As you all are in touch politically, you are all probably aware that Holder is resigning. I have no idea who will be nominated to take his place, but I sure hope it is someone who will push decriminalization of marijuana laws and will continue to aggressively pursue civil rights violations. Taking on the banksters would be nice, as well.
Who do we think the next nominee will be? I’m assuming it will be someone who is not being groomed for the Supreme Court, because serving for two years under Obama will make them impossible to elevate to the court, given the way the right wing and the compliant media are able to gin up lasting nontroversies (Fast and Furious, anyone?).
So who would you like it to be, and who do you think it will be? I have no earthly idea. Also, will the confirmation happen before or after the midterms?
Yes, fuck voting rights and civil rights. What we really need is marijuana decriminalization.
I’m going to guess it’ll be Homeland Security Sec’y Jeh Johnson. Someone who’s already been vetted and then confirmed for another office.
Gin & Tonic
Pretty sure I read about this somewhere already.
John Cole +0
@Mnemosyne: Someone just wanted to react rather than read the fucking post. You can apologize whenever. And no, I have not edited the post.
Or what about Goodwin Liu? Nominated to a judgeship but that was withdrawn. But this wouldn’t be a lifetime appointment.
@John Cole +0:
So your position is only fuck voting rights? That’s not actually better, you know.
ETA: And, yes, I get very tired of marijuana advocates whining about California dispensaries being shut down just because they’re keeping millions of dollars in cash and guns on the premises, plus illegally squatting in areas where the city and/or county of Los Angeles have told them they can’t be. Poor babies.
Corner Stone
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you – John Cole!
I’d like to see him do marijuana on his way out the door. Don’t saddle your successor with that fight.
Corner Stone
There’s no way it will happen before November. Waiting 3 months to confirm would be a dick move, so…maybe?
Lindsey Graham?
RNC thinks they’ll win the senate, so why not just wait and impeach him?
I’m afraid no one can be confirmed in this climate. Who’s the assistant or deputy, or whoever it is that fills in? We have whole agencies being run by the number 2 guy because the nominee can’t get confirmed.
John Cole +0
@Mnemosyne: Voting rights are civil rights, you fucking assclown. It’s even a subdivision in the organizational chart of the Justice Department (google justice + department + civil + rights + organizational + chart). Are you working to be a hysterical fucktard, or does this come naturally?
And considering that the overwhelming majority of people in jail for marijuana violations are minorities, it essentially is a civil rights issue. These are not discrete issues.
Christ almighty. The only thing you haven’t done so far is call me a dudebro, you dumb fuck. You can apologize now.
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne: Your unfettered ability to be mendacious about everything you post is near stunning at this point.
I would suggest you read his post again, but you’d just re-jumble the words again in your broke ass brain.
I’ve been seeing some internet scuttlebutt that Deval Patrick may be tapped.
Dispensaries getting shut down in California has a whole lot more to do with poorly written state and local laws than the Big Bad Feds stomping on poor, innocent dispensaries, but I realize there’s no way to point that out now that the narrative has been written that Holder Hates Pot Smokers.
How about that Adegbile guy? Love to see the hysteria.
Corner Stone
One way to read his announced resignation is to say he won’t resign until a successor is confirmed. I’m not sure, exactly, how that would work. But it sounds fun.
Greenwald has a JD, doesn’t he?
Corner Stone
What’s Mumia doing these days?
@John Cole +0:
Hey, I’m not the one who thinks that Holder should be judged by his stance on marijuana. Take a look at the thread below if you think I’m reacting to nothing.
I only know what I read and hear in the news on this.
I heard Preet Bahara’s name come up in the news report, and I like his history busting Wall Street, one of Holder’s weaknesses.
Would be fun to see GOP try to block that nomination.
I heard Khamala Harris’ name come up, but she needs to stay in CA for now. And while only a personal nuisance consideration, we would have to endure two years of idiocy about supposed ‘competition’ and jealousy with First Lady.
Donald Verilli also might be good.
@aimai: second this. I’d also suggest Kamala Harris, but I think she might have national potential and AG seems like a good way to destroy that.
