If you’ve seen Rescue Me, you’ve seen the clans I grew up among. I have just enough lace-curtain striver in me to be extra-extra-super-glad certain people never made it to the Naval Observatory, even if we’ll never get them out of the public eye. Via Raw Story, here’s Alaskan political blogger Amanda Coyne:
… The details are a little sketchy, but there’s enough of them, from enough different sources, that a story emerges, a story that according to the gossip Gods, looks kind of like this: There’s some sort of unofficial birthday/Iron Dog-type/snowmachine party in Anchorage. A nice, mellow party, until the Palin’s show up. There’s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!”… As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose…
It’s probably some familial consolation that they still have stalkers…
ETA: Update from Amanda Coyne:
I wrote about the Saturday-night Palin family brawl in my Loose Lips column—my version of a gossip column–hoping that some other news source, preferably a local news source, would pick it up, and run with it. I’m a one-woman show here. I’m the writer, the editor, and the business manager, and I’m trying to cover the state’s political races. As I write this, I’m at a health care conference in Girdwood, trying to learn as much as I can about why healthcare costs are so astronomically high in Alaska, when they have appeared to be declining elsewhere. (Expect a post on that later)…
Executive director of the Iron Dog, Kevin Kastner, wants people to know that this was in no way an Iron Dog party, though some Iron Dog racers may have been there.
Not all professional snowmachine racers!…
ETAA: Via Crooks & Liars, Patrick at Politicalgates is all over it:
… It was the birthday party for former Iron Dog winner Marc McKenna, the party for his 40th birthday. However, the party did not take place at his house, but at the house of another couple who hosted the birthday party for him in Anchorage… There were about 100 people at the party.
Marc McKenna invited Sarah and Todd, but not the rest of the family, so he was quite surprised when the whole gang showed up.
Another thing which we have to correct is the claim that Tripp witnessed the fight. The truth is that Tripp was in the limousine outside the house, apparently asleep, while the brawl happened. When the fight started outside of the house, the limo driver then drove down the block with Tripp, so that Tripp did not have to see the ugly scenes which were unfolding…
See, that’s high-class, caring parenting right there — always get the littlies well out of range once the punches start flying. It seems to have been Todd’s birthday as well — happy b’day, daddy, from your darling daughters…
Howard Beale IV
You missed the best quote:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is it possible this was the only moment in modern American life where not one person had a smart phone? Snowmobile show? Sounds like something people would have cameras at. Help us, Obi Wan Spaghetti Monster, we need some larfs.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Be patient, the video-takers are probably negotiating for the best possible cash deal as we speak.
Rex Everything
Yeah, all this trash stuff kinda makes me like them better. At least they aren’t Mormons.
Lee Hartmann
Levi Johnston’s blues.
Video or it didn’t happen.
(And video of the former guv getting into fisticuffs would be golden for whomever shopped it around, I tells ya.)
Mike E
Whenever somebody says to me, “Do you know who I am?” I always say, “Reese Witherspoon?” Dudes hate that shit.
Howard Beale IV
@dmsilev: The worst part is that regardless of how much coin gets transferred, this scenario will just further solidify her place as a ‘Real American’.
May John McCain never die for his foisting Caribou Barbie on America.
Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!
A “Floridian” stalker?
Even when the story is about assholes in Alaska, Florida still has to stick it’s wang in!
BTW, re: “ex-boyfriend of Willow’s”. Isn’t she, like, eleven?
Or as they call her in Wasilla, “An old maid.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Poopyman: I had the same thought, at least that Track was looking to beat up on a high school kid, but she’s twenty.
@FridayNext: Hey now!
@dmsilev: is there a kick starter campaign? I’m in for twenty.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She’s actually 20. Her sister already had a kid by that age. My point stands.
So if Willow had a kid would they name him Twig? If Track had a kid would he be called Halftrack?
Damn. Now the parade will be down one person.
