Because there’s other things than football on a lovely New England college campus on a crisp fall day.
Other than that, what’s on the agenda?
This post is in: Music, Open Threads
Because there’s other things than football on a lovely New England college campus on a crisp fall day.
Other than that, what’s on the agenda?
Comments are closed.
Linda Featheringill
I read a thought today by someone whose name I didn’t bother to find out:
God writes a lot of comedy.
ETA: First!
It’s raining and we’re on our way out to dinner.
Gin & Tonic
I guess you have to get something “other than football” for $60k/yr.
Mustang Bobby
Beautiful afternoon in central Florida for a car show. Lots of gorgeous antiques and restored cars and motorcycles.
And nobody got shot.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: I know pretty much zero about football, so I’ll take your word for it.
Sixty fucking thousand dollars a year, though, that’s something I can comprehend.
So my conservative city council discovered they couldn’t suggest colors for the historic area houses. So now they are looking into a citywide color palette. Fortunately, I painted my shutters today so I assume I’d be grandfathered in. Yup and Obama is a dictator.
Just to be sure everyone sees this:
Wonders of technology. No snark.
Karen in GA
Despite confinement, Iggy does go outside occasionally.
@JPL: A citywide color palette? WTF?
I’m having a weekend on my own since hubby’s out of town visiting younger daughter at college on his way home from a business trip. I’m trying, for the first time, to update our info in Quicken with limited success. I’ll head out to dinner somewhere he wouldn’t like in a bit but am watching Too Cute in the meantime. The kitchen addition/remodel is now coming along nicely since we fired our crap contractor and hired a good one. The downside is we don’t have a kitchen at the moment.
@JPL: I’m sure The FSM or GSD will reveal themselves as having some quite distinctive revelations involving personal paint chip tones and overt public latex or oil-based reverence. Matching or Contrasting Trim will require an additional conclave or two.
One of the nice things about living in a large metropolitan area is that you can usually find someone who wants exactly what you need to give away. So the nice people at Bike Oven are very excited to get my motley assortment of lights, bags, and a bike stand that otherwise would have been puzzling people at the thrift store.
Lazy my ass GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!~
Karen in GA
@efgoldman: Well, yeah — that’s why you see that shade of blue in the historic district of Savannah. But JPL said city-wide. Unless there’s an entire town near Atlanta that’s considered a historic area? I don’t know of one, but it doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist.
@MattF: That was such a lovely article and hopefully Gus continues to grow from his experience with Siri.
Also, for the knitters, I was up waaay too late finishing this shawl for the big work party tonight. I made it in a cool variegated red yarn (tone on tone) to wear with a black dress. I forgot to buy sheer hose, so it’ll probably be black tights and black shoes instead of the sheer nude tights and red shoes I wanted to wear. C’est la vie.
Let me know when the lazy begins. I started the day at 6 am., had the weeks vegetable melange cooked, the macaroons done. I fixed a vat of coconut acorn curry soup, a chicken scallion stirfry, quiche and 2 steaks studded with garlic & wrapped in bacon. Plus the weeks laundry. And I need to finish this reel today and move back to the animation. Plus side, should be ready for the interview once I pick out clothes.
@Karen in GA: It was in the neighbor news…
Read more: Neighbor Newspapers – Roswell council seeks tighter regulation of paint jobs
Tom’s wife Betty Price said that it might make more sense than knocking on the state government’s door for advice. The situation arose because someone used red trim paint on their Pub located in the square.
Karen, your link doesn’t work but you can get to your site by clicking on your name. I’m pleased he’s on the mend.
@efgoldman: I like eating out as much if not more than most people, but we’re looking at about 4 weeks until we have a working kitchen again. I think even I will be tired of it my then.
Amir Khalid
Sometimes I’m impressed by how real something like Siri can seem. And sometimes I’m depressed by how little thought it can take to fake a conversation.
Her is an intriguing movie, whatever you think of the premise. But I wonder how Ms Newman would feel if, a few years down the line, Gus got as deeply involved with Siri as Theodore did with Samantha.
Good luck on the interview — I got a nibble on one of my resumes, but no interviews yet. :-(
Karen in GA
@JPL: Oh good lord.
@Karen in GA: There has been some bickering that has not been complimentary between some members. Betty Price let it me known that she didn’t have to show simple common decency to other board members because she doesn’t work for them.
@Mnemosyne: Are you looking to move on from Giant Corporation?
@Karen in GA: Your link is messed up but I visited anyway. Iggy is so adorable. Glad he’s on the mend. I voted for him too. Couldn’t see there was any place where you could tell which dog was in the lead, though.
@ruemara: That sounds like a lot of work but the food sounds delicious! Good luck on the interview.
