I got some spam from them a couple weeks ago. A little googling seemed to indicate it’s a scam, and they’re not affiliated with Google (as I think the spam implied).
Cole’s a hipster now? Oh, shit. Everyone’s going to have to shave their goatees and lose the chunky frames now!
Speaking of chunky frames, I was in the airport a few days ago and saw Bill Gates being interviewed on TV. He had chunky frames! WTF? The old wire rims are too old fashioned, even for Bill Gates. Which means they’re probably cutting edge hipster.
Amir Khalid
I Googled it and found a PC Mag review. The shorter: there are better alternatives.
Little Boots
um, would be willing, john, but please explain first.
@NotMax: How long are you in the City for? Staying with friends/relatives or at a hotel?
@Villago Delenda Est: “stars and garters”. Where/how did you learn this expression?
Feed Spot. Feed Jane. Feed Dick. See Spot run? Not sure where this is going.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PurpleGirl: @Villago Delenda Est: “stars and garters”. Where/how did you learn this expression?
I’ve heard/read it somewhere, but I’m drawing a blank on when/where.
Suffern ACE
Anyone know anyone suffering from the flu, or am I patient 0 for 2014/15 season? If I don’t make it, I will all my earthly possessions to this site. That includes the cat and the Chinese takeout from last Saturday that is in the fridge, in case the lawyers need an enumerated list.
Short hop from L.A. to Seattle was a bit odd. Total of perhaps 20 people in steerage economy section. Some of ’em stretched out across three seats.
Suffern ACE
@CTVoter: feed Spot Jane. Feed Spot Dick. Publish the results as the canine sequel to American Psycho. Retire to Amalfi on the advance. The end
Eric U.
@Mike J: the person at the glasses store: “these are in style” me: “no, if I wear them they are officially out of style, it will be noted in the NYT” — the NYT being the expert in noting what is out of style.
Amir Khalid
@Little Boots:
When I was a little boy, this was what rock’n’roll sounded like.
No amount of money is going to get me google for your mustard fetish site.
@Suffern ACE: I had a weird cold about 3 weeks ago (just after coming back from vacation in Quebec). A day of sinus and ear stuffiness, then a day of aches, then about a week of weakness, a post-nasal drip and bronchial cough, and an abnormally low temperature. My head would start sweating if I walked more than about 20 feet. But it wasn’t the flu, I don’t think. I was on a Zpak (antibiotics) after a week to get rid of the green stuff I was hacking up. It took another week or two to be (mostly) over the cough.
Is that what you’ve got? Even if it isn’t, I hope you’re over it soon.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: If I’m remembering right, if the stuff you’re hacking up is green, it’s not viral (though apparently it can be from a secondary infection where the main one is viral.) And you *shouldn’t* have been given antibiotics if it was the flu (though no guarantees there, since they’re still prescribed way too often for vital illnesses.) But if they helped, it definitely wasn’t flu or another virus, at least not at that point.
@Redshift: Yup. I don’t like taking antibiotics unless I must, and I figured if it were just a cold it would have gone away on its own. But the green stuff wasn’t going away and the cough was getting worse, so I finally called the doc and told him my symptoms. He called in the prescription.
Antibiotics don’t help with a cold, but bacterial infections often follow the initial virus attack. There are too many warm, dark, moist places in our sinuses and lungs that bacteria can’t resist while we’re weak…
@Villago Delenda Est: Chuck Todd in an orange leisure suit criticizing Obama’s tan summer suit.
Everyone, on EVERY Sunday show, is required to abandon the fedoras and wear nothing but Panana hats with pink feather boas!
[‘We will turn back the terrorist tide with our dedication to bad taste!’]
Senator Rand Paul: The thing that I in some ways laugh at, because nobody seems to get this, is that I spent the past five years in public life telling everyone that “hey, I’m not an isolationist” … and when they find out I’m not, they say I’ve switched positions, because I’m not the position they were saying I was. You know what I mean? So for five years they’ve been accusing me of being something that I say I’m not. And then when they find out I’m really not, they say I’ve changed my position. You can see how it’s a little bit frustrating for me.
“stars and garters”. Where/how did you learn this expression?