Also, I was listening to NPR this morning and was surprised to hear that Pat Roberts, the Kansas Republican running for reelection, doesn’t have a residence in Kansas, and joked to the NY Times he has a recliner set up at a friends house. Now his struggle makes sense to me. I’m surprised he’s so tone deaf, but Politicians who think they have a lock on something tend to underestimate how much effort they have to put into a race.
I’ve streamed MSNBC and they haven’t mentioned it. I guess Sarah might be muddy but not black enough.
also, too..maybe I missed it.
Needs to change his poisoned name.
Maybe Track N. Field?
@NotMax: OTB
So is Track still married?
And if he’s as fecund as his pop, he’ll eventually have a kid called Eightrack.
@Poopyman: If the kid is a girl, they will name her Twerk.
@JPL: According to Wonkette, Track’s marriage failed shortly after it began.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@beltane: Oh, dear. That could happen.
Personally, I could care less about the Palin’s but the police were called at midnight and Bristol had her five year old son. Really! Really!
@JPL: I believe this falls under the umbrella of white privilege.
Has Sarah refudiated this story yet?
Another blemish on his Track record?
@beltane: Meanwhile, Levi and his wife announced #2 in the most Alaskan way.
I hope someone on one of the Sunday shows asks John McCain if he still thinks Sarah is presidential material.
When are the white community leaders going to speak out and condemn the continuing violence in the white community?
@beltane: I believe she’s on KKKlanity tonight, but I doubt the subject is even broached.
@Poopyman: OK, that’s kind of cute in its own way. Levi obviously had too much class to every be fully accepted by the Palin family.
You should send that to Andrew Sullivan, Levi pics make his day.
@beltane: You know, families should not be touched because they shouldn’t cuz if they were five year olds would be brought to parties at midnight.. reallly
@efgoldman: nope.. That was the one in her daughter’s tummy.
@Poopyman: That’s funny, especially as one of those jokes that you send to family and friends. And I think he got someone way above his pay grade.
@efgoldman: No, this was Bristol’s child. Although according to some sources who shall remain nameless, both children were Bristol’s.
I really don’t care what the Palin’s do but I’m appalled that they are dragging a five year old to parties at midnight.
Call me old fashioned but these folk can afford a babysitter.
Rasmussen – yeah, them – have released a poll about the NC Senate race. (No link because I despise ’em.)
But get this:
Whoa. Think NC has gone from Toss-Up to Likely Dem. And puts a major hit for the chances of a GOP Senate takeover.
@Belafon: She has very blue eyes.
It may be that he’s a good kid that (ahem) fell in with bad company early in HS. Shit happens to lots of kids, and I’m kinda sorry this one got dragged onto the national stage.
Finally sitting down to Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Damn, it’s awesome and multilayered.
Great stuff!!
Remember how 13 years ago there were 5000 in AQ, and 10 years ago when there were a few thousand dead enders?
Stuck in Brownbackistan
@Hal: If Roberts hadn’t had a serious primary challenger, his avoidance of this “great” state would never have come up. But now even the low-info voters are aware. And they can be surly when provoked.
If this ends up being a two-man race, he’s done. But something tells me that Sammy Brownback’s last gift to this state will be a Supreme Court decision that gives Roberts the plurality he needs to (not) represent Kansas for six more years.
Sports related, Giancarlo Stanton of the Marlins just took a baseball to the face against the Brewers. They’ve carted him off, and the one time I looked at it, it appears it missed his eye. Fucking nasty. Hopefully the kid isn’t injured long term.
Suffern ACE
@Botsplainer: yeah, but after awhile the number of scenes involving broken glass starts to get annoying. We get it! They’re tough guys! Flying through windows means nothing to them!
Suffern ACE
@srv: there’s always been 25,000 Taliban, no,matter how many we kill and how long we fight.
Bob In Portland
Piece on why the truce won’t hold.
