It’s been like this for several days. Grass is still green, leaves are just starting to turn a little bit, sky was blue, there was a nice breeze and no humidity, all the windows are open, and I am still harvesting tomatoes and basil.
This is when everyone of you taunts the only cracker worth a damn in that penis shaped shithole that is Florida with your weather forecast and how you spent the day outside enjoying yourself.
talk to betty in february to see how the weather is. :)
Brady Hoke. Contact your local realtor. Stat.
Been a pretty good week in NOLA too. No real rain, just son and a break in the humidity. But the rain is supposed to start soon enough.
It’s not summer/fall in NOLA without rain
Sitting here watching Jay Z on the Global Citzen Fest on MSNBC, surfing net. Thought my mute button was on, til I realized it was MSNBC censors bleeping Jay-Z lyrics and yet I’m laughing cause there are just as many words getting through cause I’m realizing that the censors don’t really know the lyrics of his raps and so the n-word is not getting bleeped out much if at all…
Yet “99 Problems” chorus didn’t get bleeped at all…lol
89 degrees, moderate breeze, a tad humid.
I’m also still surfing the net and I saw this article coming across my twitter TL.
Reading the article had me fuming…I sincerely hope some damn heads rolled. Same question as with the fence jumper…WTF is going on with the SS.
Secret Service stumbled after gunman hit White House residence in 2011
More at link
But wait, how’s this for irony, in reference to the article I posted above.
Suffern ACE
It was a grand April day here in the big city. I almost rented a bike, but since i haven’t ridden in 15 years, opted just to walk. The only signs of autumn are tge decorative cauliflower in the corporate landscape gardens.
They stir up the hate & then want to distance themselves from the result of same.
seriously though, WTF is with MSNBC and all the censoring, it’s a cable network and it’s the 9:00 hour!
And now Beyonce’ has joined Jay Z as special guest on stage
The Dangerman
Nah, save the realtor’s cut and just try to sell it to Jim Harbaugh, who might be looking for work soon enough…
Amir Khalid
At least you people have varying weather and seasons to talk about. Here in the tropics, the temperature is the same all year. We have but three kinds of weather: rain, sun, or haze. If it’s raining, we gripe abut the flash floods. If it’s sunny, there’s no rain to wash the haze out so it’ll get hazy in a few days. If it’s hazy, Malaysians blame Indonesia for burning all their trees, and Indonesians blame us for owning the commercial plantations and logging concerns that do the burning.
I’m in a bad mood because Daniel Sturridge got injured playing for England two weeks ago, and since then his club (i.e. my club) Liverpool have sucked in the Premier League. Grump.
When you want to book a seat in a clown car, it’s never too early, is it? This person might turn out to be 2016’s Herman Cain.
I count the number of days that we have had 80 degree weather this summer on one hand.
This Global Citizen’s Festival thing is gonna be MSNBC first and probably last time with this many young viewers
Sunny and 79. Breezy, not windy. Last weekend before we close the pool.
Anyone who wants to join us in the high desert of NM is welcome; you have to bring your own water, though.
You know she won’t have to shovel snow. And for Mr. Cole that’s as risky as mopping. I hope you clear snow clothed.
We can use that rain in California
@khead: Hahahahaha. Little Brown Jug back home.
We are just starting Indian Summer in Minnesota. It is weird but every year it seems like overnight the trees go from green to red and yellow, with a snap of the finger.
Mother Nature is one bad bitch.
JC, I would gladly make fun of FLorida weather 8 months of the year, it is ungodly humid & hot with rain every afternoon. The only time I found the weather enjoyable was between November and April. Then the humidity broke & you could golf or play tennis without losing 30 pounds of water weight.
Also – I am stunned to learn that the windows at the WHite House are not bullet proof. It seems like such a simple thing.
as a long-time supporter and season ticket holder (not always an easy gig!), could not be happier for my Gophers tonight. Personally witnessed the wrong end of 58-donut a few years back, this is much more fun.
I’m gonna steal a line from JMN: Nobody has made Minnesota’s defense look that good since Gettysburg!
Beautiful day between the hedges.
Nice graphic. What site is that from?
Perfect weather ahead here in NoVA for the next 10 days. High around 80° tomorrow, then mid-70s the rest of the way.
@efgoldman: You should hear all the bitching in this part of the country about too much scoring!
@Walker: Ouch
Amir Khalid
She might look like Mitt Romney in a skirt; but I’m hoping for another Demon Sheep campaign ad, or something similarly crazy.
interesting juxtaposition of the Global Citizen thing and protestors in Ferguson gettin arrested. interesting night overall
Betty Cracker
I do envy those daytime temps, but 50s at night already, just hinting at the shivering horrors to come? You can keep that. I only require socks two months out of the year, and I like it that way.
