? We had a game delayed by a hurricane one year. I think we had to play a different team some months later but I can’t quite recall now.
some guy
Just got back from the Swamp with my son. Lightning was brutal. The reason the Gators schedule 2 powderpuff games to start the season is because they then play so many games against SEC teams. Simple as that.
some guy
It is coming from the NE. Delay after delay, but I am guessing they have not canceled yet because they did not want 90,000 to leave in the middle of a lightning storm.
Oh, and apparently both Pitt and Penn State won today. Go teams!
In 2002 the FAMU game was canceled in the 3rd quartet due to lightning. In 2004 the season opener was re scheduled due to the hurricane.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Reggie Love!
some guy
@efgoldman: the game had a 7pm start time. When the lightning rolled in everyone was under cover. The band moved to one of the covered ramps and stayed playing fight songs.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Hey Yutsie, do you think our Cougies will manage to force more than 2 punts per game against anybody? I’m frightened by that “defense” I saw the other night.
@efgoldman: Aw just go fuck yourself! It was an ass whippin for the ages. My first Georgia game was 30 years ago when Butler kicked a 60 yarder for the win! Go Dawgs!!!!
@efgoldman: You know I’m just foolin around. It was really fun and seeing Gurley run for 198 yards and a 100 yard touchdown return was something special for this old Dawg.
@efgoldman: I’m fucking exhausted and wired at the same time. It was really really hot and humid and a couple of mile walk home kicked my ass. I got my medicare card today so, yea, old.
@efgoldman: You go through worse in the band. A LOT worse. I’m amazed the band was allowed to shelter. Hell I’ve been in cold where my lips were freezing to my mouthpiece and I STILL had to stay through the end.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: I think Leach is counting on offence to pull us out of things. Still my optimism is not high.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@raven: @efgoldman: Just tie some damned onions to your belts and go shout at the clouds.
@efgoldman: I’m still working so my thing is 80/20 BCBS Medicare and it flips if and when I retire.
Your D was pretty bad, but no one gave Rutgers any respect on offense before this game. Both James the RB and Caroo the WR who punished you were hurt most of last year when we went into our late-season offensive swoon. Losing your two best players will do that.
I think WSU and Rutgers are both going to be good teams this year, but tough schedules will probably limit much improvement in their records. That offense with Halliday is scary good.
Wisconsin has it in hand. I have been checking on it while coping with my recent (and inexplicable) pica for Law and Order. (Criminal Intent currently on Ion.)
Mr. P. Head — Your boys played their hearts out through both games, especially last week, when they had to go 14-on-15 because of that awful red card they gave Keegan. And, come on, admit it. You’ll be pulling for the Kingdom if they play the Dubs. (I’m counting on Armagh for the upset of the decade.)
Hill Dweller
Why can’t Saban recruit effective pass rushers? It’s been a few years since they’ve consistently put pressure on opposing QB’s.
HuffPo (yeah I know) is reporting that the Rams have cut Michael Sam.
You’re truly a loyal WVU masochist. In oh, say an hour or so, you’ll be back whining about how WVU is getting their ass kicked. Though I’d take much more pleasure if Alabama is the one taking an unexpected hard hit in the shorts from WVU. I can’t think of a single thing about the state of Alabama to recommend it to any positive end.
Keith P
@cmorenc: Beautiful trees, beautiful white sand beaches, great shrimp
Hill Dweller
On the bright side, Alabama has a good punter…
Roll Tide.
Huh WVA is doing OK… 10 v 10 at the half. My friend is NOT happy.
Roger Moore
So is ESPN.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Bex: They did.
@Bex: Confirmed. But he was up against someone just a bit bigger than him. Plus now he’s free to go elsewhere. Can’t imagine *cough*SEATTLE*cough* where though. Sorry had something stuck in my throat.
Apparently Michael Sam can be picked up by the Rams and play on their practice squad or something. That makes no sense to me. I don’t understand the business of football.
@Roger Moore:
However, his problem wasn’t with the quality of his preseason performance and more that he was drafted to a team already heavily loaded with quality talent at his position.(defensive lineman). There’s a good chance another team may give him a shot – but if another team doesn’t sign him, the Rams would like to keep him on their 10-man practice reserve squad, and odds are an injury to one of the incumbents will give him an opening to join the full squad during the season.
