Here’s an ominous warning I saw in the ladies’ room of a small town tavern:
I’m 100% sure it wasn’t directed at me, which is a relief. Otherwise, I’d be skeert. What are ya’ll up to this evening?
by Betty Cracker| 150 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics, Open Threads, Assholes, General Stupidity
Comments are closed.
Writing threatening messages to women in places they probably won’t see them. Other than that, the usual.
Pretty sure that’s a lyric from a Ted Nugent song.
That is some fine stupid there. Not to grammatically look at that but…They used ‘your’ properly once and ‘you’ improperly in the same sentence. And they repeat ‘bitch’. Give the poor man a thesaurus, please!
Picking up on the topic of how many political legacies match their distinguished ancestors (as in, how can we match the John Adams – John Q Adams tag team) from previous post, we have the Paul family, with the child matching to father, but in the other direction (ever more worser, or at least as bad)
Interesting new twist by Ebola truthers: if an Ebola patient coughs up a wad and it lands on you, aint that ‘airborne transmission’?
I guess the wad, or lugie or sputum, or whatever did travel though air before it landed on you.
But from my layman’s understanding, that is far different from a person in prodromal stage (no or few specific clinical symptoms) of flu or measles, waking into a room with good chance of infecting a few people within merely though breathing or coughing into the air, while never being particularly close to any one. Maybe a commenter with clinical or epidemiological expertise can give us the technical stuff on it.
Are the Pauls Ebola Truthers?
Nuke from space. Repeat.
@jl: ‘flu’, not ‘flue’. And as I typed I specifically reminded myself to watch for that, and then thought I checked. What is wrong with me, dammit?
Betty Cracker
Speaking of ebola (skreeee!), how on earth did the nurse in Spain get it? Apparently they transported the Spanish priest from Africa to Spain knowing he had ebola, and they were supposedly using all the precautions. This will likely ratchet up the noise.
But if they just write “YOU NAME”, no one will know whose blood was used to write it. Back to the drawing board.
Don’t presume it’s a man. You should hear some of the stuff on the soccer pitch spewing from the mouths of U13 girls.
My week of hell has gotten even worse. While my ex-husband is recovering nicely from the stroke (hemorrhagic, he was lucky to survive), my car died in spectacular fashion while my husband was driving it to work. If it had been me driving it, the chances are good that my older kids would now have both parents in the hospital. This is just one of those times when it would be nice to hide in a cave until the bad energy passes.
Gators’ backup QB under investigation in connection with an alleged sexual assault. Lovely.
@Betty Cracker:
As I understand it, nursing someone with Ebola is one of the most dangerous things you can do, short of doing an autopsy or something like that. The constant contact with the patient and his/her fluids ups your chances of contracting it in a huge way. That’s why I’ve seen it reported that in a lot of Ebola wards, the doctors and/or nurses who survive are nursing the other patients — they can’t catch it a second time, and it’s seriously dangerous for a non-infected person to do the nursing.
Amir Khalid
Maybe it wasn’t a man. This was seen in a ladies’ room, so it could have been one or more of the local mean girls. Of course, there is nothing to identify the object of the meanness, so the nasty message is probably kind of pointless.
@Mnemosyne: Reminds me of the story of a great grand oldster in my family who explained how it worked during the 1918 flu epidemic: anyone who survived the initial rotation into the flu wards was assigned that duty for the duration of the epidemic.
Karen in GA
@beltane: Damn. Here’s hoping the worst has passed.
You said your ex is recovering nicely; if I may pry, is there a prognosis? How are your kids handling it?
@BGinCHI: I know there are journalists out there like my high school classmate doing good and important work, but things like this are making me seriously start to question the wisdom of freedom of the press.
US District Court just issued an injunction against STL county police prohibiting the “must keep walking while protesting” policy. She originally denied it in August, but today said the police were not doing what they told her they would do.
Betty Cracker
@burnspbesq: And suspended from the team indefinitely. It’s an awful thing, if true, but at least no one tried to cover it up or make excuses for the guy.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@beltane: Good thoughts for all of you. That’s good news about your ex-husband – the hemorrhagic strokes are scary. Not to mention that it’s good news your husband could manage the car’s death throes without serious injury.
