Dear god. Reminds me of the first time a Brit gal told me she was “completely knocked up.”
Two peoples separated by a common language.
Is that Matthew Crawley? This will annoy two people I know who take Downton Abbey WAY too seriously (both were offended by this). I must forward this to them immediately, since I’m 12, too.
If I had a nickel for all the American men I’ve had to beat off to get where I am today….
Have you been to the new Korean taco joint on Foster (at Paulina) yet??
@BGinCHI: Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way. You know every type of love better far than they.
@BGinCHI: I went by there the other night and wondered about it. The third baseman is on a soft diet (possibly forever) because of the muscular dystrophy, so we’re not eating out much right now.
@BGinCHI: Which reminds me of the time a friend said, “There were so many men after me I had to beat them off with a stick.” I replied, “Sounds kinky.”
@shortstop: It’s ripping good. Great kimchee fried rice, banh mi, and, well, everything so far. Nice folks, too.
In High School as part of an international student thing I spent a week with kids from various nations. I had a bit of a crush on a red haired Brit girl but was too shy to say anything. As the gathering was breaking up one night she turned to me & said, “Will you come by and knock me up in the morning?” I turn very crimson I am sure & she knew something was wrong but not what. My friend was just mean enough that he made ME explain to her what “Knocked up” meant in America. Not knocking on the door as she knew it to mean. *SIGH* I wonder how she is doing these days.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
hope the soft diet thing will find a way to pass. I did it for a couple of months after throat cancer & it was much less than the most fun I have ever had in my life. Sending good thoughts to the 5 hole.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve been avoiding the TeeVee today because when I flipped through MSNBC on the car radio they were re-broadcasting NBC news form 13 yrs ago, so I’m curious: Is anyone indulging in mention the Palins’ throw down at the hoedown? or are they being All Very Serious today?. Link for anyone who’s been productive today.
Stephen Colbert, a nation turns its snarky eyes to you.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
Poor little guy! Hopefully his coat will grow back & he will get into fighting trim soon. My neighbors shave their dog every summer & I swear I can tell he is embarrassed to be seen without his fur. Until I saw it I would have said thats silly but he acts noticeably different after the shave
Suffern ACE
I’m sure he beat off those men through hard work. He wouldn’t have gotten that role if were sitting on his fanny all day.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@gogol’s wife: I never really liked Matthew (or Mary, for that matter).
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: Thanks. He does have dysphagia, but we need to figure out how much of it was from having the barium swallow test soon after being in septic shock and without having eaten for five days. He wasn’t at his best that day, plus he was born with a pretty severe cleft palate and we suspect some of it might be due to that. That would actually be good news because it would mean that his muscular impairment might not be that bad yet.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I freely admit I am freaking WALLOWING in this story. As mentioned in another thread earlier this week, I’ve been in withdrawals since the McDonnell trial ended.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
Oh GAWD! YES! she had exactly that light, lilting accent that makes me want to chew the furniture to get at her! I love my wife more than life itself but there are two girls I wish I could have another lifetime with just to see how it would have worked out. Is that weird? No way I would swap the great thing I have but I wish it was possible to see what the last 45 years would have been like. That must be an old guy thing.
@Trollhattan: One time my dad was in rural Switzerland and asked a restaurant worker “haben Sie schon geöffnet?” not realizing it was the local idiom for “are you a virgin?” rather than “have you opened yet?”
Good times.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
That is GREAT! Its so easy to forget that these ‘tough guys’ are just kids like we used to be. They had a ceremony the first time my kid came back & I had strict orders about what I could do. but when he was done & we got the hell out of there we let go. I bet this kid did too.
@gogol’s wife: How could he stay after they made him stand up in his wheelchair while everyone screamed about it being a miracle? Presumably he has some dignity.
He looks like he’s got his pants in a twist. He’d probably like a fag or two.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
aw jay-zeus. just when I want to feel sorry for myself someone comes along & reminds me it could be worse. This is a shitty world, life is so unkind & I have no idea why we exist any more. The amount of pain I have seen & experienced over the last few decades make me sorry I brought kids into the world. I sure hope that this works out somehow to be better than it is now.
Wow!….97% register to vote in the referendum on Scottish independence. Still way too close to determine who is going to win, but the result won’t be due to voter apathy.
