I always wear an Ascot and a bolo tie. Together. Man, am I cool.
While we’re on the subject of BBC neckwear, what is the precise name of what Peter Capaldi was sporting while chasing Mummies? That worked rather well.
Omnes Omnibus
Are you saying I shouldn’t wear any of my French ties anymore? I’ll be sad; the Givenchy ones are particularly nice.
@schrodinger’s cat: Those of us ladies who aren’t so well-endowed sometimes use big shawl/scarves to camouflage lack of boobage.
My own personal preference these days is for little shawls, really just shoulder warmers. They don’t hide my (lack of) chest, but they also don’t conceal by shapely bottom.
Betty Cracker
@schrodinger’s cat: Maybe if it was 40 below that would make sense, but with the outfit the woman in the picture has on, it just seems silly.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah and I just looked at her about page and she lives in Dallas. May be its the latest in Ebola protective gear. Seriously, I would die of heat stroke if I wore that in Dallas weather.
Amir Khalid
The cravat is kind of the necktie’s Victorian grandfather.
@Howard Beale IV:
Fezzes are commonly seen here in Malaysia, especially on Fridays and Muslim festival days. The local variant, the songkok, is worn with the Baju Melayu, the national dress for men.
@Betty Cracker: Forty below, is the time to break out your trusty L L Bean parka and winter boots. You would crack your skull on an a icy sidewalk in those shoes.
@schrodinger’s cat: What about me? I cracked my skull on an icy sidewalk in 30 degree weather.
Thankfully the only witness was one of my less assholish brothers.
ETA: shit, ice isn’t slick at 40 below if the ice is 40 below and not some totally different temp due to solar radiation. Right around 32F is prime slipnfall territory.
The way to tell I’m dressed up is that I’m wearing socks and I’m wearing a pair of blue jeans that doesn’t yet have any holes in it. If I’m really trying to impress, I’ll pick one of my best plaid flannel shirts to wear with it.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: For an American, a fez is like the Moroccan equivalent of a Vietnamese conical straw hat – something you buy like an idiot when you’re traveling there, bring home with some care and ten years later when you’re moving and realize you’ve never worn it once and never will, you throw it away.
Is she trying to let her scarf strangle her? Or is she using a table cloth for a scarf? That’s a lot of yardage around her neck.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s remarkable to watch women in Eastern Europe navigating ice-covered cobblestoned streets in 4-inch heels at a speed I can’t keep up with in sneakers.
@Another Holocene Human: True, but they usually salt and sand the side walks, there is some melting because of the sun and the top layer can get pretty slick, even when it is very cold.
Looking for logic, sanity and honed fitness for mere survival in the adoption of fashion? Take your lamps, I won’t wait up. I rather enjoy when unexpected things work, that and the mad parade of odd sheep, and mostly just ignoring it.
@scav: I like Atlantic-Pacific. She has some misses but she puts together unexpected things and they work, for her.
That is Richard Armitage from the BBC series North & South. Worth watching. He has an army of fans (they actually call themselves Armitage’s Army) because of the train scene at the end of the series.
It’s remarkable to watch women in Eastern Europe navigating ice-covered cobblestoned streets in 4-inch heels at a speed I can’t keep up with in sneakers.
I like the choice of wearing boots with four inch stiletto heels because it’s cold and one wears boots when it is cold. One still apparently wears a tiny skirt. Not that I complain about such things. No complainer, me.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
That must be the winter version of the halter-top-and-Uggs summer style.
@Omnes Omnibus: I discovered fleece lined tights last year. They enable skirt wearing into the colder months. Wearing pants all the time does get a tad boring.
@Amir Khalid: I think most of the Eastern European women with the high-heeled boots and miniskirts would rather be dead or even without cigarettes than wear Uggs and a halter.
I don’t get the stiletto winter boot thing either. Also, too not a fan of the uggs with skirts or shorts.
@schrodinger’s cat: There’s so much that’s personal. My sister likes Tilda Swinton (more for her personal choices) and some of those things do indeed work.
@Omnes Omnibus: You never know though, I mean Birkenstocks are having a fashion moment and all these women who wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing them are sporting designer versions of the same.
Because it’s an open thread, and I know basically jack about women’s fashion, let me change the subject to food. Seen at Salon, a pair of Dutch pranksters offering chopped up McNuggets and other Mickey D delights to food experts, with interesting results.