@Yatsuno: Hope he gets picked up. Seattle would be great.
Keith G
@Bex: Michael Sam’s cut?
Sully won’t like that.
Hopefully, Sam will be signed to the Ram’s practice squad where he can have a chance to develop more.
@Violet: Less $$ to Sam and space on the roster for a player that they view as more helpful to their needs.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@cmorenc: Yeah, He seems like a guy who will be able to play in the league. He just needs to land in the right spot.
Infamous Heel-Filcher
Go Irish! Go WVU!
@Bex: Carroll is a smart drafter, but more importantly he’s a smart player analysis guy. He picked up a player no one wanted to touch named Derrick Coleman and turned him into one productive fullback. Very few of the players on the Super Bowl winning team were first rounders or high draft choices. I think he would be a good fit on special teams or on giving a defensive back a rest if necessary. Plus in NFL terms he’s pretty damn inexpensive.
Keith P
Damn, that Lane Kiffin guy might be something someday! OTOH, Auburn’s offense (with backup QB look like they may be trying for 500 yard passing games this year instead of/addition to 300 yard rushing games.
EDIT: But their defense looks to be about the same as last year. “Ehhh, we’ll still score more”
A team should pick up Michael Sam just from the marketing aspect alone. His jersey was the 6th best selling jersey from the NFL shop through the first portion of 2014’s fiscal year. Link.
Roger Moore
Teams go into the preseason with more players than they’re allowed to keep on the roster during the regular season. A major point of the preseason is to give the players a chance to show their stuff. As the preseason goes on, they have to cut players until they get down to their final number for the regular season. In addition to that roster, they’re allowed to keep a “practice squad” of players who aren’t allowed to suit up on game day but are allowed to continue practicing with the team. It sounds as if the Rams like Sam enough that they want to keep him on the practice squad as insurance against injury to or dissatisfaction with one of their roster players. But they can’t just assign him to the practice squad; the other teams have a chance to claim him if they promise to put him on their game day roster. He can only move to the Rams’ practice squad if none of the other teams want him.
Bob In Portland
@Bex: Will probably be resigned to the practice squad on Sunday or Monday.
I’d like to see the Steelers claim Sam. He’s a bit undersized for a DE, and LeBeau knows how to turn those guys into linebackers.
Bob In Portland
And yes, the moderation thingie is kicking out my comments as spam. Hope that helps protect the sensitive people here at BJ. Let’s see if this one is killed.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Bob In Portland: Yeah, Bob, FYWP was nobbled by the Gehlen Org.
Villago Delenda Est
@Bob In Portland: FYWP doesn’t have an AI that puts crap into moderation for a reason.
If that were true, very few of your posts would make it past the spam filter.
Roger Moore
It doesn’t make much difference to the Rams if Sam sells a lot of jerseys. All of the licensing revenue for things like jerseys is managed by the league and shared equally between the teams.
Villago Delenda Est
Fighting Fashion Nightmares are hosting the South Dakota Coyotes tonight. Local fishwrap is actually casting the Fashion Nightmares as the Road Runner. Guys, very bad analogy.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
Why is that a bad analogy? They’re very likely to win, while the Coyotes will remain the sympathetic ones.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore: Yes, but the Road Runner wins almost by default, as the Coyote’s Acme-supplied schemes fail or backfire on him. The Roadrunner does not pummel the Coyote incessantly.
Cal is beating the snot out of my Wildcats. Cal! So awful.
Bob In Portland
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): You can relate to whoever you wish to relate to. Do you dress in uniform on your days off?
Bob In Portland
Also, the Wildcats.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Bob In Portland: Haven’t worn a uniform since late June of 1992. I have worn my medals with a DJ on occasion, does that count?
James E. Powell
WVU defense cannot make tackles
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Don’t think I’ve worn a uniform since sometime in 1975.
M. Bouffant
Is there no shame? The Stanford Cardinal is beating the poor Fighting Veterinarians of U.C. Davis, 38-0.