@mdblanche: Maybe limit cable news to 6 hours a day or a limit of 20 stupid statements.
If the latter Fox can fire almost everyone.
@Karen in GA: The prognosis is much better than we expected. The day after the stroke he was only able to remember a few words but now he can string together basic sentences. He is able to walk although he has lost the use of his right hand, though he is a leftie. This kids are handling it very well and have really stepped up to be as helpful as possible.
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne: Right, but this is in a country (Spain) with an advanced healthcare infrastructure, and the healthcare workers knew they were treating an ebola patient and transferred the patient from the the airport in an isolation rig while wearing full hazmat suits, etc.
Mmm… chili cheese dogs!
Not going to that bar is high on the list.
@jeffreyw: That is no fair. Shame on you. Looks delicious.
Villago Delenda Est
@Betty Cracker: You mean like Papa Joe covering for Sandusky?
@BGinCHI: Wouldn’t a 20 stupid statement limit make the 6 hour a day limit purely hypothetical?
Villago Delenda Est
@BGinCHI: It’s the only way to be sure.
If Ted Turner were not still alive, he’d be rolling over in his grave in reaction to what has become of his creation.
Actually, all things considered, I’m guessing the writer was female.
Also, too, courtesy of Driftglass and as noted by him, eloquence from Whisky Fire:
Villago Delenda Est
@jl: If any clan needs to be infected with Ebola and die horrible deaths, it’s the entire extended Paul grifting gang.
the Conster
OMG want.
Eric U.
@Villago Delenda Est: to be fair to Papa Joe, Sandusky promised he wouldn’t do it again. C’mon, who would think a stand-up guy like Sandusky would go back on his word?
I know I keep saying that the Penn State fan base hasn’t learned anything from the Sandusky coverup, but I hope other colleges (and the Penn State administration) have. Unfortunately, the Penn State Board of Trustees has been stacked with pro-Joepa members to the extent the alumni could manage it.
@Betty Cracker: I don’t think you’re really expecting the procedures / equipment in place to be 100% risk free. Tiny holes happen in gloves, people make dumb moves, babies are born despite birth control. Risk is managed, minimized as much as possible given financial, behavioral, inevitable constraints.
mai naem mobile
I know Ebola! has taken over the SS! story but the security guard felon in the elevator really bothers me. Obviously, he shouldn’t have been in there with POTUS but why is it okay for a contractor or even the government to hire a felon for a security guard position. The CDC piecr makes it even worse but jeezus a felon security guard?? Isnt that an oxymoron of sorts? BTW, I am all for hiring felons(0 jobs for felons =^ recividism)for different stuff but not at the CDC
@danielx: Pretty sad, even for Brooks. However, the argument is consistent and coherent throughout, which is very odd for him. The insufferably smug and self-satisfied Burkean air was carefully maintained throughout, almost as if the writer had some self-awareness, which is also very odd. Maybe his NTY pundit website was hacked.
@mdblanche: Let’s say “aspirational.”
@Villago Delenda Est: He should dig a grave and roll around in it now!
Where is the commitment?
Ah, from the acclaimed civil rights memoir Blood Done Write You Name.
@jibeaux: By Throm Sturmond.
Patricia Kayden
@skerry: Good!
Patricia Kayden
@jibeaux: Comments like these are why we need a way to up vote on BJ.
As to the open thread part, I put a dead thread the other night that I’m listening to an audiobook narrated by Brendan Fraser. It’s quite a good job, he has a nice voice and an ear for accents. My working theory is that Brendan Fraser is both slightly undercast and unnecessarily narrowly cast. Discuss.
Karen in GA
@beltane: That’s great to hear (or, as great as something could be in these circumstances).
Here’s to worst fears not realized.
Betty Cracker
@scav: It seems at odds with the information we’ve been given about how ebola is transmitted, i.e., that it’s really pretty difficult to transmit. I don’t doubt what I’ve heard from scientists who are trying to tamp down the fear some networks are irresponsibly inflaming, but this story isn’t going to help.