@LookingForACanadian: Yes. I really liked how the Gopher fans went down the stands while those whiny Michigan fans ran for the parking lot and the Gophs shared some touches of the jug with the travelers.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
That happened Monday evening in Madison. Everything was green as I was driving home from work on Monday. On the way to work on Tuesday, the change was obvious.
Amen. I graduated from Mizzou and still can’t summon any enthusiasm for this game.
As for HBO, amen again. I usually check the Saturday night “premieres,” and I am still smarting from The World’s End last week. What a self-indulgent piece of crap! For shame, Simon Pegg. Didn’t even bother with Riddick tonight.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Betty Cracker: I’ve gone through WI winters without wearing socks.
@raven: I’m sunburned to prove it. Thank heavens for the breezes. And Todd Gurley II.
Can’t recall a season where UT was merited a mere noon game, but Vandy is late afternoon. No complaints from me, though–we’ll be in the shade the whole day, and it looks to be a perfect autumn evening next week. Missing Troy, this was my first real chance to see McKenzie run in person–that kid is like a waterbug. Entirely different style, but just as fun to watch as Gurley.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: Avoided Laura, did you?
@tesslibrarian: But that one that Douglas tried to get him not to run back was poor judgement. Hope it doesn’t bite us later. Michele is out for at least a month.
Bill E Pilgrim
Forecast: Sunny with patches of smugness.
Mike in NC
@lamh36: Not buying that at all.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
I love Laura, but see my usual rant about having seen a movie umpteen jillion times. The two things that hit me about Laura now are (a) how the theme song is woven in about 300 different ways and (b) how the swanky New York apartments are simultaneously jammed with furniture and still seem spacious. I’ve been studying that phenomenon for my own humble rooms here in Threadkill Lane.
@Schlemazel: The 1st Minnesota. Turned the tide that day and when the 2014 Gophers hit 7-1, and get ranked, I will be booking some seats to some winter paradise. Oooh, I can’t wait.
Betty Cracker
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): OMG, I can’t imagine. I lived in Boston for four years and wore socks 95% of the time. Sometimes two or three pair at once!
@Steeplejack: Weather Underground
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Steeplejack: I skipped North by Northwest for that reason. Casablanca and To Catch a Thief are really the only two classic movies I can watch every time they are available.
He’s gotta go. Can’t see how he survives this.
@raven: Yeah, that bothered me–he was ready to go and being told to down it gave him doubts just long enough to be a problem.
Do we know exactly what happened to Sony Michel’s shoulder yet? My guess is we won’t know anything until either late tomorrow or Monday. I hope he isn’t out too long–those two work so well together, and we need all that speed for the month on the road. Watching Arkansas and Mizzou tonight makes me nervous. (I know Mizzou is not having a great night, but watching them hit Thompson repeatedly … )
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): It is so odd. I can never get used to it. Me and Mom used to do a run to Duluth every year to catch the change.
@tesslibrarian: The inside scoop is 6-8 weeks.
@raven: Ugh. And they’re never quite up to speed when they return, too.
Thanks. Haven’t been there in a while and don’t remember that view.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Betty Cracker: My fraternity big brother in college was from Enterprise, FL. He was appalled to discover that veins appear as blue lines under skin during his first winter in Wisconsin. During his senior year, he wore shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and flip-flops for 95% of the winter. He argued that if you ignore the cold, it can’t bother you. We also we went to a small school, he wasn’t out all that much.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Steeplejack: It’s no use, for generations people have struggled to replicate the New York Movie Apartment, only to realize that they only exist in the camera. Not to mention that a barely working part-time writer (Annie Hall, Carrie Bradshaw, etc) could never actually afford that apartment in the West Village or the Upper West Side to begin with, but even the imaginary huge one you see on film is a composite. Got to be.
@tesslibrarian: Chubb looked ok but Michele is nuts on special teams.
OH! I misunderstood. I thought she was saying she wore only socks for 2 months out of the year.
So, any of y’all running in 2016?
@Betty Cracker: I used to tell the kids, when we were in the yard barefoot, okay, enough of that hippie shit, get in the house and put something on your feet.
My Dad still sweats us kids to this day to put something on your feet!
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@gelfling545: Well, I am flattered by the question and I have to consider it.
