If George R.R. Martin really wants to help Democrats, he could threaten to kill Tyrion if the GOP takes the Senate… http://t.co/56KvtpnBlx
— Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) September 18, 2014
From the Vox article:
On Wednesday night, the reelection campaign of Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) announced that it would hold a fundraising dinner with a local celebrity — the author of Game of Thrones. “You could hang out with George RR Martin” in exchange for a donation, an image advertising the event reads. It adds below in smaller print that Senator Udall will be present as well…
Any other news out there that isn’t depressing or horrible or both?
Mike J
Congrats to Great Britain for staying great.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
I will just offer this (because I am an asshole) and this (because I am not an asshole).
you’re still free to get a gun and kill kids in Florida. Which for right wingers is a good thing. for me the headline makes me want to vomit.
BELL, Fla. (AP) — A once-convicted felon killed six of his grandchildren, including an infant, his adult daughter and himself in a shooting at the man’s home in a small North Florida town Thursday, a sheriff said.
it’s front page everywhere. All I can say is too bad innocent kids were sacrificed to the gun god of killing instead of the gun industry CEOs and their marketing agency leader Wayne L
So much for non-depressing news in this thread.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I unabashedly love that Meghan Trainor song.
Whatever happens in the UK, it’s refreshing to see self-determination and democracy at work peacefully.
Panda triplets.
(sorry about the commercial)
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suzanne: You don’t see her using stereotypes of AA bodies in her videos?
ETA: I offered up fantastic Etta James, and the Meghan Trainor fluff gets the comment? Jesus.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I haven’t watched the video, just listened.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Mike J: Now, having had quite a scare about the possibility of actually losing Scotland, Cameron and the Tories will stop considering the rich conservatives in The City as their only constituents, and pay more attention to the fact that there are others on the spectrum that need to be listened to.
Nah, just kidding,
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I was just trying to say that posting All About That Bass doesn’t make you an asshole! The Etta song is unsurprisingly great.
I suppose one’s opinion on whether this is depressing or not depends on one’s attitude towards the possible utility of religion, but I liked it:
A Growing Movement to Spread Faith, Love — And Clean Laundry
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suzanne: Watch the video. It had the same effect on me that the video for Cee-Lo’s Fuck You did. If the video is the artist’s view of the song, I can no longer subscribe to the song’s implicit message.
Lay off the politics and get back to writing the damn books!
When will you make an end???
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Bill E Pilgrim: Ha!
@Mike J: And congrats to Sam Wang for calling the result pretty successfully. May he do as well in November.
It sounds like now Westminster is going to try to rewrite the UK constitution before the next election in May to make good on promises made during the late “Yes” surge that they’re already regretting. Let the infighting begin.
Mike J
@Bill E Pilgrim: They’re right that Brown did a great job. Can we put Ed Miliband on an ice floe and get an opposition leader whose visage doesn’t cause people to want to slash their wrists?
Also, last blogwhore of the night — you still have time to set your DVR for TCM Pre-Code Fridays. Here are my recommendations.
Anne Laurie
@gian: It seems like a genuine tragedy in many ways, and I’d like to wait for some more information before jumping on my hobbyhorse and calling for the parade to begin.
Those poor kids are dead, and apparently so is the man who killed them. Waiting another 12 or 24 hours before deciding who “we” are going to blame isn’t gonna do them any more harm.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): From that article:
I’m so proud that the US continues to be a model for the rest of humanity, with our capital city like a giant iridescent clown nose of stupidity, dysfunction, and corruption shining across the entire globe. Snif. Gets you right here. *Honk*
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): I’ll have to watch it later. Trying to get tired here.
I need a good tile person. Sigh. Contractors. Damn contractors.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Suzanne: I could have posted Boom Clap as my asshole song. Would that make you happy? Although, Charli xcx did collaborate with Marina (Sarah, Proud and Tall, introduced me to Marina and the Diamonds – I don’t think the music mattered much to her).
@Mnemosyne: How cute the babies are. Awwww.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I simply can’t go along with ignoring the entire sonic spectrum in favor of one narrow portion.
Writing one to begin with would be a good start. The UK doesn’t have a constitution in the American sense. It is the sum of laws, court decisions, etc.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Mike J: Explicate, please.
RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac)
I’m bringing along my first Intel Mac. It’s a Mac Pro 1,1 with quad Xeon 2.66s, a 512MB video card, 2 TB of my own drives, and Snow Leopard. After using G4s and G5s for so long, I am unaccustomed to how smooth this Mac is, even with the ton of software the previous owner left on the boot drive.
I ordered the Snow Leopard DVD earlier this week and I look forward to rebuilding the software end of this thing in my own way.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Origuy: The British Constitution is an unwritten summation of British legislative and judicial decisions.