Wally Ballou
@Gravenstone: Minutes later the Yankees’ Chase Headley took a fastball flush on the chin. He, at least, was able to walk off the field under his own power.
@Suffern ACE: What else is a dudebro supposed to do?
Reddit isn’t going to be enough.
Damn. He’s an amazing player.
There has GOT to be video and the internet is going to explode when it comes out
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Yay. Ten more job applications submitted today.
Mike in NC
@Anoniminous: Hey, but the awesomeness called Chris Christie is coming to NC for a Tillis fundraiser. That might shave a few more points off that nitwit’s poll numbers.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Will keep you in my thoughts that you get some interviews and a job emerges really soon.
Mike in NC
The Republicans screwed it up. They should have paired Mitt Romney with Sarah Palin as running mate, purely for the entitled plutocrat / desperate white trash contrast. Plus the idiotic names of their kids.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
Great! Don’t forget that a decent answer to, Why haven’t you been working? is I just finished my first novel. It’s the male equivalent of, I took time off to stay home with my children.
@Mike in NC: I’m not sure a Romney/Palin ticket would have been a political success, but it would have been one hell of an episode of “Wife Swap”.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@beltane: ::shudder::
More “Palin partyin'” details (and still no video) over at Crooks & Liars.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
“Mother told me, yes, she told me I’d meet girls like you.
She also told me, ‘Stay away, you’ll never know what you’ll catch.'”
@Poopyman: Someone’s got to have video of this unless the Palins managed to confiscate everyone’s phone.
Joseph Nobles
“This isn’t some damned hillbilly reality show!”
Please add this to the header rotation, Mr. Cole.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@beltane: Video will surface. Be patient.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I can haz pardon for other 1980s musical felony now plz?
Sigh, coalition of the unwilling
Kick Turkey out of NATO
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Willard and Snow Snooki would make an effort and grimace, dead-eyed, for the cameras while making the most awkward small talk since Lindsey Graham went on a “date” with Laura Ingraham, but The Lady Ann and the First Dude would be at each other’s throats.
Todd wouldn’t know what hit him.
Shame on you, John McCain, for unleashing this family on the nation.
Jerzy Russian
@Poopyman: I refuse to believe that the Palins are real people. To me it seems more likely that they are some elaborate internet hoax.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Those hard-drinking Palin girls would be too much for Ann. She has no experience with girls, especially not girls like that.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@eemom: Hey, that song and that band are okay in my book. Good, honest working-class guys from Rockford, IL. They work hard and do their thing. OTOH, kudos for recognizing. The Soft Cell/Clash thing still exists. Sorry.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@srv: Turkey gets the same vote as any other ally. Deal with it.
If women actually get out and vote November 4 will be a long night for the GOP.
@Mike in NC:
At that kind of a lead among women Hagan only has to get about 20% support from men to be re-elected. People in Research Triangle really need to turn-out.
Plan B:
Good thing that Plan A, criminilzation and Prison Industrial Compex solved their problem.
Beth in VA
@ira-NY: no, these people are awesome as hell as long as they don’t hold office. A work of Americana Performance Folk Art that will never be imitated successfully.
I remember Osama Bin Laden saying that his dream result from 9/11 was that the United States would, in retaliation, invade an Islamic country that had nothing to do with the attack. “It will give us recruits for a hundred years”.
Thanks, Cheney/Bush!!
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Your vote for ISIL is noted.
Me and Obama, dead enders…
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@srv: Quite.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I’m not sure if you’re serious, but that’s a terrible answer. If you say that, the prospective employer hears, “I have things I’d rather do than work for you.”
@Beth in VA:
I prefer Copland.
This is certainly interesting.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Anoniminous: Who doesn’t?
I was once privileged to play this for Copland in person as a part of the Fairfield County Festival of Strings.
I would rater see a video of the 2014 Palin Riot than videos of:
Hitler’s suicide.