@MomSense: Actually, no, just had millions of photos appear in my inbox when my sister is in the throes of designing something. That particular example isn’t one that ever made the cut, and I think my sister was playing with me when she sent me all the ones with feathers.
ETA: Looking at it from a technical perspective though, it does at least look look well tailored / crafted. (meaning the bottom one, not the top one)
@scav: I don’t get Swinton’s aesthetic, I guess because I am not a pale tall blonde like her but do admire her originality.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: And, to tie together a couple of the more marginal references in this thread, I offer
Negative on the cravats, but if we’re going 19th century, I want top hats to make a comeback. And proper beaver-pelt ones, not those leather hippie/Slash types.
They do a March Madness every year and she has won her bracket a few times. Maybe it is that she is so unusual but amazingly she can somehow pull off the craziest outfits.
@MomSense: If one is tall and skinny, one can pull off a lot of stuff.
@schrodinger’s cat: Well, there is a lot of high fashion designed for essentially ambulatory hangers.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: It might be a joke too far, and probably overstating their influence, but hard to resist referring to them as a seminal band of late 1960’s New York.
As I mentioned late last night, I have had the horrifying realization that I have WAY too many clothes and need to pare down. The scary part is, it’s not like I’m a clotheshorse. I just have way too many variations on t-shirts and other casual clothes.
I can wear skinny jeans since I have no hips, but I have to be careful because I’m an upside-down triangle shape and can easily end up with the “tomato balanced on toothpicks” effect.
My recovering alcoholic co-worker gives me a sad look whenever I get a new one. She worries that I may have a problem. Looking at what I have all in one place, it’s unfortunately possible that she’s right. But I love (almost) all of them, so it’s hard to give them up.
@Mnemosyne: For me finding the right pants/ jeans is always a challenge, since I have a small waist but larger (in comparison to the waist) hips and I am petite. I have to try them on before I buy them. For jeans, my favorite is Levis 515 boot cut jeans, in their short size.
@cmorenc: Um, if you’re wasting, you’re not doing it right.
Far be it for me to tell anyone what to wear. If one’s goal, however, is to create sexual attraction in a female, I might suggest some different neckwear.
As you (may, possibly) remember, I have traveled a lot in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal.
I always get kurtas and pants and a scarf to go with them, to drape over my hair and be respectful of Muslim tradition.
It’s funny, because I feel so elegant and comfortable wearing those clothes, and then when I come back to the US of A I try to keep wearing them. But people look at me funny since I am a blonde pasty white. Damn.
@dance around in your bones: Salwar and kurta has taken over the sari as the Indian woman’s uniform. Sari is becoming more of a special occasion garment. That said I am not a huge fan of salwar and kurtas, for myself, unless I get them tailored. The ready made ones look like a tent on me.
Oh, I always get them tailored for me. It is so cheap!! And you can have fun in the fabric bazaar picking out silks and cottons and lovely fabric.
I wore a sari a few times whilst in India, but after a rather embarrassing incident getting out of a auto rickshaw I gave it up. I went into a bathroom in Delhi and a nice Indian lady helped me rearrange my sari. Only thing was – I was not wearing any underwear. Too hot!! I hope I didn’t shock her too damn much :(
I’d like to see proper hats for everyone again, but that would involve a progression from the return of daily business wear, neckwear, proper overcoats, then possibly hats.
I remember my friends’ mothers wearing the salwar and kurta most of the time and saving saris for special occasions, but I grew up in Chicago, so it may also have been a practical decision that you could put tights or long underwear under the salwar and kurta but not under a sari.
(They did wear saris more frequently in the summer, which is what makes me think it was partly a practical decision about staying warm in a below-zero Chicago winter.)
Ha ha, Omnes – you are one of my biggest fans :) I AM seriously thinking about starting to write, now that I have the peace and quiet to do it. No troop of boys running around like wild things to distract me.
My daughter and son-in-law have been begging me for years to write down some of my/our experiences. My husband used to regale my son-in-law around the campfire in Baja (made out of an old washtub) but usually they were about 20 beers to the wind so he can’t remember much of it.
I have two kurtas that I wear in the Summer and I love them. I did need to alter them because they both sort of ballooned out from under my boobs. Wish I had some when I was pregnant.