Mike J
Did shoreline cleanup sponsored by the Puget Soundkeeper this morning then did some sailing. Took out the 170, but we had a four year old passenger on board so we couldn’t really let it rip as we had to keep the boat fairly flat. Had a cookout on the dock with some brats and salmon. My chocolate/bacon cupcakes were a hit. I got a new rigging knife as a door prize at the cleanup. All in all an excellent day.
Betty Cracker
@Steeplejack: Are y’all watching the same game I’m watching? This is some exciting, smashmouth football here! Did you see Mauk clock Spurrier awhile back?
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): That boy was crazy.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
It varies for me, depending on mood, what else is on and, who knows, ambient humidity. Trying to remember what movie it was that I watched in the last week or two that I thought I had watched way too many times, and it turned out that it had been so long since I last watched it that it turned out to be oddly fresh and new. A lot of details I had forgotten. Ah! It was The Blue Dahlia.
Closely related is the phenomenon of movies that I get stuck on when I’m channel-surfing. Can’t budge off them and have to watch to the end. Ones that come to mind are Goodfellas, The Fifth Element, The Royal Tenenbaums and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.
The Speed-Stik Bowl? The Cardboard Box Manufacturers of America Bowl? I can hardly wait to see what exciting places they get invited. Given their wins up till now have been against Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Vitus Dance and Larry’s Collage & Keys Made While You Wait and the B1G’s ability to stink out the postseason I wouldn’t be looking for much.
I stood on the ground where the 1st MN stood just this summer & a lot of things came clear to me. The swale where they ended up does not appear in pictures like it does in real life. That was one hell of a thing they did, not sure I would have been able to do that.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Betty Cracker:
Yes, he was. He played second row as a rugger. He was also stoned a lot.
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker: That defensive PI was BS.
Betty Cracker
@Corner Stone: Agreed.
@gelfling545: I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected.
Corner Stone
Just let them score for goodness sake.
Maybe she needs to step outside the sycophant echo chamber and sniff the breezes of real life.
@Steeplejack: Me, its The Natural. That motherfucker is playing; I am watching.
@Betty Cracker:
Have to admit that I engaged the picture-in-picture gizmo for much of the game and was switching back and forth. The game certainly has my attention now: Mizzou on the doorstep with two minutes to go!
Betty Cracker
@Corner Stone: Nope!
@efgoldman: I only run if the ice cream truck is getting away.
Corner Stone
I don’t know why SCAR is trying to stop them? Mizzou is going to pitch wide and score.
SCAR just needs a FG to win at this point.
C’mon, Mizzou! Fourth and goal.
Bite it Spurrier.
All right, all right. [Matthew McConnaughey voice]
Now hold ’em.
Corner Stone
Should have 30 seconds more. Great job, coach.
Betty Cracker
It may come down to Fish Fry!
Accidentally put this in the thread above. It more properly fits in this thread, so…
Bought a pretty new salt and pepper mill for myself while away. Stainless steel and glass, both compartments pre-filled. The old wood and copper ones at home are over 40 now and beginning to get cranky.
Tossed it into carry-on bag for flight, lying horizontally. Didn’t even occur to me about the bag being scanned and what it might look like, what with blades and gears in it, loaded with stuff that might be misconstrued for chemicals and all.
The TSA critters at the screen stopped the belt and just stared. Then motioned over 2 more TSA people. Those then motioned over two more. All of them stared at the screen as if mesmerized for a full 90 seconds, then one of them turned to me and asked “What the hell is that?”
I told them. Obviously someone asked me to move to the side table so he could open the bag, which he did, took but a glance of the box labeled “Salt & Pepper Mill” and told the people at the screen “Yup, that’s what it is all right. Start the belt up.” To me, “Thank you very much. None of us have ever seen anything like that show up before. If they let us, I’d print out a picture of the screen for you so you could see what had us so stumped. Oh, and that’s a nice looking mill. Where did you get it?”
Felonius Monk
@efgoldman: I read that this morning. One of the funniest pieces TBogg has done IMO.
Love this bit, written by one of my favorite authors, Donald Westlake. Since we are discussing college football it seems on thread.
Xin Loi assholes!
Hooray! Another “we just suck” Spurrier presser this weekend! I enjoy those.
Also feeling good about our chances for the East–losing to SC has been the ticket for the past three years. (only partly kidding–the East is a bit of a mess this year)
Betty Cracker
@Felonius Monk & @efgoldman: Good TBogg piece, but this is the classic Duggar commentary, for my money.
@Betty Cracker:
Okay, that’s hilarious!
Jesus, Cole, you play rough.
dance around in your bones
Ok, the only thing I have to say that is in New Mexico the first thing we did when we got out of fucking school was to harden up our feet for the summer.