If Jerry Brown weren’t already our Gov I’d suggest him too
John Cole +0
@Mnemosyne: No, don’t try to weasel out of your bullshit. You were reacting to ME. And you were not only wrong, but continued to be wrong when I pointed it out and forced you to read the post you had already commented on.
Again, you can apologize whenever.
Not to mention, I was unaware that there was a post below, because I looked at my iphone, saw nothing, and said “I better mention the Holder resignation or they are going to be posting all over the place as if we were not aware”
Brian R.
The only reason to announce it now is to push for a replacement while the Senate is still in Democratic hands.
They could go big — Preet Bahara? Kamala Harris? Cass Sunstein? — but given how fucked up the opposition is, I wouldn’t be surprised if they elevate someone already in DOJ like Deputy AG James Cole.
Betty Cracker
I dont know all that much about Kamala Harris, but from what I’ve heard, she’s been great. And she takes on banks — a plus!
I think the nominee will be Deval Patrick and it won’t happen until after the midterms if we hold the Senate. If we don’t hold the Senate, they won’t even bother nominating someone new because the GOP won’t let anyone through.
The Jackalope is string with this one, John.
Patrick worked at DoJ at one point, I believe. In fact, I so remembered his name connected with DoJ that I looked it up (I’m usually too lazy to bother; I just let some other BJer do that). And I’m right, he headed the Civil Rights Division under Clinton.
Eliot Spitzer!
Brian R.
Hmm, others have good reasons why Harris would be a poor choice.
I’ll say Bahara then. Go ahead, GOP: Stand in the way of the first Asian American nominee for Attorney General.
I didn’t know the name Preet Bharara before, but I like what I read on his Wikipedia page.
Mike in NC
These days, Obama would have a tough time getting Alberto Gonzales accepted as AG.
@SatanicPanic: Gesundheit.
Sounds like we’re on the same page. I agree with every word of your comment.
Brian R.
Patrick has said he doesn’t want the job, but that might just be him playing coy.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: The US Attorneys are part of the DoJ. Anything that Bahara did was done on Holder’s watch.
El Caganer
I have no idea who the nominee will be, but it doesn’t really matter – there won’t be a confirmation.
@John Cole +0:
Fine. You mentioned one area of strength, civil rights, which in your head encompassed voting rights, but then mentioned two areas of weakness. But, hey, you threw Holder a bone, so what am I getting all bent out of shape over, right?
I am really fucking sick of the whole Holder is the worst AG ever! meme that’s all over the fucking blogs, including this one. If that was not your intent, then I apologize.
Corner Stone
Actually, yes. Put that Bill Cowher wannabe in as AG!
@cleek: Derp, her thesis was on Saul Alinksy.
Helmut Monotreme
What about an east coast lawyer who has plenty of experience as a DA, one with leadership experience, who might be looking for a new job soon? Someone give Chris Christie a call.
Brian R.
This recent NYT profile on Bharara not only makes him sound great, but plausible too. The Republicans will scream that whoever is nominated is a partisan hack, but that charge won’t stick against a guy who’s been fucking with Cuomo for several years.
Preet Bahara would be a really good choice, if they can make sure his replacement keeps up the work he has been doing. So would Kamala Harris, but I think she should run for the Senate once DiFi or Boxer retires – set her up nationally.
Lots of good choices for this, but not sure who will be interested in what will effectively be a 2-year stint (unless there’s some back-channeling about who Hillary would possibly keep on).
Brian R.
Civil rights encompassed voting rights in the heads of most civil rights leaders as well. You might want to read up on the Mississippi Freedom Summer and Selma.
Or, you know, you could tell Martin Luther King to go fuck himself too. That sounds right up your idiotic alley.
@Brian R.:
Yes, yes, Holder is the worst AG ever, just like everyone says. Happy now?
John Cole +0
What kind of patronizing bullshit is that? it’s not in my head, IT IS HOW THE FUCKING JUSTICE DEPARTMENT IS SET UP. Voting rights fall under civil rights. Jesus fucking christ, some of the most widely heralded legislative achievements of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT were, get this, THE VOTING RIGHTS ACTS.
And it gets worser and worser- you have heard of noted CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER John Lewis, right? You know what he spent the 60’s doing, right?
And how you could infer I was criticizing Holder in this post for not adequately pursuing civil rights issues when I wrote, and I quote, “will continue to aggressively pursue civil rights violations,” is just more evidence of your world class derp in this thread.