Can’t speak for VDE, but the phrase was commonly uttered (typically, “oh my stars and garters!”) by Henry McCoy, aka “Beast” of X-Men and Avengers fame in the comic books back in the day.
@John Cole +0: Enterovirus has always been real. The strain causing the outbreaks just seems to have picked up steam, relative to years past.
@WaynersT: I have had problems with it on my Android phone lately. It does not want to open the stories a lot of the time.
ETA: The ‘pagan’ bit because there is a persistent romantical rumor that the original dropped garter was a witch’s cingulam, and the king rescued it because he was also a witch and not just a gentleman. This rumor is, to put it politely, BS.
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Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
Bruce Partington
I got some spam from them a couple weeks ago. A little googling seemed to indicate it’s a scam, and they’re not affiliated with Google (as I think the spam implied).
No, but as long as we’re talking RSS readers, I’ve been very happy with Bazqux.
Villago Delenda Est
Never heard of it until now. I guess this makes me a non-hipster.
So be it.
@Villago Delenda Est: Never heard of it until now. I guess this makes me a non-hipster.
Cole’s a hipster now? Oh, shit. Everyone’s going to have to shave their goatees and lose the chunky frames now!
[‘Onward… to orange leisure suits!’]
Speaking of chunky frames, I was in the airport a few days ago and saw Bill Gates being interviewed on TV. He had chunky frames! WTF? The old wire rims are too old fashioned, even for Bill Gates. Which means they’re probably cutting edge hipster.
Amir Khalid
I Googled it and found a PC Mag review. The shorter: there are better alternatives.
Little Boots
um, would be willing, john, but please explain first.
Mike J
Which means they’re over.
Felonius Monk
It’s time to feed Spot? Run Spot, run!
Little Boots
and for omnes:
Arrived in Noo Yawk in one piece, more or less, after 15 hours at airports or in flight.
First time using and viewing the blog on an iPad using Safari.
Villago Delenda Est
@max: Chuck Todd in an orange leisure suit criticizing Obama’s tan summer suit.
Oh, my stars and garters!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Little Boots: I like. I am going to go to bed soon, but i like it.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
well, good.
I mean the liking, not the leaving.
@NotMax: How long are you in the City for? Staying with friends/relatives or at a hotel?
@Villago Delenda Est: “stars and garters”. Where/how did you learn this expression?
Feed Spot. Feed Jane. Feed Dick. See Spot run? Not sure where this is going.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PurpleGirl: @Villago Delenda Est: “stars and garters”. Where/how did you learn this expression?
I’ve heard/read it somewhere, but I’m drawing a blank on when/where.
Suffern ACE
Anyone know anyone suffering from the flu, or am I patient 0 for 2014/15 season? If I don’t make it, I will all my earthly possessions to this site. That includes the cat and the Chinese takeout from last Saturday that is in the fridge, in case the lawyers need an enumerated list.
@PurpleGirl: @PurpleGirl: @PurpleGirl:
About 10 days. With relative, just outside the city. Wouldn’t say no to going back home already. ;)
Little Boots
@Suffern ACE:
it’s the ebola. i knew it. it would spread through the lefty websites first.
Short hop from L.A. to Seattle was a bit odd. Total of perhaps 20 people in
steerageeconomy section. Some of ’em stretched out across three seats.Suffern ACE
@CTVoter: feed Spot Jane. Feed Spot Dick. Publish the results as the canine sequel to American Psycho. Retire to Amalfi on the advance. The end
Eric U.
@Mike J: the person at the glasses store: “these are in style” me: “no, if I wear them they are officially out of style, it will be noted in the NYT” — the NYT being the expert in noting what is out of style.
Amir Khalid
@Little Boots:
When I was a little boy, this was what rock’n’roll sounded like.
Little Boots
@Amir Khalid:
well that is nice too, in its way.
Little Boots
but what we all need, is stoned love:
don’t tell omnes. he gets angry.
No amount of money is going to get me google for your mustard fetish site.
@Suffern ACE: I had a weird cold about 3 weeks ago (just after coming back from vacation in Quebec). A day of sinus and ear stuffiness, then a day of aches, then about a week of weakness, a post-nasal drip and bronchial cough, and an abnormally low temperature. My head would start sweating if I walked more than about 20 feet. But it wasn’t the flu, I don’t think. I was on a Zpak (antibiotics) after a week to get rid of the green stuff I was hacking up. It took another week or two to be (mostly) over the cough.