Karen in GA
@JPL: Weird. Let’s try this again.
He’s doing okay. The vet said days 10-14 were the critical period, and he’s on day 16 now. Two more weeks, and he’s free, somewhat — out of the crate but he can’t go too nuts until he gets his strength back up. Poor thing. When I let him out to walk him, he doesn’t try to run — he comes up to me to cuddle. Breaks my heart to cage him like this, but heartworms killing him would break my heart more, so he’ll stay in the crate for two more weeks.
Karen in GA
@ruemara: Best of luck!
@Mnemosyne: And best of luck to you too.
Job hunting is weird; it’s amazing how you can feel like nothing good will ever happen again, but then out of nowhere the phone rings and everything changes.
@Violet: Thanks! And yeah, I can’t find a way to see who’s winning either. Iggy’s got a couple hundred votes so far — no idea if that’s good or bad.
@JPL: Hell hath no fury like locals with power. Ugh.
AA+ Bonds
If we can step away from the agenda for a minute, it’s pretty interesting when Russia Today gets it right, at least when it’s in Russia’s national interests to be accurate:
Imagine those sorts of facts about NATO/IMF aggression being directed at a Joint Chiefs of Staff robot on CNN or MSNBC. We might get some traction against the elite in this country.
Karen in GA
And I’m in moderation. The gist of my comment, in case it never comes out of moderation purgatory:
Ruemara and Mnem: Good luck (plus other words of encouragement).
Violet, thank you, and I don’t know how to find out who’s leading either.
JPL: Hell hath no fury like powerful locals.
@Karen in GA: When I first got Finch, I kept him on a leash even in the house, until the vet gave the okay. The first day he was off leash, he dug under the fence and ran away.. A neighbor found him on her front stoop and brought him inside. He jumped on her lap and gave her lots of love. I did have a name and telephone number on him so she called. She quizzed me a little before she gave him back though.
Iggy might do the same, be prepared..
Finch doesn’t show any problems from the treatment and it’s been a little over a year.
When I voted, I also clicked on one of the front pagers and they only had 25 votes.
@MattF: Just read it–that was TERRIFIC. Thank you!
@Amir Khalid: I wonder if the Siri programmers have to slow the program down now and then in order to keep it communicative. Jeff Atwood commented a little while ago on time scales for computers:
@Karen in GA: Probably too many links if you replied to all four people. Three links is the limit.
For grins I clicked on dog number one on the first page.. That dog had only 12 votes. Iggy had two hundred and something. So Iggy was way ahead of that dog, if that’s any comfort! And for anyone who is wondering, you can vote for Iggy in a photo contest. Go on! Toss him a vote! He’s adorable and he’s being treated for heartworms and has to stay in his cage. Poor baby. If he wins maybe Karen will buy him a new toy or a treat.
@Violet: I did the same thing and the dog had twenty five votes.
Good luck on the interview!
@MattF: The voice behind Siri lives in the Atlanta area and she was a big Romney supporter so I’m not sure she is trustworthy. She was just given lists of words, so I assume Gus will be okay.
I know it’s early for a music thread, but the title reminded me of this:
@SiubhanDuinne: I was polled today by 11alive. Hopefully the results are good for Nunn and Carter.
Howard Beale IV
I just bought a sewing machine so I can repair my clothes. I’ve had a lot of my belt loops give way on my jeans for some odd reason, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to buy more jeans.
Just on my way out to do data entry for Ami Bera’s campaign…first time this cycle. I’m betting I’ll be acting as Grandma again. The paid campaign people are always so young.
Karen in GA
@JPL: Iggy is always leashed when he’s outside. One, because we don’t have a fence. Two, because this is a true story. (Sorry to link to the blog again, but it’s easier and quicker than typing the whole story here.)
Howard Beale IV
@JPL: The voice for Cortana (Microsoft’s Siri competitor) is Jen Taylor, who was the voice of Cortana from the Halo franchise.
He: “What are you making for dinner tonight?”
She: “A reservation.”
(Week, all, I’ll be here)
I’m so glad I’m retired and don’t have to be nice to them any more.
WXIA must have resources I’m not aware of if they can do all that polling. It was just a few days ago that they did a poll showing Michelle up by 3 points (48-45).
Can’t remember if I said, but from the turnout I have seen during the past week while advance voting poll-watching, I am very encouraged and optimistic!
@efgoldman: If the division of labor in the family is that the man works in a job outside the home and the woman works in the home taking care of the family then she never gets to retire. That job never ends. Someone has to shop and cook and clean.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: I saw a billboard for it on 95 last week. I skipped it too – I’d have been out of place.