@RobertDSC (Quad Intel Mac): Thank you for sharing,
@Bill E Pilgrim: & @Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Soooo the odds of those posh southern boys crowing about their ‘mandate’ and stomping even harder are increasing? Go figure. Bill’ll likely need another tissue to contain his pride.
“Every country’s got a South!”
My head has asploded. George Will on The Roosevelts just said FDR didn’t push the New Deal hard enough when he backed off in 1937. What’s next, cats and dogs living together?
@Anne Laurie:
convicted felon had gun
tragedy happened because said felon used said gun.
California, by way of example has cops go and take guns from people who can’t legally have them,
Did this bastard steal said gun, fuck if I know. I don’t care. I’m ready for the Bradley AFV, and the Apache choppers to help the cops go door to door and drag this “my gun is my dick” country into the 20th century.. fuck I’d be OK with a C130 with heavy weapons circling to ensure compliance.
Some people need guns, some people even need guns to kill people. (the dude taking the night deposit from the 7-11 or a liquor store has a real reason to carry) how many children need to die in terror after newtown for other people to feel the same.
given the world now? maybe another 15,000.
getting a gun should be harder than buying a joint. period
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): All about the bass. Bass is fine and noble, but surely you need more than just bass to make great music.
This is true if you are discussing music or using it as a metaphor that Sir Mix-a-Lot wouldn’t have bothered with.
@Suzanne: It’s a very catchy pop song. I get why it’s so popular.
@Anne Laurie:
We should probably make up our minds soon — the NRA will have their press release out first thing tomorrow morning.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Mike J: Ahem, did you miss this part of my post (because I am an asshole)?
@Bill E Pilgrim: Oooh! I wonder what the British version of “The Village” will be.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Mike J:
Well, yes and no.
@Origuy: Well, they’ll be coming up with some new laws in a hurry. The Scottish Parliament was promised more powers and if Cameron and his cronies were to try to forget about that Salmond would quickly remind him. So to dilute that out the Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies will likely get new powers too. And some sort of government will get set up for England, only nobody agrees what form it should take. Scotland has been promised that it will keep getting more money from Westminster per capita than England but the Tory back-benchers are grumbling about that and already don’t trust Cameron to negotiate any of this. It’s gonna be an interesting few months for the UK.
@Violet: House of Lords?
Joseph Nobles
Why am I not shocked that Democrats are fundraising on the serious issue of R+L=J? Serious commentator are serious.
Aside: I really don’t get the issue in the above link. Could someone explain it to me? Rush made a reprehensible comment, his spokesperson flat out lied about the context, and yet Dylan Byers found a “both sides.” That’s what I see. If you are constitutionally unable to click on that link, though, I don’t blame you.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Violet: I think it would be sort of Fleet Street + Westminster, to be equivalent.
Maybe “Fleetminster”? Except that that sounds like a word meaning “to administer an enema”. Oh wait- perfect!
“I hate bloody Scotland and all the c*nts from it.”
Bill E Pilgrim
@Joseph Nobles: What a ridiculous article.
Right, it started there. Not with Rush Limbaugh making the remarks about rape.
Right. As opposed to fundraising off of Rush Limbaugh making light of the issue.
To the conservatives who read Politico, “what irks” them will always be whatever Democrats did.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Now, having had quite a scare about the possibility of actually losing Scotland, Cameron and the Tories will stop considering the rich conservatives in The City as their only constituents, and pay more attention to the fact that there are others on the spectrum that need to be listened to. Nah, just kidding.
Quite. They’re going to take the opportunity to fuck the Scots as hard as they can. That whole devolution thing will be completely in the toilet by December. The Anglosphere’s Elites are nothing if not vindictive.
It was quite a helpful exercise though; it flushed the right-wing elite and their useful idiots from cover.
[‘Hangin’ on by their fingernails now.’]
Anne Laurie
@Joseph Nobles: What part of “Dylan Byers is a cheap whore for the GOP, even by Politico’s debased standards” did you miss?
@Bill E Pilgrim: I’m not sure Fleet Street is the right analogy. The British tabloid press doesn’t do the self-important bloviating that is your typical villager’s stock-in-trade, nor do broadcast journalists.
OTOH, Fleetminster is a catchy name.
Joseph Nobles
@Anne Laurie: That’s pretty much where I was. I was just surprised that it was so obvious.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Exactly. “You are upset about this, Republicans, so I shall validate your ire in every way I can manage.”
Bill E Pilgrim
@divF: Not a perfect match to be sure. On the other hand regarding Fleet Street, while we tend to think of it as shorthand for the tabloids, I think in the UK, historically at least, well here:
There’s nothing quite like the ingrown economic and social club known as The Village though, that’s for sure.
