Kids, that’s not a gang sign. That’s me, voter #3 at my precinct in the New York Democratic Primary.
30 minutes in, 3 voters. That tells you all you need to know about whether it’s worth voting for Teachout/Wu today. Andrew Cuomo can send me 4 direct mail pieces, I can get umpteen robocalls from every Democratic luminary in the state, some paid call center employee can call me to get out and vote for the Cuomo this morning, and it doesn’t mean shit. That’s what scares Andrew Mark Cuomo.
Open thread.
I’m pretty sure that my once removed sister-in-law voted but I’ll send her an email just to make sure.
MH17 HODOR!bait (or is that HODOR!bate?)
@Trollhattan: NO BLACK BOXES!
? Martin
Not sure why I thought mistermix was black. And you’re a good typist considering you lack a thumb and pinkie. You’re handi-capable!
I think I’m wearing almost exactly that same shirt. Freaky.
And Senate votes 79-18 to advance constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Vote Thursday. Amazing. Didn’t think it’d get even this far.
Heh. Somebody done painted dem orange. I blame the Dutch.
@? Martin:
I’m surprised that anything other than naming a post office, let alone something as important as overturning Citizens United, passes with support of part of the GOP. Of course, it still has to pass the Tea House.
EDIT: And some wholly-owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries, otherwise known as Republican state legislatures.
Just Did It
constitutional mistermix
@? Martin: I am brown (Latino), but a bit flushed because I rode my bike to the polling place, like a good hippie.
@srv: Wow, they’re a real profile in courage there, that Nike
@constitutional mistermix: And you voted three times, all before lunch! Good for you!
Now go back and vote a couple more times before dinner.
@SatanicPanic: Has someone done a parody of a knocked out woman lying at the feat of a Nike shoe? Or dragging one out of an elevator?
i was the fourth voter in my NYC precinct at 12:40pm today. it’s actually a bit weird to be a D voter in NYC and have my vote make a difference. my ballot: Teachout, Wu, Jackson, Boyd (the latter two challengers of hackish state senate and assembly incumbents). i’m not optimistic, but i’m hopeful.
@constitutional mistermix –
Do you know how many eligible voters there are for your polling place?
There was no one else in the polling station when I went at 7AM. Dare I cling to the dream that this time, the crazy extremists being the only ones to show up to vote in a primary will be a positive thing?
schrodinger's cat
@constitutional mistermix: Brown? You look pink to me!
@? Martin: BJ fashionistas, you two should start a fashion blog.
ETA: Is Cuomo still with Sandra Lee? and does she still have a show on the Food Network?
constitutional mistermix
@RSR: Looking at the tallies for 2012, about 500 people voted for Obama in the general.
Those things take a day or so because they need to check with the lawyers to see which clause in the contract applies, if they’re going to ask for money back, and to make sure all references to the offender are removed from their websites and future publications. It just can’t be done much quicker.
When I went to vote at about 9:30 AM, there were two or three other people in the polling location. There are 4 election districts which use this location. All of the EDs are centered at the Big Six Towers complex.
@Calouste: I’m just wondering why it took them until yesterday to start thinking about it, instead of back when the charges first came out
Bobby Thomson
That tells me they won’t win. The challenger needs heavy turnout.
You did one part today.
Now you need to go round up all the other voters you know and help them get to the polls to vote for Zephyr and Wu.
Money. If they react too quickly they could be sued for breach of contract. I doubt Nike can just terminate these endorsement contracts at will. And it would be a PR disaster if they had to pay a large sum of money to a domestic abuser.
Well, at just before 2, I was voter #48. That’s in Erie County where the polls opened at 6. Two more people came in as I was voting. I usually vote around the same time in the generals and the votes are in the triple digits by the time I get there. So, yeah, voting seems to be pretty light.
I encouraged my daughter to vote. She was voter -1 at her polling place, since she got there before the polls opened at noon. Not sure she will go back later.
David in NY
“polls opened at noon”
In NY? Is it not a statewide rule that they’re open 6-9?
vote vote vote!!
I doubt even Wu has a chance, NYT endorsement or not.
Now I wonder about the DailyKos reporting today – Kos and Teachout have a blood feud.
i can tell by looking at your hands – you’re old. FOSSIL!
Very proud of y’all for voting.
Go Teachout and Wu!
@NYC Dem:
Also NYC here….
The spouse and I voted, as usual, early this morning. 6:40. Usually wind up being single digit, but we’ve never been #1and 2 before. That was weird.
I read yesterday (don’t remember exactly where–here?) that DeKalb County GA had added a Sunday to its early voting period. Predictably, a Republican state senator is freaking out and vowing to stop it. “The polling location is in South Dekalb Mall, where lots of African-Americans shop! It’s close to African-American mega churches! This election law loophole must be closed!”
I don’t know how many voters came before me (~4:00 pm) in my election district today, but I know that no one else from my district came in* while I was there.
Anyway, another vote for Teachout/Wu here.
I’m seeing a lot of people claiming that Teachout doesn’t have enough name recognition to win, but I think people are forgetting that most Democrats only turn out for primaries when they know there’s a competition — in other words, if you don’t even know Teachout’s name, then you don’t know Cuomo is being challenged and have no reason to make time to show up and vote for him in the primary. So I think Teachout has a better chance than most realize.
Of course, that may be wishful thinking talking.
(*Edited To Add: There were people voting in a few of the other districts, though. My polling place had tables and ballot readers for about 10 different districts.)
@Bobby Thomson:
Hunh? Low turnout elections favor challengers, particularly challengers with an enthusiastic base or against a despised incumbent – and Teachout has both.
Small turnout, so maybe we’ll know the outcome about 9:15-30?
A gift to Rachel Maddow.
Let’s make it a real gift, with an upset.
Ronnie Pudding
I voted after work at around 6pm. They said I was the 51st person to vote. Even allowing for an evening rush, that won’t reach 3 digits in NY25.