Mnemosyne (iPad Mini)
I’m hoping to do an internal transfer within the Giant Evil, if possible. If not, our new apartment is still near the big studios (including NBC Universal and Warner Bros.) so I can try them as well. But, ideally, I’d prefer to transfer.
@Mnemosyne (iPad Mini): Cool. Best of luck with it.
@Violet & Karen in Ga: I was number 250 when I voted. So Iggy seems to be doing very well.
@efgoldman: You could still go tomorrow if you have no other plans.
@Violet: I’d say, often so, but it does also depend on how that division of labor came about and how set in their ways the two individuals are. If they actively and mutually decided to split it that way (for whatever reason) they could actively decide (or have previously agreed to) renegotiate roles and duties at that easy clear breakpoint. Granted, I don’t think the bulk of society is to the stage where housework is likely to be split evenly — let alone retired from! — but cooking might be closer to it — especially as it’s gotten trendier and comes with lots of mechanical toys and a techie jargon.
Spent the afternoon canvassing for the woman we hope will replace the most awful Thom Tillis in the NC General Assembly. As I was leaving the last neighborhood, I glance in my rear view mirror and see a young man in a bright blue t-shirt with a handful of flyers going to some of the same doors I just knocked. I turned around to make another loop, see if I could make out the words on the tee and have to dodge a gigantic SUV with TX plates, discharging two similarly attired youngsters who begin working the other side of the street. Back of their t-shirts have some nonsense about Defending America. I can make out CVA on the front. Pull over, do a quick Google and discover that Concerned Veterans for America – obviously a rightwing group – are doing a GOTV. Someone please remind me why veterans like getting screwed over by Republicans.
OMG I have discovered broccoli romanesco and I am infatuated. So good roasted with some butter, salt, pepper and chili powder. So much better than broccoli!
@merrinc: Because they are propagandized by Rush Limpbaugh on the AFRS without competition of views?
I’ve spent a lazy afternoon watching a Tremors movie marathon on AMC. I’ve seen Tremors a number of times but the sequel I’ve only seen in bits and pieces. Since AMC is showing them in order I decided to watch them all. Now I need to go and do a little shopping — at least the grocery is fairly close to my building. Then I’ll decide what else to do tonight.
Ruemara: I hope your interview goes well.
Mnemosyne: The shawl is beautiful. I hope you do get an internal transfer.
Karen in GA
@PurpleGirl: Thanks!
I just went out and watered my garden. I’ve been avoiding it all week. Just did the front and am taking a break. Have to go water the back now. Things don’t look good but it doesn’t surprise me given how blah I’ve been about gardening this year. Too many other crappy things going on.
I had a bunch of sweet potatoes come back. Guess I missed some tubers last year. I left them because lazy. Now I want them out of there because I want to put in things like radishes and more cabbage family stuff–maybe even cabbages.
I seriously have so much gardening work to do and I can’t get motivated. Ugh.
Mike in NC
@Gin & Tonic: My brother in Boston has two girls in college, at UMass Amherst and UMaine Orono. Makes me grateful to not have kids.
@Karen in GA:
Poor Iggy. The Count of Monte Cristo’s got nothing on him.
@Karen in GA: I read the contest rules and they said the top 10 vote getters in each category will be the finalists. Then some group from Publix will pick the winner. We still have a few days to vote–people can vote once per day. Just need to get him to Top 10. I’m pretty good at poll pimping so I’ll help you out there. Iggy and you deserve a nice prize after suffering through his heartworm treatment!
If you haven’t voted already today, vote for Iggy in the contest. He’s cute!
Mike in NC
@merrinc: The Concerned Veterans “for” America are yet another front group funded entirely by the asshole Koch brothers.
I love broccoli raw, steamed, boiled, broiled, chopped, gratinée, on its own, as an ingredient, however, whatever. But that sounds GOOD!
Listening to Fleetwood Mac’s Mystery to Me album on vinyl.
It’s aged really well.
Howard Beale IV
@Mike in NC:
Here’s the thing that I don’t understand about the Koch brothers and Libertarians in general. They are so anti-government but at the same time, lets just say for the sake of argument they achieve a good chunk of their goals.
They’re going to die. Who are they leaving their wealth to? We haven’t heard much about their spawn, have we? Hell, we know more about the WalMart heirs than we know about the Koch 3.0 spawn.
Seems to me Libertarianism is just another religion-Instead of a cross or a crescent moon, their symbol is a dollar sign and their spirit is some vague nebulous thing called ‘liberty’. And what’s absolutely amazing is how many intelligent people get sucked in and buy the shit the Koch’s are selling not realizing that they’re being used by the Kochs-Americans for Prosperity? Right-It’s Americans for Koch’s Prosperity-You’re nothing more than useful idiots for the Koch’s.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike in NC: I’ve been through the kids in college phase, and glad for it to be done. But as efgoldman points out, the state schools, even for out-of-state students, are a whole separate league from the Ivies or the higher-end private schools. I guess I just wasn’t aware that the $60k/yr hurdle had been jumped.