That means even walking on molten asphalt or squashing cucararachas :)
It’s what we did! We even played with big fat green tomato worms and made them our pets. Ok, I’m nuts.But nicely nuts.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@dance around in your bones: How does one have a pet worm? Do they fetch?
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Well, we had these weird deep window wells under the bottom windows ( fuck, it’s New Mexico!) and we used to make little pet farms in the window wells. My sister and I would tie the worms up to a stick and create a whole world for them. (Ok, it was for us, but whatever).
It was very Game of Thrones, which I am now reading for the first time even though I’ve seen the whole series on TV,
Great weather in Seattle today. I think low 70s by afternoon. Sunny all day. Hit Alki Beach for most of day, then did some walking around Chinese Garden and closed out with Hawaiian fusion at Ma’ono. Loco Moco, Twice-Fried Chicken, 5 Spice Autumn Pear Salad, and Manila Clams in Curry Coconut broth. So stuffed I couldn’t eat the Popcorn Ice Cream. The whiskey cocktails were killer.
That you could eat anything else after Loco Moco is a feat unto itself.
If ever on Maui, you might consider this monster.
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@dance around in your bones: Someone with a good cut and thrust sword ( side sword) would have done a shitload of damage there.
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name): Thank God we only had wooden weapons and not steel.
@Betty Cracker: Which four years?
Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name)
@Cervantes: I doubt that it has a practical effect.
@Amir Khalid:
KL’s flash floods are crazy. Why do y’all put up with them?
(I’d ask why all that oil money did not go towards useful infrastructure but I suspect the obvious answer is correct.)
Betty Cracker
@Cervantes: 1988-1992.
@Omnes Omnibus (the first of his name):
Droll. I like that reading of the question.
Anyhow, I suppose I should mention for completeness that the temperature in Boston does appear to be affected by El Niño / La Niña. Cold spells driven by that oscillation show up in Boston and can last up to two years.
@tsquared2001: yes!!
I went to Ikea today, and they have their Christmas decor stuff out already. I almost lost my fuckin’ mind. We have not had our last 100+ degree day, for FSM’s sake.
However, we got fucktons of rain today. The rain is great, but the geology of the low desert is such that large amounts of rain can be dangerous, because the ground isn’t spongy, and it doesn’t absorb. So flooding occurs very quickly. Leading to the annual fail train of people who drive into flooded washes, get stuck, and then have to be rescued off the tops of their cars. The winds were also 60 mph+, and we lost a lot of trees. None on my property, but some of my neighbors were not so lucky, and there is a lot of cleanup to do.
@gelfling545: I am. Two miles four times a week. Actually I like to call it running, but it’s really an odd combination of walking, waddling and running.
JR in WV
I live close to John Cole, south maybe 150 miles in SW WV instead of the northern panhandle, so we have glorious not quite fall yet weather here too. I ran the tractor for several hours this (yesterday, now) afternoon grading the road, it was very nice.
I graded the grassy hump in the middle of the road, between the two worn gravel tracks where the vehicles keep the road packed and bare. That part of the road is nearly level.
The mouth of the driveway, though, turns sharply and goes downhill to the turn. When we get heavy rain it causes gullies in the gravel road base, and we have to pull the driveway rock back up hill to fill those gullies back up. That went faster than pulling the grassy center strip, which needs a sharply inclined grader blade and slow pulling by the tractor.
I have a stack of cherry logs, 6 of them, that have been sitting on the ridge for probably too long. I intended to use them for finish and trim material around interior doors and windows, but they may have been in the weather too long. I plan to visit them tomorrow with a chain saw to see if they are too far gone to take to Joe’s sawmill.
This is the time of the year when having a piece of wooded property is really nice. We listened to piliated woodpeckers yesterday afternoon, knocking the heck out of some bug infested tree like a power hammer, and then shrieking to the other woodpeckers the way they do. There were some migrating hummers, too, strangers looking for some sweetness to help them on their way to Central America, buzzing the feeder for sugar water.
You can work outside and work up a sweat eventually, instead of instantly drenched and dehydrated, like in FL. Or here in dead summer.
@Betty Cracker: Thanks. Was just curious.
You didn’t like The World’s End? I don’t even know what to say. I just feel sorry for you.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
My bedding flowers beg to differ…though the weather is awfully nice.
The Pale Scot
We’ll get back ta in February, Boyo.
Edit, Tybee beat me to it, I sort figured someone would, but I was annoyed.
Last night must have been the 24th consecutive day of rain, mud all over my patio and yard.