Whatever you can’t remember exactly, fill it in with what you think probably happened or pieced together later. It’s a memoir, nobody’s going to fact-check you. :-)
Yes, you are right! Who the heck is going to fact check my memoirs? Unless I end up famous like the Million Little Pieces guy – hahahaha! I should get so lucky!! Oprah grilling me on her TV show!!!
So since this is an open thread, can I complain that Charlotte decided to start HOWLING at 4:00 a.m. this morning and refused to calm down? There are few things more piercing than a kitty howl once they get started. I think I’m going to buy a Feliway plug-in on the way home and see if that helps at all — it’s helped her before in stressful situations.
Annie, of course, is taking everything in stride as she always does with anything that doesn’t involve strange humans in her space. It’s funny that Charlotte loves to throw her weight around and act like she’s the boss of Annie, but if Charlotte gets freaked out and thinks she needs protection, who does she (literally) hide behind? Keaton has been reasonably calm, but if Charlotte hisses or growls at him, he hisses back, which doesn’t help matters.
That’s actually my suspicion — I think the person who had the apartment before us probably had a cat (possibly a dog) and Charlotte is trying to warn it away. Problem is, she’s upsetting Keaton and Annie when she does it.
She briefly got out of the holding area (bedroom + cat bathroom) this morning, froze, and ran back inside. G is convinced she thought that we had just put her into a different room in the old apartment that she didn’t know about, so it freaked her out to discover that she was in a whole new place!
Yep, we have the bed, dresser, nightstands, etc. Same litter boxes, same food bowls, same cat beds. But she is still Not Happy and wants us to know. That’s why I think Feliway is our next best step.
I also realized at 4:00 a.m. that I had forgotten to bring her toys. She’s a very high-energy cat, so part of the problem is that she’s booooored and doesn’t have anything to play with to distract her from the newness. I’ll have to bring some over tonight.
schrodinger's cat
I am wearing a silk scarf, does that count?
Is a cravat that thing on his neck? Too lazy to go to the google right now.
schrodinger's cat
@kindness: Yes it is.
What is going on there? I don’t get it
I always wear an Ascot and a bolo tie. Together. Man, am I cool.
While we’re on the subject of BBC neckwear, what is the precise name of what Peter Capaldi was sporting while chasing Mummies? That worked rather well.
Omnes Omnibus
Are you saying I shouldn’t wear any of my French ties anymore? I’ll be sad; the Givenchy ones are particularly nice.
schrodinger's cat
Regarding neck wear, I don’t get this latest fashion craze of blanket scarves. Apparently being swallowed by your scarf is omg fashun, these days.
schrodinger's cat
I miss DougJ, and his occasional threads on fashion.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Wouldn’t that be a shawl?
@schrodinger’s cat: Me too.
Howard Beale IV
Yeah, bet fezzes are cool.
John D
It’s always no.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: But the shawl-like garment is draped around the neck like a scarf.
Example here
Omnes Omnibus
@Howard Beale IV: Only if you are Sidney Greenstreet.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: That’s a lot of scarf.
@schrodinger’s cat: Those of us ladies who aren’t so well-endowed sometimes use big shawl/scarves to camouflage lack of boobage.
My own personal preference these days is for little shawls, really just shoulder warmers. They don’t hide my (lack of) chest, but they also don’t conceal by shapely bottom.
Betty Cracker
@schrodinger’s cat: Maybe if it was 40 below that would make sense, but with the outfit the woman in the picture has on, it just seems silly.
Jewish Steel
I am wearing a cravat.
Should I be wearing a second cravat?
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah and I just looked at her about page and she lives in Dallas. May be its the latest in Ebola protective gear. Seriously, I would die of heat stroke if I wore that in Dallas weather.
Amir Khalid
The cravat is kind of the necktie’s Victorian grandfather.
@Howard Beale IV:
Fezzes are commonly seen here in Malaysia, especially on Fridays and Muslim festival days. The local variant, the songkok, is worn with the Baju Melayu, the national dress for men.
schrodinger's cat
@Betty Cracker: Forty below, is the time to break out your trusty L L Bean parka and winter boots. You would crack your skull on an a icy sidewalk in those shoes.
@JDM: Double cool, imo.
schrodinger's cat
@Amir Khalid: Heh I wore a fez once. It was in a school play in my all girls school and I was the Caliph’s minstrel.
