So, Bill Ayers Prep? RT @chicagotribune: Mayor: New high school won't be named after President Obama
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) September 18, 2014
From the Tribune article:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel backed off Thursday from naming a new elite high school after President Barack Obama amid ongoing criticism from African-Americans who felt the honor inappropriate for a school slated for a wealthy, predominantly white part of the Near North Side…
The flap over Barack Obama College Preparatory High School illustrates a tendency by Emanuel to make splashy announcements before working out the details and getting buy-in from other interested parties.
In this instance, criticism began almost as soon as Emanuel unveiled the plan for the new high school and its name with much fanfare in April. Many in the neighborhood where the school was to be built opposed the site because it would have eaten up part of a park and was close to an elementary school where parking was scarce…
What’s more, families living in the swaths of Chicago where students don’t reside near elite high schools chafed at the fact the new school would be built little more than a mile from the top-tier Walter Payton College Preparatory High School. In September 2013, Emanuel announced a $17 million addition at Payton to increase capacity…
Given Mayor Rahm’s current popularity (“A Tribune poll in August found nearly 6 in 10 black voters disapprove of the mayor’s performance, while only about 1 in 4 approve of it”), he’ll probably suggest naming the school to honor Chicago legend Ah-goh Phuck Yusef.
Oh good, I can put my question at the top. How do you turn off an iPod? See below topic, comment 50-something, for details.
It’s off! Thank you, Comrade Mary!
Dog On Porch
Emanuel should save his ammo. Word is that Ronald Reagan International will soon be re-named for the Kenyan usurper, and that John Wayne International will also be renamed to honor Joe Biden.
Also, as other people said below, the mystery U2 album is free for everyone who has an iTunes account, so you won’t get charged extra for it.
Major Major Major Major
How is North Korea still a thing? It’s… it’s disgusting. It’s so much worse than anything happening in the Middle East. It’s just an affront to human dignity. But nooooo, let’s invade Iraq again.
Sorry, I’m mad.
Corner Stone
“I showered with Rahm and all I got was this used wrinkly bag with a weird nozzle.”
Ok, I’m watching Demolition Man.
I completely forgot that Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone were in Demolition Man together before Expendables 3. Also too, Benjamin Bratt, Sandra Bullock too…dang.
Cuomo/Emanuel 2016. That’s the ticket.
See Shonda Rhimes’ Brilliant Response to Being Called An ‘Angry Black Woman’ By A TV Critic
Howard Beale IV
@beltane: If that is what the Dem’s will field, I’ll vote Republican.
I see that Newsmax is helpfully telling us that Ebola can spread “like flu”. I assume that means through the air on the afflicted’s bodily fluids, and through touch.
Fucking germs, how do they work?
Also too, thanks for the good thoughts down below on the job situation. Patience will be tried. And that mostly means “attempted”.
Did anyone ever figure out what the hell the “three sea shells” were in Demolitian Man and how the hell did you use them?
One for Bob ‘You know who else was a Fascist?’ in Portlandia – NATO troops in Ukraine – Rapid Trident:
It was
secretlyplannedby the MIC and CIAlong ago, along with plannedsecretUS troops in Russia. Stripes:These exercises are
a secret conspiracynothing new:HTfnordH!
Bob In Portland
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Wasn’t this earlier in the week? What’s your point?
Roger Moore
Of course not. The writers didn’t know what they were or how to use them. They just put that in there to have some bizarre and inscrutable future technology and to have an excuse to talk obliquely about bodily functions they otherwise wouldn’t be allowed to include.
Bob In Portland
Rahm Emanuel has been a DLC-like dickhead for his political career, like whatsherface down in Florida.
“He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!”
“Bill Ayers Prep”???
When did Dave Weigel start repeating wingnut humor?
@Roger Moore:
If they were somehow important to the plot (I haven’t seen the movie), that’s what the cool kids call a MacGuffin.
Anne Laurie
@EriktheRed: Get one of the regulars to explain the “snark” function to you.
@Roger Moore: I know right! LOL. if you really want to read some crazy google the whole what’s with the seashells thing and see some of the answer…lol
Major Major Major Major
@Anne Laurie: @EriktheRed: Weigel is a self-admitted “asshole”. His job appears to be about 30% trolling on any given day.
Sea Lion.
@Major Major Major Major:
Off your topic, but I don’t know if you saw my reply to you in the Scotland thread: I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been weaving, not crocheting. If you really like it, you could move up to one of these.
Watching Maddow. Back to Kansas. The Kansas Supreme Court Had to rule on Thursday because the overseas ballots had to set by Friday. The Secretary of State said he was delaying the deadline for a week and that he had gotten a waiver from the Justice Department. Well, boys and girls, THAT was a phucking lie.
he’s sending out the ballots WITH A DISCLAIMER.
and get this…
he wants to change the ENTIRE regular election to November 12…
Being from Chicago…
when you go around closing 50 schools IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY..
and then announce that a Barack Obama Selective Enrollment High School
He deserved every ounce of contempt he received on that.
Barack Obama got his start from the SOUTH SIDE of Chicago.
Putting that school on the North Side was nothing but an insult.
and, Rahm’s latest approval ratings in the Black community is SINGLE DIGITS…..
the Latino community – in the TEENS….
so, when I say I just want any plausible alternative..
I am not alone.
My whine of the day: not only did I fuck up at work a couple of weeks ago and have to ‘fess up to my boss, I just discovered this week that I fucked up again the same goddamned way after I assured her that I had it all under control.
Monday is going to suck. ass.
Anne Laurie
@Major Major Major Major: …. aaaand not only does Weigel make me laugh, but I use him as someone who Will Read Those (RWNJ) Idiots So I Don’t Have To!
Pharaoh Rahmses will simply order his serfs to crack some heads among the hoi-polloi while biding his time for his presidential run.
President Rahmses the First seems inevitable, at this point…