Does anyone remember that hilarious video of a bunch of white tone-deaf Clinton supporters in 2008 singing (painfully) as a counter to Obama girl? If so, do you have a link? There was one guy in particular who was amazingly bad.
*** update ***
I also vaguely remember three black women singing for either McCain or Romney. Am I just imagining that?
I think this was it!
It was THIS VIDEO, that cemented my support for Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. Shallow, but so true.
Wily Jalapeño
Oh man, do you mean this one?
Hillary in the House
Jerzy Russian
I don’t recall this, but I am not aware of all internet traditions.
It looks like we will be having the Heat Wave of Jesus here, with temperatures near 100F on Friday. At least the nights are getting longer so that the daytime heat does not last as long.
Here’s the link:
Feh. Moderated.
Search for “Hillary for You and Me”
No wait, IT WAS THIS ONE!!!!!!!
John Cole +0
@GOVCHRIS1988: THAT IS IT! My goodness, so much fabulous there.
“We don’t need no bling.”
Because if there’s anything Obama is, it’s flashy.
Paul in KY
@John Cole +0: Is it the dude in the sock hat?
AND, it gets pretty friggin worse………………
If there is any inkling of political intelligence inside of Hillary Rodham Clinton that she possesses, she needs to make sure these people are away from her.
@GOVCHRIS1988: That’s too painful. How did i miss this one?
@Wily Jalapeño:
Found this parody off your link. Love it!
Don’t Think Of A Black Man
Pretty much summarizes the 2008 Clinton campaign’s deft touch.
God I remember that. It’s like Up With People on meth.
@Elizabelle: The right is still using that motto.
@GOVCHRIS1988: I got this one from your link. Not sure what’s the message tho? HRC cures the terminally ill?
John, Did you see this gem from the Kessler article at Politico
Agents tell me it’s a miracle an assassination has not already occurred. Sadly, given Obama’s colossal lack of management judgment, that calamity may be the only catalyst that will reform the Secret Service
TPM link.. If you want the entire article like to the swill yourself..
It was mentioned in an earlier thread.
It was actually in response to celebrities speaking Obama’s NH speech that was such a huge sensation. Hillary fans were so proud of their response video. Man, that was sad.
What is your issue with Deaf of Tone Americans? I find it highly insulting that my inability to carry a tune (in a family full of musicians no less) is somehow amusing to you. Please refund my subscription to your newsletter.
True story – In grad school, a fellow student almost made me cry when he told me he really appreciated my opinion on music. He was in a band and we used to talk about music, but I never thought my opinion mattered since I can’t carry a tune to save my life. I am the none-musical instrument playing dear-god-don’t-ask-him-to-sing member of my extended family.
Oh, man. I’d forgotten about that video, clicked on it and one second into it remembered the whole cringe-worthy disaster. Who the hell put that together? Who approved releasing it? Epic fail.
@GOVCHRIS1988: That man has a real future (or past) in 3rd rate cruise line stage shows.
Lady Bug
Anyone remember Mitt Romney’s warbling through “God Bless America” in front of the seniors in Florida? Good times.
@John Cole +0: Which “guy who was amazingly bad” do you mean? They’re all awful. There are children in that video. Who would do that to a child? I wonder what they as young adults think of that today?
I’m guessing it was Lanny Davis. Simply because anything tone deaf has to come from a Lanny Davis or Lanny-wannabe.
Anybody that claims that Hillary and her retinue of idiots are a sure bet to lead a Democratic wave in 2016 need to watch this video a few hundred times.
@JPL: So, this Kessler person is openly advocating for President Obama to be assassinated? WTFreaking fuck?
@Lady Bug: that gave me serious case of secondhand embarrassment.
@GOVCHRIS1988: Never saw it. Now I have.
Gonna make it hard to color in that bubble for her in 2016. I mean, I’ll do it. I’ll think of the alternative and do it. But goddamn that was awful. Who allowed that? They should never be allowed to work in politics again.
@Anya: Apparently he’d deserve it, since he’s a colossally bad manager. The only way to teach good managerial skills is to kill the student.
Hmmm. Maybe that’s not it??
Oh yeah, and this…
“we need a woman to clean up this mess!”
Holy shit. Failure on every level. It’s failure all the way down.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Violet: I doubt even the CLinton campaign could have approved that mess, though they couldn’t keep a leash on Ferraro or Howard Buffenbarger, so who knows?
In other news, it’s still not about race and never was:
how the hell do you even get from the Secret Service to ‘watermelon’? The Herald is something like a real newspaper, isn’t it? Not quite the Free Beacon or Pennysaver?
Yep. The Clintons and their hangerons are just out of touch now. I think Hillary is going to have serious issues come campaign time. The response by the non-media attendees to her at Harkin’s Steak Fry was meh followed by I’d like a woman president. Bill got a much stronger response. If she was smart, she’d be campaigning all over the country for Dems this summer and fall to shake off the campaign rust. Instead, she did nothing all summer long except the Harkin Steak Fry and she has very few events scheduled for this fall. One of the few she had scheduled for next week, she already cancelled because her granddaughter was born.
Contrast that to O’Malley who has been all over the country and received a great response from local activists at these events.
@Anya: Kessler must be interviewing for the NFL job. You made me kill you defense. The guy should be hung for treason but that’s just my opinion.
