This season’s cheesy kegger Halloween costume: Jasmine Tridevil.
Because Tha Kids are not old, or geeky, enough to remember Eccentrica Gallumbits.
This post is in: Open Threads, Clown Shoes, Get off my grass you damned kids
This season’s cheesy kegger Halloween costume: Jasmine Tridevil.
Because Tha Kids are not old, or geeky, enough to remember Eccentrica Gallumbits.
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TaMara (BHF)
Federal agents just showed up at my open door (it’s 11 pm my time – screen was locked). I didn’t believe them enough to even ask for id, I just said what the hell are you doing at my door and go away. I think I mentioned before, when startled, I get angry.
They then went to talk to my neighbors, then they all came to talk to me…I suppose to prove to me I didn’t need to call 911.
They have a felony warrant out on another neighbor and wanted us to know he was armed and they would very careful to try and catch him away from his house, because he’s threatened to hurt his current pregnant girlfriend.
Fuck. This is a quiet little town and yet I’ve seen more police in the last two years…
BTW, Bixby slept through it all. Growing is hard work.
Gotta love that the final sentence in the linked article is Does nobody remember Balloon Boy?
I remember Balloon Boy. The unlaughing helicopters remember Balloon Boy. The faxed credenzas remember Balloon Boy.
@TaMara (BHF):
Yikes! I hope the rest of your night is peaceful. Why would they come unannounced to your door? They don’t have phones?
@TaMara (BHF):
Good grief. That’s scary stuff. Stay safe, and do report back when they catch the guy.
Amir Khalid
Sigh. What is this world coming to, with the young people not being exposed to the classics?
The triple-breasted whore from Eroticon 6?
@TaMara (BHF): Yikes. Stay safe!
@TaMara (BHF): WTF? Glad to hear you’re ok.
Just worrying here (about TaMara ((BHF)) ) and remembering how much we DFH’s were right.
My first husband had a colorful background, to put it mildly, but got a degree in Social Work, and worked with Probation issues for a time.
First rule, only rule, he drilled into me was: Don’t fool yourself. Cops and criminals are basically the same personality type. I’ve honestly met more charming criminals than I have cops. I do know some decent cops, mostly female, though.
TaMara (BHF)
Just another Friday night in paradise. Interesting thing is, because of the puppy, I’ve been out late at night for potty breaks and noticed an unusual beat up blue van on our street. I mentioned it to several neighbors and said, hey let’s just keep an eye on that.
Turns out that was them, so they probably came to talk to all of us since they realized we are a tight knit, observant neighborhood.
Gladys Kravitz ain’t got nothing on us – speaking of references you have to be a certain age to remember.
ETA: None of us liked the new guy when he moved in, had a creepy vibe, so we’re observant and intuitive.
@TaMara (BHF):
:: wiggles nose ::
This is apparently not a joke:
Sadly, said “life story” is about her conflict with her sister, not her ability to create a ginormous ice palace while singing one of the most invasive earworms ever written.
@TaMara (BHF): Ack! That sounds like not a very fun way to end a day/begin a weekend.
In lighter news, Chelsea Clinton had her behbeh
I love the name Charlotte so A+++ parenting from them already :P
@efgoldman: LOL. Mostly true, I’m sure.
@Alison: Charlotte is a really popular name right now. My good friend named her little one Charlotte. I agree that it’s a good one.
However, in my friend group, I have THREE friends who named their girls Cora or Kora. Apparently that is the coolest name ever.
Our youngest cat is named Charlotte — here’s a characteristic pose.
@Suzanne: It’s interesting to me how much girls’ names change in popularity, as opposed to boys’ names. Though I don’t think I have ever or will ever like Cora. It just sounds……I don’t know, like part of an organ or something :P
@Mnemosyne: DRAW ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS since it is a French names after all :P
I have to admit, I’ve never made that connection. Probably because around here, that’s known as the Come try to rub my belly and I shall bite you pose.
@Mnemosyne: Hahahaha….it’s so weird to me how many people say their cats hate having their bellies touched – all the cats I;ve had have loved it!
Our two older cats don’t mind having their bellies rubbed, but Charlotte has earned her nickname of “Miss Bitey.” Of course, there are a lot of things that provoke her to try and bite, but it’s most often overstimulation from petting.
Annie (the middle cat) will actually demand that we rub her belly. And yet she freaks out if we try and pick her up. Go figure.