Schedule someone your own size, “Harvard of the West”! Sheesh.
@Bex: I just read that! WTF??
Now I can go back to rooting against the Rams and hating the NFL.
My Rutgers Scarlet Knights beat a supposedly up-and-coming Mike Leach-led WSU team on Thursday night. Big underdogs going in.
Been told for 2 years we have no chance in the B1G, but so far, not impressed. Maybe this won’t be the writeoff season we’ve been led to believe. Remember the names Paul James and Leonte Caroo.
@BGinCHI: Here in LA, I see no evidence of this NFL football entity. I guess there is the National Forensic League.
Keith P
Auburn’s defense sucks, but holy cow, they have a killer pair of QBs. Air or ground.
James E. Powell
That was the third completely bullshit call against WVU. NB – I have no dog in this fight.
@BillinGlendaleCA: The only football I watch now involves a goal and forbids the use of hands.
J R in WV
Mountaineers rock. If they got even penalty calling they would be ahead in the game.
OOOOWWW! bad snap. no telling what will go wrong next. Could still win.
Did anyone believe WVU would be in the game in the 4th quarter? Most of the expert fans I know thought our game would be over after the 1st quarter.
Proud of the WVU mountaineers, win or lose, for their play in this game.
Not Adding Much to the Community
I got to ‘currently watching’ before sleep took me.
@M. Bouffant: I am totally with you. I am an LSU homer. We got Wisconsin tonight. Playing to our level. But we have a few on our schedule that we should not have. I was always taught you should play to the level of your competition. Play against the best.
Whew. Roll Tide.
Mr Stagger Lee
I have given up my cable and I have been looking for a good stream service, one without the malware inducing services.
You go Cole. I put out the flag the other day. LSU. As strange as it may be, in southern IL where I live, the guy that lives next to me is a Tennessee fan. We have some good nature ribbing.
@Mr Stagger Lee: I got rid of cable myself a few months ago. I honestly don’t know where you get “legal” cable. I’ve looked around and there is no option IMHO.
@efgoldman: I got no issue with Idaho. Maybe a really good school. But they have no school being on the same turf as Florida.
Idaho has an indoor stadium.
Charles Pierce
In another kind of football, Kerry beat those Mayo jackeens today in an All Ireland semi that took two full games plus extra time to settle. Up the Kingdom!!
@Yatsuno: I got to say this. They have an indoor stadium?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
The Packers have decided to keep three quarterbacks on the roster for the first since, I believe, 2007.
Mike J
@Yatsuno: Is that the school that’s within spitting distance of Cougland?
J R in WV
Everyone in my family went to WVU, except me, we lived close to Marshall U when it was time for me to resume my multi-faceted college career.
This year, for the first time in memory, MU may have a team comparable to WVU. Many pick MU to rule their conference, and run 9-3 or so on the year. If WVU goes 9-3 in the Big 12, that will be a great effort on their part.
I would like both teams to go undefeated, although too late for WVU. But in a game where they were 27 point underdogs, a 10 point loss is not shabby. They were in the game to the bitter end. Honest hard work, a couple of referee calls different, that was a game they could have won.
Better luck next week!
Go HERD!! Forgive me John Cole, but there it is, I went to MU, and I root for both teams every weekend. I had a hard time when they were playing each other, all that family history. Dad was taking us to a game or two in Morgantown from the age of 7 or 8, so I was bleeding gold and blue from an early age. Still really more of a WVU fan than a Herd fan, a little bit.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Tommy: I am trying Wiziwig.TV they are out of England.
Howard Beale IV
@Tommy: When it comes to TV, you have only 3 real choices-OTA, Cable, and satellite. At least OTA, having moved to digital, has actually increased the number of available channels-unfortunately, most of those new channels are either Catholic or Evangelical programming-and to top it off, you’re stuck for the most part at 480i for all the new OTA channels.
Of course, big media is so incestuous I really think that come 2016 someone should run a campaign on breaking them up. After all, when South Park starts taking on the cable companies, you know you’ve pissed on the wrong folks. And we ain’t talking Cannibal! the Musical here, folks…..