At this point, you are basically standing in the middle of the thread smearing feces all over your nude self while yelling about chemtrails and how you were anally probed by aliens. Take a time out. Go outside and get some fresh air.
Marriage is a Beautiful Thing
El Caganer
@Mnemosyne: No. You haven’t said he is WORSE THAN HITLER yet.
I for one would really love to see the five seconds either McConnell’s or Cruz’ name is under consideration – both for the “butbutbut” coming from the Reichwing, and from either gentleman when he learns he’d have to resign his Senate seat to accept the job. I wouldn’t want to see either one seriously considered, but the moment of consternation across the aisle would be priceless.
Other than that, ditto aimai on Adegbile.
The new person will get confirmed, because Holder has said he is staying in the job until that happens.
If the GOP hates him as much as they seem to, they will not block the new nominee. Otherwise, Holder just stays longer.
@John Cole +0: The John Cole’s of the Brogressive Left are all racists and only care about Snowden, drones, banks and pot.
OMG, you’re funny.
OMG, you’re hysterically funny!
@catclub: I had not heard that. E-x-c-e-llll-e-nnnntttt… bwa ha ha ha…
The New York Times moderates its reader comments.
And a lot of the Holder resignation story comments are still a cesspool today. The flying monkeys, who see Holder as a race-baiter and the country’s number one racist, bigot [sic] are out in force.
It is an ugly mirror.
@Helmut Monotreme:
Or Rudy Giuliani now that we are at war again. FBI stings to arrest random muslims 24/7.
I loved that part of the resignation. Sour stomachs on the right today.
@Corner Stone: ugghh they do look alike. Gross
De criminalization us all well and good, but if there is one thing we seen alot of these oh so many years us that whitw stoner dude are considered much more non – threatening than stones of color.
I’m all for de criminalization but please let’s not pretend that it will actually mean anything much for the perception of POC in law enforcement or the courts.
Do what about marijuana? As Mark Kleiman has pointed out repeatedly at RBC, only Congress can de-schedule marijuana. Holder has done exactly everything that an AG do by making dope crimes a low enforcement priority.
Won’t Holder stay on, until the next DOJ is confirmed? If he does, the republicans want to confirm someone else.
@John Cole +0:
You expecting an apology is high comedy. Pun absolutely intended.
Oh and I did check I to the lat thread on Holder’s resignation and other than the racist and outright bigoted conservatism comment sections there seem to me a number of people who considers AG Holder a so if not outright horrible AG.
It came off as if the voting/civil rights was just meh to a number of people. So I understand Mnemosyne’s anger.
@Brian R.:
I’d guess it is playing coy since he can’t even talk about being nominated until after the midterms. He has started talking vaguely about running for president but hasn’t done any of the legwork for it so I don’t think he’s all that serious about it.
With all of the justice issues with AAs – voter discrimination, Ferguson, etc., I’d like to see Holder replaced with another AA and Patrick has the right background with time in DoJ as head of civil rts division.
John Cole +0
Reading is Fundamental. Apparently not on this thread, though.
@Helmut Monotreme:
Christie was a horror-show as US Attorney for NJ. Even worse than Alito, if you can imagine that.
Helmut Monotreme
@burnspbesq: OK, what about Eliot Spitzer?
El Caganer
@burnspbesq: It’s not hard to imagine – Alito is a wingnut’s wingnut, but I don’t think he hit anywhere near Chubs’ level of corruption.
mai naem mobile
Eric Schneiderman for going after banks.
Kamala Harris. DiFi doesnt get done with her term till 2018. Shes half East Indian/half black.
I think it will be Patrick. Its a 2 yr gig. He was head of the civil rights division. And hes black and thats important because of the voting rights stuff. Nice way to cap off his public service career if he doesnt run for prez or veep.
Also too, I cant remember his name but there was a state AG from Arkansas maybe who got pretty emotional about the gay marriage issue. He seemed like a decent person with principles.
If Obama really wanted to make heads explode he could nominate Michelle. She is qualified.
Mary Jo White.
If it turns out to be Bharara, then Andrew Ceresney (currently head of the Enforcement Division at the SEC) should be the new USA for SDNY. He’s already done two stints as an AUSA in that office, and the quality of his work is legendary.