@mai naem mobile: From what I read, the CDC guy wasn’t a convicted felon, but he had been arrested for several felonies. He shouldn’t have been on the elevator with the president for sure — even if he was an Eagle Scout — with a gun the Secret Service didn’t know about.
duck-billed placelot
Maybe it’s an art project? Maybe they mean ‘with your menstrual blood, and we’ll add glitter or illuminate the paper or something, and then burn all of our papers together under a full moon’?
Left the dog inside all day. Thought I dog proofed the kitchen and living room, left him with a running TV full of Real Housewives for entertainment.
Little shit snagged my tube of Aquaphor from the back of the counter (I’m healing some new ink – the 5th session of my midlife crisis tats since the summer). Anyway, he tore into it with gusto. Looks like he slurped an ounce or two.
I eagerly await the shitpocalypse – the base is a mineral oil/Vaseline sort of thing with a delightful hint of eucalyptus. For everybody who hates me, enjoy the karmic payback for every shitty thing I ever said.
Rut ro, the Giants are throwing it all over the yard.
Karen in GA
@Botsplainer: Not big on Aquaphor myself. I just keep it wrapped in Saran Wrap and clean it regularly for three days with fragrance-free soap, then Lubriderm as needed (without overdoing it) for a couple of weeks. (New ink, not my dog.)
@Betty Cracker:
Also right, but if you’re in constant contact with an Ebola patient, it only takes the smallest breach — a pinprick, a tiny tear in your gear, not being properly sanitized when you come out of the isolation chamber — to put you at risk. Even with all of that gear on, doctors and nurses are not supposed to touch the patients because it puts themselves at risk. It’s really awful for them, because all of the things they instinctively want to do in order to care for the patient can put their own lives at risk.
Basically, the standard precautions don’t work, and most doctors and nurses who are not experienced with Ebola are not really prepared for the level of precautions it takes to prevent infection and how extraordinarily vigilant you have to be every single minute you’re in contact with the patient. It’s not that you’re exposed once or twice, it’s that you’re exposed for a week or two (or longer) and the longer you’re in contact with the patient, the higher the odds you’ll slip up on your precautions and get infected.
I really feel for the doctors and nurses who are trying to help Ebola patients, because they basically have to go against every instinct they have and every bit of training they have to try and protect themselves.
Gin & Tonic
Open? Hm, I seem to recall at least one commenter, maybe more, favorably mentioned Andy Weir’s The Martian, which I read on a long trip recently and thoroughly enjoyed. So thanks, even though I can’t remember who it was.
Tony Bennett singin at the stretch.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Kinda wish I could watch it on my tv, but I seem locked out of NL games.
Hungry Joe
Poor Rick Perry, who is dumb but not insane, finds himself in something of a pickle: When it comes to Ebola he’s is saying the same thing as Obama — i.e., be cool, our health authorities and experts know what they’re doing. Will the RWNJ fry him for taking sides with The Pretender?
@Betty Cracker:
Also, too — it’s difficult to transmit with casual contact or a single contact, but the more contact you have with the patient, the higher your odds of getting it, especially since people are shedding more and more infectious bodily fluids the sicker they get. That’s why family members and healthcare workers in constant physical contact with the patients are at the highest risk.
Again, this is my understanding, but the guy in Nigeria who came in by airplane didn’t infect anyone else on the airplane, but did infect some of the people who carried him to a taxi to get him to the hospital.
Karen in GA
@Gin & Tonic: I hadn’t heard of it. Thanks for mentioning it — downloading it shortly.
@Betty Cracker: Difficult isn’t impossible. They’re wearing the suits, etc. for a reason, but they’re not magic. Reality doesn’t bend to the convenient narrative. Nurse sends sick patient home after leaning he was in a risk zone. They’re tracing down what likely went pear-shaped here (she seemed to have very limited contact, which makes that part easier — might also increase the likelihood of user error if she’s new to the drill.) Yes, people won’t be able to handle it, but we’re also talking a crowd that thinks every snowfall disproves global warming.