We’ve been fortunate that we could help, and for some programs in some schools it still makes economic sense, but I’m confident that for at least some of the kids at a place like BC, what they’re getting out of it is far from being worth a quarter-million.
dance around in your bones
Ok, I just spent a lot of time composing a thoughtful and on point post, and it disappeared into the ether.
Basically, what I was saying was that you can never know what the hell is going to happen. I just got a job as a personal assistant, live-in companion, light housekeeping and cooking for a genteel ol Southern lady who lives in a palatial mansion ( I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to invade her privacy).
I never thought in a million trillion gazillion years that I would be living in the kind of house that I am living in. And my employer cracks me the hell up! She’s funny, and witty, and well-read (we enjoy all the same kinds of books) and – well, all I want to say is that GOOD things can happen, Hang in there and keep trying!
Not too long ago i was contemplating filling my pockets with rocks (a la Virginia Woolf) and wading out into the ocean, because I could see no future for myself.
Then look what happened – all from an ad on Craigslist, fer gawdsakes.
Tonight I get to hang out with my grandkids, who I have missed very much these last couple weeks. I don’t know why this happened to me, but I ain’t complaining!!!
Not sure why I never did this before, but just put Iggy’s ballot up on my Facebook page. So let’s hope for a few more votes.
Mike in NC
@Howard Beale IV: You probably already knew this but the odious Ayn Rand — the idol of Paul Ryan and many other anti-government extremists — wore a large $ sign as her favorite lapel pin.
Mike in NC
@Gin & Tonic: I attended UMass Boston in the 70s and tuition was like $300 per semester plus textbooks and other fees. I am a dinosaur.
gogol's wife
@dance around in your bones:
Sounds great. It actually sounds like a novel.
I’m reading a great Ruth Rendell novel, The Girl Next Door. I thought she was losing her touch (she’s 84, after all), but this one is wonderful. Not that I’m saying your life is like a Ruth Rendell novel. Maybe Fannie Flagg?
@dance around in your bones:
Congrats, D. And good to see you again.
Is this stupid Budweiser commercial where the idiot leaves his dog all night because he was drinking with his idiot buddies supposed to make you think he did the right thing?
No shit. What the hell were they thinking?
@Baud: I can’t figure out what they are saying? “You’re an asshole for mistreating your dog”, “fuck the dog you dumbass drunk” or “you’re a goddamn hero”?
@dance around in your bones: That does sound like a wonderful job. Have fun with the grandchildren.
@dance around in your bones: That is wonderful. I’m so happy for you and so happy it is working out. What fun!
Gin & Tonic
@raven: I’m wondering where the dog pooped.
dance around in your bones
@gogol’s wife:
Well, it DOES sound like a novel – or I was thinking a Tennessee Williams play. I have been thinking about writing a journal which I could make into a book later. All the elements are there.
@Baud: Thanks, Baud. I’m just gobsmacked that I got this opportunity. Why Me? I don’t fucking know.
@efgoldman: I know – this lady would be a good stand-in for SP&T. Believe me.
@efgoldman: It was in Little Rock and it was fun but hanging on to a huge lead in the second half was less than thrilling.
Can’t wait for the next installment.
Yeah, honey, I was gonna pick the kids up from day care, but I was drunk off my ass and decided not to drive. Ain’t I a great dad?
@raven: Is it this one?
It’s awful.. Is he going to abandon his children, also. Baud beat me to it.
@dance around in your bones: I don’t know why I fell into working at home for the last DECADE but I did. It saved my ass getting of the road.
@dance around in your bones:
Wonderful to hear. You will keep her alive longer. Win win.
Who mixes whose cocktails?
@raven: I think it’s supposed to make you think he did the right thing and the wrong thing. Right thing: didn’t drink and drive. Wrong thing: left dog alone. And better choice would be to make plans for how you’re getting home before you go out drinking.
@dance around in your bones:
Cuz you’re awesome.
And it’s good to know how easy it is to find a great companion on Craigslist!
@JPL: Dudebro has no children.
@Violet: Or, gasp, don’t drink. But that was this mornings thread.
@dance around in your bones: Do keep a journal. You’ll be glad you did later even if you never write up the stories. And if you decide to write that novel it’s all there!
@raven: I hated it. It was awful and someone should let Budweiser know there are taxis. You don’t need to leave your dog overnight. Anyway their beer is tasteless.