I’m not in favor of compulsory voting, but I’m warming to the idea of compulsory voter registration.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
@Major Major Major Major:
In Germany one summer I asked the girl behind the counter “Wo ist die Toilette?” She turned out to be English but I am not sure how big a part that played but her reply in heavily accented German was, “Wir sind alle aus Schokolade” “We are all out of chocolate”.
Luckily for me we could communicate in English!
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
It always makes me sad to see the low turn out in American elections. Even given that my opinion is most people are too stupid to vote! I am envious of places that get 80-90% turn out. It might be a mistake but I believe those people are better informed and more concerned that the average American non-participant.
@Trollhattan: accents and foreign languages… might be hardwired, a way to expand the gene pool for the clan.
@BGinCHI: Korean tacos?! I have a shining memory of a Korean meat bulgogi place on Western and Berwyn, is this taco experience better still? One for taco v bulgogi Two for places if you can.
@p.a.: “Looks” is right. The “every” means “every one,” so it makes the whole construction singular.
My inner child thought that was hilarious too, John.
This lighthearted thread seems like a good place to post Gene Lyons’ account of his 14 year old Basset, Fred. You guys will love it. I don’t know how to get it to TBOGG.
It always makes me sad to see the low turn out in American elections. Even given that my opinion is most people are too stupid to vote!
Maybe the Scottish referendum is an exception, where even stupid people can make an informed decision. All they have to do is answer a simple question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”.
It’s interesting that although the minimum voting age for that referendum was lowered to 16, you must also reside in Scotland to be able to vote.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
@Major Major Major Major:
That whole trip shook my confidence.
My grossvater came from Kirchberg & I worked hard to speak with the correct accent. When I arrived in Frankfurt I asked a guy on the street where the main railway station was & he described in perfect German the way. Then, as the light changed & we started walking across the street he added in German accented English “And mind the curb, its steep!”
Damn, he knew!
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
You think she might have been yanking my chain?
It’s interesting that although the minimum voting age for that referendum was lowered to 16, you must also reside in Scotland to be able to vote.
It looks very much to me as if the pro-independence people are trying to tip the scales in their favor by playing with the voting rules. That’s my general suspicion whenever somebody wants to change the rules for one time only.
Mike J
@Trollhattan: My brit friend and I were standing in line to get into trendy club. We notice two cute girls standing behind us, and 1) knowing it’s easier to get in if you have girls with you and 2) being on the pull anyway (why else were we going to Fabric?) we start chatting them up. One bums a cig off James. James says he should cut down, but as soon as he wakes up he just needs a fag. Then a cup of tea, then a fag. “Tea and fags, teas and fags. ” He continues for too long about tea and fags.
Not the best pick up attempt.
@Howard Beale IV: He can pick up a lot of King Sized in Mayfair.
@p.a.: It’s not just goldens and labs — it’s all dogs. And it’s not that they’re embarrassed: They’re nervous, as I learned from “The Good Soldier Schweik,” Jaroslav Hasek’s great WWI comic romp of a novel. Schweik, a certifiable idiot and proud of it, explains that dogs know that while pooping they are vulnerable to dognappers — Schweik’s profession before being drafted into the Kaiser’s army.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Hungry Joe: Schweik would have been in the Austro-Hungarian army, not the German army.
But those voting rules were openly negotiated between the Scottish and UK governments, and passed into law.
Now it can be argued that David Cameron was completely outsmarted in the negotiations, and got played like a cheap banjo. But of course each side was trying to outsmart the other.
If Scotland votes for independence I think historians are going to be very harsh on Cameron. It’s not as bad as Chamberlain in Munich, but the hapless fool got rolled over, and he has already made a ton of promises and concessions to Scotland that he will forced to keep even if the Scots vote against independence.
@stickler: Shit. You are right. Hoist with my own pedant.
I’m not sure that all of the people who are telling pollsters that they are voting “yes” will end up doing so. I think some people just want to put a scare into Westminster and see how much they can get out of Cameron. Some people are just happy to have a voice in the matter; seeing how unification came about in 1707.
Bobby Thomson
He would need a lot of range for that part. I bet he had to reach. Around the casting agents.
@Mandalay: makes sense to me. Scotland doesn’t have a large population of former residents living in exile or in refuge camps. There’s no reason to poll outside its borders, or try to limit voting within those borders to people of Scots descent. It is a referendum on a territory, not an identity.
Why is my IP banned from mobile posting? Is this a thing that happened last week and I missed it?