The Moar You Know
fuck that
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
That woman looks like she has a third arm, wrapped around her neck.
Another Holocene Human
@schrodinger’s cat: I thought that was something you did when it was 10F and you still had to walk down to the subway station.
You ought to be able to be warm and look bitchin’ while doing it. Never stopped the Mongolians or Nepalese, I wager.
Another Holocene Human
@Betty Cracker: Look, with the bare forearms and bare ankles, she needs that neck radiator to keep her core temperature in the safe zone.
Another Holocene Human
And even so, holy frozen, bruised toes, Batman!
Why do people wear those fucking mules anyway. They look terrible on everybody, they’re uncomfortable, and don’t get close because those feet smell.
Just One More Canuck
@Howard Beale IV: @Omnes Omnibus: Don’t make me do it without the fez on
Another Holocene Human
@schrodinger’s cat: What about me? I cracked my skull on an icy sidewalk in 30 degree weather.
Thankfully the only witness was one of my less assholish brothers.
ETA: shit, ice isn’t slick at 40 below if the ice is 40 below and not some totally different temp due to solar radiation. Right around 32F is prime slipnfall territory.
The way to tell I’m dressed up is that I’m wearing socks and I’m wearing a pair of blue jeans that doesn’t yet have any holes in it. If I’m really trying to impress, I’ll pick one of my best plaid flannel shirts to wear with it.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: For an American, a fez is like the Moroccan equivalent of a Vietnamese conical straw hat – something you buy like an idiot when you’re traveling there, bring home with some care and ten years later when you’re moving and realize you’ve never worn it once and never will, you throw it away.
schrodinger's cat
@Another Holocene Human: I am with you on the mule hate. Also caged boots, no you don’t look like a gladiator, you look like an idiot.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Is she trying to let her scarf strangle her? Or is she using a table cloth for a scarf? That’s a lot of yardage around her neck.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s remarkable to watch women in Eastern Europe navigating ice-covered cobblestoned streets in 4-inch heels at a speed I can’t keep up with in sneakers.
“More than a mouthful is a waste”.
schrodinger's cat
@Another Holocene Human: True, but they usually salt and sand the side walks, there is some melting because of the sun and the top layer can get pretty slick, even when it is very cold.
Looking for logic, sanity and honed fitness for mere survival in the adoption of fashion? Take your lamps, I won’t wait up. I rather enjoy when unexpected things work, that and the mad parade of odd sheep, and mostly just ignoring it.
Another Holocene Human
@schrodinger’s cat: Did it go a little something like this?
schrodinger's cat
@Gin & Tonic: So did you see these women on your last CIA assignment? BTW where is our comrade in Portland, haven’t seen him in a while.
Another Holocene Human
@schrodinger’s cat: Yeah, but they don’t bother where it actually gets 40below. Is my point. I think.
schrodinger's cat
@scav: I like Atlantic-Pacific. She has some misses but she puts together unexpected things and they work, for her.
That is Richard Armitage from the BBC series North & South. Worth watching. He has an army of fans (they actually call themselves Armitage’s Army) because of the train scene at the end of the series.
Karen in GA
Iggy learns the results of the photo contest, and reacts pretty much the way you’d expect.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: His last few visits have been drive-byes. I think the drastic fall in the ruble has had an effect.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: Cumberbatch too, looks mighty fine in a cravat!
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic:
I like the choice of wearing boots with four inch stiletto heels because it’s cold and one wears boots when it is cold. One still apparently wears a tiny skirt. Not that I complain about such things. No complainer, me.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
That must be the winter version of the halter-top-and-Uggs summer style.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: I discovered fleece lined tights last year. They enable skirt wearing into the colder months. Wearing pants all the time does get a tad boring.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Oh yes he does!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: I think most of the Eastern European women with the high-heeled boots and miniskirts would rather be dead or even without cigarettes than wear Uggs and a halter.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t get the stiletto winter boot thing either. Also, too not a fan of the uggs with skirts or shorts.
@schrodinger’s cat: There’s so much that’s personal. My sister likes Tilda Swinton (more for her personal choices) and some of those things do indeed work.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: True, that.
@Omnes Omnibus: It hides the bolts on the neck, though.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You never know though, I mean Birkenstocks are having a fashion moment and all these women who wouldn’t have been caught dead wearing them are sporting designer versions of the same.
