Ah, to be nineteen again, and thick as two short planks. From NYMag:
Shannon Maureen Conley, the Denver teenager who was arrested on her way to join ISIS in Syria this summer, has pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support for a terrorist organization. While she didn’t make it, the penalty can still be up to five years in prison, and a $250,000 fine on top of that…
The 19-year-old nurse’s aid was arrested in July, after she bought a (presumably one-way) ticket to Turkey. Like many of those going to join the Islamic State, Conley had become radicalized online. She planned to cross the border into Syria from that country to unite with a male fighter she had met through the internet…
Heck, when I was a rebellious-yet-nerdy 19-year-old, I had to settle for cosplaying comic-book conventions. And we didn’t even have the word ‘cosplay’, much less a 60,000-person con in the same city!…
Apart from muttering about kids, these days, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
So that’s what the kids are calling it these days. I was wondering.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Isn’t m_c from out near Denver?
Unspeakably stupid or unspeakably evil. I wonder which one?
I too have become radicalized online.
I very badly want to punch a number of Republicans and Beltway reporters right in the neck.
Fun fact: going off to join the IDF to play genocidal holy warrior isn’t going to attract the attention of law enforcement at all…
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): No way she is a nurse, cudlip.
@CONGRATULATIONS!: With a teenager you even have to ask??
@BGinCHI: Nurse’s aide. Big difference (especially if you ask a nurse).
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@BGinCHI: Nurse’s aide.
ETA: Cycling is more fun during the times the 20 mph wind is at your back than when it is in your face. I rediscovered that today.
Shannon Maureen Conley
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Ahhh damn, you might be onto something there.
Guess I gotta go with “unspeakably stupid” if this is the case.
@Poopyman: I used to be of that mindset, but have met a couple of kids in recent years that have forced me to conclude that “unspeakably evil” could be a possibility.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Hence the group ride.
Also, too, as if m_c would “aide” anyone. It is to laugh.
Dog On Porch
When I was 19, life was good and Saigon was a year away from being renamed. My bead on The Machine had been formed, if not quite fully. Those my age received a political education quite unlike either generation on each side of us, or before or since.
I went to the link under Ms Conley’s name up top, read the article quoted, then was immediately snared by the link to this article:
I can’t believe it’s not from The Onion.
@Poopyman: Great cat, though.
Hey …. Is that Steve?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Heh, indoozle. My standard commute weather from, say, April through October: Morning, northbound–light wind if any, sometimes from the south. Afternoon–south wind, moderate to strong. Can gust to the 30s, just for yucks. This is especially rich when it’s over 100 degrees.
Last week–Friday I think it was, I had a strong NORTH wind and pretended I’d suddenly gotten in shape, if just for awhile. It has been a month or two since the last time.
Since we don’t have hills I pretend wind is hill-work. Doesn’t help with the contact-lens thing, though.
Tenar Darell
@BGinCHI: I was gonna put on my combat boots and invite them into mosh pit. Yours works too.
OK, I read the CBS story and have concluded that this person is too dumb to be our m_c (really).
@Tenar Darell: Why can’t some of them try to jump the Snake River Canyon?
I miss the 70s.
Roger Moore
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Boulder, IIRC, but she was posting here long enough ago that I sincerely doubt she’s only 19.
@Trollhattan: Get some good glasses!
Do not get ski goggles…that way mockery lies.
Anne Laurie
@Poopyman: Dammit, I was saving that for the late shift!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Anne Laurie: Do it anyway and give him a h/t.
Got ’em, but as it’s not rained since…forever there’s always bouquet crap in the air when it’s windy. Finally learned and got a helmet with bug netting in the vents–far fewer wasp stings on my noggin!
Tenar Darell
@BGinCHI: Heh. I miss the 80s and 90s. (I had punk hair and clothes long before I had a chance to visit the clubs, sigh).
@Trollhattan: If you keep it over 25 mph the wasps can’t get you. Pro tip.
@Tenar Darell: Whippersnapper.
Major Major Major Major
Dealing with pre-fallout from the impending breakup of like three friend couples. Whee.
Shrink in a couple hours though, so at least I’ll have somebody to vent to that isn’t a comment box :)
@Matt: Well, but that’s totally different.
When I saw it, I wanted to give him a swirly.
Like, this week.
Heh. “Back in the day,” maybe.
Worst was during a double-century, a wasp got into my jersey and walked around my chest, stinging me along the way. I ripped it (the jersey) off and shook it out, took stock, put it back on and continued, all without stopping. Momentum is precious on a double.
Tenar Darell
@BGinCHI: Dream time travel CBGBs with Ramones, Talking Heads, Blondie, Joan Jett, or early Police.