@Gin & Tonic: I didn’t even realize it was only on MLB until you said something! I just went to the search menu and hit the game. The Nats had first and second with no outs and the pitched fielded the bunt and, with NO chance, threw to third and the ball went all the way down the line costing 2 runs.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@jl: Leave to a bunch of conservatives to claim they knew better than the specialists. The legacy of creationism marches on.
@Hungry Joe: Perry just puts on or takes off his glasses when saying different things.It’s the prefect disguise.
@Karen in GA:
That’s best. Use the simplest stuff you can.
Tho Vaseline is good enough when you take the plastic off. I usually keep plastic on for only a day or so.
Gin & Tonic
@Karen in GA: It’s a fairly “hard science” SF book, just so you know the genre before you spend the bux.
@jl: Ha! Kind of like people who don’t understand music doing the NOW I’M GOING TO PLAY LOUDER NOW I’M GOING TO PLAY SOFTER thing.
@jibeaux: Brendan Fraser is criminally underutilized and far more talented than his movies reveal.
@Karen in GA:
I’d started the last one when my wife was in Australia for a couple of weeks (it only went 2 sessions, one long). It was on a shoulder blade, so I really couldn’t wrap it. Just used old tshirts. I don’t really ooze inky blood more than about 12 hours, so I just go open air early anyway. Probably don’t even need the Aquaphor.
This one’s kind of big, lots of color and shading. Next one will be worse.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Seems like all NL games are on either MLB or FS1, and I don’t get either. All AL games are on TBS, which is fine.
@scav: A commenter linked to a very informative and moving story by a Nigerian doctor who survived Ebloa infection after exposure through patient care. The first doctors who cared for her wore full hazmat suits until they got proper equipment, supplies and protocols established. So, looks like any contact with a sick patient with symptoms is very risky.
But, from what I’ve read, no risk until serious symptoms are present, and if you just stay away and let them die, avoiding all possibility of direct contact with bodily fluids, not contagious.
So,maybe these nuances are hard to grasp and great fodder for sensational fear mongering and conspiracy theorists?
@Betty Cracker:
Or, to put it a third way: if you’re wondering if you would catch Ebola if you were nursing your husband or kid through something that you originally thought was food poisoning, the answer is probably yes. But it would be really hard for one of them to catch it without having direct physical contact with someone with active Ebola — not just being in the same room, but actually touching their blood/sweat/vomit/diarrhea without protection.
I still have no idea if this is making you feel any better, but it’s what I understand so far. The more physical contact you have with an Ebola patient, the higher your chances are of getting it, even with protection.
@Gin & Tonic: Yup.
That story was also really informative because the doctor who wrote it said that when she started to suspect that she might have been in contact with an Ebola patient, she purposely isolated herself from the rest of the family and made sure that she prepared her own food, washed her own dishes, etc. She also told her mother to lock up her room and not let anyone touch anything of hers. That probably saved her family’s lives — at least at the time of the story, none of them had come down with it.
Genuinely loved his performance in Blast from the Past.
@Botsplainer: He was very good in Gods and Monsters.
It looks like it started out as “Bitch I’ll
Riwrite you name…”I think it would have been more effective if she’d gone through with “Bitch I’ll Rite You Name…. Bitch” Bitch.
BTW, after walking the dog I have difficulty believing that he’ll have any material left for the shitpocalypse.
Maybe that was it.
Another Holocene Human
@Betty Cracker: Today’s Alligator is coated in Treon love. Tomorrow’s edition ought to be interesting.
Maybe it was Scary Larry.
Another Holocene Human
@Mnemosyne: Ebola is not highly contagious prior to the onset of symptoms. That’s the reason that checking for symptoms (the temperature test) before clearing for flight is a pretty good heuristic.
Mike J
@Another Holocene Human:
It is sometimes an actor’s curse to be pretty and yet be a really good actor. Fraser will probably get more interesting parts as he gets older and a little more ragged, like former pretty boys Pierce Brosnan and Dennis Quaid have done (I’m thinking of The Matador and Traffic, respectively).
Fraser was really good in Gods and Monsters, if you never saw that. Great chemistry with Ian McKellen.