Matt Smith
The best pro-Hillary song I know from 08 was Taryn Southern’s Hot For Hillary. To me, this was a funny and fitting rebuttal to the whole “I Got a Crush on Obama” craze.
Also, Elizabelle – I adore Public Service Administration. Besides “Don’t Think of a Black Man,” they also skewered the McCain campaign with the supremely funny
parody of’s Yes We Can and
GOP Vetting Emporium (and Taco Stand)
To me, they won the 2008 election season.
@askew: Can’t blame her for taking time off to enjoy being with her first grandchild. But yeah, she should be campaigning around the country. Although local candidates might not want her there for whatever reasons. And Hillary Clinton showing up may turn a local candidate’s race into a national one or make it All About Hillary, so some may with to avoid that.
Lady Bug
You and me both!
Even more, you could tell that the crowd, which was a crowd of Romney supporters, were embarrassed for him.It’s one thing to have people who aren’t your constituency snarking on your singing. It’s probably another thing all together to have your biggest supporters, who, let’s be frank, probably can’t hear that well to begin with, embarrassed for you.
Although in Romney’s defense, he did sing better than Meatloaf did at that one Romney rally. IIRC, Meatloaf & Romney also shared an awkward hug either before or after Meatloaf’s tone deaf performance of “America the Beautiful” or whatever patriotic standard he was warbling up there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve been thinking of this one, also the Right Brothers Condoleeza Will Lead Us, which has disappeared
Gin & Tonic
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The Herald is something like a real newspaper, isn’t it?
The Boston Herald is like a low-rent NY Post.
I can blame her for that. She could be to Maryland and back in less than 1/2 a day. I am sure Chelsea and family could handle it for that long. I’d be more forgiving if she had done more than 1 event for 2014. I’d bet money that she wouldn’t have cancelled if it was a speech where she was getting paid or related to her book. But, she seems above helping Dems at all this cycle. And Dems have been begging her to do events all over the country but she can’t be assed to do anything.
As O’Malley said in his interview with Jorge Ramos last night, it’s all hands on deck. Every Dem needs to be out there working for the midterms because it is that important.
The one I loved was the “wazzup” follow up where we see those guys however many years after their Superbowl ad and their lives have fallen apart because of C+Augustus.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: After all these years, I shouldn’t be so shockable.
@Matt Smith:
Thank you. Hadn’t heard of Public Service Administration, but now I’m a fan. Will check out your links.
None of these were official campaign videos AFAIK. Just very enthusiastic fans…
? Martin
@MomSense: That was pretty brilliant.
@CONGRATULATIONS!: I wouldn’t blame a candidate for his/her followers unless they are actively encouraging the people, and that’s only if they are encouraging them to in some way violate the rights of others. Bad singing is not a sin, just something you shouldn’t do in public.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Later revealed to be the work of a group of comedians, rather than an actual group of McCain admirers.
I think my favorite video from 2008 was the spoof “pro-McCain” response to the Yes We Can Obama video. Entitled, of course, No, You Can’t.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: So, a perfectly good cartoon except for the flourish. Do cartoons have editors?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What is up with John’s nostalgic look at 2008’s candidates supporter follies? Not that I am complaining, since for the full morning I have been laughing in fits, but why now?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: Yeah, they were really trying to make it look bad, but I remember for a day or so we were all wondering.
Do you have a link for that? Or links?
You missed the best part — Kessler’s recommendation for the new head of the Secret Service was Allen Fucking West. Yes, that Allen West.
As one of the WaPo commenters said:
Paul in KY
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It is the ‘right wing’ newspaper in Boston.
Okay, now I think I’m getting confused between the WaPo article and the Politico one. Here’s the TPM story about the WaPo article by Dan Emmett.
From a selfish perspective she is being smart. She avoids getting loser stink, and the Senate going Republican can only help her own campaign next year.
The Democrats losing in November hurts Clinton personally in the same way that Limbaugh is hurt when a Democrat becomes president. (i.e. not at all).
Chyron HR
You’re thinking of that novel, “The Sirens of Kolob”.
It’s just not true to claim “she can’t be assed to do anything”….
So she’s helping four campaigns in the next thirteen days. How many more should she be doing to get your seal of approval?
I know. So much derp.
That gets prominent news coverage.
patrick II
didn’t I see you on the voice singing “pretty woman” last night?
@askew: Are you for real? Kindly compare the reality to your (constantly) aggrieved fantasy.
Dear dog, I’ve just watched those videos. I so, so, wish I hadn’t.
After months of begging, Hillary has managed to schedule a total of 5 closed door events. No press avail, no GOTV rallies and she has already cancelled 1 of the events. That’s not impressive. Compare her schedule to what Warren or O’Malley are doing and it is truly pathetic. Compare her schedule to Obama’s at this time in 2006. It’s clear she and her people aren’t interested in helping the party but there will be hell to pay if the party doesn’t back her campaign for president 100%.
I think we’ve found the way!
Climate change is a feminist plot to kill male babies!
You’re welcome.
Omnes Omnibus
@askew: I get the distinct impression that, if she were doing 10 events a day seven days a week, you would find a way to criticize her.
Bob In Portland
More news from the front. Your tax dollars at work.
Surprise surprise. Just like last time. Only this time we’re financing it. Wave that flag.