Sleep schedule is shot because of this damned cold and ear infection. I napped this afternoon from 5 to 7:30 and am now wired. It’s weird, feel fine right after a nap, then two hours later I hit a wall and feel like hell. Off to the doctor tomorrow!
On another note, I have no idea where everyone went. Might have to send up some smoke signals for MM, DougJ, Tim F., and company.
Comrade Mary
That sucks, John. My sympathies.
I’m still working on something I started this morning at 8 and thought I’d knock out in 3-4 hours. Ha. Ha. Ouch.
It’s all in your head.
I would subscribe if Dengre posted more. Thought he had come back.
I want this to be true:
All the rain has brought sinus misery down on my house, too. It is Teh Suck. The neighborhood looks much less lush and shady after this summer’s tree-killing storms.
I am having a burst of creative energy and I want to get back into the studio. I have a pitcher that I’m making that is an homage to Eva Zeisel.
I got my architect stamp today. Feels pretty badass.
Mary G
Anne Laurie is our most faithful poster. She must read a ton of stuff every day, plus she does garden and pets, as well as functioning as a conduit of communication. I really appreciate her.
Mary G
@Suzanne: Congratulations! Suffering through all those exams finally pays off.
First day trying to avoid FODMAPs and it really sucked because I had to run an errand during lunch and ended up eating oatmeal as my lunch. Feh.
? Martin
@Suzanne: Congrats. That is badass.
Feel free to send us some of your rain, it’s been like 20 months since we’ve had anything noteworthy.
@? Martin:
G got soaked when he went out for a walk on Sunday morning. For, like, 5 minutes. Then it stopped again.
Congratulations! I went to IKEA with my young architect friend today, and we were talking about A Pattern Language for a while. I felt all hip and technical and connected.
After working for an NGO and a couple of advocacy groups, she finally got a job somewhat close to her degree—with a landscape architecture firm that does high-end projects. She says she likes it and is learning a lot.
Helpful NFL hint:
Keep fading the Patriots. The Bengals are gonna crush them next week like the Chiefs did tonight.
randal sexton
I reccomend good books – Iam M Banks –
@Mary G: As my English grandmother would say, “Anne Laurie is a real brick.”
I know AL is more Irish than English, but still. I know even if all the other BJ front pagers are absent, she will provide me something to chew on, frequently with astute commentary.
I also really appreciate, as a West coaster, that I’m gonna open up my BJ page in the morning and have a really good chance of a Betty Cracker post.
Tom Brady has looked very much like a 37 year old QB in his 15th season this year.
@Mnemosyne: I thought some places looked damp. The tools that I left out seemed to survived and the inside of my car was too wet.
ETA: Our CongressCritter was on Hardball today, been seeing alot of him on the TVMachine.
Sadly, I will soon be changing congresscritters — we’re moving to Burbank next month, which will put us into Brad Sherman’s district instead. It’s one of the downsides of the move. (Not that I have anything against Sherman, but I’ve been pretty happy with Schiff.)
I have had a little of this ever since coming back from Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. I’m really tired, I sleep, I get up and feel good, then two hours later I’m exhausted. Repeat. I feel like I’m recharging my batteries after having the emotional deflector shields turned up to 11 the entire time I was out there. Long-term family bullshit, which is actually much better now, but it was so bad for so long that it left a lot of marks. I don’t get sucked into the drama much any more—deflector shields!—except on rare occasions when I get blind-sided, but I find that when I’m around the old family structure—even though it has changed and mutated through the years—my subconscious goes into overdrive, moving heavy blocks around in the dark and piecing together things from years or even decades apart. Self-healing, self-parenting, I guess. I usually get some big “A-ha!” moments out of it, but it turns out to be tiring.
@Mnemosyne: Ah, I knew you’d been looking an put in an application. Good luck on the move, we did two in a year’s time. I don’t want to do it again in a long while. Then again, I’m getting flooded out here right now(leaky water pipe, landlord will be here tomorrow to fix it).
@Steeplejack: Landscape architecture is awesome and that’s great that your friend is enjoying it. I specialize in healthcare architecture, so I don’t really work with landscape that much, but it is beautiful when done well.
Now that I have my license, I am studying for the LEED and EDAC. I want to be done.
We moved into this place about 10 years ago, and each of us lived in our previous places for about 10 years while single, so we tend to pick a place and stick with it. The upside is that it makes us very desirable tenants when we do apply.
My brother-in-law had a second date with an architect. We’re all waiting breathlessly to see if there’s a third.
@? Martin: Well, after 25 years of drought conditions, we’ve had so much rain and severe wind that it is causing big problems with infrastructure. Mr. Suzanne’s school had a busted water main due to the storm, and they had no running water there until after noon today–almost 48 hours without water. They had to bring in water tanks and manually flush the toilets. Downed power lines, trees thrown across the roads….it’s a joy. I love the water, but if it could come a bit slower rather than these wrath-of-FSM-for-20-minutes things we get, it would be a hell of a lot safer.
@Mnemosyne: He could probably do better—we work too much and are emotionally unavailable. ;)
G’s family tends to pick one person and stick with them, like his sister has done with her boyfriend/father of her children for the past 20+ years. They were very happy to meet me because I was not a convicted felon and didn’t have a drug addiction, so I was way ahead of the game from Day One. My BIL hasn’t even come close to bringing a boyfriend home for approval at 35 years old, so as long as the new man is not a convicted felon and drug addict, he’ll be golden as far as the family’s concerned.
*sigh* It’s only a matter of time…
Pasta preserve us, there must really be people thick enough to have bought these:
Companies settle charges over bogus weight-loss claims for caffeine-infused underwear