I'm perplexed on pivot to the economy and domestic cheerleading in that speech–confusing to people, different kind of USA exceptionalism
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) September 11, 2014
That being said, Obama was forceful tonight in his delivery and presentation so if you didn't process the words, it looked/sounded ok
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) September 11, 2014
Well, shit. What color do I have to make my website. And I'm not dying my fucking thumb purple this time.
— John Cole (@Johngcole) September 11, 2014
Maybe if the President suggested raising taxes to pay for this we could get Congress to vote on the issue.
Anyone catch John McCain and Jay Carney mixing it up on CNN?
@hilts: I missed it. Did Carney give pushback? He was way better than Gibbs was…
Oh and McCain and Romney hated the speech given by the who beat him mercilessly…shocker
There should be a tales of the crypt episode where Tim Russert drags that pudgy kid of his into the grave, never to return.
I actually think sober Cole is funnier.
Shorter BabyTim “I’m too fucking stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.”
Wtf are you whining about now Mr armchair quarterback? Just stfu and let the adults handle it.
I know as soon as you hear Dronezzzzz and ISIS releases a video of supposed innocent children hit in a school or something you and your hero Griftwald will start defending ISIS.
I thought Carney did the best he could under the circumstances.
Serious question, is Richard Engel, the ONLY war correspondent MSNBC has, just wondering.
Anyway, he tweeted:
Josh Marshall at TPM response to Engel :
@ JPL Cole is certainly angrier, so we’re getting more sarcasm.
@hilts: I like post-PresSec Carney way better than post-PresSec Gibbs
Maybe we should threaten to drop Luke Russert over Syria. I’m sure that would get the militants to start behaving themselves.
And if that doesn’t work, we escalate. Chuck Todd.
So from what I gather, basically this —>
ETA: Le sigh…
Mike in NC
Luke Russe(r)t = IQ of a potato?
@dmsilev: I prefer to drop Bill Kristol.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dear Little Lord Luckysperm–
I’m perplexed at how you think yourself qualified to comment on public policy
OK John, that suggestion there is anti-war. It might just work.
Didn’t see the speech. Catching up on it, wondering what the ISIL threat to the US actually is. I mean, I see potential threats to allies, but direct threat to us?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Don’t hav ea transcript, but Obama said pretty specifically there is no direct threat to the US at this time, to allies, interests and personnel in the region.
@KG: Maybe the relevant part is where the president said there are apparently europeans and americans who are training with ISIL right now who may be planning to come back to the united states to perform terrorist activities.
ISIL determined to attack in the united states?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The threat to the US is that its citizens are frightened by something they saw on television and want Daddy President to drop bombs on it until it goes away. One nation, huddling under the covers
Dog On Porch
A blogger enters Monty Python’s ‘Mr & Mrs Cheaplaugh’ territory citing Little Luke Russert’s deep thoughts about fuck all. Good for you, Cole.
“If that doesn’t work, we escalate. Chuck Todd.”
Don’t leave out Chris Matthews.
If John McCain is the only person the GOP has got to speak after Obama, then I’m just shocked that they do so well with voters, unless of course it’s just the idiots…
What has ISIL done to deserve that?
Spent the day with Cindy Cohn, general counsel of EFF and saw her speak. Feelin emoproggy.
I’m perplexed why Luke Russert has a position in the public sphere whereby his inane dribblings can get anywhere near the public consciousness.
Howard Beale IV
Anyone in Congress who says we should start bombing IS(IL/IS) should be put on the spot as to how the fuck we’re gonna pay for it.
For as crazy as Jesse Ventura is, he made a pretty damn good point when he pointed out that when it came to military interventions the Dems were cash and carry as opposed to the GOP who put the whole Iraq exercise on the Feds’s credit cards.
Quite frankly, I think we need a few field test to make sure our deployed W88’s are still functioning.
@ranchandsyrup: Didn’t know what “EFF” referred to, so I googled. All it told me is that it’s a euphemism for “fuck”.