@jl: Details are complicated and qualifications about context and risk-management can slow indeed slow things down. Getting the adrenaline pumping needs a fast beat with continuous build. Has to fit into a 30 second slot, with screamers in the chyron so as to get maximum tweetage post water-cooler. It’s nice that at least some communication about a range of procedures for impeding further infection of varying efficacy, complexity, cost and risk are making it into discussion in some venues.
@Mnemosyne: Redgrave was robbed in the Oscars for that.
First day back at work after taking off 3 weeks for the honeymoon. Not bad, but I think it takes spending that much time out of NYC to really slow yourself down. Now I’m back, and the city just keeps on moving.
Got basically the entire living room set up, which is nice. We still have a bit of a mess in our bedroom, along with the second bedroom that we’ll be using as a home office / workout space, but I figure we can slow get that together in the next month or so before the rest of our new furniture gets here.
Karen in GA
@Botsplainer: My next one is going on my right leg. I have one on my left leg; healing was a bitch. I kept it elevated, and my leg didn’t swell, but when I’d stand up, damn.
Another Holocene Human
@Mike J: If that asshat wins in 2016 I think I will cry all day. Or take up drinking. Again.
@Another Holocene Human:
IIRC, that’s why Ebola has never become truly epidemic like the flu — by the time someone is infectious, they’re already showing a lot of really unpleasant signs that tend to warn casual bystanders away. That’s why caregivers are at higher risk than anyone else.
Uhhhhhh, Betty? Just in case everybody missed the obvious, it was directed at women in general, and while you might be a woman in particular, you are also a women in general. Ergo, it was directed at you.
He was great in the (surprisingly funny) remake of Bedazzled.
True. Though it’s one of the better curses, to be honest.
@scav: On the other end of the spectrum there is Rush….who probably spread this filth over several minutes of air time:
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Wants Americans To Get Ebola As Payback For Slavery
The Thin Black Duke
@WereBear: Yes. Exhibit A: Gods and Monsters.
@Karen in GA:
I’m probably six months from leg work. Got to finish the right shoulder, have a dramatic expansion left shoulder, then have a pretty expansive design in mind across both shoulder blades that encompasses my diver/dive flag on the right blade. Got a small bit of chest work in mind before I do a couple of calf pieces.
Figure I’ll take stock then – once I commence down forearms, I’m committed to long sleeves for work. I’m comfortable with having a bit peeking out, but older or candyassed clients would be put off by it.
@jibeaux: You had me at Brendan Fraser…I LOVE BRENDAN FRASER!
Howard Beale IV
@jl: Nothing would please me more than to see El Rushbo go down the way Dick Clark did.
It can be, if you don’t let it go to your head and you’re good with money. But there are lots of sad stories of extraordinarily talented pretty people who ended up self-destructing, like Montgomery Clift.
Or Fraser goes the way of Kurt Russell, who is a pretty good actor, but never landed the big serious role to put him up there with guys like Hoffman or DeNiro. Russell has had a very productive career nonetheless.
Omnes Omnibus
Ahem, what are Big Trouble in Little China and Escape from New York? Chopped liver? You don’t know from movies.
@Mnemosyne: Agree with everything you said.
There is only so much one can do even with a handful of really good PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
It’s the amount of exposure that increases transmission. As a laboratorian, good PPE is essentially for my job and we continually work with possibly infectious human material, bacteria, fungus and viruses (I’ve also worked in a Bioterrorism Lab in my early career). But for the most part I don’t have any real patient contact, other than passing patients in the lab, cafeteria or elevators.
Nursing is the complete opposite from what I do in terms of patient care. Patient Care is 95% of the job for Nurses. So that patient contact increases likelihood of transmission both from patient to nurse, but more commonly from nurse to patient (MRSA, VRE, KPC…)
@jl: He must really be looking for freebee juiced airtime. In all those B&W movie classics of the mythic times many confuse with the ‘mercan past, people rustled their newspapers (studiously not noticing) and subtly moved away from the guy shouting this sort of stuff on the bus.