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: You’re very kind, but it’s all right, really. He feels good and there’s literally nothing he can’t do right now except eat very hard, crunchy or chewy things. Both of us feel this ranks somewhat low in the overall scheme of world suffering. His repeat expansion (this is caused by RNA toxicity) is relatively low, so we’re hopeful that it won’t get much worse than this since severity of symptoms seems to correlate with length of repeats. Having dealt with other serious health issues his whole life — cleft palate, scoliosis — he’s a very tough guy who adapts much better than most of us who’ve suffered little physically.
We had our 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday and you better believe I cried from gratitude most of the day. That surgery misadventure this summer (which turns out to have been a not-uncommon hypersensitivity to anesthesia among myotonic dystrophy patients) has had the very significant silver lining of making us take nothing for granted and appreciate everything. In a joyous way, not a sense-of-doom fashion, honestly.
Now who’s got video of the Palin brawl? SOMEBODY must.
@gogol’s wife: I do. I’m not proud of it, but there it is. I. Want. To. See.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@shortstop: We all have our failings. Yours appears to be relatively harmless. A belated happy anniversary to you.
Matt McIrvin
@Origuy: it looks to me as if the poll with Yes leading that got so much publicity was an outlier. News stories so often treat random poll noise as of it indicated some trend.
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Dear god. Reminds me of the first time a Brit gal told me she was “completely knocked up.”
Two peoples separated by a common language.
Is that Matthew Crawley? This will annoy two people I know who take Downton Abbey WAY too seriously (both were offended by this). I must forward this to them immediately, since I’m 12, too.
If I had a nickel for all the American men I’ve had to beat off to get where I am today….
@shortstop: Yes. Tower Bridge in the background.
Have you been to the new Korean taco joint on Foster (at Paulina) yet??
@BGinCHI: Let the poets pipe of love in their childish way. You know every type of love better far than they.
@BGinCHI: I went by there the other night and wondered about it. The third baseman is on a soft diet (possibly forever) because of the muscular dystrophy, so we’re not eating out much right now.
Mustang Bobby
@BGinCHI: Which reminds me of the time a friend said, “There were so many men after me I had to beat them off with a stick.” I replied, “Sounds kinky.”
@shortstop: It’s ripping good. Great kimchee fried rice, banh mi, and, well, everything so far. Nice folks, too.
Best to the Mr.
A really fat Maine Coon cat with no fur.
@Mustang Bobby: That either costs or pays extra.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
In High School as part of an international student thing I spent a week with kids from various nations. I had a bit of a crush on a red haired Brit girl but was too shy to say anything. As the gathering was breaking up one night she turned to me & said, “Will you come by and knock me up in the morning?” I turn very crimson I am sure & she knew something was wrong but not what. My friend was just mean enough that he made ME explain to her what “Knocked up” meant in America. Not knocking on the door as she knew it to mean. *SIGH* I wonder how she is doing these days.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
hope the soft diet thing will find a way to pass. I did it for a couple of months after throat cancer & it was much less than the most fun I have ever had in my life. Sending good thoughts to the 5 hole.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve been avoiding the TeeVee today because when I flipped through MSNBC on the car radio they were re-broadcasting NBC news form 13 yrs ago, so I’m curious: Is anyone indulging in mention the Palins’ throw down at the hoedown? or are they being All Very Serious today?. Link for anyone who’s been productive today.
Stephen Colbert, a nation turns its snarky eyes to you.
gogol's wife
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: Aww. If that happened to me, I’d call it my Charlie Brown phase.” Cute little red-haired girl and all.
Have always been a sucker for females with accents; I think it’s hard-wired or something. Okay, maybe not South Boston or Brooklyn.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Now that you mention it, this is his last Wingnut Christmas as the Colbert we know.
For those who can see gifs, Marine self control in action:
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
Poor little guy! Hopefully his coat will grow back & he will get into fighting trim soon. My neighbors shave their dog every summer & I swear I can tell he is embarrassed to be seen without his fur. Until I saw it I would have said thats silly but he acts noticeably different after the shave
Suffern ACE
I’m sure he beat off those men through hard work. He wouldn’t have gotten that role if were sitting on his fanny all day.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@gogol’s wife: I never really liked Matthew (or Mary, for that matter).
@Suffern ACE: Nicely played.
