From commentor Elizabelle:
Don’t be nude. Murphy’s could have a problem with that. Shirt and shoes, at a minimum.
DC Area Balloon Juice meetup: Tuesday, Sept. 2nd
Please come drink and maybe dine with us at Murphy’s Irish Pub in Old Town Alexandria, in honor of the visiting Siubhan Duinne.** 7:00 to whenever.
Murphy’s Alexandria • 713 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 • 703.548-1717
** Major benefit of the Tuesday meetup: you might learn Ms. Duinne’s real life name, which I am assured is much more pronounceable.
RE Transport: car is good; plenty of on-street free parking after 6 or 7 p. (Check the meters.) FYI, Murphy’s is pretty close to Christ Church; you can park behind it and walk to Murphy’s …
Accessible via King Street Metro station (blue and yellow? line; there’s a shuttle bus OR you can hoof it, if you’re so inclined.)
Come imbibe, meet Ms. Duinne, and maybe we can do the next meetup in a pub more accessible to our DC and Baltimore buds.
Cheryl from Maryland
Oh, I wish I could, but Alexandria is at 6:00 on the Beltway, and I live at 12:00 and work in the center of the clock. Regrets to all — for next time, maybe try either in downtown DC or Montgomery, Co., MD?
Also, the name is easy to pronounce — “Skin” “Doo”. Ya’ll have a great time.
Shirt and shoes… but no pants?
@Cheryl from Maryland: Me too. I’d love to be there, but I live in Bethesda– and work even farther away– far, far away and on the other side of that river.
They could all carry strategically placed mops.
Savannah meetup?
Still planing to make it …
H/T to Mr. Browning:
Oh to be in DC
Now that September is here
have fun!
Cheryl from Maryland
@Hawes: Didn’t you know — Pantless is the new black.
Cheryl from Maryland
@MattF: So we should plan something for downtown Bethesda. I live near Shady Grove.
Thanks, Anne, for putting this up. (Nude quip because it appeared on JCole’s thread about JLaw hacked pics.)
It would be fun to do a Bethesda night out, and/or DC meetup that is actually in DC. Suggest away, places and when you’d like to meet. (The out of town Juicer is always a good draw …)
Murphy’s was kind of the default for this one, and I think Ms. Duinne is staying in Virginia (though can’t swear to it).
@Cheryl from Maryland: I agree. That would be walking distance for me.
ETA: The bar scene here is somewhat grim (small bars that are waiting areas for restaurants), but there’s always Flannigan’s
Awwwright! Would be great to meet you.
Have a wonderful time and remember to post pictures of the event.
@Elizabelle: As a long time former DC resident, and I note former, I was always stunned how many of my coworkers in NOVA never went to DC. You had so much culture a hop skip and fall. How do you not experience it.
Looking forward to meeting everyone who can be there, and raising a glass to absent friends.
Guilty of that sometimes. Went to the National Book Fair AND the National Portrait Gallery on Saturday, for penance.
We are creatures of routine, alas …
@Tommy: I used to go into DC quite a bit (from Maryland, not NoVa)– but these days all the bookstores are gone, all the movie theaters are gone, all the interesting Georgetown shops and markets are gone. There are a couple of exceptions here and there, but what used to be routine trips have become exceptional expeditions.
ETA: It’s also fair to note that my drinking days are over, and the people I knew back in the day have moved out.
I hate you all. I can’t get anybody to show up for a Bartow meet-up.
@Tommy: The Beltway is better than a wall, moat, and force field combined: it effectively blocks NoVA from DC. Plus, with Virginians welded/wedded to their cars, the idea of taking [gasp] public transportation seems alien to most. Mind you, the distinction works both ways: I’ve lost track of the DC denizens who lose interest in even regular correspondence when they learn I’m all the way out there – and with that kind of reaction it’s difficult to breach the gap. FYI from beyond-the-Beltway hinterlands, these days DC is at least 75 minutes (often over 90) by Fairfax Connector and Metro (even with the Silver Line cutting times and headaches) and about $7 or so each way, versus as much as 2 1/2 hours by car and FSM help you finding parking.
