We went to Gainesville yesterday to watch the Mighty Gators take on the Kentucky Wildcats. We had really great seats:
We got our money’s worth: After THREE overtime periods, the Gators finally won. The game ended after midnight. Currently we’re hurtling south on I-75. What are y’all up to?
Blogwhoring time!
I finally got my piece up on Night Nurse (1931), with Barbara Stanwyck and Joan Blondell. I have my Trouble in Paradise essay mostly written — now it’s a matter of creating the clips. Let me tell you, there are few things more intimidating than trying to write something new about Lubitsch.
c u n d gulag
I’m going to watch the NY Giants today, hoping against hope that their offensive play will be offensive in the right way.
They were offensive to watch on Monday night.
They hired a new Offensive Coordinator, and he installed a new offense after last season
He must have written the playbook in Swahili or Chinese.
It’s fucking football.
You block.
You run.
You throw.
This ain’t rocket science, boys.
Of course, when the offensive line is as porous as it now is, poor Eli doesn’t have time to throw.
He’s too busy dodging, ducking, and covering.
I’ve been futzing around with my cameras, trying to get a decent shot of my deck to post in the Sunday Garden Chat thread which I finally did, although the thread is now mostly dead. And next I’m going to get ready for my plant club meeting where parking will probably be a pain because it’s a beautiful day and the botanical garden will be crowded. Then I’ll come home and take care of my birds and do some sewing. Total play all day long.
Getting ready to go to the airport to pick up RWNJ brother from his three-week motorcycling adventure in South America. He lost his cell phone (along with his laptop power cable and miscellaneous other stuff), so I’m going to park the F-250 (assuming that can be done by a mere mortal) and look for him at baggage claim. Beats endlessly orbiting the pickup lanes with no idea of when or where he will appear.
So I am washing the sheets and remaking his bed, moving my stuff to the guest bedroom and tidying up a bit (not much needed). Rest of the day is open: I don’t know whether he’ll be wired or completely exhausted. And I’m flying back to D.C. on Monday afternoon. It has been mostly fun out here, but I’m ready to go home.
Got discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and watched both the UCLA v. Texas and USC v. B.C. games (annoying Mrs. Feebog to no end). Great finish by my Bruins, and a really gutsy game by the B.C. Eagles to take USC out. Plus, best night’s sleep I have had in months. Thanks to everyone who checked in with me, really appreciate it.
Trying to catch up on my blog posts. I used to be working two months ahead and now I’m lucky to be only a week ahead. But I’m getting better, healthwise, because I used to be only a day ahead. I’ll take any kind of progress.
For those wondering about our new kitten, he is a giant mutant kitten. And still so sweet and goofy!
hum fucking bug
c u n d gulag
Barbara Stanwyck is my favorite movie actress of all time!
She was a triple threat – she could play dramatic roles, comedic ones, and ones where she’s a temptress.
And Lubitsch was a great, great director.
So, good luck with that!
@feebog: Glad to hear you’re back home again feebog. Keep on recovering!
Corner Stone
Thinking about going for a tryout to play in the NFL. At the rate they’re dropping I figure I’ll be on the starting roster by Halloween.
After a really emotional couple of days, I’m taking some soup I made to a friend who doesn’t drive or get out much, and is sight impaired. And then back home to fill many soap orders. Bless you people, in a secular humanist way…..
@raven: It’ll be alright bruh, been thinking it all comes down to the Auburn game anyway. Still sucks though
i’m hoping for better luck today.
Alaskan blogger gives an updated version of what sparked the Palin family royal rumble.
It has been reported that young Track Palin had a disagreement with the former beau of sister Willow.
What actually appears to have happened was, young Track had a few too many, and was expressing his desires to obtain carnal knowledge of some the married women in attendance. A not at all amused husband of one of the targets of his affection proceeded to flatten him, and then it all went downhill from there.
At some point, the ex-governor attempted to leap on top of a dog pile of brawling individuals. Todd got his nose bloodied, Bristol was punching one of the party hosts for reasons not entirely clear, and little Tripp lay sleeping in the back of the stretch hummer limo they arrived in, while Mama Bristol was outside brawling.
Making chili because it’s that kind of day.
during the weather delay for the georgia game, they were rebroadcasting the 2nd half of the iron bowl from last year. my alabama friend still flinches when that subject is brought up while his auburn wife cackles gleefully.
I read an interesting piece on the Scottish Independence Campaign by a young Yes campaigner that deals with the reasons and the values that are behind their efforts.
@tybee: Auburn provided plenty of flinch worthy moments to a lot folks last year
Corner Stone
@gelfling545: What are the hallmark qualities of a “chili day” ?
I can kind of guess, but if I waited for those kinds of days here I’d only make chili about twice a year.
@tybee: Go get em!
Bizarre dispute over the remains of TV-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen:
My suggestion: slice the body in half. Everyone gets a piece.
Hugs. I am hoping your cat will come home, unable to tell you about his/her big adventure. Whatever, hugs.
@Corner Stone:
Here in cooler fall climes, chili day has some basic requirements:
-High temp doesn’t break out much past the low to mid 60s.
-Tree colors have started changing.
My chili is, of course, the best. Half beef, half chorizo, generous amounts of browned onion and minced garlic, enough tomato with green chili for flavor without sloppiness and at least two out of three beans are black, with lots of chipotle in the spice mix.
I don’t mind ladling it over spaghetti or rice, my wife prefers it lonely.