A Robert Johnson live performance.
Shakespeare reading his sonnets.
Add your own.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@MoeLarryAndJesus: How do you know that Shakespeare would be good at reading his work? Not every author is. Therefore, this might be a throwaway.
@trollhattan: Damn
So anyone else interested in a villa properties in Cinque Terra or Tuscany?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
That must have been a thrill as well as a privilege. The man was a genius. The opening bassoon/oboe duet in Doppio movimento (aka: Simple Gifts) is written in ninths. Sounds absolutely horrible on a piano but – gahdayam – it sure works.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
No, it’s a good answer. It explains a prior gap in your work history. The fact that you’re at the fucking job interview says that you’re interested in working for them now.
Wasn’t there a lady who lost custody of her children because she left them in a car while going to a job interview?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: I agree. Especially since JMN has actually completed and is in the precess of publishing the novel. It isn’t an “I was working on my novel, but now I need a job” answer. He actually did write it.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I danced it. Such a joy to move to that music.
I have just been absolutely laughing my ass off at the Palins all day. I am just utterly bowled over by their trashiness. Sarah and Todd are in the their fifties and are getting into bar fights in dives. WITH THEIR KIDS. Like, oh my God. These are the kind of people who park their cars on blocks in the driveway and throw their beer cans in the front yard, and who leave their kids in the McDonald’s play land with no shoes on. And she was almost Vice President. HAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA.
I can laugh now because it didn’t happen. Enough time has passed that she doesn’t seem scary anymore, just pathetically hilarious.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Steeplejack: If they were rational, you’d be right. People who are hiring do not want anything unusual on your resume. They don’t want to be able to imagine any reason why you would suddenly quit on them, like deciding you want to write your second novel. It explains a gap in your work history in ways they don’t want to hear about.
I’m coming to the conclusion that there is no good answer to explain that gap in my work history. People who are hiring see it and discard my resume immediately. It’s absolute death to have a long gap in there and they aren’t interested in an explanation. They just move on and find someone who doesn’t have one.
@TS: She left her children alone. Tripp had the limo driver for a babysitter. Because nothing says “soccer mom” like having a limo driver babysit your kid while you go partying.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@TS: She got custody back and a job, IIRC,
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): No, it’s a good answer. It shows that you can set a goal and follow through, that you are dedicated, and that you didn’t fill your unemployment with cartoons and video games.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Anoniminous: I was 13. I was less amazed at the time than I am now.
“Nearer My God to Thee”?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): But if you want more of the novel, feel free to email me at eeyore1968 [at] melancholy [dash] donkey [dot] com. That goes for pretty much anyone here. I’m mostly interested in having people read it.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
Nope. It says, I am someone who tackled and completed a large project all on my own.
Job interviewing is like dating. If you seem too eager, they paradoxically will like you less. Telling them you took time off after graduate school to work on your novel says that you have goals and ambitions that you are able to fulfill without needing outside direction. Telling them that you’ve barely worked since graduate school and are willing to do anything, anything for a job says that you’re desperate and needy and will probably be just as desperate and needy if you get the job, which ironically makes it less likely that they’ll hire you.
I realize that subterfuge is difficult for you and you want to just badly state the facts, but you can’t do that. You have to put a spin on the facts that makes you look good.
@srv: Usually the drumbeat of war sends oil skyward. This is…different.
Cute? Hell, those Mason jar wine glasses are almost ironic. You know, in a non-urban hipster kinda way.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
We’re not talking about your resume. We’re talking about interviewing. Two different things.
A Humble Lurker
@TS: Yeah, but she wasn’t exactly white as the Alaskan snow don’cha know.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Honestly, I want to read it, but I want to pay for it. I like to buy books. My walls are full of them and so are boxes in my storage space.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
As an alternative, “independent consulting” can be a nice bit of spackling on a gap in your résumé.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh… no deity loves me enough for this guy to press charges instead of taking the cash, but as the person you’re citing suggests, Levi may have a few questions.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@trollhattan: srv is a subtle troll. I would not advise taking him/her/it seriously.