@JPL: That was it but I’m not sure I had seen it from the start.
@gogol’s wife:
I like Ruth Rendell too.
@raven: Yeah, but he made the choice to drink and was a dumbfuck and didn’t make plans for how to get home. We’ve all done stupid things. I think the commercial is targeted toward younger people who might do those dumb things and maybe be more impulsive. People make dumb decisions. It happens.
Under the circumstances he made the right call not to drive. Maybe he didn’t have anyone he could call to get the dog. The dog may have had to pee or poop on the floor but he was going to be okay for a night. Bad dog owner but dog wasn’t truly in danger unless the dog needed some medication or something.
The end of the commercial says “Make a plan to make it home” suggesting that next time he should do better. He’s not a good dog owner for doing this but people do make mistakes.
@Violet: fuck him
@Violet: I still didn’t like it. When I had jury duty, I left the house at six thirty in the morning and a neighbor was to let Finch out at 1:00. I didn’t get home until twelve hours later and she still wasn’t home. Somehow he held it. Poor pup.
dance around in your bones
@raven: I have worked ‘off-grid’ as some might say for much of my life. Which is why this new job is totally blowing my mind.
@Baud: I never would have believed it, but Craigslist delivered for me! Anybody who is looking for a job, don’t discount Craigslist – you never know WHAT you’re going to get!
@Violet: OH, Violet – I have thought about that from the very beginning….my employer is quite the character and she makes me laugh like no one since my husband who died 3 years ago, and the space that I have (my own apartment in the basement of the house , accessed from the main house by a secret bookcase ‘door’…I mean, you couldn’t dream this up in a bazillion years. I am so thankful.
@JPL: Yeah, there are taxis. And there are other friends or neighbors who can take your dog out.
Also, that guy came home looking mighty refreshed considering he was supposedly too drunk to drive the night before. I don’t believe for a minute he’d been drinking. In real life the guy would come home with a headache, wearing the same clothes as the day before looking worse for wear, probably wearing sunglasses, and clutching a cup of coffee for dear life.
@JPL: We have a doggie door.
@dance around in your bones: First: I think the job sounds incredibly good. I’m glad it is going well so far. I hope it gets better as time goes on. Second, do keep a journal toward an eventual book of some sort, either a novel or a memoir. I don’t think your situation sounds like Tennessee Williams though. His people were mostly walking wounded and were dysfunctional to some extent. (I read most of his work in junior high and high school and loved his writings. One of English teachers in JHS wondered why I was so taken with Williams and Anton Chekhov. I just was.)
dance around in your bones
@Elizabelle: Basically, me :)
Howard Beale IV
@Mike in NC: Not surprised-in the incredibly forgettable MAD movie “Up the Academy” the Arab character was shown bowing down to a pyramid of six cans of motor oil.
@raven: @JPL: I’m not excusing what the guy in the commercial did. He was a bad dog owner. I am saying he’s probably representative of a demographic that is young, has dogs, and goes out and drinks and maybe drives and maybe leaves the dogs alone. Wrong choice but better choice than drinking and driving and maybe killing someone.
I think the “Friends are waiting” tagline and hashtag and the whole concept may speak to those young people who can’t grasp that their parents and friends would be devastated if something happened to them. But leaving their beloved dog? That can’t happen! Must not drink and drive!
The guy seems too nonchalant at the end. I think that’s why it doesn’t work. If somehow he’d seemed more aware of how wrong he was wrt the dog it would work better. Right choice not to drink and drive. Wrong choice to leave the dog.
Poor Betty, the Gators are getting crushed.
@Violet: dumbass commercial
@dance around in your bones: It sounds wonderful and something right out of a movie or novel. I hope you are writing it all down! Maybe even taking a few pictures that wouldn’t be inappropriate so you can remember at a later date exactly how things looked or worked.
@efgoldman: You should see Driskel.
@Violet: If the purpose were to raise awareness, maybe but it sure did get my dander up. I agree with you that the ending could have been better.
@raven: Also that house is way too nice for a guy that young who apparently lives alone and is dumb enough to go out drinking Budweiser with his friends. Budweiser? Seriously? He must be broke if he’s drinking that and if he’s broke he’s not in that house.
@Violet: Ya’ll talk like the point of drinking is the taste. It’s been a long long time but that didn’t have shit to do with why I drank.
@dance around in your bones: Years ago I rented a place from these two older women who I only later realized were a lesbian couple. They were so much older (in their 80s) and I was so young I just didn’t put it all together. They’d invite me down for gin and tonics in the evening. They were totally rad. Crazy career women–trailblazers. Smart as could be. One was more the sweet type and the other was mouthy in a Joan Rivers kind of way. Didn’t like the way my boyfriend at the time was treating me (they were right!) and let me know it. Loved those two. Loved them. Stories for sure. Keep that journal!
