… or Spring, if you’re reading this from the other hemisphere. Happy shift season, either way.
Best Wikipedia edit of the week, via NYMag:
Professor Krugman, on “Life in Belle Epoque America“:
The Atlantic has an article about a website that sets up “mutually beneficial relationships” between wealthy older men and college students. Yes, it’s prurient, and I’m probably a dirty old man for even linking to it…
But there is some economics here too. Thomas Piketty tells us that we’re living in a new Belle Epoque — and he’s right, in some ways contemporary society feels more like that era than the cruder, more hypocritical American Gilded Age — and one thing extreme inequality brings is, yes, a courtesan class…
However, Snopes.com shatters the dreams of straight men everywhere by classifying the rumor of a bodymodded three-breasted Florida woman as “false”.
Apart from such frivols, what’s on the agenda for the day?
It be 59 in Georgia!
@raven: It’s 66 outside here, of course it’s 3:07am(it’s an improvement over last week).
Being it’s an open thread, I’ve finished scanning all my slides(probably about 2000). Now I’m geo-tagging them. The slide that I just finished tagging turns out to have the oldest auto factory in the world in the background.
@BillinGlendaleCA: My SIL in the valley loves to post all this shit about how wonderful LA is. Last week she whined and whined about the weather.
@raven: 46 in the Ozarks! (I am more impressed with your 59) My leaves are beginning to turn now. The days are cool with clear deep blue skies. I love it.
Started pouring the concrete under the porch yesterday, and I can feel it this morn. Almost wish I had done more concrete back in my younger days, if I had maybe I would be more confidant in my skills and have a truck bring it in all at once. As is, I’ll mix and pour it one 3 x 5 pad at a time.
Got all the posts for the wood shed set last week, so today I’ll frame it up. The rest of my week will be spent in STL getting an apt building ready for sale. I’ll be going up there off and on for the next month as that building has problems.
@raven: It was hotter than the hinges of hades.
@OzarkHillbilly: Damn, we are still in admin limbo on our sewer job and, when it’s finally done, the first thing for the addition will be to pour the pad.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Good training for ya’ll.
Betty Cracker
It’s 73 here now, and the high is only 86. Thank FSM summer is over! I’ve always loved fall because of the weather and football and also because I’m fond of the holidays. It’s bittersweet this year since it’s our first without my mom and the mister’s dad, but we will make the best of them.
Alex S.
Andrew Sullivan (via Atrios, via Kevin Drum) begins to wonder if the GOP really cares about the deficit… (link to Kevin Drum)
@Betty Cracker: We had the last dinner with the kid before the start of school. Yummy Korean food. Tomorrow she has to get her parking permit for the quarter; Wednesday, she’s doing mentoring for the new students; and Thursday is her first day of clinical for the quarter(12 hours in the hospital).
Betty Cracker
@BillinGlendaleCA: What sort of program is she in?
Amir Khalid
Now that I have a cellphone again, I am undergoing a week-long (at least) experiment in doing without a wristwatch. I now have a rather bulky pocket watch that I can phone and send text messages from. (And surf the net, and play games, and take photos, and note my appointments, etc., were I so inclined.) So far so good, although my now-unencumbered left wrist still feels curiously light.
@Betty Cracker: Nursing.
@Amir Khalid: You could get one of those keen android watches that communicate with your phone.
Amir Khalid
May I add, I am disappointed to learn that Ms Eccentrica Gallumbits is a phony.
@Betty Cracker:
I don’t remember summer breaking on the “Space Coast” till November. But from then till March it was glorious. No humidity, 70-80 degrees no afternoon flushing of the toilet.
51 out here on the frozen tundra this AM. Highs will be in the 70s. Thats pretty normal but usually a couple weeks later than this. The down side is that it is all down side from here till March.
@Amir Khalid:
I love watches and have a half dozen including 2 pocket watches. I stopped wearing one a year or so ago as it does seem redundant when I have big digital in my pocket. I guess that watchmaking is another industry ground under the wheels of technology.
@Alex S.: What was his first clue?
Total sympathy….spent two hours using a circular saw to clear the space between deck boards for my sis-in-law yesterday and my forearms are hurtin’ this morning. LOT of boards on this deck and they were all spaced too closely. Two solid hours of it is too much, and more to do today.
But yet another beautiful day in store.
Betty Cracker
@BillinGlendaleCA: Brava for her! The world needs good nurses desperately.
@Amir Khalid: I gladly gave up wristwatches when I got my first cellphone, but my sister still wears a watch. She just likes them and couldn’t get out of the habit.
@Alex S.:
Is that a question?
Only if there’s a Democrat in the Oval Office and/or it doesn’t involve bombing brown people.
Shorter: Nope.
@Amir Khalid: I haven’t worn a watch since… Well really, ever. I got whistle-bit a few times, but not being able to check the time always seemed to make the day go faster.