@Mnemosyne: They are furry little enigmas :)
@Mnemosyne: yes, because nobody ever in the history of mankind had a rivalry with their sibling, I mean, if there’d ever been such a thing, surely someone would have told that story before Frozen
Just got done watching Clara Bow in Call Her Savage, which blew me away. I don’t know how that one snuck up on me, but if you want raging pre-Code excess that’s your movie. Would be interested to get your comments, if you’ve seen it.
Don’t think I can stay up for Edward G. Robinson in The Hatchet Man, although the intro is awfully tempting. “San Francisco’s Chinatown [. . .]. Its forty thousand yellow residents were divided into various political factions known as ‘tongs’ [. . .] and it was he [the hatchet man], with the aid of his sharp axe, who dispensed the justice of the great god Buddha.” So much to unpack, and that’s even before seeing Loretta Young as a Chinese chick.
Back in the homestead again. Ten days away at mom’s house is about 11 days too long. However, main mission accomplished and she now is the owner of spiffy new car. And a boatload of repairs and fixes at her place all taken care of (as her entire toolbox consists of four screwdrivers, one tiny hammer that couldn’t crack a walnut and a pair of pliers, there was mucho ingenuity involved).
15 hours on Friday spent either flying or twiddling thumbs at airport – should be ready to collapse right now, but am not. More like totally numb.
Turned out there was so much to fit in that there was no way to begin to schedule a BJ meet-up.
Oh, did give in and go into Manhattan – once – in order to see the revival of You Can’t Take It With You starring James Earl Jones, Mark Linn-Baker, Elizabeth Ashley and many others.
Met up with a longtime friend of Mom’s for dinner* after the matinee, and mentioned I had wanted to see it specifically to watch James Earl Jones on stage.
Talk about comeuppance: the friend said “Oh, I see him all the time. He lives in my building.”
*went to Beecher’s at Yatsuno’s recommendation.
mai naem
I wonder what Fox is going to find to bitch about with Chelsea’s baby. Charlotte sounds like such an older person’s name to me but whatever. I used to work with a woman whose real full first name was Mooshi. She was white bread American, not some furin born American. Who the hell would name their kid Mooshi?
@mai naem: We have a Maypop and an Arrow in our neighborhood.
@raven: My former next door neighbor’s older daughter is named Cora. I worked with a guy named Arson(like the crime as he said).
@BillinGlendaleCA: One of the characters in An Honorable Woman was Atika!
@raven: And then there’s the Korean half of my family…
@BillinGlendaleCA: Anya Ha Sayo!
man, the three-boobed woman from total recall never gets any love.
i know a guy who’s legal first name is Elfin.
@tybee: Headed out?
nah, tournament at the marina so that’ll be a chinese fire drill and i have obligations ashore this weekend.
in addition, the weather reports for the past few days keep predicting a biblical deluge but it’s always for tomorrow. so i expect sunshine and light west winds today.
high tide is noonish so it would be an excellent day for a venture to the grass flats behind the barrier islands.
The three boobed woman made me think of the book cover illustration in “Paul”. “Paul” is the funniest sci-fi spoof ever made. That’s my opinion so it must be fact.
Similarly, being the Fun Aunt has been a real gift.
@tybee: Hoping it doesn’t rain for the game. Second suck ass noon kick in a row.
@Alison: Clearly, you have not seen the army of Aidans.
Kevin Drum got a new cat. Two of them, young ‘uns, in fact.
I was flying Southwest through Chicago/Midway yesterday. Not.
Impressed with the airline’s response to the Aurora FAA facility outage. Checked a bag curbside; it was before 6:00 a and still pitch black in the west.
Learned flight was cancelled at gate. Southwest rebooked me through Kansas City. Best to do that at the airport; two hour wait for phone reservations during the groundstop.
Every seat was full. Felt lucky to be on such an early flight; it was probably much worse for those traveling later in the day.
My suitcase did not arrive with me, but was delivered to my home about midnight.
Interesting, though, what one employee could do with gasoline and a match, at a facility most were not aware of.
I heart Southwest. Closest I ever get to sitting near the front of a plane, and kind and competent employees. Throughout.
How many Tylers do you know? ;-)
A three-breasted Halloween costume. Who could have seen that coming?
@NotMax: Did they have the kittens on stage?
Yes, they did. Both of ’em.
I saw the Clara Bow movie. Wow! She was really something.