Have you ever read gofugyourself on Tilda Swinton?
Here’s an example.
Amir Khalid
Because it’s an open thread, and I know basically jack about women’s fashion, let me change the subject to food. Seen at Salon, a pair of Dutch pranksters offering chopped up McNuggets and other Mickey D delights to food experts, with interesting results.
@MomSense: Actually, no, just had millions of photos appear in my inbox when my sister is in the throes of designing something. That particular example isn’t one that ever made the cut, and I think my sister was playing with me when she sent me all the ones with feathers.
ETA: Looking at it from a technical perspective though, it does at least look look well tailored / crafted. (meaning the bottom one, not the top one)
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: Some things are simply a bridge too far.
schrodinger's cat
@scav: I don’t get Swinton’s aesthetic, I guess because I am not a pale tall blonde like her but do admire her originality.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: And, to tie together a couple of the more marginal references in this thread, I offer
Negative on the cravats, but if we’re going 19th century, I want top hats to make a comeback. And proper beaver-pelt ones, not those leather hippie/Slash types.
@Gin & Tonic:
Had never heard of that band, or that song. Cute.
They do a March Madness every year and she has won her bracket a few times. Maybe it is that she is so unusual but amazingly she can somehow pull off the craziest outfits.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: If one is tall and skinny, one can pull off a lot of stuff.
@schrodinger’s cat: Well, there is a lot of high fashion designed for essentially ambulatory hangers.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: It might be a joke too far, and probably overstating their influence, but hard to resist referring to them as a seminal band of late 1960’s New York.
schrodinger's cat
@scav: Skinny jeans, for one.
I have a Ruche tie, which I wear with my Prince Charlie jacket and vest, and my kilt.
How about 3-d printer ones?
@Gin & Tonic:
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Fezzes are cool.
As I mentioned late last night, I have had the horrifying realization that I have WAY too many clothes and need to pare down. The scary part is, it’s not like I’m a clotheshorse. I just have way too many variations on t-shirts and other casual clothes.
And the purses. The purses! Don’t even ask.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: Purses are my weakness too.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I can wear skinny jeans since I have no hips, but I have to be careful because I’m an upside-down triangle shape and can easily end up with the “tomato balanced on toothpicks” effect.
Nothing worse than a man with a small… mouth.
@schrodinger’s cat:
My recovering alcoholic co-worker gives me a sad look whenever I get a new one. She worries that I may have a problem. Looking at what I have all in one place, it’s unfortunately possible that she’s right. But I love (almost) all of them, so it’s hard to give them up.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: For me finding the right pants/ jeans is always a challenge, since I have a small waist but larger (in comparison to the waist) hips and I am petite. I have to try them on before I buy them. For jeans, my favorite is Levis 515 boot cut jeans, in their short size.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: You should check out the Purse Blog if you haven’t already done so.
@cmorenc: Um, if you’re wasting, you’re not doing it right.
Far be it for me to tell anyone what to wear. If one’s goal, however, is to create sexual attraction in a female, I might suggest some different neckwear.
dance around in your bones
@schrodinger’s cat:
As you (may, possibly) remember, I have traveled a lot in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal.
I always get kurtas and pants and a scarf to go with them, to drape over my hair and be respectful of Muslim tradition.
It’s funny, because I feel so elegant and comfortable wearing those clothes, and then when I come back to the US of A I try to keep wearing them. But people look at me funny since I am a blonde pasty white. Damn.
schrodinger's cat
@dance around in your bones: Salwar and kurta has taken over the sari as the Indian woman’s uniform. Sari is becoming more of a special occasion garment. That said I am not a huge fan of salwar and kurtas, for myself, unless I get them tailored. The ready made ones look like a tent on me.
dance around in your bones
@schrodinger’s cat:
Oh, I always get them tailored for me. It is so cheap!! And you can have fun in the fabric bazaar picking out silks and cottons and lovely fabric.
I wore a sari a few times whilst in India, but after a rather embarrassing incident getting out of a auto rickshaw I gave it up. I went into a bathroom in Delhi and a nice Indian lady helped me rearrange my sari. Only thing was – I was not wearing any underwear. Too hot!! I hope I didn’t shock her too damn much :(
Omnes Omnibus
@dance around in your bones: Write the book. Come on, just do it.