@mai naem mobile:
‘ If Obama really wanted to make heads explode he could nominate Michelle. She is qualified. ‘
If that could be done, I have a new favorite nominee.
@Helmut Monotreme:
Spritzer would need three bellhops to carry all his baggage, but other than that he would be a great choice.
When your right to vote has never been under siege, and you can walk the streets without fear of a cop or neighborhood vigilante gunning you down in public, you can fret over things like getting stoned legally.
White privilege is a powerful thing, even within liberal political circles.
wow, usually you wait to start with this sort of horseshit after the thread is 150 posts in. this is a real red letter day.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@burnspbesq: Maybe David Vitter could be persuaded to do the formal introduction to the judiciary committee
Who exactly is saying that? There’s a pretty wide chasm between making valid criticisms of an AG’s record and calling him/her “the worst AG ever”. I think it’s fair to say that on the matter of fighting for civil rights/voting rights that Attorney General Holder has been terrific. And I also think it’s fair to say that on some other issues – particularly cracking down on a lot of the malfeasance of the big banks – that AG Holder has been less than terrific. This doesn’t mean that I hate AG Holder or think that he has been the worst attorney general ever, but it does mean that I do wish that he had done a few things better during his tenure. Why is it wrong to say that?
Yes. Indeed. I think too many people take it for granted, even in the face of blatant voter suppression.
Actually, I do NOT think it’s fair to say that Holder has been less than terrific on the banks. I think you can arguably say that he is going through channels that are available to him, because he has far fewer tools to prosecute banks with than other officials, either in the past or on the state level.
And, sorry, but there were numerous people in the previous thread who did not give Holder credit AT ALL for civil rights and voting rights accomplishments.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes, Spitzer has a kind of baggage the GOP is familiar with and which for their own is considered ‘carry-on light’. So, should speed the confirmation hearings.
Though not as kinky or nasty as most of theirs. So they might complain they don’t want an AG who is not a real man’s man.
New FPer? (Salary commensurate with amount of feces smeared.)
The Thin Black Duke
See what happens when you get “uppity”, Mnemosyne? The piling on seems ridiculously excessive, but maybe that’s just me.
He/she can push it all they want, but they execute the laws, not make them. That’s Congress you’re looking for. The best the AG can say is “we don’t have time,” which is not the same thing.
John Cole +0
I’m still kind of shocked that anything in my OP was considered either an attack on Holder or even remotely controversial. I thought this would be a calm thread where people would throw out names of people I had not heard of before and could google. Instead, it turned into this disaster in which I am perceived to be attacking Holder for not using the terminology someone else has in their head correctly rather than the actual way the Justice Department is set up and then informed that Holder doesn’t write the laws in this country. Really? I HAD NO IDEA the executive branch doesn’t write the laws.
Sweet jeebus. I’m going to cut the grass and weed-eat. Some of you people are fucking insane in the membrane.
@John Cole +0:
no wonder you’re all about decriminalization.
@The Thin Black Duke:
The sycophants and assorted rump swabs of the comment section get a case of the vapors, when someone points out that dear blog host has a habit of coming across as a brogressive caricature.
Grumpy Code Monkey
@John Cole +0:
But adorably so!
John Cole +0
@Belafon: When the attorney general declines to prosecute or places less emphasis on certain types of drug investigation and prosecutions, he is de facto advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana laws.
Holder has kooties.
Edit: Holder is not hip, does not listen to the ‘in’ bands.
Edit: Always brings the worst dishes to the DC pundit potlucks. He is the worst AG ever.
@Helmut Monotreme:
I’m guessing you’re a big proponent of marijuana legalization…
Because you’d have to be high to think Eliot Spitzer is a plausible choice for USAG.
Spitzer (“baggage” – none of which includes diapers or receipts from abortion mills – and all) or David Boies.
Failing those two: perhaps the greatest lawyer, prosecutor, and civil-rights-for-some advocate in the history of the Senate: Lindsey Graham
If Graham is not acceptable to the GOP, then Bobby Seale would be an outstanding choice, if for no other reason than to see some Rethug heads a-splode.