Who did Luke Russert have to blow to get that job?
@dmsilev: the thing is, we have ample resources of idiot punditry to employ… we could even escalate and send Pat Buchanan, although Putin may see that as a final escalation….like tanks crossing the Volga
@WaterGirl: Well President McCain said theres been lots of chatter on Facebook and Twiitter about attacking the US. We all know that all successful terrorist operations are planned out on social media.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Howard Beale IV:
And who do you suggest as targets?
@WaterGirl: lol sorry water girl. Electronic frontier foundation. Involved in l’affair snowden and other issues. Cindy is great. Fascinating day.
Villago Delenda Est
@WaterGirl: When I was on the 9th ID staff back in the mid-80’s, the Chief of Staff used to use eff to avoid using the eff word, but he was conveying the same meaning in the same tone so there was no mistaking what was being communicated.
Bill E Pilgrim
I haven’t the slightest idea what any of those tweets mean. His or yours.
Not saying that they’re confusing or incomprehensible, it’s entirely possible that it’s just me, out of the loop on some set of codes or inside jokes, but just saying.
The Saudi’s are scared of the monster they created.
As (I think) John said, “What’s the Battle Hymn of the Saudi Army?”
Onward, Christian Soldiers.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@WaterGirl: This should help.
Cindy’s appearance on colbert
Southern Beale
Maybe I’m burned out but I don’t give a flying fuck about ISIS right now.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Villago Delenda Est: What a polite person. At my levels, artillery battalion and then brigade staff, the word fuck was used – except in the presence of the CO’s secretary.
The derp is strong with this one.
Southern Beale
According to my Twitter feed, John McCain just repeated that line about a porous border meaning ISIS will come to the US.
I’m wondering when these assholes will be telling us to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting.
Do you know of a link to audio or video for Cindy Cohn’s talk?
John Cole +0
Only because NONE of my damned grocery stores carry Hola Fruta! anymore. Bastards.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I wonder if the name EFF was an intentional reference to the typical usage of that acronym!
Bill E Pilgrim
@Southern Beale: This is one of the few things I’ve read that made sense on this topic. In the sense of reflecting what actually seems to be happening, instead of the almost universal succumbing to hysteria.
This country was played like a cheap banjo, and it’s amazing how close it often comes to being played again.
@John Cole +0: That’s just wrong! They are bastards.
I have had some luck with talking to grocery store management when they discontinue something I like. At least half the time they say they will bring it back. Maybe worth a try?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: ah, the article I read said something about ISIL being a threat to the US and that seemed strange.
@WaterGirl: ok, I can understand that. So, I guess the question is, can we figure out who those people are and track them when they leave/enter different countries?
@KG: Where’s the NSA when you need them???
@hilts: for today’s talk? The American constitutional society San Diego chapter sponsored it but I’m not sure if it was taped. Will look onto it though
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@WaterGirl: Possibly storing our information at the expense of doing their fucking job….
Public service announcement: If your DVR is set to record any shows at 10ET on ABC, NBC or CBS and you haven’t already set them to record longer than the usual end time, you might want to do so. My shows started about 18 minutes after the hour.
But you guys are smart so you probably already thought about this too. Never mind.
Patricia Kayden
@Southern Beale: I’m with you. ISIL just looks like another rallying point for Repugs to call for another war against Mooslems. Sigh.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I’m in 100% agreement with what you wrote. Maybe even more than that.
Thanks for the info. I hope a C-SPAN crew was at the event.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Storing information is the easy part of their job. Now they need to figure out how to use the information they’ve stored. This is proving somewhat trickier.
@John Cole +0: Looks like Martins are the only chain in WV that carries it. Wherever the closest one to you may be …
Also OT: my loverly wife is annoyed with Facebook and blogged about it
@hilts: Yes. I give Carney a lot of credit for not saying, “just shut the fuck up you senile old warmonger!” That’s what I was screaming at my screen.
Observations on the Plan for Iraq and Syria
by BooMan
Wed Sep 10th, 2014 at 09:55:20 PM EST
More over at Booman.