Mike J
@raven: I’ve got a 2000 Lynch Bages that I’m going to open soon, and it damn well better taste good. I’m not drinking it to get fucked up.
@efgoldman: I’ve laid off the Gators because I like Betty so much but they can’t get their asses kicked too much for me.
dance around in your bones
@PurpleGirl: Well, you’re right in the dysfunctional sense – my employer is nowhere near dysfunctional as far as I can tell – she just doesn’t take any shit from anybody, she does what she pleases.
Ok, grandboys are making a lot of noise and driving me crazy, so I may have to bow out for a little while. I think it’s scary movie, hot cocoa and cookie time.
My new life is SO genteel! Classical music on the radio all the time, leisurely breakfasts (that I cook) on the flower laden patio, dinner in the sun room (again that I cook), and cocktails in the evening. No screaming kids 9like right now – my youngest grandson zoomed out into the kitchen where I am typing this, and he was totally naked. I said “Why are you naked?” and he said “because we are having a naked fight party!!”
OMG, I have to go pay attention to them.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Some of us drink beer for the taste.
@Mike J: I have no idea what you are talking about.
@raven: People drink for a lot of reasons. And people usually have preferences–beer over wine or the other way around. Gin, vodka, whatever. People have preferences. Even young guys who are drinking because that’s what young guys do will prefer one type of alcohol over another. Usually its beer. And if it’s Budweiser they don’t have a lot of money. If they have more money they’ll be drinking another kind of beer or something else entirely.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: It’s a ~$150-200 bottle of French wine.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: I guess I wasn’t clear.
@Gin & Tonic:
what’s the word?
what’s the price?
forty twice
@raven: A relative of mine was such an alcoholic he was drinking mouthwash. He eventually died from his alcoholism.
Its my understanding there are a lot of functional alcoholics. Another extended family relative is that way. He’s in his 80s how, has been drinking forever. Starts at lunchtime. But he’s more along the functional alcoholic spectrum. Like, if he knew he’d be driving he wouldn’t drink at all. That kind of thing.
@Gin & Tonic: A friend brought me a Chardonnay from Napa, I can’t remember the name but it wasn’t to oaky. I started my second glass and left the rest for my son’s significant other to finish. She looked on the bottle and it was 14 percent alcohol. A little went a long way.
I do love French champagne’s though.
It is barely afternoon on the West Coast at this hour.
Just sayin’.
@Violet: I’ve buried plenty of friends.
This might be the most extreme case that I’ve heard about ebola panic.. link
It’s time to restrict travel to Texas for the safety of us all.
What will Cole say? Will he think it’s better to err on the side of caution?
Mike J
@JPL: It’s time for us all to go to Dallas to get three weeks off paid vacation.
Howard Beale IV
@Mike in NC: Not surprised. The anti-government folks are the biggest hypocrites of them all, because its the governments that legitimizes and gives them their positions/status in the first place. If their was no government, they’d be at the mercy of the security forces they hired to protect them form the feudal society they created. Three hundred years ago, that might have been a good situation-but if the Koch’s actually got their dream of a effective zero government, a deadpool would spring up in no time to take them out. Libertarians fail to acknowledge Mao Tse-Tung’s axiom when it comes to justice.
I caught a rerun of Dallas on TV the other day. I guess I’ll have to call in sick.
Howard Beale IV
@Violet: You have to define what addiction is before you can come to terms with whatever substance/behavior is at issue.
WOOOO HOOOOO! That looks like a nice pattern, Mnemosyne. Did you use pashmina?
Just came home from a college visit in Vermont. The drive home was gorgeous, long but so beautiful.
Mike J
Whilst making fajitas, I stumbled across the best training method to keep those treating eboliacs from rubbing eyes/nose/mouth. Daily slicing of peppers. Start them now, they’ll be broken of any bad habits very, very soon.
@Baud: Remember! No dashing out for food either! 21 days of eating whatever is in the fridge already and no taking out the garbage. Put your mail on hold and kill all your pets immediately if you want to err on the side of safety. They can’t pee outside either. If you sneeze, splash gasoline about the place and warn the FD not to approach until all the ashes have stopped smoldering, although their laying out a firebreak between you and the neighbors might be left to a few heroic volunteers, maybe. Can’t be too careful.
@MomSense: Normally my maple has the most beautiful colors but not this year. More than 2/3rd of the leafs are down now. My neighbor has three maples (although a different variety) and they are still green and full. When we moved from Dallas decades ago, my son thought something was wrong with the trees because of all the colors.