He would be an OUTSTANDING choice, he just wouldn’t get confirmed, even if dead St. Ronnie and Dead Andy Breitbart returned and gave him their blessing.
ETA: Does deriving some amount of pleasure from noting that Dead Andy Breitbart is Still Dead make me a bad person? (And if that isn’t a set-up line, y’all are off your game.)
@gwangung: Perhaps some take it for granted that a Democratic AG would fight voter suppression that impacts Democrat’s elections. Perhaps some think he is the modern-day Atticus Finch for doing his job. Perhaps some think he should do more.
So much White Privilege.
@SFAW: Lindsay will be gone, leading charges in O’Reily’s Exceptional American Expeditionary Force of Glory. Heard a news report that he is polishing his sword and looking for white war horse.
Grumpy Code Monkey
So what you’re saying is that Cole should have reversed the order of the issues he listed? That by listing decriminalization first, that means he obviously places more emphasis on that than civil rights and going after banksters?
@John Cole +0:
Do you seriously believe that an AG sets legislative priorities for an administration? Or is a free agent in that regard?
You’ve written so much dumb shit on this blog over the years that it’s impossible to rank-order it all with precision, but that is surely close to the top of the list.
El Caganer
Jonah Goldberg. “Justice by the pantload.” I like the sound of that.
“Hey! He can’t abuse our
pledgesAG nominees! Only WE can abuse ourpledgesAG nominees!”Bobby Thomson
You slay me.
We’ll be lucky if there is a confirmation before 2017.
@The Thin Black Duke:
Nah, I know I’m an asshole sometimes, so I roll with it.
Final thing without scrolling back up: what drives me nuts about the Holder hates marijuana! crowd is that, at least here in California, what the DEA is doing is helping state and local authorities enforce state and local regulations, but dispensaries with sob stories tend to leave that little part out when they complain about The Man being out to get to them.
@Bobby Thomson:
Of any nominee. For any position.
Smeared feces, dumb shit, rump swabs, pantloads…. Bathroom Juice!
Heh heh, this thread was funny. I was only joking about Spitzer. That guy has some good qualities, but not enough to outweigh his negatives
None of them black or Hispanic, however (and few of them Asian).
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@srv: There are only so many things an AG (or anyone else) can prioritize. Either you think that Holder has been lazy and his replacement needs to work more, or for everything you want to see prioritized more heavily, there will also be something that gets less effort.
So, what do you think the DoJ should be less concerned about than it has been?
Cole, I can hear the veins in your forehead throbbing all the way down in Texas.
@John Cole +0:
Which is my comment 61, less well written.
@Mnemosyne: You are so completely full of shit.
The DEA and DA’s are re-imagining state and local laws to hammer dispenseries. Nowhere are the locals incapable of enforcing their own laws except in your twisted imagination.
Keith G
Hee hee.
Brian R.
No, I actually think Holder was decent, if uninspiring.
My belief that civil rights encompass voting rights still stands.
@Betty Cracker:
Not necessarily a consensus opinion here, as there are those who feel Harris has been too low-profile and even too safe in the job. But she’s popular and will have a super-easy reelection.
Getting back on topic, she’s not interested in Holder’s job. My hunch: she’s eyeing Feinstein’s. I’d be okay with that.
Brian R.
What in the original post was “brogressive”? The part where he admitted he didn’t have any suggestions and welcomed people’s input? The part where he said he wanted to see aggressive prosecution of civil rights violations?
I think some folks here do have a loose grip on reality, but it’s not the ones sticking up for Cole.
Will really miss Holder. He might just have been my favorite cabinet member in the Obama administration.
You read the editorial at #15, yes? Explain to me exactly what’s wrong in it and how all dispensary owners are totally obeying state law and local regulations.
Also, you know who disagrees with you about them being joint raids? LAPD and the LA City Attorney’s office:
Outside of the whole hooker/cheating thing, what negatives? He would go after the Banksters like crazy (which is why he would never get confirmed), and would probably address the other areas of the job reasonably well.
Brian R.
@Bobby Thomson:
For Attorney General? No fucking way.
There are a lot of positions that can go unstaffed in the face of Republican obstruction, but as long as they’re bleating about the need for tough prosecution of the War on Terra AND Holder is promising to stay in place until a replacement is confirmed, they’re not going to be able to hold off for long.