@Patricia Kayden: lol, Republicans? You think most Democrats (by which I mean Democratic politicians) won’t jump on that bandwagon with both fucking feet?
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@lamh36: Is his son in the Army or the Guard? Is his family going to get its hands dirty? No, I thought not. Fuck off, creep.
Joseph Nobles
I haven’t had it explained to me why I should have a new sort of freakout to the same old status quo Obama has had from the start of his Administration: bomb some radical Muslims as efficiently as possible, occasionally use Special Forces, and talk nice about why it’s necessary.
While I roll my eyes at the “OMG Drones!” contingent of the left, I’m far less tolerant of the vague Mitt Romney strength-by-whiteness-expressed-vocally suggestion or the less vague McCain strength-by-conventional-megaton proposals.
Obama has always beaten “Compared to what?” in a popularity contest.
He’s two, two, two bloggers in one.
(Bonus quatloos for all who get the reference.)
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@lamh36: So, to sum up: shitty situation, doing as well as possible under the circs. Isn’t that the story of most of Obama’s presidency?
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): basically. But still after seeing McCain all over the place tonight, I’ve never been happier with Obama.
McCain seems to barely remember what he previously said and did last year…bah.
Thank God him and the grifter never made it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Mike E
@trollhattan: All I got is a floor wax AND a dessert topping.
mai naem
@John Cole +0: I’m sure Hola Fruta is good and all but have you tried some other sherbets? I think Nancy’s makes some stuff that’s pretty similar. Also too, I’m always surprised when I go to Fry’s here(its a Kroeger store) and see how much natural kind of foods they have – stuff I would expect only places like Trader Joes and Whole Foods to have.
wish I understood the freakout better, when has this President not given a measured, appropriate response? Then again, that’s precisely what the GOP hates. he’s made no long term game plan that could be stood on it’s head depending upon the success and response from the other side regarding what type of commitment he’s made.
Not only will we find unicorns, we’ll find unicorns that do our bidding.
Time to make Jordan the 51st State, we’re going to need a lot more airbases.
mai naem
Kind of OT since y’all are talking about drones. Is there some kind of reason drones can’t be used to drop off medical equipment to Liberia. I keep on hearing about how they aren’t getting equipment because none of the airlines are going there. If we can bomb a house with a drone, can’t we at least deliver non-fragile stuff like personal protective equipment like gowns and gloves to the airport or stadium?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@lamh36: This will make you feel better, if only for a few minutes.
@piratedan: The measured response instead of “Let’s charge the fuck in there and shoot some motherfuckers” is the problem. People should remember that Custer was brave as hell, but he was also last in his class at West Point.
John Cole +0
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Pretty much.
I didn’t watch the speech, but I wish he’s have said that ISIS is deliberately engaging in outrageous acts of barbarianism in hopes of provoking an overreaction from the United States that will unify and legitimize their movement. And that any politician demanding the U.S. resort to use of overwhelming force is acting on their behalf.
El Caganer
I don’t have a teevee, so I didn’t catch the President’s speech. He actually said the US will make air strikes in Syria? Isn’t that an act of war?
@mai naem: An interesting idea, but I assume WHO aircraft, USAF/USN and NATO aircraft can get into these airports with supplies and we could base helicopters there for wider deployment.
CDC and others have go teams that charter their own a/c or use those supplied by international forces.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@El Caganer: Not necessarily. If Assad doesn’t control a particular region and attacks are coming from it, strikes into that region would not be an act of war.*
*Grossly simplified.
Seeing this is an open thread, has anyone got any idea how debt gets apportioned if Scotland becomes independent?
@Howard Beale IV:
As explained above, we Chuck Todd and Bill Kristol.
Sorry wrong thread. Please ignore previous comment(or remove).
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Yeah, I am not seeing the need for the freakout. GOS is losing its damn mind and acting like there are boots on the ground already.