Still the gold standard of Downton parodies:—-breaking-abbey-
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: Thanks. He does have dysphagia, but we need to figure out how much of it was from having the barium swallow test soon after being in septic shock and without having eaten for five days. He wasn’t at his best that day, plus he was born with a pretty severe cleft palate and we suspect some of it might be due to that. That would actually be good news because it would mean that his muscular impairment might not be that bad yet.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I freely admit I am freaking WALLOWING in this story. As mentioned in another thread earlier this week, I’ve been in withdrawals since the McDonnell trial ended.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
Oh GAWD! YES! she had exactly that light, lilting accent that makes me want to chew the furniture to get at her! I love my wife more than life itself but there are two girls I wish I could have another lifetime with just to see how it would have worked out. Is that weird? No way I would swap the great thing I have but I wish it was possible to see what the last 45 years would have been like. That must be an old guy thing.
Major Major Major Major
@Trollhattan: One time my dad was in rural Switzerland and asked a restaurant worker “haben Sie schon geöffnet?” not realizing it was the local idiom for “are you a virgin?” rather than “have you opened yet?”
Good times.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
That is GREAT! Its so easy to forget that these ‘tough guys’ are just kids like we used to be. They had a ceremony the first time my kid came back & I had strict orders about what I could do. but when he was done & we got the hell out of there we let go. I bet this kid did too.
@gogol’s wife: How could he stay after they made him stand up in his wheelchair while everyone screamed about it being a miracle? Presumably he has some dignity.
He looks like he’s got his pants in a twist. He’d probably like a fag or two.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
aw jay-zeus. just when I want to feel sorry for myself someone comes along & reminds me it could be worse. This is a shitty world, life is so unkind & I have no idea why we exist any more. The amount of pain I have seen & experienced over the last few decades make me sorry I brought kids into the world. I sure hope that this works out somehow to be better than it is now.
Wow!….97% register to vote in the referendum on Scottish independence. Still way too close to determine who is going to win, but the result won’t be due to voter apathy.
I’m not in favor of compulsory voting, but I’m warming to the idea of compulsory voter registration.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
@Major Major Major Major:
In Germany one summer I asked the girl behind the counter “Wo ist die Toilette?” She turned out to be English but I am not sure how big a part that played but her reply in heavily accented German was, “Wir sind alle aus Schokolade” “We are all out of chocolate”.
Luckily for me we could communicate in English!
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
It always makes me sad to see the low turn out in American elections. Even given that my opinion is most people are too stupid to vote! I am envious of places that get 80-90% turn out. It might be a mistake but I believe those people are better informed and more concerned that the average American non-participant.
@Trollhattan: accents and foreign languages… might be hardwired, a way to expand the gene pool for the clan.
Major Major Major Major
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: That’s just bizarre.
@BGinCHI: Korean tacos?! I have a shining memory of a Korean meat bulgogi place on Western and Berwyn, is this taco experience better still? One for taco v bulgogi Two for places if you can.
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: I’ve noticed that most every golden and lab I’ve seen squatting to do their thing when people are around looks embarrassed. Or is it ‘look embarrassed’? I hate compound nouns.
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]:
I’m afraid your British gals just had a rather sheltered upbringing. “Knocked up” is perfectly valid slang in Britain.
Howard Beale IV
@srv: Plain, filtered, with or without menthol?
Compose yourself, guys.
Iowa Old Lady
@p.a.: “Looks” is right. The “every” means “every one,” so it makes the whole construction singular.
My inner child thought that was hilarious too, John.
This lighthearted thread seems like a good place to post Gene Lyons’ account of his 14 year old Basset, Fred. You guys will love it. I don’t know how to get it to TBOGG.
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]:
Maybe the Scottish referendum is an exception, where even stupid people can make an informed decision. All they have to do is answer a simple question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”.
It’s interesting that although the minimum voting age for that referendum was lowered to 16, you must also reside in Scotland to be able to vote.
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
@Major Major Major Major:
That whole trip shook my confidence.
My grossvater came from Kirchberg & I worked hard to speak with the correct accent. When I arrived in Frankfurt I asked a guy on the street where the main railway station was & he described in perfect German the way. Then, as the light changed & we started walking across the street he added in German accented English “And mind the curb, its steep!”
Damn, he knew!
Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]
You think she might have been yanking my chain?