I was raised in New England and can remember pulling over near the Quabbin reservoir just to admire the beauty of the fall colors
@scav: Dallas is in the United States. The phone call is coming from inside the house!
@scav: The NY Times has an article on those under quarantine. link The teacher in Maine is being paid but many are not and a loss of three weeks of wages is awful for many. The comments are more about what about me and my rights to stay away from these lepers who actually don’t have ebola but might someday.
@Violet: You’re right! I had forgot ebola had gone airborn, digital, broadcast (hence TV) and electronic (So That’s why the Fan in Florida was objected to!!!! The govt isn’t telling us!!!). Semaphore, who knows Semaphore!? There might be a tiny window of communication means left!
Howard Beale IV
@efgoldman: Not a bad idea – great way to make sure the B83 still functions.
@JPL: I spent an extra grand to make sure the new sewer line from my next door neighbors house goes on out property to avoid any problems with his Japanese Maple.
@raven: My son has a walnut tree and when the city of Sandy Springs wanted to dig on his property to run a line, he was able to block it. Personally, I would have taken the money they wanted to pay him, but whatever.
I remember doing the same thing at the Quabbin. Monday we drove up to Bar Harbor to College of the Atlantic and it was just spectacular. The trees were glorious, and the ocean and sky were so blue.
We have had a beautiful autumn this year.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: San Antonio is pretty nice, though.
I heard on the TV that ebola now spreads through quantum tunneling.
@JPL: We don’t really think the original route would have damaged his tree but it was a gesture of god will. We cut down a beautiful red maple at the start of this project.
@JPL: Less and bloody less can surprise me on the downside about the worthy neighbors shrieking their self-satisfied way about this nation. Cheap, fundamentally selfish, and increasingly visibly willing to shit overtly on people in close proximity so that they can get their way, their safety, their amusement (go football), their lesson-plans, and their fraudulent view of reality in sight 24/7.
God would have just smited the tree.
Howard Beale IV
We’ve spent a ton of money on supercomputers to simulate nuclear ordinance – AFAIC, nothing beats field testing. Shit, North Korea gets away with it, there’s no reason why we can’t either. Too bad we’d lose American Airlines main hub and Love Field, but sacrifices have to be made, dammit….
Mizzou 42 Fla 0 in the 3rd.
Mike J
@raven: Bwahahahahahah.
Not that I really care. I hate that “border war” pro treason bullshit they stared with the KU game. They didn’t used to do that.
Mizzou games leave me conflicted.
@Baud: Well with quantum tunneling and all why not. Do some shopping first and make sure you have netflix streaming.
@Mike J: They had the border war with the Illini for a decade or so.
tokyo expat
Lazy Sunday morning here and it’s a beautiful fall day. The leaves haven’t quite changed yet.
The university tuition talk interests me. My oldest will be starting university next year and we pretty much ruled out US universities. Well, actually he did, along with my husband. Son#1 wants to study chemistry and he prefers to continue to do so in Japanese and then do grad work perhaps in the US. He’s looking at some of the top science schools in Japan. If he gets into his first choice, it will be less than $10,000 a year in tuition. It’s hard to argue with those numbers especially when sons #2 and #3 are nipping at his heels.
Mike J
@raven: KU has long been a big rivalry. When I was in Columbia, KU were big stupid doody heads. Now, Mizzou is explicitly pro confederacy and make constant references to the border war of Quantrill’s raiders, the treasonous pro slavery group that attacked Kansas from Missouri.
I don’t know of anything similar with Illinois.
Oh, and to round out my quick rantyburst, look atthebrave free-market health system flash into action during an emergency, money tossed out to necessary experts! Pr and hashtroturfing! Texas hospital mounts ‘#PresbyProud’ fightback as Ebola criticism mounts.
I’m off the The Doctors. The Tardis is in siege mode and I love what’s been done with — well, to — the pillows.
Howard Beale IV
@tokyo expat: As long he doesn’t saddled with debt that can’t get discharged via any form of bankruptcy, he’s in good shape compared to what he’d be facing in the US.
I’m awfully fond of you all–Mr. Goldman, you’re a particular favorite–but as a person living in Dallas and just hanging out waiting to see if I have cervical cancer, I have to say that I do get a bit weary of all the Texas stuff. I know it’s a crazy-making place (better than you ever could, believe me), but some of us don’t really need to be cast down any further than we already are.
Sorry to be a wimp.
Southern Beale
Saw “Gone Girl” this afternoon. Good movie.
tokyo expat
@Mnemosyne: Lovely shawl! I am trying to be more consistent about crocheting or knitting. I have a hat that I want to finish for the fall, but I broke my right ring finger about four weeks ago and it is still not completely healed. Good luck with the job hunting, too!