Has anyone worked up that full-bore task force raid on
marijuanaokra plants in Georgia actually being the first strike of a secret, coordinated, government plot against Southern Culture for similar reasons!? Those famous black helicopters do seem to have been involveddebbie
I think it’s his choices that have held him back. Jeff Bridges and Johnny Depp, both pretty boys, seem to have been more discerning in picking their parts from the earliest days of their careers.
Dear God, Betty. Don’t let Fox News see that scribble on the bathroom wall. They’ll claim it’s the Ebola virus.
Dallas mayor is reporting this evening that so far no one else who has had contact with the patient is showing symptoms. Pretty amazing considering.
Omnes Omnibus
@scav: I am okay with okra suppression.
@Mnemosyne: Don’t hate me, but I love Brenden Fraser in the Mummy movies. I even loved Journey To the Center of the Earth.
Oh and I loved Bedazzled
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: I take it that Idris Elba isn’t the jealous type.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Though I think Big Trouble in Little China and Escape from New York are much better than such films as The Departed, the judges at the Oscar Awards are not evolved enough to understand the error of their ways in evaluating films.
Who watches The English Patient or Kramer versus Kramer over and over again?
There are plenty of people, who’ll stop channeling surfing to watch Big Trouble in Little China or Escape from New York for the eleventy-billionth time.
Unfortunately, Russell has never landed roles in such films, so he isn’t treated as being as “serious” an actor as some of his peers, who land roles in these forgettable pieces of Oscar bait.
@Omnes Omnibus: lol. he may well be, but he’ll have to get over it, cause my Brenden Fraser love went on for years…
Shoot if Idris news the number of actor’s I’ve had as first loves, this fantasy relationship Idris and I are in would be in real trouble.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Can’t do gumbo without it.
Iowa Old Lady
@elftx: How long has it been since they were exposed? I just googled it and the incubation period is 2-21 days. I’m still appalled they were quarantined in an unsterilized apartment. The Dallas mayor sounds like a decent sort though.
” full-bore task force raid on marijuana okra plants in Georgia ”
At least they did not shoot the okra gardener.
Is being half-crazed demented a requirement for serving on of these mary jane task force swat teams? And being ignorant as a rock, but with the added juice of being very ‘gung ho’ at doing obviously stupid things?
If people could convince them that poison oak was dope, or that sewer rats were the new drug cartel couriers of choice, these eradication efforts might do some good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: I prefer jambalaya.
Hemp plants grow wild in the Midwest — we used to see them at the park where we had soccer practice when I was in junior high. I guess nowadays that park would be razed to the ground and the earth sown with salt to prevent the demon weed from coming back.
ETA: Also, too, didn’t a commenter here have a funny story about one of his/her neighbors mistaking okra for MJ and digging up the commenter’s garden? I can’t remember who it was, though.
@Mnemosyne: The Midwest must be destroyed in order to save it.
Edit: how the hell does anyone with a brain who has any knowledge of plants at all mistake okra for dope? I guess next cotton farms will be free fire zones and we will read about people with hibiscus plants being shot down in drug raids. If I were a big beer drinker, I would be alarmed. Hops will be next. Get used to ale.
Edit2: I mean now low on the stupid scale do we have to go before we quit this nonsense?
some guy
Damn, I hoe Treon Harris has not just pissed away a career.
Roger Moore
@Omnes Omnibus:
They’re not chopped liver, but they’re not Midnight Cowboy or The Godfather, Part II. They’re not even The Graduate or Taxi Driver.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Perhaps I’m overly sentimental, but I did enjoy Swing Shift.
@Mnemosyne: There were a few similar bird seed stories here a bit ago after a photo of the back yard plus Steve. That thread? Now I keep thinking of the purple okra they’ve got growing at the Botanic Garden this year — That’s gotta be the really good stuff. Oh my.
I just saw a Burger King ad about how they want to change the 5 dollar bill. I assume they mean replacing Abraham Lincoln with Wilfrid Laurier.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Okra is green snot pods.
Roger Moore
I notice that you left out Stargate, which was entertaining enough to spawn a whole series of spinoffs.
@Botsplainer: I’m sorry, but beg to differ. That’s ebene: okra may be runner-up.
schrodinger's cat
@jibeaux: I remember one of his movies, when he was really young, it had a young Matt Damon too, I think, very cute. Fraser not Damon.