@Mr Stagger Lee: We use Wiziwig for rugby. Works pretty well. Depends on the feed.
Go Clemson Tigers! Beat the bulldogs.
@Charles Pierce: Child of Kerry here. I’m with ya. Up the Kingdom!!
jake the antisoshul soshulist
@J R in WV:
Hopefully my Hilltoppers and Marshall will be playing for for the C-USA East title on November 28. They rolled the Falcons from the other Bowling Green on Friday night.
Villago Delenda Est
@M. Bouffant: Here’s the thing: these smaller schools get a huge payout to be punching bags for PAC 12 powerhouses. It gets them some national exposure, it gives the players something of a thrill to play a “big league” team, even if they lose.
Small schools line up for this sort of thing. And there’s always the chance that they’ll pull some sort of Appalachian State upset of Michigan.
Villago Delenda Est
Arrg, duplicate comment, nuked!
@Tommy: Yes. Yes they do.
@Mike J: 8 mile drive east from Pullman. Irritates the shit out of business owners there because they have to pay higher than minimum or else they get no workers there at all. But when you can make over $2 an hour more in an 8 mile drive it’s a no-brainer.
@efgoldman: @efgoldman:
Every year that I can remember Florida has had a series of cake teams to play. Citadel or Alabama at Birmingham or some shit like that. Last year they actually lost to Georgia Southern. I always wondered why, but then in 2011 Florida played Ohio State in The Taxslayer.com bowl game and both teams needed that win for an above 500 season. The announcers kept harping on it over and over and one even mentioned that whichever coach won would get tens (maybe hundreds I don’t recall, but a lot)of thousands of dollars in bonuses because they won both a bowl game and finished with a better than 500 record. Then they put their schedule on the screen and BOTH teams had puff games. Florida played Furman, Florida Atlantic, and UAB. Ohio played Toledo and Akron. It occurred to me at that point that regardless of what they say in public or officially the reason the big schools schedule these games is to make it more likely everyone involved gets their win bonuses at the end of the season. No way either of those teams that year would have been close to .500 if every game was competitive and no one would have gotten their bonuses. The small schools do it for exposure and tv cash.
Anyway, it’s just a hypothesis at the moment.
Idaho v Florida is still on lightning delay. Interesting that the gator radio channel has managed to get somehow quickly permission to broadcast golden eagles vs miss st bulldogs from golden eagles channel so presumably we won’t be too bored. I wonder how the fans at the game feel. this has been a very long delay and it will be very crowded under cover. It was exceptionally hot before the storm rolled in and it hasn’t really cooled off yet.
generally the sec teams have some of the toughest schedules in the country year after year. If you already have the 4th or 6th hardest schedule it can be dangerous to add tough teams just cause that is what the fans like. dangerous as in more player injuries because they get worn down. Take a look at each sec teams whole schedule and compare to some other team that may be ranked. it’s not always true but a lot of years it is. It went out of style in the sec decades ago to schedule out of conference hard games. Now back before th whole league got tough and they were trying to build a reputation, they were just like the up and coming hopeful schools are now and we’re glad to get a chance to play a famous school.
there have been some player injuries from out of conference games that have made fans very mad at more than one SEC school. the fans still do complain about the cream puffs anyway.
Most big name teams play a couple of cupcakes. You have 5 conference games, 3 or 4 decent opponents and a rivalry game.Putting a couple of patsies in there to beat up on is okay in my book. What I get tired of is the big name teams cough cough Notre Dame cough cough who put 3 or 4 cupcakes on their schedule & then bitch about how tough their schedule is.
Sorry. I misunderstood your problem.
Carry on.
@Charles Pierce: Up your kingdom, or so sez this Castlebar boy.
OTOH, the game at Croke Park was most satisfactory.
So they wore down the Clemson defense. I happened to be speaking with a friend whose husband is at the game and is also a major Clemson supporter during those four minutes. Not good.
If you get WPXI on your cable, they are showing a film of the play, The Chief, about Art Rooney, Sr. A character that even non-Pittsburghers would find amusing and amazing. You can get it on DVD and I highly recommend it. Great stuff and a great actor.