@dance around in your bones: It goes to show that it’s worth hanging in there and that life can take some amazing turns when you least expect it. Enjoy your grandchildren today!
Howard Beale IV
@scav: Texas Presby and any entity affiliated with them and those who vetted them are so screwed-and they deserve it.
Their beer would be a lot better if it were tasteless. Don’t of course know for sure but I’m betting that reactor runoff water might be better. It might not have that metallic with just a hint of anti freeze aftertaste to it.
@Mike in NC:
[CVA is funded by Koch]
Well, isn’t that just fucking lovely. Thanks for the info.
Getting glazed by hurricane Ana out here. Light rain and wind. Made Arclitedaughter’s swim meet comfortable. She got 3 PBs and qualified for State championships in 2 events, so treating her to junk at Starbucks.
tokyo expat
@Howard Beale IV: If he attends here, we’ll pay for tuition and he’ll simply need to get a part time job for his own pocket money. Grad school is another proposition, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. The same goes for the other two.
It’s just how has tuition gotten so high? I attended Grinnell College, a private small liberal arts college, generally ranked at the top, and it cost me $9,000 my first year, of which 2/3 were covered in scholarship. By the time I graduated it was $13,000 and I still received a substantial scholarship. Today, tuition and fees is over $40,000 and another $10,000 for room and board. Yes, there is assistance of some form to the majority of students, but how can people afford that when wages have not risen at the same pace? It’s frightening to think of the kind of debt young people are leaving university with and that doesn’t even take into account grad school for those who wish to pursue a higher degree.
@scav: Gosh.. You wouldn’t want a hospital that has over a billion in assets to be responsible would you.
@Arclite: Wow! What a nice accomplishment.
Anne Laurie
Yeah, this is a beer commercial, not an actual PSA (public service announcement).
Actually, I seem to remember that every time MAAD does a really effective “don’t drink & drive” ad — like a little kid’s sneaker, lying on the side of a dark road, illuminated by an ambulance light — the mommybloggers have a group breakdown over how it’s gonna SCAR THE KIDDIES WILL NOBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!…
Naw the best I’ve seen is a picture of the lady at the airport in a complete plastic bag suit with a face mask, booties, etc sitting among other passengers waiting for her plane.
right now Gator alums are chanting from the stands for Muschamp to get fired. We’re about to lose two homecoming games in a row.
Any other USF and UF alums out there like me? Today felt great about the Bulls coming from behind to win… and today’s feeling great because there’s no godforsaken way Muschamp remains the Head Coach past midnight tonight.
It’s just, who can the Gators get to coach next?
Yeah, that WAS an effective and scary sfx.
Rigsy would make a cool companion.
Why is my earlier comment still in moderation? Is wimpishness a mortal sin?
Mizzou’s football team is getting every statistical play checked off: just blocked a PAT attempt. Only thing they haven’t done is a Safety…
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
Ran the “harder than hell” half marathon this morning.
It was hard.
dance around in your bones
@tokyo expat: Thanks – I still cannot hardly believe it myself.
And I am enjoying my grandboys tonight – I just made them all hot cocoa and Halloween cookies (as previously mentioned, I bought them at the grocery store and shamelessly lied to them and told them I made them myself :)
They bought it because we have baked many things together before – Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas cookies. They love to ‘help’.
Then they wrangled over who gets the biggest cookie.
I love the little dudes.
Howard Beale IV
@rhubarb: Post-reconstruction states (of which Texas is the biggest and baddest of them all) tend to fight the Federal Government at every opportunity. At the same time the Feds fight the post-reconstruction states (Texas) when they fail to follow Federal laws. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.
Texas has the dubious distinction of having an absolute imbecile for a Congressional representative, beating out Minnesota, whose batshit insane representative is thankfully retiring.
I’ll wait with you and hope for good news. (((rhubarb)))
@rhubarb: My SIL lives in Austin. It’s a nice place in some respects – Central Market is an amazing grocery… :-)
Fingers crossed for you. Let’s hope that the waiting is the hardest part.
Hang in there.
Agreed. It has a nice cover of the Yardbirds’ “For Your Love,” as well as my favorite Bob Welch-era Mac song, “Hypnotized.”
@dance around in your bones:
I am really glad to hear that good things are happening for you. It buoys my spirit.
@rhubarb: Wishing you all the best for a good result. Let us know either way.
dance around in your bones
@Steeplejack: Thanks, Steep – I am amazed myself that things are working out as they are.
Hoocodanode?!! Thank you Gaia, or Buddha or whoever/whatever….
@Violet: I voted number 286.