Major Major Major Major
@Botsplainer: I feel like any significant other who would judge one negatively for using that as one’s yearbook photo isn’t really worth courting. Kid looks a bit like Alan Turing, too, random aside.
One of my favorite writers, Michael Muhammad Knight, penned an op-ed in the Washington Post the other day that is appropriate for this story.
Mustang Bobby
This is Rand Paul week on NPR; first a story yesterday on how he’s charming them in Iowa, then today a sit-down with Robert Seigel. I’m actually glad they did it because now that I’ve heard more of him than just sound bites, I get it why young adults fresh off of reading Ayn Rand dig him. He’s got the views of a know-it-all teenager with absolute ideas about how to solve the world’s problems with no thought about how they work in the real world.
Oh, and another annoying smart-aleck adolescent tic: he refers to the “Democrat Party” and “Democrat mayors,” etc. I am sure he knows that’s the juvenile neener-neener way to annoy people of the other party.
@Tenar Darell: I was there in 87 and 88. From what I remember….
It’s true love, he understands her soooo much, until she gets there and finds out his plan for the honeymoon involves a dynamite nightie.
I’m very bummed myself, because someone came onto my site asking for cat advice only to drop a bomb that the new kitten is off being declawed and what she should do when the kitten comes back.
I’m absolutely livid that she crippled this kitten and now all bets are off because it rarely goes well. People claim it does but if that were true there would be no declawed cats in the shelter and they are there in much higher numbers than their representation in the population.
I tried to be polite in my reply.
Dog On Porch
@Mustang Bobby: It will get worse. I see Ted Cruz as the GOP’s likely 2016 nominee, and he will be accorded the respect due an ‘honorable opposition’ by his democratic opponent.
@Jerry: Good article. Fascinating perspective. Thanks for pointing it out.
Jebediah, RBG
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I sometimes like a nice headwind. I get all the fun (and work) of a long climb without having to go all the way to where the long climbs are.
ETA: I will concede that a 20 mph headwind is a little much.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Jebediah, RBG: I have hills.
God loves me.
Anchorage police confirm Palin family involved in heated Saturday night brawl.
Who is filled to the max with schadenfreude, huh? Who isn’t?
He loves us every one. Had the perma-smile going since I first read it a little while ago.
Kaarma, baby… comin’ to get ya.
Yeah, goth parents will do that to you.
Jebediah, RBG
Doctors discovered a woman with no cerebellum – the big surprise, of course, is that she isn’t a Palin.
Dog On Porch
Way Off Topic: I’m a lifelong fan of the NFL. I just now watched a segment leading into tonight’s game on the NFL’s own network, the topic being, “Is Ben Rothelsburger underrated?
For non-fans, Rothelsburger (sic) was accused of rape by one woman, and sexual assault by another.
Tone deaf corporate hubris in action.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Jebediah, RBG: Bachmann, perhaps?
Uh… she knows that ISIS follows an interpretation of Islam so derangedly extreme that all they’ll let her do is have babies, right? Assuming they don’t kill her for being too educated?
EDIT – She might even be in for the Cutting of the Rose. I mean, these guys are seriously not woman-friendly.
I still can’t parse the stupid word “cosplay,” which I always read as co-splay, which doesn’t strike me as anything a self-respecting young person should consider doing.
Unless you swallow one at 25MPH (not me, but someone I know personally).
Anne Laurie
@AdamK: Blame the Japanese, and we were never self-respecting!
Jebediah, RBG
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
A likely second choice, but the woman is from Shangdong Province, which is a province with an awesome name.
So now other countries are warning their U.S.-going tourists to be wary of our muggers with badges:
Source: “American shakedown: Police won’t charge you, but they’ll grab your money,” CBC News, 11 September 2014.
Ferguson Missouri was no outlier. Many American towns and cities now derive much or most of their revenue from bogus fines and fees imposed by muggers with badges and protection racket capos wearing judge’s robes. Those who can’t pay get thrown in jail or in prison. And guess what? When you imprison millions of your own citizens, you can give them the “option” to work for 20 cents a day — another fantastic profit-making opportunity. Did you know that most of the baseball caps, blue jeans, victoria’s secret lingerie, and military jackets and battle garb are made by American prison labor?
Did you know that 80% of service representatives on the phone for various products (if you have a problem with your power drill or your cellphone or your toaster, you call the service representative) are
now U.S. prisoners reading from a script?
Source: “The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons”
Did you know that McDonalds and Wendys both use prison labor to reduce their business costs?
Source: “Identifying businesses involved in prison labor or supporting those those who are,” Daily Kos, 12 September 2014.
It’s like an evil Star Trek episode — the military/prison/police/surveillance/torture complex expands limitlessly by using its enslaved victims to produce more products to fuel the military/prison/police/surveillance/torture complex.
@Jebediah, RBG:
There’s something wrong with her medulla oblongata!