Gators 7pm kickoff delayed till 9:30 and what I am hearing outside makes me think that is optimistic. I am about 20 miles ne of the stadium and I think the storm is coming from my direction towards them. I wonder if college teams ever play Sunday morning? We had a game delayed by a hurricane one year. I think we had to play a different team some months later but I can’t quite recall now.
some guy
Just got back from the Swamp with my son. Lightning was brutal. The reason the Gators schedule 2 powderpuff games to start the season is because they then play so many games against SEC teams. Simple as that.
some guy
It is coming from the NE. Delay after delay, but I am guessing they have not canceled yet because they did not want 90,000 to leave in the middle of a lightning storm.
Oh, and apparently both Pitt and Penn State won today. Go teams!
some guy
In 2002 the FAMU game was canceled in the 3rd quartet due to lightning. In 2004 the season opener was re scheduled due to the hurricane.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Reggie Love!
some guy
@efgoldman: the game had a 7pm start time. When the lightning rolled in everyone was under cover. The band moved to one of the covered ramps and stayed playing fight songs.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Hey Yutsie, do you think our Cougies will manage to force more than 2 punts per game against anybody? I’m frightened by that “defense” I saw the other night.
@efgoldman: FUCKIN A DAWGS!!!!!!
@efgoldman: Aw just go fuck yourself! It was an ass whippin for the ages. My first Georgia game was 30 years ago when Butler kicked a 60 yarder for the win! Go Dawgs!!!!
@efgoldman: You know I’m just foolin around. It was really fun and seeing Gurley run for 198 yards and a 100 yard touchdown return was something special for this old Dawg.
@efgoldman: I’m fucking exhausted and wired at the same time. It was really really hot and humid and a couple of mile walk home kicked my ass. I got my medicare card today so, yea, old.
@efgoldman: You go through worse in the band. A LOT worse. I’m amazed the band was allowed to shelter. Hell I’ve been in cold where my lips were freezing to my mouthpiece and I STILL had to stay through the end.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink: I think Leach is counting on offence to pull us out of things. Still my optimism is not high.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@raven: @efgoldman: Just tie some damned onions to your belts and go shout at the clouds.
@efgoldman: I’m still working so my thing is 80/20 BCBS Medicare and it flips if and when I retire.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): What the fuck you talkin bout butter bar?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@efgoldman: I refuse to grow up. Or grow old. And the Badgers will extend their lead (Ha ha, Tommy!).
@raven: Mine was silver when I got out. Sliver like my wings, leg.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): hahaha.
there was a bucky behind me at the game. I regaled him with tales of Billy Marek and Al Toon!
Steeplejack (tablet)
Except for a decade with the Atlanta Falcons. Surely you mean someone else.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@raven: Michael Caputo is having a good game on D. WI’s RBs are doing their usual thing.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I can’t be the only person watching the UW/LSU game.
@Comrade Nimrod Humperdink:
Your D was pretty bad, but no one gave Rutgers any respect on offense before this game. Both James the RB and Caroo the WR who punished you were hurt most of last year when we went into our late-season offensive swoon. Losing your two best players will do that.
I think WSU and Rutgers are both going to be good teams this year, but tough schedules will probably limit much improvement in their records. That offense with Halliday is scary good.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Wisconsin has it in hand. I have been checking on it while coping with my recent (and inexplicable) pica for Law and Order. (Criminal Intent currently on Ion.)
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
They will figure it out or Stave will get his starting job back. The Badgers do live or die on the running game.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@efgoldman: Eek, a bit.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): @efgoldman: I would not be surprised it Stave starts the next game.
Okay, Wisconsin apparently doesn’t have it in hand. Bummer. Last chance for them now.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Shit.
charles pierce
Mr. P. Head — Your boys played their hearts out through both games, especially last week, when they had to go 14-on-15 because of that awful red card they gave Keegan. And, come on, admit it. You’ll be pulling for the Kingdom if they play the Dubs. (I’m counting on Armagh for the upset of the decade.)
A tribute, then, to your lads. Damned well-played.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@charles pierce: Oh fuck it. Let’s just talk rugby. I think Richmond does well this year.