I’d like to see proper hats for everyone again, but that would involve a progression from the return of daily business wear, neckwear, proper overcoats, then possibly hats.
Yeah, maybe not.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I remember my friends’ mothers wearing the salwar and kurta most of the time and saving saris for special occasions, but I grew up in Chicago, so it may also have been a practical decision that you could put tights or long underwear under the salwar and kurta but not under a sari.
(They did wear saris more frequently in the summer, which is what makes me think it was partly a practical decision about staying warm in a below-zero Chicago winter.)
dance around in your bones
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ha ha, Omnes – you are one of my biggest fans :) I AM seriously thinking about starting to write, now that I have the peace and quiet to do it. No troop of boys running around like wild things to distract me.
My daughter and son-in-law have been begging me for years to write down some of my/our experiences. My husband used to regale my son-in-law around the campfire in Baja (made out of an old washtub) but usually they were about 20 beers to the wind so he can’t remember much of it.
I guess I will have to do it w/o him. Damn.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I have two kurtas that I wear in the Summer and I love them. I did need to alter them because they both sort of ballooned out from under my boobs. Wish I had some when I was pregnant.
@dance around in your bones:
Whatever you can’t remember exactly, fill it in with what you think probably happened or pieced together later. It’s a memoir, nobody’s going to fact-check you. :-)
dance around in your bones
Yes, you are right! Who the heck is going to fact check my memoirs? Unless I end up famous like the Million Little Pieces guy – hahahaha! I should get so lucky!! Oprah grilling me on her TV show!!!
@dance around in your bones: What do you want? The facts or the story? Just tell your story. The facts will show up on their own.
dance around in your bones
@SWMBO: The story.
The other day I was at a gathering of dog people at a park – multiple bottles of wine, food, gorgeously groomed dogs,,,
I started telling one woman about the time I almost got deported from Brussels when I was 15-16? and her mom came over and said “Time to go!”
But the woman said :I HAVE to hear the end of this story, so I made it brief and to the point. She left satisfied.
schrodinger's cat
@MomSense: I brought a pretty red chikan kurta on my recent trip, it hits me above the knee. I wonder how it will look with leggings and boots.
So since this is an open thread, can I complain that Charlotte decided to start HOWLING at 4:00 a.m. this morning and refused to calm down? There are few things more piercing than a kitty howl once they get started. I think I’m going to buy a Feliway plug-in on the way home and see if that helps at all — it’s helped her before in stressful situations.
Annie, of course, is taking everything in stride as she always does with anything that doesn’t involve strange humans in her space. It’s funny that Charlotte loves to throw her weight around and act like she’s the boss of Annie, but if Charlotte gets freaked out and thinks she needs protection, who does she (literally) hide behind? Keaton has been reasonably calm, but if Charlotte hisses or growls at him, he hisses back, which doesn’t help matters.
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: She is pissed because she does not recognize her home, anymore. Do you think she is smelling another cat, who she does not recognize?
@schrodinger’s cat:
That’s actually my suspicion — I think the person who had the apartment before us probably had a cat (possibly a dog) and Charlotte is trying to warn it away. Problem is, she’s upsetting Keaton and Annie when she does it.
She briefly got out of the holding area (bedroom + cat bathroom) this morning, froze, and ran back inside. G is convinced she thought that we had just put her into a different room in the old apartment that she didn’t know about, so it freaked her out to discover that she was in a whole new place!
schrodinger's cat
@Mnemosyne: Do you have any of your old furniture in this new apartment? Seeing familiar things may calm her a bit.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Yep, we have the bed, dresser, nightstands, etc. Same litter boxes, same food bowls, same cat beds. But she is still Not Happy and wants us to know. That’s why I think Feliway is our next best step.
I also realized at 4:00 a.m. that I had forgotten to bring her toys. She’s a very high-energy cat, so part of the problem is that she’s booooored and doesn’t have anything to play with to distract her from the newness. I’ll have to bring some over tonight.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Uggs! ;)
@Gin & Tonic: Unless you’re a Shriner and then you keep for meetings. Or for when you’re in a parade and riding a kiddie car.
Hillary Rettig
@MomSense: My comment is “I should be wearing Richard Armitage,” so I guess I’ve enlisted!
@schrodinger’s cat: it looks as if she was attacked by a blanket.
@Hillary Rettig:
@cmorenc: It’s long been my motto!