I think I have commented on these here threads before, about how we follow the US, but a few years behind. For your reading pleasure, or not http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/19/sydney-dawn-counter-terrorism-raids-why-now-and-why-so-few-answers
I am still getting lectured by a rightwinger that health care is not a right. According to him, it’s more of a personal health preference like drinking sodas all the time, not exercising or buying insurance. Then another chimes in saying a right doesn’t require someone else giving you something. I’m guessing they have read an Ayn Rand book or two.
I like that. “Practicing the Biblical commandment to serve your neighbor.” What a novel idea!/snark. I can’t quite visualize most fundie Christians in this country doing something like this, actually getting to really know their down on their luck neighbors.
I think I will start a write in campaign in my (very Red) congressional district for Tyrion Lannister. Of course most of my neighbors think more along the lines of Tywin.
Re George: a threat to kill Tyrion would not work, because everyone knows the scene will never get written.
Frankly, I’d avoid any fancy dinner parties in which Martin is involved in any capacity. They tend to go badly…
Another Holocene Human
@Anne Laurie: It’s not a “genuine tragedy” it’s shit that happens all the time in rural florida because the county governments do not NOT NOT take care of their people AT ALL body or soul … in Union County a decade or so ago a trucker who had been up for 23 hours plowed into the back of a minivan full of kids on a rural road. Well, the minivan was stopped for a school bus, the car was crushed like an egg and all the kids died, then grandpa died of a heart attack when he got the news. Union Cty is a known backroad bypass for I-75 if you’ve evading the weigh stations and you want to speed. But everybody piles on Lawtey for enforcing a fucking school zone around a high school that is right smack on 301. (Starke, too, although they’re congested enough and have enough stop lights that you’d be hard pressed to actually be speeding during the school zone at 3pm at a rate where a ticket would really mean anything.)
Deputies said they got called to that house in Bell all the time. So what does that tell you? Yeah, the gun made it easy. Felon shouldn’t have a gun and private sales should be registered. What is so fuckin’ hard about that. You do it for a car, do it for a gun. But see nobody here gives a shit because it’s somebody else’s family. Fuck them, they deserved it.
I’ve been to rural regions in other parts of the US and other parts of the world and they’re not like this. Leaden atmosphere. Scary. I know people who live back out there. Two guys I work with, separate incidents, their kid or their kid’s hookup broke and entered the property and robbed them blind. No jobs. Nobody looking out. Nobody cares. Several people: somebody stole their dog (STOLE THEIR DOG, IT’S A LIVING CREATURE) while they were away at work.
No health care. No food. Social worker in Alachua County (which does more than Gilchrist, trust me on that) told me of a mother who fed the kids corn starch out of a box when food ran out at the end of the month so the baby would stop crying for hunger pains. At least it’s not Haiti and eating dirt? In Czech Republic they have a custom to plant fruit trees outside of town so wanderers will have something to eat. But in America they hire arborists to plant trees that won’t shit anything on the sidewalk to clean up in the fall. The only edible plants are on the UF campus where state police will chase you off the property if you “don’t belong” never mind it is state property … huh … we aren’t citizens in Florida. This isn’t “our” university … it’s “theirs” … Florida Blue Key, Florida agriculture lobby, the developers, the SAA.
Another Holocene Human
@gian: Didn’t have to sell a gun. Private sales don’t have to do bg checks. Because of this, even though straw buying is illegal, it’s impossible to enforce laws against it. Trivially easy for this guy to get a gun.
Rural cops out here are like “tits on a boar” (so I heard in the trailer park) they show up after the action is over. They’re not going to be a hero and the sheriffs are all good (?) old boys. It’s becoming clearer and clearer why France uses gendarmes in the countryside. Not sure I totally agree with that either but I can see how they would trust a paramilitary, national, centrally accountable, well-trained, redeployable force over local constabulary. (Local constabulary is the British system but it’s also the failed British system, that was replaced with the model developed with the Metropolitan police. Unfortunately the US only implemented about half of what London did–they thought the ‘one half of working class to kill other half of working class’ underpaid armed thug squad would suit all their needs nicely, and nothing’s been done to reform things since the Gilded Age except to allow the police to unionize and increase their pay.)
Another Holocene Human
@divF: No, they do their bloviating on the BBC morning programs. I listen if I want to get my rage on at 4 or 5 AM EDT (not).
Another Holocene Human
Health panacea woo is very popular in these circles. If only you eat the right way, the primitive way, the Bible way, the secret way, you’ll be hale and hearty until age 92, able to bench press 3000lbs like Pat Robertson, as limber as Jack LaLane, and you don’t have the exercise. Just take this potion or pill, eat venison and replace sugar with honey, never eat rice, tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, don’t throw out the mother …. oh, and feminism is the reason for the obesity and diabetes epidemic. Be a real man, taste the rage!