BTW is it just me or does anyone else think that Damon is kinda over-rated. He was so lack luster in the Good Shepherd and Syriana.
schrodinger's cat
The okra haters haven’t ever had stir fried okra with Indian spices.
@schrodinger’s cat:
One of my favorite things.
@Botsplainer: Not if you cook it right. I made a huge batch of stewed okra, maters, corn and chicken just last night.
@Botsplainer: Okra is quite good pickled. The fact that it used as a soup thickener, repulses me though. I feel the same way about celery though. Some things are meant to be crispy. just sayin
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: School Ties?
@JPL: It’s also good sliced long way and grilled.
@raven: Thanks, I will try that. I can’t learn the trick of frying it to crispy perfection outside and tasty juice inside, but I might be able to handle that.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, that’s the one.
FYWP won’t let me post some grilled okra recipes. I guess people can look them up.
Edit: FYWP has a filter for URLs with the word ‘okra’ in them?
Seasoned simply and oven-roasted to perfection, okra makes for a delicious and healthy recipe.
@raven: thanks. The blog keeps eating the comments with links to the recipes I found. Yours looks better anyway.
@jl: You ain’t gonna convince these yankees anyway.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: Mine too! Most of the okra available in the north-east is so limp and pathetic looking, I usually never end up buying it.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Yankees? Are you a convert or something?
@schrodinger’s cat: The good stuff is available at Indian groceries. For example, how far are you from Moody Street in Waltham?
@Omnes Omnibus: Hahaha! Took longer than I thought! Of course if you are not from here it doesn’t matter how long you live here, you’re never one of them! I’ve been here much longer than I was anywhere else, twice as long as I was in C-U. It’s fun to tell locals “I’m not from Georgia but I got here as soon as I could”. They like that.
schrodinger's cat
@Cervantes: Too far for grocery shopping.
ETA: Another favorite of mine is fenugreek greens. I used to grow fenugreek when I lived in MD. Fenugreek flat breads (theplas) are the best. That and fenugreek stir fried with shallots and baby shrimp.
@schrodinger’s cat: You could walk out in my backyard.
@schrodinger’s cat: You kiss your mother with that mouth??
Oh, fenugreek, never mind.
schrodinger's cat
@raven: Its a good thing I think, that all your jokes go right over my head.
@schrodinger’s cat: Well it’s just a play on “fenugreek”. Sounds kind a funky if you don’t know what it is.
@Roger Moore:
Honest mistake / oversight on my part, nothing more.
lurker dean
@skerry: very happy about this, it’s about time.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I have read the person he got it from died on the 16th and he got ill on the 24th I think and first went to the hospital on the 25th.
Keeping the family in the apt at first was not wise which is another reason I am amazed none of them have symptoms.
And yesterday they tracked down a homeless person who was in the ambulance after him.
I have been calling the hospitals’ first treatment the Mitt Romney care plan: no money, no insurance get them the hell outta there asap and claim we treat everyone.
@kindness: since it was in a ladies’ room, it was probably a woman who wrote it.
@Mnemosyne: Apparently, the most likely, and most dangerous time to catch Ebola is when you’re changing out of your protective gear.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Whole Foods has them, too, in pretty good shape.
Maybe that helps.
Visiting western India, I’ve had these and variations, including sinfully deep-fried variations, in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Delectable again.
Scamp Dog
@Gin & Tonic: It wasn’t me who mentioned it, but I’ve also read it & loved it.
You post: “That’s why I’ve seen it reported that in a lot of Ebola wards, the doctors and/or nurses who survive are nursing the other patients — they can’t catch it a second time, and it’s seriously dangerous for a non-infected person to do the nursing.”
If it’s OK, I’d like to insert a correction here. Even though the thread isn’t brand new, I think it’s important to try to give folks accurate information about Ebola. As a filovirus, your body doesn’t build up protective antibodies against Ebola in the same way that it would against other illnesses. So you could actually get Ebola more than once. It’s just that the mortality rate is so high in the first place, it’s doubtful we’d know about any instances where this may have happened.