All the rest of your chili recipes are wrong.
Oh, and that pastitsio substitute that Cincinnatians call chili isn’t chili.
Saw that. How grotesque. (Actually, how medieval.)
And the Catholic Church is passing sainthoods for white males around pretty freely these days, aren’t they?
ETA: I loved the NYTimes reader comments. More than a few were kids who thought Sheen was a vampire, when he appeared on their TV in that long cape and vestments.
This fall, I shall be learning to make Cincinnati chili.
It’s all about the cinnamon. Yum.
Makes me want to see Mithy and TaMara’s Bixby on a play date.
BJ pet meetups are so much harder to arrange …
Thank you. This waiting is just horrible. Flyers, visits to the shelter, and endless searching. Took some photos of a project and when I looked through the camera I found a photo of the kitty and my youngest taking a nap together all cozy and I just lost it. These little creatures certainly capture our hearts.
Corner Stone
@Botsplainer: I make a couple different styles of pretty darned wicked good chili, myself.
So good, in fact, that I served it to my chili competition award winning MIL and she found it delish. Now think about that. An Italian grandma MIL said something positive about someone else’s dish.
Iowa Old Lady
@MomSense: That is an interesting article. England has been following conservative policies since Thatcher, while Scotland strikes me as more like Canada. We’ll see, I guess.
@MomSense: So sorry to hear of your missing kitty. I have been through that several times in my years and the waiting is the hardest. Hug the ones who are still there and hope for the best. I’ll be thinking of you and your boys.
@Corner Stone: I read that Texas will have a cold, wet winter, so maybe we will have more that one or two chili days this year.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I really think the strain of being Lindsey Graham is taking its toll on Lindsey Graham’s psychological health:
Corner Stone
@Josie: From your blessed lips to the FSM, may She be praised!
I would love that.
Bookmarked. Haven’t seen the movies on TCM Fridays; will try the streaming option.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Gah. If ISIS wanted proof that their campaign of YouTube terror was effective, they have it right there.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Goodness gracious.
@MomSense: Been thinking of you today, and hoping that the cat comes home soon.
Going to the Bucs game at 4. Derrick Brooks getting honored.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Of course it isn’t. It’s Skyline. It’s just called “chili” for reasons that escape most of us.
I’m getting ready to start chili here. Pinto and black beans for the chili beans; lots of garlic; red pepper and carrots as vegetable combo with the tomatoes. To be served over wildblend rice with fresh corn blended in.
@Elizabelle: And cloves also, too.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Lindsey is an excitable boy.
Who is “we”?
Could it possibly be Republican congresscritters who have been beating the drum for war, killed electorally? Republican officeholders, with defense contractors withholding major campaign contributions unless they get a war on, the boots on the ground kind?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
That sounds delicious. And healthy.
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
Airs September 14, 2014 at 8pm. Check local listings
THE ROOSEVELTS: AN INTIMATE HISTORY chronicles the lives of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of the most prominent and influential family in American politics. It is the first time in a major documentary television series that their individual stories have been interwoven into a single narrative This seven-part, fourteen hour film follows the Roosevelts for more than a century, from Theodore’s birth in 1858 to Eleanor’s death in 1962.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Cloves rock in chicken soup.
Bob In Portland
Little things come out.
What a nickname!
Know who you’re rooting for.
Yeah, I put a clove in chicken soup, but probably need to add more. Don’t detect much taste.
How much do you put in soup (say, made with a whole chicken)?
Betty Cracker
@PaulW: Have fun! Derrick Brooks is a class act. I forgave him for being a Seminole ages ago. I’ll be watching on TV, so wave hello!
@Bob In Portland: Self awareness is a good thing.
low-tech cyclist
CTE: the official brain damage of the NCAA and the NFL.
Seriously, now that we know that between 1/4 and 1/3 of NFL players are expected to experience loss of mental faculties at significantly earlier ages than the general population, isn’t it time to drop our relationship with this sport like a hot potato? If this is the price of our entertainment, it’s way too high.
And I say this as someone who was a football fan for 45 years, who rooted for the Redskins in 5 Super Bowls, and during the bad years before and after. But when Ta-Nehisi Coates started writing about what football did to the brains of it players, that was the end. People’s brains shouldn’t be turned to mush in order to give me something interesting to watch on weekend afternoons.
No…..my dislike of Will Muschamp is now infecting my favorite blog. But seriously, nice seats, thank goodness you didn’t have to witness history.
@low-tech cyclist: Eh…..I have really complicated feelings about this especially at the professional level (my feelings about say Pop Warner are pretty simple, and I say this as someone who loved playing the sport- its wrong to continue allowing pre-adolescent brains to be battered, honestly the same may be true of HS– interestingly enough the same is true for Soccer– the link to CTE is similar which suggests its not the degree of collisions alone that is the problem but rather the degree + the frequent repetition) .
Is College or NFL football really considerably worse in terms of impact on life expectancy than any number of less glamorous and less lucrative jobs– say coal mining, or construction? I get that you can say its frivolous so its more loathsome but if my two biggest career options are working a coal mine and getting black lung vs. being an NFL Lineman, while both suck at least one has rewards to some degree commensurate with the risks.
My dd just started UF this year and is in the color guard of the marching band, so I was there too to see my daughter perform at half time. Never been to a Gator game before. That was a good one! Couldn’t figure out which flag waving girl on the field was my daughter though. Too far and forgot binoculars. I am now part of the Gator Nation. Resistance is futile!