Corner Stone
Holder gave quite an emotional speech. Very moving.
Essentially, the President is my good friend, and the struggle continues.
@Trollhattan: Whatever would set her up best for CA gub or US Senatorial gig would be my preference. I don’t think that would include 2-year stint as US AG, but BJ CA political mavens may have a more informed opinion.
Chyron HR
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
You forgot “shiftless”.
@SFAW: Spitzer is starting to sound better and better.
Only problem, No Drama Obama unlikely to nominate him.
I won’t ever underestimate the GOP’s willingness to obstruct Obama in anything, but AG is a big deal. I wonder how long they would be willing to stand in the way of a new AG? Especially of Holder is not willing to leave until someone replaces him.
@SFAW: I thought about saying negative (singular) but I figured he visited more than 1 hooker
Corner Stone
gogol's wife
@The Thin Black Duke:
I’m late to this thread, but I agree.
Thanks for making my point. LAPD is able to do its own thing, even if the DEA has to bring their MRAPs and drones. And I’m sure there is always only one side to these stories, the DEA one.
Your anecdotes always seem to miss what the DEA has done w/o local cops. Which is plenty.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Holder has had all the time in the world attack MJ Clinics. If you want to debate other shortcomings, take it up with John. I was just debunking Burnsie and his “name names” comment as though it was all null.
On Spitzer, people think he has more than a slim chance in hades of being confirmed? Obama’s aversion to drama aside, why nominate a candidate who is in all likelihood a nonstarter?
Maybe so (I don’t recall) – but is that it, no other negatives in your mind? Serious question.
KS in MA
I’d like to nominate Patrick Fitzgerald. Evidently he quit being US Atty for Chicago a couple of years ago and is now working for Skadden Arps. (Late to the thread; I assume, and hope, lots of you have already nominated him.)
Except when they act jointly with DEA, which is what the story is about.
Your link seems to be missing. Please provide one.
Agree. A short USAG stint following a bruising confirmation fight would 1. be grueling punishment for little “reward” and 2. take her out of the state for two long years.
ETA Dates corrected: Boxer will soon announce whether she’s seeking another term–I give it 60:40 she will, seat’s up in ’16. After that, it’s Feinstein’s seat in ’18 (10:90 against running another time). Jerry will continue doing governatorial pull-ups, also until ’18, same time Harris’ seat must be vacated.
Corner Stone
Do you honestly believe any suggestion of Sptizer was serious?
@SFAW: None that I know of, but seriously, that’s a pretty big one. Not evidence of good judgment or willpower.
Cole asked who we’d like to see confirmed, before he asked who we thought it would be.
Obama would never nominate him, because he has no desire to go after Wall Street et al., never mind the “No Drama” bullshit.
I’d also like to see my senior Senator get elected President, but that ain’t happening either.
Corner Stone
Probably more arrogance than anything else. Still not fatal, in my mind. (In theoretical terms, not practical terms, that is.)
@Corner Stone:
Um, yes?
Corner Stone
@Hal: Oh. Ok, thanks.
@Mnemosyne: You seem to think that you can just make shit up and lie and people have to debunk you with links.
You make Republicans look honest.
Either you’re a complete idiot or you have no grasp on reality.
Meds, they’re good for you.
Steve in the ATL
And yet you come here every day.
@KS in MA:
They made Fitzgerald the monitor of a giant rip-off for profit college chain in June. They’re “winding it down” and he’s supposed to protect the interests of the federal gov and the students when they sell it off.
@Steve in the ATL:
Come for the ranting, stay for the fail?
@John Cole +0: Except, when he’s no longer in office, the next person can take them up again. I understand what you are saying, but it’s still the wrong focus.
Yes, the horrible, horrible DEA, sending really mean emails that request state-required documentation:
When will their attempts to enforce California’s regulations stop? When?!
You go girl… keep after ’em!
Hot diggety — an all out bar brawl!!
Where’s my stool?….
@KS in MA:
He might have trouble getting confirmed, on account of what people say about him and Gerald Fitzpatrick.
@Mnemosyne: You’re dishonesty knows no bounds.
I weep for you, at least Republicans have some shame.
@Elie: Dumb, Dumberer and now Dumbest.