Roger Moore
It looks very much to me as if the pro-independence people are trying to tip the scales in their favor by playing with the voting rules. That’s my general suspicion whenever somebody wants to change the rules for one time only.
Mike J
@Trollhattan: My brit friend and I were standing in line to get into trendy club. We notice two cute girls standing behind us, and 1) knowing it’s easier to get in if you have girls with you and 2) being on the pull anyway (why else were we going to Fabric?) we start chatting them up. One bums a cig off James. James says he should cut down, but as soon as he wakes up he just needs a fag. Then a cup of tea, then a fag. “Tea and fags, teas and fags. ” He continues for too long about tea and fags.
Not the best pick up attempt.
@Howard Beale IV: He can pick up a lot of King Sized in Mayfair.
@Roger Moore: Mmm, but there seems to be a general move to lower the age to 16 so it’s not just about this vote and it’s not just Scotland.
Hungry Joe
@p.a.: It’s not just goldens and labs — it’s all dogs. And it’s not that they’re embarrassed: They’re nervous, as I learned from “The Good Soldier Schweik,” Jaroslav Hasek’s great WWI comic romp of a novel. Schweik, a certifiable idiot and proud of it, explains that dogs know that while pooping they are vulnerable to dognappers — Schweik’s profession before being drafted into the Kaiser’s army.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Hungry Joe: Schweik would have been in the Austro-Hungarian army, not the German army.
@Hungry Joe: Hey, who doesn’t feel vulnerable at such a time?
Hungry Joe
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): You’re right, of course. I got so fixated on the dog-pooping angle that I forgot to fact check.
@Roger Moore:
But those voting rules were openly negotiated between the Scottish and UK governments, and passed into law.
Now it can be argued that David Cameron was completely outsmarted in the negotiations, and got played like a cheap banjo. But of course each side was trying to outsmart the other.
If Scotland votes for independence I think historians are going to be very harsh on Cameron. It’s not as bad as Chamberlain in Munich, but the hapless fool got rolled over, and he has already made a ton of promises and concessions to Scotland that he will forced to keep even if the Scots vote against independence.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Well, the Austrians had a Kaiser, too: Franz Josef. Then Karl, after 1916. Then none, after 1918.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@stickler: Shit. You are right. Hoist with my own pedant.
I’m not sure that all of the people who are telling pollsters that they are voting “yes” will end up doing so. I think some people just want to put a scare into Westminster and see how much they can get out of Cameron. Some people are just happy to have a voice in the matter; seeing how unification came about in 1707.
Bobby Thomson
He would need a lot of range for that part. I bet he had to reach. Around the casting agents.
gogol's wife
@Hungry Joe:
and after!
Suffern ACE
@Mandalay: makes sense to me. Scotland doesn’t have a large population of former residents living in exile or in refuge camps. There’s no reason to poll outside its borders, or try to limit voting within those borders to people of Scots descent. It is a referendum on a territory, not an identity.
Why is my IP banned from mobile posting? Is this a thing that happened last week and I missed it?
@Schlemazel [was Schlemizel till NotMax taught me proper yiddish!]: You’re very kind, but it’s all right, really. He feels good and there’s literally nothing he can’t do right now except eat very hard, crunchy or chewy things. Both of us feel this ranks somewhat low in the overall scheme of world suffering. His repeat expansion (this is caused by RNA toxicity) is relatively low, so we’re hopeful that it won’t get much worse than this since severity of symptoms seems to correlate with length of repeats. Having dealt with other serious health issues his whole life — cleft palate, scoliosis — he’s a very tough guy who adapts much better than most of us who’ve suffered little physically.
We had our 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday and you better believe I cried from gratitude most of the day. That surgery misadventure this summer (which turns out to have been a not-uncommon hypersensitivity to anesthesia among myotonic dystrophy patients) has had the very significant silver lining of making us take nothing for granted and appreciate everything. In a joyous way, not a sense-of-doom fashion, honestly.
Now who’s got video of the Palin brawl? SOMEBODY must.
gogol's wife
Do you really, really, want to see it?
@gogol’s wife: I do. I’m not proud of it, but there it is. I. Want. To. See.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@shortstop: We all have our failings. Yours appears to be relatively harmless. A belated happy anniversary to you.
Matt McIrvin
@Origuy: it looks to me as if the poll with Yes leading that got so much publicity was an outlier. News stories so often treat random poll noise as of it indicated some trend.