In other news, John Cole finds religion to get as far away from George Will as possible.
Sort of begs the question as to why the fuck were they funding ALEC in the first place….
Mustang Bobby
76 F here in Miami. On or about October 15 someone throws a switch and we go from steamy summer with afternoon rain to clear and dry days and pleasant evenings until May 15 when we switch back. I don’t mind the humidity as much as some, and the orchids love it, but I do look forward to the days when I can have the patio door open for more than two minutes without making the A/C kick in.
So there is no Eccentrica Gallumbits? Damn!
Keith G
From the Guardian: A very lucky Muscovite bicyclist survives a scene reminiscent of a Harold Lloyd movie.
I’m goddamn frozen, BTW
CFO of Prince George’s county school system (budget of $1.8 billion, salary of $170,000) commits insurance fraud, resigns:
Completely inexplicable.
Stop gap measures.
Naturally, banks and other financial institutions were excluded. Because financial competitiveness.
Yeah, $6000 should have been worth it for that guy.
As I get older and my mind goes south, I can actually see forgetting making the first claim when making the second. But it sounds like that’s not what happened.
The Treasury fact sheet doesn’t explain why they were excluded, but it suggests that banks were excluded only from one aspect of the new rules.
I’m not certain, but it may be that normal rules regarding valuation of passive assets doesn’t work for banks and financial institutions.
That should have read: “should not have been worth it.”
The article on the Courtesan Class in France during the Belle Epoque was interesting. But I was waiting for a reference to the Colette story and the movie Gigi</emi.
Betty Cracker
@Keith G: Good lord, that was scary!
Peer pressure, all their friends were doing it so they felt they had to do it too so their friends wouldn’t think they weren’t cool.
48 in Buffalo. Off to the park for Tai Chi.
@Keith G:
I saw that yesterday, it is hilarious because the guy is unhurt. That is as close to tragedy as you want to get though. Too bad the biker didn’t have a gopro on, the first person of that scene would have been a pants wetter for sure.
NewsMax Headline from Right Side of Home Page:
Which must be true because, if I were President Obama, the first person with whom I would want to share my secret agendas would clearly be Dick Morris.
The summer wind, came blowin’ in from across the sea
Same here, like I don’t already know Time is racing up on me without being handcuffed to the bastard.
In the interest of efficiency, Google shortened it’s motto by one third: from “Don’t Be Evil” to “Be Evil.”
@JGabriel: Dick Morris would BE the first item on my agenda.
Cool carbon map of the world at the Guardian.
Chyron HR
You’d think people would have noticed this secret Obama agenda after five and a half years of it.
a great comment on Krugman’s article, “the job creators never said what kind of jobs they’d create.”
(and it’s 54 F in DC)
I wear TWO watches at the same time! One on each wrist! Strictly digital watches.
Of course, the only time I ever wear a watch is when I’m refereeing soccer games – when whatever game (or set of games) is over, they go back into my referee equipment bag until next time I’m reffing. Sometimes when I replace one of them, it’s a month or more before I bother to set it to accurate time-of-day, cause the timer/stopwatch function is what I’m interested in using it for. However, I do need one of them to be approximately accurate, in order to start the game around the appointed game time.
@OzarkHillbilly: Halperin called Quatar the Dick Morris of nations!
What does that even mean? Two faced and lying?
Clearly, this is great news for John McCain.
Paula Deen was on my tv talking about “what she learned” and just as I rushed to change channels, she said “we are putting together a documentary” on her fiasco. Barf.
@JGabriel: Not to be snarky, but do you think maybe that Morris has an agenda? Maybe a very small one, compared with Obama.
Three breasts? What about the man with THREE BUTTOCKS? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqosS6DBwhA
@Botsplainer: Yes!
Yes, I think Will called himself an “amiable, low-voltage atheist.”
(Not the first noun or adjectives I’d use to describe him.)
@Baud: Someone should ask him what ALEC does not lie about.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
That’ same very good profession (coming up on 20 years as a nurse myself)
Anyone up for a good comment bomb?
If you are anywhere near the media footprint of CT public radio/TV, (or just want to anyway), submit a question for the Oct. 9th “debate” at CTFORUM.org.
I would like to know what it God’s name the Connecicut Forum is doing having Karl Rove on a panel “Debating Our Broken Political System”.
Charles Blow and Doris Kearns Goodwin are the other two panelists.
CT public radio, who is hand in glove with the CT Forum, and provides a host, usually knows better than this. Their locally-made shows are much better than the NPR pablum.
Who better than one of the schmucks who broke it?
@Cervantes: Rachel Maddow isn’t there to rebut or moderate.
This will fail on the mount of “public radio polite”.
Summer is my favorite season, so I always go through a mild down period when it’s over. There’s a lot about fall that’s good, so I don’t dislike fall, but I do not welcome the coming gray and darkness. I accept it, but I’m not enthusiastic about it.