Roger Moore
She left them alone in the car on a hot day. He was apparently left in a limo with a driver at night. Not quite the same thing.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Mnemosyne: I never get to the interview stage. In the last three years, aside from people at temp agencies, I have talked to exactly one prospective employer. It was a phone call in which she read from a script that involved questions like, “At your last job, what were your month end duties?” This despite the fact that my last job was teaching. She couldn’t seem to grasp that I didn’t have month end duties.
“Saturday Night’s All Right for Fighting.”
@Steeplejack: “My sister looks cute in her braces and boots, a handful of grease in her hair.”
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): HR departments are evil. I have an unconventional resume in a number of ways. I know that HR people have discarded it because there job is to find a person who fits a set of criteria given by the hiring party. Because they are HR, the toss everyone who does not perfectly match the list. They want 10 years of experience as an accountant and your 10 years of experience as an actuary doesn’t count.
TL;DR version: HR departments are dumb.
Suffern ACE
@Suzanne: he had a job. He was a writer.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
She has the children back but still a few hoops to lose the charges as I read here
Interesting it is now a “hot car” – I don’t remember that originally being an issue – but perhaps it was, being Arizona
The Palins could probably use some of those “parenting” classes.
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me! !!!!!waves arms!!!!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Random observation: The best London evoking song since Waterloo Sunset is Wild West End by Dire Straits.
Tenar Darell
I’ve been thinking about The Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming all evening, and I finally figured out why. The utterly abject “now freak out and panic” in the media over ISIL is making me think of 1960s black comedies. Anyone have any other suggestions?
@trollhattan: Usually the drumbeat of war sends oil skyward. This is…different.
Decline in demand from China. More accurately, overall demand from China is increasing much more slowly so the people bringing more capacity online so we get increasing supply but flat demand. Thus, falling prices.
Deflation in the EU is possible, but the people who own the villas in Tuscany are too rich to need to sell. So no fire sale prices; meantime, the euro is not falling because of deflation. Houses in Tuscany are getting a little bit more expensive in terms of dollars. Tourist prices in Italy, Greece and Egypt should be cheap now though.
The worldwide recovery is faltering some, but the US is still going great guns, so we should see some price falls in the US.
[‘The ECB should inflate, of course. They won’t.’]
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Which is fitting, since the best Detroit evoking song is “Telegraph Road”.
@trollhattan: WTI under $100 is dangerous, it means I can gas up the Hummer for less than $100 a pop. Over a benjamin, I’m thinking Audi or maybe Benz, or a perhaps a nice diesel F350, all of which are cleaner alternatives.
Tax the living shit out of it, starting now: I can think of a few states that could use the revenue, and the flock can enjoy the exact same price at the pump. Win-win.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
“Turn the calendar to the next month” didn’t satisfy her?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I remember a friend talking to me about her time in HR with a government contractor who had a bunch of highly classified projects. She couldn’t tell prospective employees exactly what the position is and those employees can’t describe their previous work on other highly classified projects. She hated being forced to just blindly match up two sets of lists with magic code words instead of being able to make her own assessment of which candidates are likely to grow into good long term employees (which is probably why she changed professions)
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
FWIW, I Googled it and found one recruiter saying it’s worthwhile to put your novel on your resume, especially if you have a long employment gap.
Also, I was picturing an interview for you at a (better!) temp agency, especially since they’re going to be accustomed to dealing with people who have been in and out of the job market for various reasons. Most temp agencies are looking for people with accounting skills, so if AccounTemps is so disorganized that they can’t keep your test scores on file, go to a different agency. When I was temping, I was signed up with three or four different agencies at the same time.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): How about “I’ve been working on my degree”? I know people who’ve been working on their degrees for years. Some of them have even taken a class or two.