I’m sorry, I can’t hang out with you here, I can only handle so much stoopid DEA fellating.
And I can’t top this:
Try harder, M, unless this is to be your legacy.
So you’re opposed to state and local laws being enforced because you don’t like that the DEA can also bring federal weight to bear?
Again — show me an article with a California dispensary that was closed down despite following all of the state and local regulations. You should have hundreds of stories, right? After all, your claim is that the DEA is illegally shutting down California dispensaries that have been following California state and local laws. It’s not much of a story if the DEA is shutting down dispensaries that are operating outside of the law or breaking the law.
You can’t go two paragraphs without lying.
Jesus, you’re just in a death spiral, pull out.
Patricia Kayden
@catclub: Exactly. Holder is not a fool. He’ll be there until he is replaced which means that he will be replaced. I’m glad that he’s leaving on his own terms and not being forced out by the Republicans.
Felanius Kootea
@aimai: I doubt that Adegbile would allow himself to be put through that shitshow again especially since his record as a civil rights lawyer is what disqualified him in republicans eyes. I’m sure they’d rather have Holder stay put.
I think Kamala Harris would make a great nominee.
@Mnemosyne: @srv:
Once y’all sort out the dispensaries, I’d like your take on distilleries. What is your stance on Big Moonshine in the Sunny State?
Then state your claim. Your own links showed that the DEA was trying to determine whether the suspect dispensaries were operating within state and local laws before closing them down. Why do you have a problem with illegal dispensaries being closed down?
I have to admit, I’m surprised to find out that it’s illegal to make your own liquor in California since making your own beer and wine are legal. Maybe it’s because he was selling it without a license?
Steve in the ATL
Well played
KS in MA
Thanks, Kay– didn’t know that. Well (sigh), he’s a great choice for that job too!
Holder has also been excellent also with changes in the Prison Industrial Complex. You think any other AG would be talking about getting rid of mandatory minimums, breaking down the disparity in sentencing for powder and crack, and making the reduction of sentences retroactive?
Holder has been a champion for voting rights
Holder helped to rebuild the Civil Rights Division
so, all you droooonessssss folks
can go somewhere and sit down.
Liu’s on the Supreme Court of California…building that resume to be the first Asian appointed to the United States Supreme Court.
She needs to run against Feinstein.
@KS in MA:
The colleges are “clout-heavy” on both sides of the aisle (sadly) so I think it was an attempt to put somewhere in there who isn’t considered part of the political scene. I don’t know this, but I follow it pretty closely and my feeling was Cordray was moving in if Duncan didn’t get off his ass. Cordray did file a complaint last week, and he is stretching the CFPB oversight to student loan issues generally. Cordray was great on consumer issues as Ohio AG. Students will benefit with two regulators moving in from different angles, so a turf war sounds good to me! Go crazy. Monitor the hell out of them.
I applaud Holder for his civil rights fights, but his record on the banks is TERRIBLE. Not so so, not just ok, not meh, TERRIBLE. Google the holder memo. Sure, he didn’t set priorities for the entire executive branch, but he is at the very least responsible for deciding to not go for criminal prosecutions of the banks. Perhaps he was told not to from above, I’ll admit that’s possible. But that doesn’t remove his responsibility.
He’s repeatedly let the banks off with large fines that aren’t even as large as DOJ claims they are. Make them admit the wrong doing, and bring criminal charges against the INDIVIDUALs inside the bank that committed the crimes.
I don’t see why everyone else isn’t pissed off about this. Or maybe I just haven’t stopped being pissed off about this for over 7 years. I welcome the obligatory “Prove bankers did things that are illegal responses”.
@singfoom: Perhaps because a large segment of the Democratic based valued voting and civil rights over financial oversight.
Libertarians weigh in:
Actually, just about every racial and ethnic minority group were represented in all of Holder’s voting rights actions – Latinos, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, general immigrant rights groups, you name it. The Texas case is pretty much all about Latino voters, really, as a practical matter. I wonder when Republicans will drop the southern strategy. My God, it’s generations of this by now. Let it go. Try something else.
@Mike in NC: And that is as it should be.
@Chris: Same here.
Keep on reminding us Kay. Keep on telling the truth with regards to voting rights.