MANY MANY THANKS to Elizabelle for putting these together. Last week’s was fun (if small). Here’s hoping tonight’s is well-attended – though I regret I’ll have to pass since this is a work (all) night.
I will miss you, boatboy. You are excellent company.
NOW area Juicers: you guys plan a DC or Bethesda meetup for October or so … still lovely weather then. Metro accessible is good. Parking is even better.
PS: co-worker had a saying, “there is Maryland and there is Virginia and never the twain shall meet.”
It is like the Potomac is a moat. (Not. But you do need to figure in bridge traffic.)
low-tech cyclist
I’d love to be there, but unfortunately my son’s school is having their open house this evening. I’ll definitely have to make the next one, whenever it may be.
A health/medical matter – minor but vexing – will keep me away tonight.
Y’all have a good time!
Republican? Check. Politico leadership? Check. Keeping Fred Hiatt. Check.
I will try to make it tonight, we’ll see how the God of Labor is feeling. (As in work, not giving birth.) Suggestions for DC: Fado is near Gallery Place and Metro Center, so it is convenient to every Metro line.
There’s also the Beer Baron (Dupont Circle) or whatever the Brickskeller is now. It is also near two used bookstores and on Thursdays the Phillips is open late.
Crap and damn. I was planning to go – Alexandria is the halfway point of my commute between Dulles and SoMD – but the hornet sting last night has me laid up at home, not driving because my right eye keeps tearing up and losing focus. Ugh. And I *love* the name Siobhan!
Oh no! Would love to meet you.
Sounds like BJ will be doing a Maryland meetup before long; no hornet injuries for that one, please.
Uh, could the wife drive you? So MD isn’t that far from Old Town … but hope you’re feeling better soonest, whichever.
Where the hell is Bartow?! Barstow I know, Bartow not so much. Florida?
@Elizabelle: Thanks, seriously. Wife can’t drive me – I’m the driver in the relationship, her neck problems mean no driving unless absolutely necessary. Anyway I wouldn’t be much fun in my present condition! Got me right on the cheekbone, so talking and smiling and eating all make it worse. OW.
I might come. We shall see how late I’ll be working tonight. The end of the fiscal year is coming which means a lot of crunching.
Murphys: same deal as Thursday: table on second floor at top of stairs; sixtop with a “reserved” sign and possibly a white balloon. (Murphy’s outdid themselves last week, at boatboy’s suggestion.)
I’ll be there about sevenish.
Talked to the driving Miss Duinne and she was making slowish progress through the Richmond area. Siubhan will join us when she can.
Murphy’s has half price burgers tonight and “a few other specials”, plus quite good brews on tap and bottled.
See you there! Will we have a Robert McDonnell conviction to celebrate? Probably not, but we can hope.
At least Eric Cantor got himself a million-plus Wall Street job, public servant that he is.
Cin cin! (Bonus question: that is dialogue from what currently airing show? If you answer correctly, you can buy me a drink. Kidding.)
Sorry – really wanted to be there but an emergency trip to the dentist was required just two hours ago! Still trying to recover!
Just corralled the Italian greyhounds. On my way; should be there about 7:30ish.
Siubhan willl join about 8:00; she’s travelling through Southern Maryland now.
See you.
Be well. We will catch you next meetup.
I’m here sitting at the bar. I don’t think anyone else is here but I see a table with a reserved sticker on it.
Elizabelle does not have her phone but we are here playing trivIa.
Shoot, I just found about this Meetup and it was my birthday too. Three times is a charm?
Happy birthday! Another meetup will be in your future.
Popular sentiment is “not in Old Town again!”, so we’ll do DC or Bethesda next time.
However: Balloon Juice will be returning to Murphy’s Old Town one of these days as we have a $25.00 gift certificate to spend, for coming in second in tonight’s trivia contest. No expiration date.