Is that what you’ve got? Even if it isn’t, I hope you’re over it soon.
Little Boots
the least of it.
@NotMax: Would you be interested in a meet-up this weekend, maybe Saturday?
Little Boots
okay, I’m just going to throw this out there.
john, late at night I am the liveliest poster. do you want to lift the delay thing? come on. I’ve been here long enough.
John Cole +0
@Suffern ACE: Enterovirus is real.
@PurpleGirl: q@PurpleGirl:
Possibly. No idea what plans may be yet, have but very limited access to a vehicle, and would prefer to avoid going into the city.
Shall have a better idea of what parts of my time will be in flux and which will be mine sometime tomorrow, most likely.
Little Boots
@John Cole +0:
so is annoying virus.
@NotMax: Sounds okay. Let’s talk tomorrow evening then. Other NYC BJs, watch for a conversation with NotMax about possible meet up.
While on the topic of tech, anyone have any stories good or bad re: Snowbunny browser on iPad?
Little Boots
john, your site, your rules.
but sometimes, relax a little.
did I piss you off in the past? does it still matter?
MoDo pot edibles fiasco becomes an educational billboard. Glad to see her work having a positive impact.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: If I’m remembering right, if the stuff you’re hacking up is green, it’s not viral (though apparently it can be from a secondary infection where the main one is viral.) And you *shouldn’t* have been given antibiotics if it was the flu (though no guarantees there, since they’re still prescribed way too often for vital illnesses.) But if they helped, it definitely wasn’t flu or another virus, at least not at that point.
Little Boots
needs more steeplejack.
Little Boots
or more tina:
@Redshift: Yup. I don’t like taking antibiotics unless I must, and I figured if it were just a cold it would have gone away on its own. But the green stuff wasn’t going away and the cough was getting worse, so I finally called the doc and told him my symptoms. He called in the prescription.
Antibiotics don’t help with a cold, but bacterial infections often follow the initial virus attack. There are too many warm, dark, moist places in our sinuses and lungs that bacteria can’t resist while we’re weak…
@Villago Delenda Est: Chuck Todd in an orange leisure suit criticizing Obama’s tan summer suit.
Everyone, on EVERY Sunday show, is required to abandon the fedoras and wear nothing but Panana hats with pink feather boas!
[‘We will turn back the terrorist tide with our dedication to bad taste!’]
Will you kids get off the lawn or stop talking in code?
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Everyone over 40, just assume you have walking pneumonia or ebola.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@srv: Hi, troll.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
knew you’d be back.
Little Boots
good god, nobody?
Little Boots
seriously, this is supposed to be the awake place.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Ben Domenech finds Rand frustrated:
Rand/Sanders 2016, RandObots!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@srv: Hi, troll.
@Suffern ACE: You too? I’m finally recovering from days of fevered sleeping and choking down over processed soup.
nope- But I love FEEDLY and have had no problem at all with it –
Fred Fnord
@max: If I could lose my chunky frame I would have long since.
John Revolta
oh, my stars and garters
Scrooge McDuck used to say this, in the 60s comics.
You’re welcome.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Hodor?
@WaynersT: Huge fan of Feedly here. Only way to get my RSS feeds.
Can’t speak for VDE, but the phrase was commonly uttered (typically, “oh my stars and garters!”) by Henry McCoy, aka “Beast” of X-Men and Avengers fame in the comic books back in the day.
@John Cole +0: Enterovirus has always been real. The strain causing the outbreaks just seems to have picked up steam, relative to years past.
@WaynersT: I have had problems with it on my Android phone lately. It does not want to open the stories a lot of the time.
eric nny
Wow. 6 hours……..where’s Anne?
@eric nny: The timer will go off soon.
Anne Laurie
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Stars & garters: Looks like we can blame that hipster Chris Marlowe, with an assist from the libertine (or possibly just pagan) medieval English monarchs.
ETA: The ‘pagan’ bit because there is a persistent romantical rumor that the original dropped garter was a witch’s cingulam, and the king rescued it because he was also a witch and not just a gentleman. This rumor is, to put it politely, BS.