We have seen Obama in action over the past 6 years. He”s not going to get drawn into a boots on the ground war. He resisted all calls for it in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iraq and Ukraine so far. I think he’ll do the same here.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@askew: Well, pretty much, no shit. No offense. It should be obvious to sane observers that this is the end result.
What the hell is Russert trying to say? Damned if I know.
One thing you gotta say about 140 characters, is sure makes the total lack of sense and content stand out.
Edit: Dismissive tone stands out, but over what, I can’t tell. Well, I guess Luke is 100 percent a medium is the message type a guy, so who gives a shit?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: stolen
Irony Abounds
The thing that is so frustrating is that none of Obama’s critics are proposing solutions, other than fucking nutjobs like McCain and Cheney who want more and more young men and women to die in combat. Ok Richard Engel, you self-important prick, what the fuck is your solution? The fact is there is no good solution. Only different shades of shitty.
@Irony Abounds:
Yep, that is it exactly. Or they just say it isn’t our problem and we should just ignore it. That will work out well for us I am sure.
@askew: And, whatever Obama said, he didn’t say it right, didn’t set the right tone, wasn’t presidential enough, or he was a blah man being presidential, which skeered all the piss out of them. You learn so much about what is going on in the world from the corporate media news these days.
Comrade Luke
Why can’t we ignore it?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
The story of his presidency is that he’s done way the fuck better than most humans could ever dream of doing, given the shit hand he was dealt on all fronts from the get go, the disgusting racism, disrespect to his office and obstructionism unprecedented against any president in American history, the worse than useless excuse for a “press” to reveal any kind of truth, and the knives at his throat 24/7 from all sides, including his own.
I thought he looked exhausted and strained to the max, and I don’t blame him. If I were him, I’d be counting the days to whatever the fuck comes after he’s out of there, and not giving a shit what that is.
joel hanes
The story of his presidency is that he’s done way the fuck better than most humans could ever dream of doing, given the shit hand he was dealt on all fronts from the get go, the disgusting racism, disrespect to his office and obstructionism unprecedented against any president in American history, the worse than useless excuse for a “press” to reveal any kind of truth, and the knives at his throat 24/7 from all sides, including his own.
Sometimes I disagree with eemom about some things.
Not about this.
Thanks for writing it; I could not have said it as well.
joel hanes
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, good guys who use real lawyers in real courts to defend the freedoms of fair use of copyrighted material and net neutrality, among other issues on which the public needs representation.
Mike Godwin, who coined Godwin’s Law, was their first staff counsel.
Now they have many.
They deserve your support.
@joel hanes:
I used to give them money, but stopped when they hopped on the Snowden-as-hero bandwagon. It would be one thing for them to use relevant reporting from his leaks to inform their advocacy, it’s another for them to fund-raise off his cult of personality and praise his character & criminal actions. Hell, EFF’s JP Barlow even shares a Board of Directors with Ed.
Mike J
Posters here, many on the front page, all always happy to jump on that bandwagon.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
If he hates Obama and Democrats he’s qualified to BE president.
Which is one of the reasons The Village hates him. That and he’s not a white Republican.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
(The two first names are verbs.)
Cindy Cohn is the Legal Director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Booman also said to make the very difficult plan to work, if any plan could work, would require the american people to be very patient. Heaven help us. Between americans who always think the solution is to bomb them to the stone age whoever “them” is at the moment and our media’s customary practice of muddying the waters no matter what the issue, it’s the same old incoherence.
@Jamey: His dad.
Howard Beale IV
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): K Street for starts.
David in NY
May we start calling all this the “Chicken-Little syndrome in American politics”? How about starting a tag? And just repeating it every day.
Cause his daddy’s paymasters watched him grow up into a shill prodigy. They knew they had something special in little Lukey, and just like a Hall of Fame athlete, little Lukey is doing a great job of hitting those approved talking points right out of the park.
He might just give David Brooks a run for the Shill-For-Hire batting title this year.
@Comrade Luke: Because history often rhymes…
It’s dyeing. Not dying. Dying is, you know, dying.