@max: Praise K-Thug, I think you underestimate the EU passion for austerity. So much more suffering is needed. There must be more bubbles. How about near Amalfi?
Bruce and I retirement villas. Cheap.
@BruceFromOhio: And here I was thinking of looking at that Golf TDI that get’s 60 mpg…
My hippienomics belief is that we should have an elastic fuel tax to reduce price variability and maximize predictability. Few complain about price dips and everybody screams about the runups. In the meantime, we’re scrapping over Bakken crude trains through California to refineries in Valejo and Kern County, on accounta “energy independence, bitchez!”
Only the railroads and refineries don’t want to share details on the trains–when, where, how many tankers–due to “proprietary information” and “security concerns.” They’ll be passing through metro areas with populations of millions.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t use Facebook. I take it this means Sister Sarah, or whoever manages her social media, deleted the comment?
ETA: the Beltway joins in… is the dam breaking?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Mnemosyne: I’ve applied with about 6-7 different temp agencies. Most of the others don’t ever call me at all.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
If you do that, they’ll just price gas at the point that minimizes the amount of tax collected. If a flexible tax keeps the price close to constant, there’s no incentive for the oil companies to lower the price.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yes, only the person who made the comment or the person who made the original post can remove a comment.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): pedant on
Shakespeare worked as a successful actor before he wrote plays (but probably not some poems). WE might not care for his readings, as Elizabethan actors spoke at a lickity-split pace, but he wouldn’t have been able to make a living “reading” the works he wrote for his troop if he couldn’t read as his audience preferred.
pedant off
Among many, many others. Most of which would sail right over their heads. With much clearance.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
As someone said you are a writer. Put that down as your gap filler. Writer, or Writer of fiction novels. Treat it as a job, not as something you did to pass the time. My resume has nearly 40 yrs of self employment and that’s not conductive to a lot of HR departments, it means you may be too independent. Their loss, it also means that I have drive and abilities to manage and get stuff done.
People without gaps or lots of self employment send out huge numbers of resumes and get no traction. I think it’s easy to find fault with HR, many of them deserve all the blame that can be heaped on them, but it’s also not an easy job to root through a lot of resumes and find that something that makes yours stand out. I had to do this with my last job, trying to fill a need for a very specific type of person. Considering the job probably no one had any experience but many should have had the skills needed. My usual practice was to search friends and industry people rather than ask for resumes. But my boss made me put an add in a trade paper. Got lots of resumes, one in crayon on 3 ring binder paper, several in pencil…. Out of over a hundred about 5 or 6 made the cut to be looked at further. Now I expected to discard a lot but only 5% even worth considering? I was flabbergasted, expecting at least 20%. In the end only two were close to qualified and none got hired.
@srv: Perfect! Sweet ride, fun to drive, and will run reliably for a decade or more.
I just want to point out it was the limo driver that was the responsible one getting Tripp away from the brawl.
I’m sure you’ve probably seen this before (you may even have been the one to post it!) but it was really fascinating: a Shakespearian actor demonstrating the difference between the most common accent used for Shakespeare (“received pronounciation”) and the accent that was most likely used at the time (“original pronounciation”). It clears up all of those niggling that doesn’t rhyme! thoughts, because in OP, it did rhyme.
M.C. Simon Milligan
@raven: As a resident of the southern Appalachians I ought to be offended. But, to be honest, nouveau riche dumbass douchenozzles in a stretched Hummer getting in a drunken brawl with someone who dated their sister is pretty damned hillbilly.
@Poopyman: Levi certainly seems to have a type.
Paul in KY
@Poopyman: I think she’s 12 by now…
Paul in KY
@Suzanne: Problem is, from the employer’s view, the person should have been out finding a non-writing-my-novel job (like the one he/she is applying for).
Paul in KY
@Poopyman: 3 Steps…That would have really been right for the occasion.